Lesson 1: Licensing


The first step to using the GeoCalc tool kit is to obtain a development license.  Without a development license, it is not possible to build and run an application that uses GeoCalc.  The development license consists of a file, license.obj, that should reside in the lic directory of your GeoCalc installation (by default C:\bmg\GeoCalcPBW\[GeoCalc version]\license).  This file is not installed with GeoCalc, it must be obtained directly from Blue Marble Geographics.


License Types

There are three forms of licenses that are used with GeoCalc:

  1. Evaluation License - For users that wish to evaluate GeoCalc before purchasing, a temporary evaluation license is available.  With the evaluation license, a user can build and run applications that use any feature in GeoCalc.  Applications that are built with an evaluation license will present the user with a dialog that reminds the user that the application was built with an evaluation license.  Furthermore, applications built with an evaluation license will cease to work once the evaluation period has expired.

  2. Full Development License - Users that have purchased GeoCalc will be provided with a full development license, which will allow any number of applications to be built with GeoCalc.  Development licenses are issued on a per-machine and a per-developer basis.  A separate distribution license agreement is required for each GeoCalc-based application that is deployed.

  3. Distribution License - In order to distribute an application built with GeoCalc, a distribution license is required.  Distribution licensing is covered in more depth in Lesson 9: Deployment.


Obtaining an Evaluation License or a Full Development License

To obtain either a temporary evaluation license or a full license for GeoCalc, please contact Blue Marble Geographics.  In the license request, please provide the following information


Further Information about Licensing

Please consult the license agreement that was accepted when GeoCalc was installed.  A copy of this agreement can be found in the file BMGDevLicensing.txt, which resides in the docs folder of your GeoCalc installation (by default c:\bmg\GeoCalcPBW\GeoCalc80\docs).  If you have any further questions, please contact Blue Marble Geographics.