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The pricing for distribution will vary depending on how the software will be used in the product being distributed. A signed Distribution License Agreement is also required before distribution may occur.
Please use the form below to request a quote.

The Global Mapper Software Developer Toolkit (also known as an API) entitles one developer to work with the Global Mapper SDK to develop custom applications. An additional DLA (Distribution License Agreement) must be purchased for giving any other users access to the software whether internally or externally. Unlimited distribution licenses are available in most situations. Special licensing is available for use of the SDK in a server-side application that is accessed by users over a network or for internal products or projects.
Advanced Lidar functionality to the Global Mapper SDK can also be added. The advanced Lidar functionality is embedded in the standard SDK and is activated using an appropriate license file. As with the full version of Global Mapper, the SDK can also be activated on a trial basis by requesting a temporary license.
Upon your purchase of the SDK, instructions for downloading the SDK will be provided. You may also request a CD containing the SDK to be mailed to the address provided during the order process. In addition, a single registration key file will be provided for the single DLA development license included with the SDK purchase.
When additional DLA development and/or distribution licenses are purchased, a separate registration key file (to be distributed with the DLA) will be provided for each additional license purchased.