The LIDAR_AUTO_FIT command provides a way to automatically fit one or more point clouds to another set of one or more point clouds.

The following parameters are supported by the command:

  • FILENAME_TO_MOVE - filename or description of loaded layer(s) of Lidar point clouds to automatically fit to the other cloud(s). This parameter can be listed more than once to specify multiple input files, like FILENAME_TO_MOVE="FILENAME_1" FILENAME_TO_MOVE="FILENAME_2".
  • FILENAME_REF - filename or description of loaded layer(s) of reference Lidar point clouds to fit the FILENAME_TO_MOVE point cloud(s) to. This parameter can be listed more than once to specify multiple input files, like FILENAME_REF="FILENAME_1" FILENAME_REF="FILENAME_2".
  • TRANSLATE_ONLY - specifies whether the shift should only do a translate and not a full 3D transform (including rotation and scale). The default is off, use TRANSLATE_ONLY=YES to enable only translation.
  • OUTLIER_XY_DIST - specifies the maximum XY distance to search (in meters) in for a nearest point. Default is 5 meters. You can include units in the string to specify non-meters values, like '10 ft'.
  • OUTLIER_Z_DIST - specifies the maximum Z distance to search (in meters) for a nearest point. Default is 40 meters. You can include units in the string to specify non-meters value, like '100 ft'.
  • MATCH_CLASS - specifies whether or not to only find nearest points of the same classification. Default is off, use MATCH_CLASS=YES to enable.
  • THIN_BIN_MULT - specifies how much to thin the data to move for the nearest search. This is a multiple of the native point spacing of the cloud(s) to move. A negative value indicates the distance in meters (like THIN_BIN_MULT=-0.5 for a 0.5m search distance), or you can include units in the value, like THIN_BIN_MULT="3.0 ft" for 3 feet, or THIN_BIN_MULT="2.0 m" for 2 meters.
  • MIN_ERR_BIN_MULT - stop the process when the avg distance between the clouds is less than the given multiplier of Lidar points to move (default is 0.2). This is a multiple of the native point spacing of the cloud(s) to move. A negative value indicates the distance in meters (like MIN_ERR_BIN_MULT=-0.05 for a 0.05m search distance).
  • ITER_STOP_BIN_MULT - stop the process when the improvement in avg distance since the last iteration is less than the given multiplier of Lidar points to move (default is 0.05) This is a multiple of the native point spacing of the cloud(s) to move. A negative value indicates the distance in meters (like MIN_ERR_BIN_MULT=-0.05 for a 0.05m search distance).
  • MAX_ITERS - maximum number of iterations to do before stopping if no other stop criteria are met. Default value is 20.


This script will adjust the Lidar cloud 'SamMBESp2p" to the best-fit match to the cloud 'NLD':