GM_Utility Class |
Namespace: GlobalMapper
The GM_Utility type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddAreaToVectorLayer |
Adds a area feature to a loaded vector layer
| |
AddCustomAreaClass |
Adds a new custom area classification.
| |
AddCustomBrushStyle |
Adds a new custom brush style that can be used when drawing area features
(see the GM_SetAreaFeatureDrawStyle function)
| |
AddCustomDatum |
Adds a new custom datum with the given parameters
| |
AddCustomEllipsoid |
Adds a new custom ellipsoid with the given parameters
| |
AddCustomLineClass |
Adds a new custom Line classification.
| |
AddCustomPointClass |
Adds a new custom point classification.
| |
AddCustomShader |
Adds a new custom shader for possible use for elevation layer display
| |
AddCustomSymbol |
Adds a new custom symbol that can be used when drawing point features
(see the GM_SetPointFeatureDrawStyle function)
| |
AreColorsEqual |
Compares equality of colors not including the A value
| |
AreProjectionsEquivalent |
Checks to see if the 2 projections are equivalent
| |
CalcAreaElevStats |
Calculate the elevation statistics within a given area
| |
CalcBearing |
Calculates the bearing in radians between two points. The points
can either be specified as lat/lon values or in the current projection.
| |
CalcDistance |
Calculates the great-circle distance in meters between two points. The points
can either be specified as lat/lon values or in the current projection.
| |
CalcEnclosedArea |
Calculates the enclosed area of a region in square meters.
| |
CalcProjectedLocation |
Calculates the location of a new point projected from a start point along
a given bearing.
| |
CalcScaleRectangle |
Calculate the rectangle in global coordinates required to draw at the provided
scale to the given device of the given size.
| |
CalcViewShed |
Performs a view-shed analysis on loaded elevation data (not implemented on WinCE)
| |
CalcVolumeAlongLine |
Calculates the cut-and-fill volumes along a given line (not implemented on WinCE)
| |
CalcVolumeOfArea |
Calculates the cut-and-fill volumes within a given area (not implemented on WinCE)
| |
CalcWorldRectSize |
Calculates the width and height of a rectangle in the current projection.
The rectangle can either be specified or the last drawn rectangle can be used.
| |
CombineAreas |
Combines the list of areas and adds them to the specified layer (not implemented on WinCE)
| |
ConvertCoordGroundToPixel |
Convert a coordinate between the current projection and a pixel coordinate.
The conversion space can be either the last drawn coordinate space or the caller can
provide the coordinate space to work in.
| |
ConvertCoordGroundToPixelDouble |
Convert a coordinate between the current projection and a pixel coordinate.
The conversion space can be either the last drawn coordinate space or
the caller can provide the coordinate space to work in.
| |
ConvertCoordGroundToPixelWithOrientation |
Convert a coordinate between the current projection and a pixel coordinate.
The conversion space can be either the last drawn coordinate space or
the caller can provide the coordinate space to work in.
| |
ConvertCoordGroundToPixelWithOrientationDouble |
Convert a coordinate between the current projection and a pixel coordinate.
The conversion space can be either the last drawn coordinate space or
the caller can provide the coordinate space to work in.
| |
ConvertCoordLayerGroundToPixel |
Convert a coordinate between layer pixel space and the current projection.
| |
ConvertCoordLayerPixelToGround |
Convert a coordinate between layer pixel space and the current projection.
| |
ConvertCoordPixelToGround |
Convert a coordinate between pixel space and the current projection.
The conversion space can be either the last drawn coordinate space or
the caller can provide the coordinate space to work in.
| |
ConvertCoordPixelToGroundDouble |
Convert a coordinate between pixel space and the current projection.
The conversion space can be either the last drawn coordinate space or
the caller can provide the coordinate space to work in.
| |
ConvertCoordPixelToGroundWithOrientation |
Convert a coordinate between pixel space and the current projection.
The conversion space can be either the last drawn coordinate space or
the caller can provide the coordinate space to work in.
| |
ConvertCoordPixelToGroundWithOrientationDouble |
Convert a coordinate between pixel space and the current projection.
The conversion space can be either the last drawn coordinate space or
the caller can provide the coordinate space to work in.
| |
CreateBufferArea |
Create a buffer area some distance around the specified feature (not implemented on WinCE)
| |
CreateS63UserPermitFile |
Create a S-63 user permit file for use by clients to request
encrypted S-63 chart files from data providers for loading
with Global Mapper or your Global Mapper SDK-based application.
| |
DecodeMGRSCoordinates |
Decodes a MGRS (military grid reference system) coordinate into a X/Y or lat/lon location
| |
DrawGridLines |
Draws grid lines (either lat/lon or in the view projection) for the
specified location.
| |
DrawGridLinesEx |
Draws grid lines (either lat/lon or in the view projection) for the
specified location.
| |
DrawPackageList |
Draws the specified portion of the specified packages to the device context.
If no packages are explicitly specified, all loaded packages will be drawn.
| |
FreeAreaFeature |
Frees the native resources used by the given area feature
| |
FreeLineFeature |
Frees the native resources used by the given line feature
| |
FreePointFeature |
Frees the native resources used by the given point feature
| |
GenerateAreasFromEqualValues |
Performs a Create Areas From Equal Values process (not implemented on WinCE)
| |
GenerateContours |
Generates contours for the given layer(s) (not implemented on WinCE)
| |
GenerateContoursEx |
Generates contours for the given layer(s) (not implemented on WinCE)
| |
GenerateDensityGrid |
Generate a density (heat) grid for points from the given layer (not implemented on WinCE)
| |
GenerateElevationGrid(GM_LayerList_t, GM_GridGenSetup_t, GM_Layer_t) |
Generates an elevation grid by triangulating and gridding 3D vector layers (not implemented on WinCE)
| |
GenerateElevationGrid(GM_LayerList_t, GM_GridGenSetup_t, GM_Layer_t, GM_Layer_t) |
Generates an elevation grid by triangulating and gridding 3D vector layers (not implemented on WinCE)
| |
GenerateRoughnessGrid |
Generates a roughness grid from the given land cover layer (not implemented on WinCE)
| |
GenerateWatershed |
Performs a watershed/drainage/stream calculation based on the provided elevation layer(s) (not implemented on WinCE)
| |
GetAreaFeatureClassDrawStyle |
Sets the default drawing style to use for a given area feature classification
| |
GetAreaFeatureEx |
Gets a Area Feature in this layer at the specified index with optional flags.
| |
GetAvailableOnlineSourceList |
Retrieves a list of all available online sources
| |
GetAvailableProjectionList |
Retrieves a list of all available projections and their available parameters, datums, units, etc.
Returns GM_ProjectionInfo_t* (array of GM_ProjectionInfo_t structures)
| |
GetAvailableSymbolNames |
Returns the list of available symbol names (returns char**)
| |
GetBackgroundColor |
Gets the color used for background pixels when drawing and exporting
| |
GetBaseProjection |
Retrieves the underlying base projection that forms the basis for a given projection.
| |
GetDatumInfo |
Gets the parameters for a particular datum
| |
GetElevationOverrides |
Retrieves the elevation adjusment options to use for a given elevation layer
| |
GetElevationShaders |
Returns a list of the available elevation shaders in type GM_CustomShader_t*
| |
GetFeatureClassInfo |
Retrieves information about a given feature class
| |
GetFilterString |
Returns a string containing the filter to use in a Windows file open
dialog box for all of the types supported for loading from this DLL.
| |
GetLastDrawnScale |
Return the scale value (i.e. 24000.0 for 1:24K) that data was last rendered at
| |
GetLineFeatureClassDrawStyle |
Sets the default drawing style to use for a given Line feature classification
| |
GetLocationColor |
Retrieves the color at a given location from a provided layer or from the
list of currently loaded raster and elevation layers (topmost layer first).
| |
GetLocationElevation |
Retrieves the elevation at a given location from a provided layer or from the
list of currently loaded elevation layers (topmost elevation layer first).
| |
GetLocationElevationEx |
Retrieves the elevation at a given location from a provided layer(s) or from the
list of currently loaded elevation layers (topmost elevation layer first).
| |
GetMACAddress |
Returns a string containing the MAC address of the current machine.
May need to provide this to get a license file generated.
| |
GetMGRSCoordinates |
Gets the MGRS (military grid reference system) coordinates for a location
| |
GetMiscOption |
Gets the current value of an advanced/miscellaneous option. For most types return is GM_MiscOptVal_t8
| |
GetOnlineLayerZoomScale |
Determine the zoom scale that will be used to draw/export from a provided
tiled online layer for a given bounds.
| |
GetPackageLayerList |
Returns a list of the layers that are in a given package. The pointer
returned is temporary and will become invalid with the next call to this function.
| |
GetPathProfile |
Retrieves a list of elevations along a path in the provided layer or from
the list of currently loaded elevation layers (topmost elevation layer first).
| |
GetPathProfileLOS |
Retrieves a list of elevations along a path in the provided layer or from
the list of currently loaded elevation layers (topmost elevation layer first).
Can also perform a line-of-sight calculation and return additional information
about a 3D path (not implemented on WinCE).
| |
GetPathProfileLOSEx |
Retrieves a list of elevations along a path in the provided layer list or from
the list of currently loaded elevation layers (topmost elevation layer first).
Can also perform a line-of-sight calculation and return additional information
about a 3D path.
| |
GetPointFeatureClassDrawStyle |
Sets the default drawing style to use for a given point feature classification
| |
GetProjection |
Gets the current view/export projection
| |
GetRasterDisplayOptions |
Retrieves the options to use when displaying the given raster layer
| |
GetSDKBuildDate |
Returns the date that this SDK was built. Use this to provide more resolution
for beta releases than GM_GetSDKVersion provides.
| |
GetSDKVersion |
Returns the version of this SDK. The version is obtained by taking the
major version number times 100 and adding the minor version number. For
example, version 1.04 would be returned as 104.
| |
GetShaderDisplayOptions |
Retrieves the options to use for the elevation shaders [returns const GM_ShaderOptions_t*]
| |
GetVerticalDisplayOptions |
Retrieves the options to use when displaying gridded elevation data. [returns const GM_VerticalDisplayOptions_t*]
| |
IsRegistered |
Returns TRUE if the current user is registered or currently using a demo license.
| |
LoadMapLayoutFile |
Loads a map layout from a .gm_layout file to setup elevation legend, scale, feature legend, and north arrow
| |
LoadPackage |
Loads a new Global Mapper package (.gmp) file. You can also load package files
with the GM_LoadLayerList command if you don't need to operate on the package
as a whole. If
| |
LoadProjectionFile |
Initializes a GM_Projection_t structure from a projection (PRJ, Ozi .map, etc.) file.
| |
LoadProjectionFromEPSGCode |
Initializes a GM_Projection_t structure from an EPSG code
| |
LoadProjectionFromWKTString |
Initializes a GM_Projection_t structure from a WKT projection string
| |
MapCatalogAddFile |
Adds a new map to the map catalog from a file on disk
| |
MapCatalogAddLayer |
Adds a new map to the map catalog from a loaded layer
| |
MapCatalogChangeMapOrder |
Moves a map from one index (0-based) in the map list to another
| |
MapCatalogCreate |
Creates a new map catalog layer for adding map layers to
| |
MapCatalogDisableMap |
Disables/enables a map in a catalog (use GM_GetMapCatalogInfo to get the map count)
| |
MapCatalogGetInfo |
Retrieves information and statistics about the catalog (use GM_GetLayerInfo for generic information)
| |
MapCatalogGetMapInfo |
Retrieves information about a map in a catalog (use GM_GetMapCatalogInfo to get the map count)
| |
MapCatalogRemoveMap |
Removes the map at the given index from the catalog
| |
MapCatalogSave |
Saves a map catalog layer to a file on disk
| |
MapCatalogSetDisplayInfo |
Sets when the layers in a map catalog should be displayed
| |
MapCatalogSetMapOption |
Sets an option for a map in a map catalog, like the native projection. The data passed in depends on the option type.
| |
ProjectPoint |
Projects a point from one projection to another
| |
ProjectPointAtElev |
Projects a point from one projection to another at a fixed elevation above the ellipsoid.
| |
ProjectPointFromECEF |
Projects a point from ECEF (earth-centered earth-fixed) to a projection
| |
ProjectPointList |
Projects a list of points from one projection to another
| |
ProjectPointToECEF |
Projects a point from a projection to ECEF (earth-centered earth-fixed)
| |
ProjectRectangle |
Projects a rectangle from one projection to another
| |
RemoveCustomBrushStyle |
Removes a custom brush style
| |
RemoveCustomShader |
Removes a custom shader
| |
RemoveCustomSymbol |
Removes a custom symbol
| |
RunScript |
Runs a Global Mapper script (.gms) or workspace (.gmw), either from a file or from script text
| |
SaveProjectionToFile |
Saves a GM_Projection_m structure to a projection (PRJ) file.
| |
SaveProjectionToString |
Saves a GM_Projection_t structure to a WKT projection string.
| |
SaveWorkspace |
Saves a list of loaded layers and display options to a workspace (GMW) file
| |
SaveWorkspaceEx |
Saves a list of loaded layers and display options to a workspace (GMW) file
| |
SelectAreaStyle |
Displays a dialog allowing the user to graphically select an area style (not available on WinCE)
| |
SelectFile |
Displays a file dialog that allows the user to select a file to load.
| |
SelectFont |
Select a font. Displays a dialog allowing the user to graphically select a font.
| |
SelectLineStyle |
Displays a dialog allowing the user to graphically select a line style (not available on WinCE)
| |
SelectProjection |
Displays the projection selection dialog to allow the user to select a
| |
SelectProjectionEx |
Displays the projection selection dialog to allow the user to select a projection
| |
SetAreaFeatureClassDrawStyle |
Sets the default drawing style to use for a given area feature classification
| |
SetBackgroundColor |
Sets the color to be used for background pixels when drawing and exporting
| |
SetChildLayerOpCallback |
Sets the callback function to call whenever a child layer is loaded or closed
| |
SetElevationOverrides |
Sets the elevation adjustment options to use for a given elevation layer
| |
SetFeatureClassEnabled |
Enables or disables the display of the given feature class.
| |
SetLicenseKey |
Use to provide the distribution license XML key that you were provided
when purchasing a distribution license. Will return GM_Error_NotRegistered if
the key could not be validated.
| |
SetLineFeatureClassDrawStyle |
Sets the default drawing style to use for a given line feature classification
| |
SetMemoryLimit |
Sets the amount of available memory below which loads should fail and return (GM_Error_LowMemory).
Set to zero to reset to no memory limit checking. [WinCE only]
| |
SetMessageCallback |
Sets the function to call to display error and warning messages generated
during SDK operations. If a message callback is provided, a message
dialog will not be shown, instead the callback function will be called
with the error or warning message that would have been displayed.
| |
SetMessageCallbackEx |
Sets the function to call to display error and warning messages generated
during SDK operations. If a message callback is provided, a message
dialog will not be shown, instead the callback function will be called
with the error or warning message that would have been displayed.
| |
SetMiscOption |
Sets an advanced/miscellaneous option to use during operation. Returns the previous value.
| |
SetMiscOptionEx |
Sets an advanced/miscellaneous option to use during operation. Returns the previous value.
| |
SetOrientation |
Allows for drawing data with a direction other than north to the top of
the screen for most projections. A value of 0.0 is the default and
implies no rotation. Technically, the orientation value is the number
of degrees to rotate the rendered data counter-clockwise.
| |
SetPointFeatureClassDrawStyle |
Sets the default drawing style to use for a given point feature classification
| |
SetProgressCallback |
Returns the current progress callback function.
| |
SetProjectionEx |
Set the new projection. This is the projection that all draws and
exports will be done in. It is also the projection that all world bound
rectangles will be in. This version allows providing a lat/lon bounding
rectangle for automatic selection of the best zone for zoned projections.
| |
SetQueryProjectionCallback |
Sets the function to call to select a projection for a layer when being
loaded if the projection for that layer cannot be automatically determined.
If a callback is provided, it will be called rather than the projection
selection dialog being displayed.
| |
SetQuickPDFUnlockCode |
Sets the QuickPDF library ( unlock code (required for PDF/GeoPDF support)
| |
SetRasterDisplayOptions |
Sets the options to use when displaying the given raster layer
| |
SetRegistryKey |
Sets the base registry key from which settings should be stored/read. Settings
will be stored in and read from "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\*aKeyName*\Global Mapper".
| |
SetSettingsFilePath |
Sets the path where to store settings files, like custom_datums.txt, etc.
| |
SetShaderDisplayOptions |
Sets the options to use for the elevation shaders (call GM_GetShaderDisplayOptions to initialize)
| |
SetVectorDrawScale |
Specifies the extra scaling factor to apply to line widths, point symbols, and
fonts when drawing. This is useful when printing to try and keep vector features
the same size as displayed.
| |
SetVerticalDisplayOptions |
Sets the options to use when displaying gridded elevation data. If you're not
going to change everything, it's suggested that you first call
GM_GetVerticalDisplayOptions to initialize the structure to the current settings.
Name | Description | |
MAX_NON_REGISTERED_VECTOR_IDX | Number of Vector features of a given type you can access when not registered |