May 6, 2011

Blue Marble Announces GeoTranslate 5.1 Upgrade

Gardiner, Maine — Blue Marble Geographics ( the upgrade of their developer tool GeoTranslate. GeoTranslate is available within GeoCore, Blue Marble’s all in one geospatial developer tool kit. GeoTranslate 5.1 is the latest vector translation and feature manipulation tool from Blue Marble Geographics.

Blue Marble’s geospatial data manipulation and conversion solutions are used worldwide by thousands of GIS analysts at software companies, universities, oil and gas companies, civil engineering, surveying, technology, enterprise GIS groups, government and military organizations.

With this toolkit, developers can read and write many of today’s most popular GIS vector file formats. Developers are also granted direct access to a wide variety of geometry objects, which can be created and manipulated on-the-fly. Along with these geometry objects, developers have the ability to access the metadata and attributes that are commonly associated with these geometries. Additionally this architecture makes it easy for the developer to write their own file format support out of the box.

With version 5.1, developers can also reach out to spatial data stored in larger relational and spatial database systems such as Oracle, PostGIS, and Esri personal, file and SDE based Geodatabases. New interfaces for direct coordinate conversion of many formats can significantly speed up data transformation processes. Also, new in version 5.1, is the ASPRS compliant LAS formats for LiDAR datasets. Combined with the true vertical conversion capabilities of the GeoCalc® toolkit, 3 dimensional data handling has never been easier!

GeoTranslate leverages the coordinate conversion power of GeoCalc, which is Blue Marble Geographics coordinate transformation engine. GeoCalc is recognized for its reliability, accuracy, and flexibility, and it ensures that the transformations performed within GeoTranslate are as precise as possible. This tool kit also provides users with access to the largest commercially available database of geodetic definitions, which includes the latest EPSG database (v7.2) and more. Together, these technologies add up to a very robust and effective vector translation solution.

“GeoTranslate 5.1 makes available a ton of new geospatial power for our developers,” stated Blue Marble President Patrick Cunningham. “The spatial database support combined with our unmatched support of highly accurate LiDAR 3-D coordinate transformation really enables our OEM partners to bring a bunch of important support to their products.”

About Blue Marble Geographics: Blue Marble Geographics of Gardiner, ME is a leading developer and provider of software products and services for highly accurate geospatial data conversion solutions. Blue Marble is known for their coordinate conversion expertise and is the developer of The Geographic Calculator and GeoCalc SDK. The company has been writing GIS software tools and solutions for over 18 years and currently serves hundreds of thousands of users worldwide.

Contact Information:
Kris Berglund
Blue Marble Geographics

Gardiner, ME, USA

+1(207) 582-6747

Companies using Blue Marble’s geospatial technology