Global Mapper v23 is finally here! In this new version, Global Mapper’s capabilities have been expanded to better handle data and provide more options for vector analysis, styling, and display. With numerous improvements and new tools in Global Mapper v23, some of the most significant new features include:
3D Labeling
3D features can now be more effectively labeled when zooming and panning through the rendered 3D data. Utilizing a dedicated label layer, vector feature labels created from custom text and feature attribute values can be displayed in the 3D view in two ways.
The first method for 3D labeling flattens the feature label into the displayed terrain or at the elevation of the vector feature. Comparable to the 2D label standard, the addition of the 3D label display increases visibility and readability of these flattened text features.
The second style for 3D labeling is a billboard style that renders the text features above the surface or feature, rotating them to always face the viewer. With options to use an outline for the billboard labels, this style clearly shows the location of the corresponding vector features looking over the terrain.
Undo and Redo Functions
A frequently requested feature, undo and redo options have finally arrived in Global Mapper v23! Accessed from the Edit menu or with the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y, users can now easily undo many functions in the program, including but not limited to digitizing and feature creation.
The undo manager includes lists of the recently executed operations that can be undone or redone. Use the keyboard shortcut, or select an item from the Undo Operations list and click to Undo Selected Operation to revert any data creation or modification to its previous state. Once undone, this procedure or action will be added to the Redo Operations list where it can be redone if necessary.
At the bottom of the Undo Manager, users will find a list outlining the specific types of operations that can be undone and redone. By unchecking any options from this list, the corresponding actions will no longer be tracked.
Expanded Spatial Operations Functionality
Building on an existing tool in Global Mapper, Spatial Operations can now be applied to vector features of all geometry types. Points, lines, and areas can now be analyzed to find and create features based on their spatial relationships.
In the updated Spatial Operations dialog box, different predicates and operations will allow users to select the input layer geometry types and specify the output layer features as well. Depending on the operation or predicate chosen, certain combinations of input and output feature types will be accepted for the operation to run. Of course, all of the improvements within this tool extend to the Spatial Operations Scripting option and Global Mapper Script workflows.
Vector Data Styling Updates
Continuing to improve the display of data in the map creation process, Global Mapper v23 expands the vector feature styling options with a new Classify option. This tool, found on the Point/Line/Area Styles tab of the Layer Options dialog box, classifies and styles vector features using numeric attribute values and statistical methods like Equal Interval, Quantile, and Natural Breaks (Jenks).
When setting up the classification and style for vector features a histogram of values is displayed and users can select and preview the number of classes and the classification method. Using either built-in or customized color ramps, this powerful new data visualization option provides users with complete control over the style of their choropleth maps.
If you would like to explore these new tools in Global Mapper v23, download a 14-day free trial today! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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