Loads data from an online source, like WMS, OSM, TMS, or Google Maps tiles. This includes data
sources providing terrain, imagery, and street maps for the entire world. If the aSourceName value
is NULL, a dialog will be displayed asking the user which online data source and bounds to load. If the
aSourceName is the full path and name of a local file that contains new source definitions, rather
than loading a new layer those sources are added to the source list. You can then call back in to GM_LoadOnlineLayer
to load a layer from the new added sources.
Valid theme names are any name that shows up in the dialog when
calling this with a NULL theme name, such as the following examples (any match will do though):
- "OpenStreetMap.org Global Street Maps"
- "World Imagery"
- "United States Elevation Data (NED) (10m Resolution)"
- "ASTER GDEM v2 Worldwide Elevation Data"
- "SRTM Worldwide Elevation Data (3-arc-second Resolution) [Use http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org/ if fails]"
- "Landsat7 Global Imagery Mosaic (Natural Color, Pan-Sharpened)"
- "Landsat7 Global Imagery Mosaic (Psuedo-Color, Pan-Sharpened)"
The layer handle returned in aLayer must be freed with a call to
GM_CloseLayer when the caller is done using it.
The aLatLonRect can be used to provide the bounding box to load. If provided, the
bounding box shall be lat/lon degree bounds using the datum of the current projection. If
no current view/export projection is available WGS84 will be the datum for the lat/lon
values. If you would like to provide the bounds in some other projection, specify the
projection using a BOUNDS_PROJ value in aExtraLoadOptions (see below).
The aExtraLoadOptions string can contain additional options as a space-separated string.
Currently the following are supported:
- BOUNDS_PROJ - Specifies the projection for the coordinates in the aLatLonBounds
parameter. See Script Reference for a description of the allowed values. For example, you could specify the bounds are
lat/lon WGS84 using the EPSG code by passing "BOUNDS_PROJ=EPSG:4326" for aExtraLoadOptions.
- CLAMP_TO_BOUNDS - Specifies whether or not the layer bounds should be clamped to the
specified bounding box or if panning over the entire data set should be allowed. The default is
to clamp to the bounds. Use CLAMP_TO_BOUNDS=NO to disable the clamping behavior.
- ZOOM_OFFSET - Specifies an offset to apply to the calculated optimal zoom level to use
for a particular draw or export. For example, adding ZOOM_OFFSET=-1 would cause every draw/export to
use one lower zoom level (i.e. half resolution) than would otherwise by used for the resolution of the
- INC_LAYER - specify name of layer/group to include. Can include wildcards. Multiple values allowed.
If present only those layers that match an INC_LAYER value will be added. You can also include group names before the
name, separated with ' --> ' or '<sub>'. For example, to add only those sources in the *** POPULAR SOURCES *** or
TERRAIN DATA groups, use "\"INC_LAYER=*POPULAR SOURCES*-->*\" \"INC_LAYER=TERRAIN DATA --> *\"" (the escape sequences match
what C/C++ code would use. To only add the NAIP imagery, use "\"INC_LAYER=NAIP Color Imagery*\"".
- EXC_LAYER - specify name of layer/group to exclude. See the INC_LAYER definition above for information
about formatting. If present any layers that match an EXC_LAYER value will not be added.
- FLUSH_CACHE[=source_type] - specify that you want to flush the local cache of files rather than load a new source.
If you provide a numeric source type (from the GM_OnlineSourceType_t enumeration) then only local files for that
source type are flushed. For example, FLUSH_CACHE=0 flushes only files from GM_SourceType_WMS sources. If you
also provide a recognized source name to the function then only the cached files for that source are flushed.
SyntaxGM_Error_t32 __stdcall GM_LoadOnlineLayer
const char* aSourceName,
const GM_Rectangle_t* aLatLonRect,
GM_LayerHandle_t32* aLayer,
const char* aExtraLoadOptions