
globalmapper.CreateCustomElevGridLayer(str aDescription, GM_Projection_t aProj, GM_Point_t aTopLeft, float aXSampleSize, float aYSampleSize, sint32 aNumSamplesX, sint32 aNumSamplesY, int aElevGrid, GM_GridValType_t8 aGridValType, float aNoDataValue) GM_LayerHandle_t32[source]

Creates a new custom layer that represents an in-memory elevation grid. The handle to the newly created layer is returned. You must call CloseLayer on the returned handle when you are done with it. If a problem occurs, 0 is returned for the layer handle. The layer handle returned can be used just like any other layer handle. This means that you can do things like generate contours and calculate view sheds using the data.

This function is DEPRECATED. You should use the CreateCustomElevGridLayerEx function instead.

  • aDescription (str) – Description to use for layer (can be None to use default)

  • aProj (GM_Projection_t) – Native projection of new layer

  • aTopLeft (GM_Point_t) – Ground coordinates of top left sample

  • aXSampleSize (float) – Size of each grid cell in the x direction

  • aYSampleSize (float) – Size of each grid cell in the y direction

  • aNumSamplesX (sint32) – Number of samples in the x direction

  • aNumSamplesY (sint32) – Number of samples in the y direction

  • aElevGrid (int) – Pointer to array of elevation values in row-major order

  • aGridValType (GM_GridValType_t8) – Layout of elevation grid

  • aNoDataValue (float) – Value of samples for which the value isn’t known (i.e. -9999.9)


The newly created elevation grid layer

Return type:
