Lesson 9: Deployment


After a GeoCalc based application has been designed and implemented, we need to deploy it to the customer  This lesson covers the process of obtaining a Distribution License Agreement for our newly created application, and it also describes the files that must be included with a GeoCalc-based application.  


Obtaining a Distribution License Agreement (DLA)

Each application that is built with GeoCalc and deployed requires its own DLA. Blue Marble Geographics is sole proprietor and decision maker on what constitutes "distribution", "deployment", or "release". To obtain a DLA, please contact Blue Marble Geographics using the email sales@bluemarblegeo.com. You can also contact your sales representative directly, or send an email to the SDK support team at support@bluemarblegeo.com.


Files to Distribute with GeoCalc

The following dynamically linked libraries must be included with any application that uses GeoCalc.  These files can all be found in the redist directory of your GeoCalc installation (by default C:\bmg\GeoCalcPBW\GeoCalc80\redist\VC14.0\x86 on Windows 32 bit installs):

Note that if none of the GeoCalc dialogs are being used, the following files may be omitted:

The following legal documents must be included with a GeoCalc-based application.  These files can be found in the redist directory of your GeoCalc installation (by default C:\bmg\GeoCalcPBW\GeoCalc72\docs):

The following data files MUST be included with a GeoCalc-based application. These files can be found in the data directory of your GeoCalc installation (by default C:\bmg\GeoCalcPBW\GeoCalc72\data):

Any of the following data files may be included with a GeoCalc-based application.  These files can be found in the data directory of your GeoCalc installation (by default C:\bmg\GeoCalcPBW\GeoCalc71\data):

Files that Must Not be Distributed with GeoCalc

The following are files that are shipped with GeoCalc, but may not be distributed with a GeoCalc-based application:

It is furthermore not permitted to distribute a GeoCalc development license with any GeoCalc based applications:


Further Information

For further information about deployment licensing, please consult the license agreement that was accepted when GeoCalc was installed. A copy of this agreement can be found in the file BMGDevLicensing_2016.txt, which resides in the docs folder of your GeoCalc installation (by default C:\bmg\GeoCalcPBW\GeoCalc71\docs). If you have any further questions, please contact Blue Marble Geographics.