Importing and Exporting Data

Data for Global Mapper Mobile can be prepared in Global Mapper desktop, then exported to a Global Mapper Mobile Package file (*.GMMP) to be shared and used on a mobile device. With the Global Mapper Mobile Package file (*.GMMP) Pro Module registered, users can also import GeoPDF and GeoPackage files

Methods for transferring data from a computer to an Android device, include: utilizing Global Mapper desktop's Mobile Data Management tool, connecting the device to the computer and using file browser,emailing the file, and using file sharing apps (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.). Shared Files can be opened with the Open Map option from the home screen or Main Menu.

Global Mapper Mobile Package file (*.GMMP)

All raster, vector, elevation grid, and feature template layers in a map can be saved to a single Global Mapper Mobile Package file (*.GMMP). Once opened in Global Mapper Mobile, the data can be viewed as map layers.

A Global Mapper Mobile Package file (*.GMMP) file can be created in Global Mapper desktop using the Mobile Data Management tool or the File Menu > Export > Export Global Mapper Mobile Fileā€¦ option.

Creating a Global Mapper Mobile Package file (*.GMMP) in Global Mapper desktop

  1. Prepare data for export in Global Mapper desktop

  2. Open Mobile Data Management from the Tools toolbar or menu in Global Mapper desktop. See the Mobile Data Management page for information on wireless connection to a mobile device.

  3. On the Package File Export tab of the Mobile Data Management dialog box, check the boxes for the loaded layers that should be included in the export. Add additional layers or feature templates with the Add Layers From File... and Add Feature Template Layer... buttons.

  4. Use the Save As... button to export the selected layers and feature templates to a location on your local machine. Use the Upload to Device button to create a Global Mapper Mobile Package file (*.GMMP) and upload it directly to a connected mobile device.

    1. Click Save As... and select a location to save the Global Mapper Mobile Package file (*.GMMP). When prompted, specify the desired export options.

    2. With a mobile device connected wirelessly through the Mobile Data Management tool, click Upload to Device. When prompted, name the Global Mapper Mobile Package file (*.GMMP) and specify the desired export options. A copy of the uploaded Global Mapper Mobile Package file (*.GMMP) can also be saved locally with this option.

    The Global Mapper desktop Export Options for a Global Mapper Mobile Package file (*.GMMP) can be found here in the Global Mapper desktop knowledge base.