- globalmapper.GetLocationElevationList([GM_LayerHandle_t32] aLayerList, [GM_Point_t] aPointList, float_array aFloatArray, void aReserved) GM_Error_t32 [source]¶
Retrieves the elevation at each location from the provided layer(s) or from the list of currently loaded elevation layers (topmost elevation layer first). Any no-data values are filled in with GM_INVALID_ELEV_VALUE. If none of the locations have a valid elevation, GM_Error_NoDataAtLocation is returned.
- Parameters:
aLayerList ([GM_LayerHandle_t32]) – List of layers to search for points or NULL for all terrain layers
aLocList ([GM_Point_t]) – List of 2 locations (can be GM_Point_t or any type that is 16 bytes with X and Y as doubles)
aElevList (float_array) – IN/OUT: Array to hold elevation in meters for each location provided (GM_INVALID_ELEV_VALUE if none found)
- Returns:
Error Code
- Return type: