Lesson 2: Configuring Your Development Environment


In order to use an integrated development environment (IDE) to build an application that uses GeoCalc, some settings in the IDE must be adjusted.  This generally consists of these steps:

  1. Setting a path to the GeoCalc include files

  2. Linking the proper library files and license object into an application

  3. For applications that take advantage of the GeoCalc User Interface controls, a link to the UI library files is also required.

  4. Re-building the application to incorporate any needed modifications

Some environments also require the adjustment of other settings.  Below, you can find specific instructions for configuring the following environments:


Microsoft Visual Studio:

  1. Under Project->Properties->C/C++
  2. Under Project->Properties->Linker
  3. Close Visual Studio
  4. Open Visual Studio and rebuild the application.

Linux and Mac

  1. Add an include flag to your CFLAGS to the GeoCalc Class Library include directory
  2. Add a linker flag to add the license object file and the class library
  3. Make sure that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes a reference to the GeoCalc .lib files
  4. Re-build the application.