Getting Started with GeoCalc C++

This section provides instructions and examples for using the GeoCalc tool kit. The code samples and concepts covered in the following guide should provide insight to both the novice and salted GeoCalc developer. The code samples are focused on key concepts such as using the coordinate system database, and performing complete coordinate transformations. Several lessons have also been added to demonstrate the upgrade process from previous versions of the library.  

Whether you are a registered user of the GeoCalc toolkit, or you are just evaluating the software, the development process begins with a toolkit license. Once you have spoken to your sales or support representative at Blue Marble Geographics and received this license, the development fun begins. For complete details of the license process, please refer to Lesson 1 in the Getting Started Guide.  Lesson 2 describes how to configure some of the most popular development environments for use with the GeoCalc toolkit. Lesson 3 provides an overview of memory management and other good programming practices that should be used with GeoCalc.  This is a very important section for experienced users, as the memory management scheme has been changed since the version 6.3 release, and there have been many updates to the 7.x interface. Lesson 4, Lesson 5, Lesson 6, Lesson 7 and Lesson 8 explore fundamental and commonly used aspects of the tool kit, such as the coordinate conversion functionality and the user interface dialogs.  Lesson 9 describes how to deploy an application that uses GeoCalc.

In addition to these core development concepts,  Lesson 11 demonstrates  upgrading from a previous version of the GeoCalc libraries to the new version 7.x interface. This upgrade guide discusses the fundamental architecture changes in the toolkit, and provides a few tips and tricks for moving version 6.x based projects into the 7.x worldview.
