Types for Lidar Functions

The following types are used as parameters and return values in the various Lidar operations within GlobalMapper. These types use fixed, numeric constants, which are defined here.


Different Lidar attribute types that can have their values retrieved


GM_LidarAttr_ReturnNo = 0

GM_LidarAttr_Intensity = 1

GM_LidarAttr_Class = 2

GM_LidarAttr_ScanAngle = 3

GM_LidarAttr_UserData = 4

GM_LidarAttr_PointSource = 5

GM_LidarAttr_NumTypes = 6


ASPRS Lidar types


GM_LidarClass_NeverClassified = 0

GM_LidarClass_Unclassified = 1

GM_LidarClass_Ground = 2

GM_LidarClass_LowVeg = 3

GM_LidarClass_MedVeg = 4

GM_LidarClass_HighVeg = 5

GM_LidarClass_Building = 6

GM_LidarClass_LowPoint = 7

low point (noise)

GM_LidarClass_ModelKeyPoint = 8

thinned ground (model key points)

GM_LidarClass_Water = 9

GM_LidarClass_Railroad = 10

IMPORTANT NOTE: USGS used to use this as Overlap to DO NOT treat as ground.

GM_LidarClass_Road = 11

Road Surface

GM_LidarClass_Overlap = 12

GM_LidarClass_WireGuard = 13

Wire - Guard (Shield)

GM_LidarClass_WireConductor = 14

Wire - Conductor (Phase)

GM_LidarClass_TransmissionTower = 15

Transmission Tower

GM_LidarClass_WireStructureConnector = 16

Wire-structure Connector (e.g. Insulator)

GM_LidarClass_Bridge = 17

Bridge deck

GM_LidarClass_HighNoise = 18

High Noise point

GM_LidarClass_OverheadStructure = 19

Overhead structure

GM_LidarClass_IgnoredGround = 20

Ignored Ground (typically breakline proximity)

GM_LidarClass_Snow = 21

If present and identifiable

Topo-Bathy Lidar profile types

GM_LidarClass_BathyPoint = 40

GM_LidarClass_WaterSurface = 41

GM_LidarClass_DerivedWaterSurface = 42

GM_LidarClass_SubmergedObject = 43

GM_LidarClass_IhoS57Object = 44

GM_LidarClass_NoBottomFoundBathyPoint = 45

GM_LidarClass_MaxValid = 255


Lidar class groups to categorize what type(s) of data a classification represents

GM_LidarGroup_Surface = 0x0001

Surface points (i.e. ground, water, road)

GM_LidarGroup_OffSurface = 0x0002

Points that are definitely not on the surface

GM_LidarGroup_Noise = 0x0004

Noise points

GM_LidarGroup_Powerline = 0x0008

Points that are along a powerline

GM_LidarGroup_Structure = 0x0010

Points that are part of a solid structure (i.e. building)

GM_LidarGroup_Vegetation = 0x0020

Vegetation points

GM_LidarGroup_Bathy = 0x0040

Bathymetric (i.e. below water surface) points

GM_LidarGroup_Unclassified = 0x0080

Unclassified points


Drawing types for Lidar data

GM_LidarDraw_ElevWColor = 0

Color based on sample color if available, otherwise elevation

GM_LidarDraw_Elev = 1

Color based on elevation

GM_LidarDraw_Intensity = 2

Color based on intensity

GM_LidarDraw_Class = 3

Color based on class

GM_LidarDraw_Return = 4

Color based on return (1st, 2nd, etc.)

GM_LidarDraw_HeightAboveGround = 5

Color based on height above ground

GM_LidarDraw_PointSourceId = 6

Color based on point source ID

GM_LidarDraw_PointIndex = 7

Color based on point index

GM_LidarDraw_ReturnHeightDelta = 8

Color based on difference in height between first and last return of multi-return set

GM_LidarDraw_CIR = 9

Color infrared display using NIR/red/green for the RGB layout

GM_LidarDraw_NDVI = 10

Color NDVI value calculated from NIR and red band

GM_LidarDraw_NDWI = 11

Color NDWI value calculated from NIR and green band

GM_LidarDraw_Density = 12

Color based on point density

GM_LidarDraw_Withheld = 13

Color based on withheld flag

GM_LidarDraw_ModelKeyPoint = 14

Color based on model key point flag

GM_LidarDraw_Overlap = 15

Color based on overlap point flag

GM_LidarDraw_ScanAngle = 16

Color based on scan angle

GM_LidarDraw_ByLayer = 17

Color each layer a different color

GM_LidarDraw_SegmentId = 18

Color based on segment ID

GM_LidarDraw_Generic = 20

Color based on generic float field

GM_LidarDraw_GenericUncertainty = 21

Color based on generic uncertainty field

GM_LidarDraw_NumTypes = 21

Number of available drawing types

GM_LidarDraw_Default = GM_LidarDraw_ElevWColor

Default setting is coloring by elevation

GM_LidarDraw_Multiple = 0xFE

Multiple different draw modes are select

GM_LidarDraw_UseGlobal = 0xFF

Use global draw mode setting


Bit masks of Lidar fields that are to be updated

GM_LidarField_Class = 0x00000001

Classification is valid

GM_LidarField_Color = 0x00000002

Color fields are valid

GM_LidarField_XY = 0x00000004

XY fields are valid

GM_LidarField_Z = 0x00000008

Z field is valid

GM_LidarField_Intensity = 0x00000010

Intensity field is valid

GM_LidarField_KeyPoint = 0x00000020

Key point flag is valid

GM_LidarField_Overlap = 0x00000040

Overlap flag is valid

GM_LidarField_Synthetic = 0x00000080

Synthetic flag is valid

GM_LidarField_Withheld = 0x00000100

Withheld flag is valid

GM_LidarField_Deleted = 0x00000200

Deleted flag is valid

GM_LidarField_GroundHeight = 0x00000400

Height above ground is valid

GM_LidarField_ReturnHeight = 0x00000800

Return height delta is valid

GM_LidarField_NIR = 0x00001000

NIR fields are valid

GM_LidarField_ReturnNum = 0x00002000

Return number field is valid

GM_LidarField_ReturnCount = 0x00004000

Return count field is valid

GM_LidarField_ScanAngle = 0x00008000

Scan angle field is valid

GM_LidarField_ScannerChannel = 0x00010000

Scanner channel field is valid

GM_LidarField_SourceID = 0x00020000

Point source ID field is valid

GM_LidarField_UserData = 0x00040000

User data field is valid

GM_LidarField_EdgeFlightLine = 0x00080000

Edge of flight line field is valid

GM_LidarField_SegmentID = 0x00100000

Segment ID field is valid

GM_LidarField_ScanDirection = 0x00200000

Scan direction field is valid

GM_LidarField_Generic = 0x00400000

Generic float field (statistics) is valid

GM_LidarField_GenericUncertainty = 0x00800000

Generic uncertainty float field is valid

GM_LidarFieldMask_All = 0xFFFFFFFF

All fields are valid

Mask of fields that are used during Lidar statistics calculation

GM_LidarFieldMask_NonStats = ( GM_LidarField_Color | GM_LidarField_XY | GM_LidarField_SegmentID | GM_LidarField_NIR )

GM_LidarFieldMask_Stats = ~GM_LidarFieldMask_NonStats


Point flags to keep for filter. Each flag has both a bit to say whether it should be used and another to say if it should be on or off.

GM_LidarFilterFlag_WithheldValid = 0x00000001

Check the withheld flag

GM_LidarFilterFlag_Withheld = 0x00000002

Point is withheld

GM_LidarFilterFlag_KeyPointValid = 0x00000004

Check the key point flag

GM_LidarFilterFlag_KeyPoint = 0x00000008

Point is key point

GM_LidarFilterFlag_OverlapValid = 0x00000010

Check the overlap flag

GM_LidarFilterFlag_Overlap = 0x00000020

Point is overlap

GM_LidarFilterFlag_SyntheticValid = 0x00000040

Check the synthetic flag

GM_LidarFilterFlag_Synthetic = 0x00000080

Point is synthetic

GM_LidarFilterFlag_DeletedValid = 0x00000100

Check the deleted flag

GM_LidarFilterFlag_Deleted = 0x00000200

Point is deleted

GM_LidarFilterFlag_ModifiedValid = 0x00000400

Check the modified flag

GM_LidarFilterFlag_Modified = 0x00000800

Point has been modified

GM_LidarFilterFlag_EdgeofFlightLineValid = 0x00001000

Check the edge of flight flag

GM_LidarFilterFlag_EdgeofFlightLine = 0x00002000

Point is edge of flight

GM_LidarFilterFlag_ScanDirectionValid = 0x00004000

Check the scan direction flag

GM_LidarFilterFlag_ScanDirection = 0x00008000

Point is positive scan direction

GM_LidarFilterFlag_NoneValid = 0x00010000

Check the none flag

GM_LidarFilterFlag_None = 0x00020000

Point has no flags set


Flags for Lidar point features

GM_LidarFlags_ColorValid = 0x00000001

Are the red, green, and blue color values valid?

GM_LidarFlags_Withheld = 0x00000002

Is the point withheld?

GM_LidarFlags_Synthetic = 0x00000004

Is the point synthetic?

GM_LidarFlags_KeyPoint = 0x00000008

Is the point a key point?

GM_LidarFlags_Overlap = 0x00000010

Is the point overlap?

GM_LidarFlags_ScanDir = 0x00000020

Scan direction

GM_LidarFlags_EdgeOfFlightLine = 0x00000040

Is the point on the edge of the flight line

GM_LidarFlags_Deleted = 0x00000080

Is the point marked as deleted

GM_LidarFlags_Modified = 0x00000100

Has the point been modified since load?

GM_LidarFlags_NirValid = 0x00000200

Is the NIR (near infrared) value valid?


Definition of different types that can be returned


GM_LidarFlag_Synthetic = 0

GM_LidarFlag_KeyPoint = 1

GM_LidarFlag_Overlay = 2

GM_LidarFlag_Withheld = 3

GM_LidarFlag_EdgeOfFlightLine = 4

GM_LidarFlag_None = 5

GM_LidarFlag_NumTypes = 6


Fields of data to grid for Lidar data

GM_LidarGrid_Elevation = 0

Grid the elevation values

GM_LidarGrid_Intensity = 1

Grid Lidar point intensity values rather than elevation values

GM_LidarGrid_Height = 2

Grid Lidar height above ground rather than elevation values

GM_LidarGrid_ColorRGB = 3

Grid the RGB color from Lidar points

GM_LidarGrid_ColorRGBI_NIR = 4

Grid the RGBI color from 4-band Lidar (RGB+NIR)

GM_LidarGrid_ColorRGBI_Intensity = 5

Grid the RGBI color from 4-band Lidar (RGB+Intensity)

GM_LidarGrid_Class = 6

Grid the classification code from Lidar points

GM_LidarGrid_Density = 7

Grid the point density in points / m^2 of a Lidar point cloud

GM_LidarGrid_NDVI = 8

Grid the calculated NDVI value from 4-band Lidar (RGB+NIR)

GM_LidarGrid_NDWI = 9

Grid the calculated NDWI value from 4-band Lidar (RGB+NIR)

GM_LidarGrid_Red = 10

Grid the Red value (single band)

GM_LidarGrid_Green = 11

Grid the Green value (single band)

GM_LidarGrid_Blue = 12

Grid the Blue value (single band)

GM_LidarGrid_NIR = 13

Grid the NIR value (single band)

GM_LidarGrid_ScanAngle = 14

Grid the Scan Angle value

GM_LidarGrid_PointSourceID = 15

Grid the Point Source ID value

GM_LidarGrid_UserData = 16

Grid the User Data value

GM_LidarGrid_ScannerChannel = 17

Grid the Scanner Channel value

GM_LidarGrid_NumPointsInCell = 18

Grid the number of points in each cell

GM_LidarGrid_NumTypes = 19


Enumeration specifying how pulses in a multi-return are identified. They must be contiguous (i.e. by GPS time), but can also skip over things with different fields, like user data or point source ID

GM_LidarPulseId_OnlyGpsTime = 0

Only the sequence/GPS time is considered

GM_LidarPulseId_UserData = 1

Points must have appropriate GPS time and same user data to be part of same return

GM_LidarPulseId_PointSourceID = 2

Points must have appropriate GPS time and same point source ID to be part of same return

GM_LidarPulseId_ScannerChannel = 3

Points must have appropriate GPS time and same scanner channel to be part of same return

GM_LidarPulseId_PointSourceID_ScannerChannel = 4

Points must have appropriate GPS time and same point source ID and scanner channel to be part of same return

GM_LidarPulseId_PointSourceID_UserData = 5

Points must have appropriate GPS time and same point source ID and user data to be part of same return

GM_LidarPulseId_NumTypes = 6

Number of different values

GM_LidarPulseId_Default = GM_LidarPulseId_OnlyGpsTime


Different Lidar point return types


GM_LidarReturn_Unknown = 0

GM_LidarReturn_First = 1

GM_LidarReturn_Second = 2

GM_LidarReturn_Last = 3

GM_LidarReturn_Single = 4

GM_LidarReturn_FirstOfMany = 5

GM_LidarReturn_SecondOfMany = 6

GM_LidarReturn_ThirdOrLaterOfMany = 7

Return number >= 3

GM_LidarReturn_LastOfMany = 8

GM_LidarReturn_NumTypes = 9

Types for backwards code compatibility

GM_LidarReturn_ThirdOfMany = GM_LidarReturn_ThirdOrLaterOfMany

Return number >= 3


Lidar resolution multiplier types for dialog

GM_LidarResMult_Spacings = 0

Resolution multiplier in spacings

GM_LidarResMult_Meters = 1

Resolution multiplier in meters

GM_LidarResMult_Feet = 2

Resolution multiplier in feet

GM_LidarResMult_NumTypes = 3


Flags for types of points to classify

GM_Classify_Ground = 0x00000001

Classify likely ground points

GM_Classify_Buildings = 0x00000002

Classify building points

GM_Classify_HighVeg = 0x00000004

Classify high veg

GM_Classify_Powerline = 0x00000008

Classify powerlines

GM_Classify_HighNoise = 0x00000010

Classify high noise

GM_Classify_LowNoise = 0x00000020

Classify low noise

GM_Classify_Pole = 0x00000040

Classify pole like objects

Masks of combinations of classifications

GM_Classify_Noise = GM_Classify_HighNoise | GM_Classify_LowNoise,

GM_Classify_NonGround = GM_Classify_Buildings | GM_Classify_HighVeg | GM_Classify_Powerline | GM_Classify_Pole,

GM_Classify_NonGroundDialog = GM_Classify_Buildings | GM_Classify_HighVeg,

GM_Classify_PoleDialog = GM_Classify_Powerline | GM_Classify_Pole


Flags for ground setup

GM_ClassifyGround_ResetGroundPoints = 0x00000001

Reset existing ground points to unknown classification at start of operation

GM_ClassifyGround_KeepNonGroundPoints = 0x00000002

Keep non-ground points as whatever type they were re-classified to rather than resetting

GM_ClassifyGround_CreateDebugLayers = 0x00000004

Create layers for debugging auto-classify ground

GM_ClassifyGround_RemoveNearNonGround = 0x00000008

Run the ‘remove near non-ground’ part of the algorithm

GM_ClassifyGround_HideProgress = 0x00000010

Don’t show cancellable progress during this operation


Flags for noise setup

GM_ClassifyNoise_UnclassifiedOnly = 0x00000001

Only mark unclassified points as noise

GM_ClassifyNoise_NoHighNoise = 0x00000002

Don’t mark high noise

GM_ClassifyNoise_NoLowNoise = 0x00000004

Don’t mark low noise

GM_ClassifyNoise_CreateDebugLayers = 0x00000008

Create layers for debugging auto-classify

GM_ClassifyNoise_ChangeClass = 0x00000010

Change the classification of noise points?

GM_ClassifyNoise_MarkWithheld = 0x00000020

Mark points as withheld

GM_ClassifyNoise_MarkDeleted = 0x00000040

Mark points as deleted

GM_ClassifyNoise_ResetNoisePoints = 0x00000080

Reset existing noise points to unknown classification at start of operation

GM_ClassifyNoise_CheckHeightRange = 0x00000100

Set if the min/max height above ground range is valid

GM_ClassifyNoise_HideProgress = 0x00000200

Don’t show cancellable progress

GM_ClassifyNoise_Defaults = GM_ClassifyNoise_ChangeClass

Default value


Flags for non-ground setup

GM_Classify_ResetPoints = 0x00000001

Reset existing points of the type(s) that are about to be classified

GM_Classify_CreateDebugLayers = 0x00000002

Create layers for debugging auto-classify with best-fit plane information

GM_Classify_SinglePassBestFit = 0x00000004

Only do a single pass for the best-fit plane finding rather than doing a 2nd weighted pass

GM_Classify_IgnoreNDVI = 0x00000008

Don’t use the NDVI values for NIR-enabled points to help classify vegetation/buildings

GM_Classify_IgnoreNDWI = 0x00000010

Don’t use the NDWI values for NIR-enabled points to help classify vegetation/buildings

GM_Classify_HideProgress = 0x00000020

Don’t show cancellable progress


Types of features to extract

GM_LidarExtract_Buildings = 0x0000001

Extract building outlines

GM_LidarExtract_Trees = 0x0000002

Extract tree points/areas

GM_LidarExtract_Powerlines = 0x0000004

Extract powerlines

GM_LidarExtract_Poles = 0x0000008

Extract poles


Flags for non-ground setup

GM_LidarExtract_CreateSideWalls = 0x00000001

Create side walls for 3D building outlines

GM_LidarExtract_SaveDebugInfo = 0x00000002

Save any debug layers

GM_LidarExtract_CreateSeparateRoofPieces = 0x00000004

Create separate roof pieces if the angle or plane height changes dramatically instead of one building per cluster

GM_LidarExtract_CreateTreePolygons = 0x00000008

Extract tree coverage areas

GM_LidarExtract_SmoothTreePolygons = 0x00000010

Smooth the tree coverage area polygons

GM_LidarExtract_BestFitPlaneForRoofPieces = 0x00000020

If creating separate roof pieces, use a best fit plane of the roof points to get the elevations to assign rather than nearest point

GM_LidarExtract_CreateBuildingAsMesh = 0x00000040

Create 3D model (mesh) for buildings rather than 3D areas

GM_LidarExtract_CreateFootprints = 0x00000080

Create footprints

GM_LidarExtract_HideProgress = 0x00000100

Hide progress dialog


Available layers for Lidar extraction

GM_LidarExtractLayer_BuildingHulls = 0

Layer for building hulls (3d RDTs)

GM_LidarExtractLayer_BuildingFootprints = 1

Layer for building footprints (2D RDTs simplified)

GM_LidarExtractLayer_BuildingWalls = 2

Layer for building walls connecting simplified footprints and roof planes

GM_LidarExtractLayer_BuildingPlanes = 3

Layer for building planes (boundaries match walls and simplified footprints in x,y)

GM_LidarExtractLayer_Pole = 4

Layer for pole features

GM_LidarExtractLayer_Powerline = 5

Layer for powerline features

GM_LidarExtractLayer_Tree = 6

Layer for tree features

GM_LidarExtractLayer_PoleHulls = 7

Layer for pole mesh

GM_LidarExtractLayer_TreeHulls = 8

Layer for tree mesh

GM_LidarExtractLayer_TreeFootprints = 9

Layer for tree polygons

GM_LidarExtract_NumLayers = 10


Available camera types


GM_CameraModel_Pinhole = 1

GM_CameraModel_PinholeRadial1 = 2

GM_CameraModel_PinholeRadial3 = 3

GM_CameraModel_PinholeBrown2 = 4

GM_CameraModel_PinholeSimpleFisheye = 5

GM_CameraModel_FirstGap = 6

GM_CameraModel_Spherical = 7

GM_CameraModel_Default = GM_CameraModel_PinholeRadial3

GM_CameraModel_Unknown = 0


The available SfM (Structure-from-Motion) methods

GM_SfmMethod_Incremental = 0

Incremental2 SfM engine from latest OpenMVG version

GM_SfmMethod_Global = 1

Global SfM

GM_SfmMethod_GlobalThenInc = 2

Run Global SfM, then Incremental2 (faster than just doing Incremental2)

GM_SfmMethod_IncrementalOrig = 3

Original Incremental method from latest OpenMVG version

GM_SfmMethod_IncrementalOld = 4

Old original Incremental from pre-OpenMVG 1.4

GM_SfmMethod_NumTypes = 5

GM_SfmMethod_Default = GM_SfmMethod_Incremental


SfM (Structure-from-Motion) quality options


GM_SfmQuality_Normal = 0

GM_SfmQuality_High = 1

GM_SfmQuality_Ultra = 2

GM_SfmQuality_NumTypes = 3

GM_SfmQuality_Default = GM_SfmQuality_Normal


Image describer methods

GM_Describer_SIFT = 0

Use SIFT method (default)

GM_Describer_AkazeFloat = 1

Use AKAZE with floating point descriptors

GM_Describer_AkazeMldb = 2

Use AKAZE with binary descriptors

GM_Describer_NumTypes = 3

Count of describer methods

GM_Describer_Default = GM_Describer_SIFT


Incremental SfM (Structure-from-Motion) initializer methods

GM_SfmInit_ExistingPose = 0

Initialize the reconstruction from the existing sfm_data camera poses

GM_SfmInit_MaxPair = 1

Initialize the reconstruction from the pair that has the most of matches

GM_SfmInit_AutoPair = 2

Initialize the reconstruction with a pair selected automatically

GM_SfmInit_Stellar = 3

Initialize the reconstruction with a ‘stellar’ reconstruction

GM_SfmInit_NumTypes = 4

Count of SFM enumerated values

GM_SfmInit_Default = GM_SfmInit_Stellar

Stellar reconstruction is used as the default parameter value

GM_SfmInit_UseDefault = -1

Use whatever the default is


Incremental SfM triangulation method (enum values must match what is passed to OpenMVG_main_IncrementalSfM2.exe


GM_SfmTriMethod_DirectLinearTransform = 0

GM_SfmTriMethod_L1Angular = 1

GM_SfmTriMethod_LInfinityAngular = 2

GM_SfmTriMethod_InverseDepthWeightedMidpoint = 3

GM_SfmTriMethod_NumTypes = 4

GM_SfmTriMethod_Default = GM_SfmTriMethod_InverseDepthWeightedMidpoint

GM_SfmTriMethod_UseDefault = -1


Incremental SfM Resection method; enum values must match what is passed to OpenMVG_main_IncrementalSfM2.exe


GM_SfmResection_DirectLinearTransform = 0

GM_SfmResection_P3P_KE_CVPR17 = 1

GM_SfmResection_P3P_KNEIP_CVPR11 = 2

GM_SfmResection_P3P_NORDBERG_ECCV18 = 3

GM_SfmResection_UP2P_KUKELOVA_ACCV10 = 4

GM_SfmResection_NumTypes = 5

GM_SfmResection_Default = GM_SfmResection_P3P_NORDBERG_ECCV18

GM_SfmResection_UseDefault = -1


How control points and/or GPS EXIF information from the images should be applied

GM_GeoRegistration_GCPsBeforeSfM = 0x01

Apply Ground Control Points (GCPs) before doing SfM

GM_GeoRegistration_NoExifIfGCPs = 0x02

Don’t apply EXIF information if GCPs are successfully applied

GM_GeoRegistration_GCPsBeforeExif = 0x04

Apply GCPs before EXIF rather than after

GM_GeoRegistration_UseRobustReg = 0x08

Use robust registration of EXIF location by default rather than using all points

GM_GeoRegistration_DefaultFlags = 0

Don’t use any of the above options


Option flags for a Pixels-to-Points (P2P) setup object

GM_P2P_AdjustZUsingControlPoints = 0x00000001

Adjust the Z level using the control points, which should get an even better Z match with this approach

GM_P2P_DeleteWorkFiles = 0x00000002

Delete the files when finished

GM_P2P_KeepWorkFilesOnSuccess = 0x00000004

Keep work files on success even if GM_P2P_DeleteWorkFiles is set. Use if you will delete work folder externally

GM_P2P_IgnoreExif = 0x00000008

Drop the EXIF data in the images

GM_P2P_UseRelativeAltitudes = 0x00000010

Use relative altitudes offset by a base instead of EXIF values

GM_P2P_UseColorHarmonization = 0x00000020

Harmonize colors between images before processing

GM_P2P_CloudCreateFromMesh = 0x00000040

Create point cloud from mesh rather than using original densified cloud. This takes longer but produces point clouds with less ‘thickness’

GM_P2P_AddCloudLayer = 0x00000080

Automatically load and add the cloud layer, even if not saving to a file

GM_P2P_LoadSparseCloud = 0x00000100

Load the sparse point cloud, in addition to the dense one

GM_P2P_UseSceneClustering = 0x00000200

Use scene clustering to break up very large jobs

GM_P2P_ImageCreateFromMesh = 0x00000400

Create an ortho-image from the mesh rather than a point cloud

GM_P2P_ImageCreateSeparate = 0x00000800

Create a separate ortho-image from each separate image rather than combining them

GM_P2P_DensifyUseSemiGlobal = 0x00001000

Use semi-global matching for DensifyPointCloud

GM_P2P_HideProgress = 0x00002000

Don’t show a progress dialog for this operation

GM_P2P_RecursiveImageSearch = 0x00004000

Recursively look for images in mImageFolder

GM_P2P_DontUseGPU = 0x00008000

Don’t use the GPU for any processing

GM_P2P_Default = GM_P2P_AdjustZUsingControlPoints | GM_P2P_DeleteWorkFiles | GM_P2P_AddCloudLayer | GM_P2P_ImageCreateFromMesh


Spatial thinning algorithm; specify which point to select from each bin grid when thinning

GM_ThinAlg_Min = 0

Use point with minimum elevation in bin

GM_ThinAlg_Max = 1

Use point with maximum elevation in bin

GM_ThinAlg_Med = 2

Use point with median elevation in bin

GM_ThinAlg_3D = 3

Keep median point in each 3D cube of bin size

GM_ThinAlg_KeepNth = 4

Keep every Nth point (i.e. every 4th return)

GM_ThinAlg_SkipNth = 5

Skip every Nth point (i.e. skip every 4th return - thin by 25%)

GM_ThinAlg_NumTypes = 6

Count of thinning algorithms


Define spatial sorting options for Lidar

GM_LidarSort_None = 0

Don’t sort

GM_LidarSort_Always = 1

Always sort spatially

GM_LidarSort_IfPoorlyOrganized = 2

Sort spatially if poorly organized

GM_LidarSort_NotSpecified = 0xFF

No specified sorting


Lidar comparison flags

GM_LidarCompare_CheckOutsideBounds = 0x00000001

Include points outside the intersected bounds of both clouds in the changed results

GM_LidarCompare_CompareBothDirs = 0x00000002

Find points in ‘compare to’ cloud set that aren’t in the ‘compare’ set, as well as the reverse

GM_LidarCompare_DelNewPoints = 0x00000004

Mark new points as deleted in their original point cloud layer

GM_LidarCompare_CreateNewLayers = 0x00000008

Create new point cloud layers with the difference points (if any are found)

GM_LidarCompare_CreateNewQueries = 0x00000010

Save queries with the difference points from the provided loaded point cloud layer(s)

GM_LidarCompare_HideProgress = 0x00000020

Hide progress bar dialog

GM_LidarCompare_SaveDistInGeneric = 0x00000040

Save distance (meters) to nearest point in other cloud in Generic stream

GM_LidarCompare_DifferenceReportWindows = 0x00000080

Spawn difference report windows

GM_LidarCompare_DifferenceReportText = 0x00000100

Write difference report text file

GM_LidarCompare_Default = GM_LidarCompare_CreateNewLayers

Default settings are to create new difference layers


Flags for fields to colorize during the LidarColorize operation

GM_LidarColorize_RGB = 0

Update RGB fields

GM_LidarColorize_RGBI = 1

Update RGB+NIR fields

GM_LidarColorize_Inten = 2

Update Intensity fields

GM_LidarColorize_NumFields = 3

Count of field flags


Colorize field types

GM_LidarColorize_OverwriteExisting = 0x01

Overwrite existing color/intensity values

GM_LidarColorize_Keep8BitValues = 0x02

Keep values at 8-bit rather than normalizing to 16-bit

GM_LidarColorize_HideProgress = 0x04

Don’t show progress for the operation

GM_LidarColorize_UseAdjustedColors = 0x08

Use contrast-adjusted colors rather than raw color band values?

GM_LidarColorize_DefaultFlags = GM_LidarColorize_OverwriteExisting

The default setting is to overwrite the existing values


Colorize operation intensity types

GM_LidarColorizeInten_Gray = 0

Use grayscale or average value

GM_LidarColorizeInten_Red = 1

Use red band for intensity

GM_LidarColorizeInten_Green = 2

Use green band for intensity

GM_LidarColorizeInten_Blue = 3

Use blue band for intensity

GM_LidarColorizeInten_NumTypes = 4

Count of intensity band types

GM_LidarColorizeInten_Default = GM_LidarColorizeInten_Gray

Default value is grayscale


Define flags for Swath Separation Image (SSI) creation

GM_SSI_UseLayerForFlightLine = 0x00000001

Treat each layer as a separate flight line rather than using the point source ID

GM_SSI_HideProgress = 0x00000002

Hide progress for operation

GM_SSI_SaveDebugLayers = 0x00000004

Save temporary layers generated during the process for debugging

GM_SSI_SaveWorldFile = 0x00000008

Save a world file alongside the image

GM_SSI_SavePRJFile = 0x00000010

Save a PRJ file alongside the image

GM_SSI_LoadGeneratedImage = 0x00000020

Automatically load the generated image

GM_SSI_DefaultFlags = GM_SSI_SaveWorldFile | GM_SSI_SavePRJFile | GM_SSI_LoadGeneratedImage