What's New in Global Mapper v26.0

Significant New Features

  • New Global Command Search tool for easy access to any tool available in Global Mapper.
  • Ability to create a flattened site plan grid where all edited terrain is contained within the selected area(s).
  • Added ability to edit a line feature in Perpendicular Profile views.
  • New option to view the 3D Viewer Walk Mode position in the 2D map view.
  • Added support for reading and displaying 'extra bytes' fields from LAS / LAZ files. These will also save to GMP files.
  • Enabled copy and paste support for raster image and terrain layers.
  • Added export support for Cesium terrain and 3D tiles formats.
  • New online data source from TCarta for Global Marine Basemap.
  • Added a search filter to help navigate the list of online sources.


Significant New Features in Global Mapper Pro

  • New Global Mapper Insight and Learning Engineā„¢ (beta) - Deep learning-based image analysis tools for the automatic identification of land cover classification, building extraction, and vehicle detection.
  • New Solar Shadow Analysis tool for calculating shadows from loaded terrain and 3D features. A new GENERATE_SHADOWS script command allows automating these calculations.
  • New automatic identification of point cloud model key points.
  • Ability to save and load custom created feature models in the Automatic Point Cloud Analysis tool.
  • Improved the automatic identification of GCPs in various potential overlapping images in Pixels to Points. The potential matches are now additionally scored by the distance from the expected area of the image containing the target (based on EXIF data).
  • Improved GCP target finding and ground coverage calculation in Pixels to Points for drone flights by using GCP Z as a ground surface rather than assuming a flat surface until after P2P is run.
  • Updates to underlying tools for speed improvements to the Pixels to Points process.
  • Added new adjustment methods to the Lidar QA/QC results dialog, allowing the adjustment of cloud Z values using a fixed shift or a best-fit 3D plane in addition to the previous Piecewise Affine (triangulation) method.
  • Improved the calculation of ground coverage polygons for drone imagery taken at non-nadir angles. Estimated ground coverage polygons are now trapezoidal rather than rectangular.


Lidar Changes

  • New automatic identification of point cloud model key points. - GM-4493 Pro
  • Added ability to edit a line feature in Perpendicular Profile views. - GM-1828 Standard
  • Ability to save and load custom created feature models in the Automatic Point Cloud Analysis tool. - GM-16205 Pro
  • Fixed crash error if you try and run an Automatic Best Fit on point clouds without selected a layer to compare against. - GM-16719 Pro
  • Show error if users tries to thin Lidar to a nonsensical point spacing. - GM-17448 Pro
  • Added new adjustment methods to the Lidar QA/QC results dialog, allowing the adjustment of cloud Z values using a fixed shift or a best-fit 3D plane in addition to the previous Piecewise Affine (triangulation) method. - GM-16954 Pro
  • Updated 'Color Lidar by Scan Angle' option to separately color negative and positive scan angles by default. A new option to restore the old behavior is also now on the Configuration -> Lidar dialog. - GM-16923 Pro
  • Dramatically sped up the rebuild of preview clouds for large Lidar point clouds, something that slowed the process of manually editing point cloud classifications. - GM-16558 Standard
  • Support draw modes for extra field data in point clouds. - GM-17247 Pro
  • Ensure the reported LIDAR POINT DENSITY and LIDAR POINT SPACING metadata values are updated when you warp a Lidar point cloud with rectification. - GM-17768 
  • Added support for point clouds in native geographic coordinates. - GM-17607 Pro
  • In GeoCalc Mode, address issue where certain LAS files were not importing with vertical coordinate reference systems. - GM-17019 
  • Fixed issue with garbled characters on the Lidar group selection dialog in the Japanese build. - GM-16972 
  • Fixed international feet issue in the path profile settings dialog - GM-16941 Pro
  • Ensure GCP_Z and total RMSE in Lidar QA displays with the same elevation units as the other fields. - GM-16901 Pro
  • Fixed issues with export of LAZ 1.4 files with extended classes and flags. - GM-16757 Standard
  • Fixed use of fields other than XYZ when finding duplicate Lidar points. - GM-16687 Pro
  • Made Lidar LAS/LAZ extra bytes fields exportable, including when saving over the original file or doing a direct export to LAS/LAZ. - GM-14553 
  • Fixed issue with 'Fit Point Clouds' generating very large incorrect shifts in some cases. - GM-13456 Pro
  • Ensure user is prompted to confirm projection/datum selection from GeoTIFF and LAS/LAZ files when only an ellipsoid is specified for a projection. - GM-18167 
  • Ensure the 'Classify Features' button is always enabled at the appropriate time on the Point Cloud Analysis dialog. - GM-16541 Pro
  • In GC Mode, prevent exception that was occurring when setting default Projection for the first time. - GM-15829 Standard



Pixels to Points Changes

  • Improved the automatic identification of GCPs in various potential overlapping images in Pixels to Points. The potential matches are now additionally scored by the distance from the expected area of the image containing the target (based on EXIF data). - GM-16789 Pro
  • Improved GCP target finding and ground coverage calculation in Pixels to Points for drone flights by using GCP Z as a ground surface rather than assuming a flat surface until after P2P is run. - GM-16600 Pro
  • Updates to underlying tools for speed improvements to the Pixels to Points process. - GM-14150 Pro
  • Added CREATE_IMAGE_FROM_MESH parameter for the GENERATE_POINT_CLOUD script cloud to control whether the orthoimage is created from the mesh or the point cloud. - GM-17098 Pro
  • Improved the calculation of ground coverage polygons for drone imagery taken at non-nadir angles. Estimated ground coverage polygons are now trapezoidal rather than rectangular. - GM-16696 Pro
  • Allowed Pixels to Points to continue processing if color harmonization is unsuccessful. - GM-17516 Pro
  • P2P output saved as a GMW in GeoCalc mode will no longer throw an error about being unable to import a coordinate transform. - GM-15443 Pro
  • Fixed issue with mask creation on the Pixels to Points dialog after running a P2P process with an image reduction factor. - GM-16942 Pro
  • Added more default styles for control points loaded during the Pixels to Points process to avoid duplicating styles. - GM-16683 Pro


3D Viewer Changes

  • New option to view the 3D Viewer Walk Mode position in the 2D map view. - GM-15826 Standard
  • Fixed crash when unloading layers while a fly-through is running in the 3D viewer. - GM-17321 
  • 3D view now displays the path profile parallel paths correctly - GM-16881 Standard
  • Enhance 3D path profile rendering to show all segments of the 3D path. - GM-14640 
  • Fixed issue with elevation of line label render in 3D. - GM-14235 
  • Fix NVIDIA GPU-related problems with the 3D display of very large images. - GM-17020 Standard
  • Fixed error in 3D viewer when generating polygonal coverage areas for a loaded layer. - GM-17011 Standard
  • Fix NVIDIA GPU-related problems with the 3D display of very large images. - GM-16987 Pro
  • Resolved issue displaying tree models in 3D Viewer. - GM-16928 


Path Profile / Line of Sight Function Changes

  • Added ability to edit a line feature in Perpendicular Profile views. - GM-1828 Standard
  • the warning message when custom elevation scale spacing larger than overall elevation difference is now more descriptive  - GM-17017 Standard
  • the curser text in path profile now will move above/below the curser depending on being above/below the center - GM-16765 Standard
  • Added the ability to save Path to new layer for parallel profile series lines - GM-16812 Standard
  • Added warning for a path profile reference line being outside of bounds - GM-16803 Standard
  • Fixed path profile issue where multiple layers could be assigned the same line style in the legend - GM-16105 Standard
  • Update path profile lidar settings. Updated path profile lidar toolbar with new swath buttons - GM-13058 Pro
  • Fixed path profile option "Match Elevation Scale to Distance Scale" not working correctly - GM-17154 Standard
  • Path profile will no longer say "cross profile(s)" for parallel paths - GM-17114 Standard
  • Fixed unit conversion issue in Path Profile sample spacing setting. - GM-16887 Standard
  • 3D view now displays the path profile parallel paths correctly - GM-16881 Standard
  • Allow the Path Profile sample count to accept the value 2. - GM-16880 Standard
  • Retain original main path when switching from perpendicular to parallel profiles. - GM-16846 Standard
  • Now even if in the path profile setting "Data Display"->"Draw Separate Line.." option is first checked but before its applied the "Select Layers..." button will still allow you to select layers - GM-16823 Standard
  • Updates Path Profile legend to only show displayed layers. - GM-16779 
  • Fixed 3D display settings options for Perpendicular Path Profile. - GM-16756 
  • Reworded path profile vector data setting for drawing feature that crosses path - GM-16664 
  • Removed un-needed Path Profile warning about missing terrain data. - GM-16648 
  • Enhance 3D path profile rendering to show all segments of the 3D path. - GM-14640 
  • Resolved issue that made Parallel Profile settings inaccessible. - GM-16872 
  • Fixed missing label for path profile svg export - GM-16819 Standard
  • Resolved crash issue with multiple segment Parallel Path Profile. - GM-16978 


Analysis Function Changes

  • Ability to create a flattened site plan grid where all edited terrain is contained within the selected area(s). - GM-2176 Standard
  • New Solar Shadow Analysis tool for calculating shadows from loaded terrain and 3D features. A new GENERATE_SHADOWS script command allows automating these calculations. - GM-16612 Pro
  • Added option to Watershed and Ridge Line Analysis to automatically style the generated stream / ridge lines based on the amount of calculated flow into the line segment. - GM-16835 
  • Improved wording for use of vector features to modify water flow on Watershed dialog. - GM-16691 Standard
  • Updated Dynamic Hill Shading dialog to remove unnecessary Elevation Display / Export Units, Apply button, and to show Vertical Exaggeration in same units as the Configuration dialog. - GM-16677 
  • Use higher precision when saving GMG files directly from gridding if the cell size is less than 0.1 units. - GM-16949 Standard
  • Increased the precision of generated contours saved directly to GMP for high resolution contours. - GM-16849 
  • Fixed issue with invalid pixels when TIN gridding Lidar with area features and treating the areas as constraints (hard edges). - GM-16712 
  • Ensure that the selected shader updates on the Configuration when changed on another dialog, like dynamic hill shading. - GM-16657 Standard
  • Create elevation grid dialog copy to clipboard button resets on slider change - GM-14525 Pro
  • Fixed script builder generate water rise command now handles "water level increase amount" units correctly - GM-13701 Pro
  • Added [x] Abort on Error option to Coverage Areas dialog - GM-13329 Standard
  • Fixed issue with area volume calculations to custom heights above ground. - GM-17716 
  • Ensure the 'Classify Features' button is always enabled at the appropriate time on the Point Cloud Analysis dialog. - GM-16541 Pro
  • In GC Mode, prevent exception that was occurring when setting default Projection for the first time. - GM-15829 Standard
  • In GC Mode, addressed an issue where loading workspaces containing a generated DTM Elevation Grid produced errors. The generated grid will now load without errors. - GM-15309 
  • Made the 'Restore Defaults' button on the Dynamic Hill Shading dialog restore all values shown on the dialog to defaults, including multiple light source settings. - GM-16654 Standard


Digitizer Tool Changes

  • The selection "Specify Separate Distance and Bearing Values" can now be used with explicit DMS options - GM-18154 Standard
  • Fixed the Shift+Del shortcut so that it did undelete rather than Cut to Clipboard. - GM-18179 Standard
  • Fixed crash splitting features into new lines at spacing for lines less than spacing in length. - GM-17563 
  • Ensure elevation units are correct when digitizing snapped to 3D features - GM-17361 
  • Fixed issues snapping when moving a single point feature. - GM-16896 Standard
  • Fixed issue in implementation of the Special Operations Difference for a particular case of Line and Area features - GM-16743 Standard
  • Fixed issue displaying degree symbol in Flattened Site Plan tool. - GM-16620 Standard
  • Properly set CODEPAGE in export DWG/DXF version 2000 - GM-15517 
  • Fixed issue with the distance/bearing/COGO dialog popping up a feature create dialog when GM is closed while the dialog is open. - GM-18340 Standard


Attributes / Query Changes

  • Added right-click option to Feature Vertices dialog for copying just the selected vertices to the clipboard. - GM-17250 
  • 3D Mesh layer will keep MESH_NAME attribute is it was available in the source file. - GM-17165 
  • Fixed issue with area volume calculations to custom heights above ground. - GM-17716 


Scripting Changes

  • Add GetLocationElevationList function to the python SDK module - GM-17712 Pro
  • Added CREATE_IMAGE_FROM_MESH parameter for the GENERATE_POINT_CLOUD script cloud to control whether the orthoimage is created from the mesh or the point cloud. - GM-17098 Pro
  • Added option to use the legacy Concave Hull (polygon coverage) method for Lidar layers when using the GENERATE_LAYER_BOUNDS or EDIT_VECTOR script commands. Use USE_LEGACY_METHOD to enable. - GM-16940 
  • Allow smaller COVERAGE_SMOOTHING_FACTOR values when generating polygonal coverage with GENERATE_LAYER_BOUNDS or EDIT_VECTOR script commands. - GM-16939 Standard
  • Added GENERATE_REGULAR_GRID script command to allow creating a regular grid of features in an automated fashion. - GM-2431 Standard
  • Fixed JOIN_TABLE command when working with special attribute names, like <Feature Name>. - GM-17063 Standard
  • Fixed the loading of DEFINE_TEXT_FILE contents text from a script with the IMPORT_ASCII script command. - GM-16994 Standard
  • script builder now correctly records GPX export Precision parameter  - GM-16622 Pro
  • Added elevation layer support to geopackage script export - GM-16299 Standard
  • Create elevation grid dialog copy to clipboard button resets on slider change - GM-14525 Pro
  • Fixed script builder generate water rise command now handles "water level increase amount" units correctly - GM-13701 Pro
  • Fixed issue where saving a script file on tab close in editor could cause it to save it with the tab to the left of it instead - GM-17807 Pro
  • Fixed issue with Global Mapper closing with no error when trying loading a PostGIS database that doesn't exist via a script. - GM-17251 


Online Source Changes

  • Added export support for Cesium terrain and 3D tiles formats. - GM-13206 Standard
  • New online data source from TCarta for Global Marine Basemap. - GM-17647 Standard
  • Added a search filter to help navigate the list of online sources. - GM-17832 Standard
  • Improved network download speed of online data sources - GM-6170 Standard
  • Removed OpenStreetMaps.org online sources with rendering from Stamen.com from online sources as those are no longer offered for free. - GM-18162 
  • Fixed issues loading data from WFS 1.0.0 sources that don't support lat/lon BBOX values. - GM-17092 Standard
  • Fixed lockup loading some WMS / WMTS sources with particularly long names on a machine with a longer Global Mapper temp folder path. - GM-17222 


Projection / Datum Changes

  • In GeoCalc mode, a new context menu has been added to the list of Layers and Coordinate Transformations in the Configure/Projection dialog. This will allow the user to right-click and (where applicable) view the layer's current horizontal and vertical coordinate systems, and the current concatenated transform used to convert to the global. - GM-17113 
  • In GeoCalc Mode, allow user the option to select a transform of "None" if that feature is enabled. - GM-16814 
  • All DEM TIFF files will now load a vertical coordinate reference system if one is specified in the header, in GeoCalc Mode. This may result in an "Unknown Vertical Coordinate System" in some cases. - GM-15462 
  • All DEM files will now load a vertical coordinate reference system if one is specified in the header, in GeoCalc Mode. - GM-15457 
  • All LAS files including < v1.4 LAS will now load a vertical coordinate reference system if one is specified, in GeoCalc Mode. - GM-15425 Standard
  • In GeoCalc Mode, address issue where certain LAS files were not importing with vertical coordinate reference systems. - GM-17019 
  • Don't convert EPSG code 3067 to a UTM 35N projection since there is already an EPSG code (25835) for that. - GM-16951 Standard
  • Coordinate Transform pickers no longer appear when enabling/disabling layers while GeoCalc mode is turned on. - GM-16808 
  • Auto-select GeoCalc Transform button can no longer be toggled if GeoCalc mode is not enabled. - GM-16431 Standard
  • Fixed issues storing custom datum scale shift values smaller than 1.0e-8 for Bursa-Wolfe transformations. - GM-16274 Standard
  • In GeoCalc Mode, handle display issue with items that cross the anti-meridian so they are split properly. - GM-15325 
  • When changing the global vertical projection in GeoCalc mode, if there is a horizontal transform already selected, the user will no longer be prompted to re-select it. Instead the Transform Picker will only require the selection of a new vertical transform, if one is needed. - GM-13380 
  • Added built-in EPSG codes for Maine State Plane zones using NAD83 (NSRS2011). - GM-17217 
  • In GC Mode, prevent exception that was occurring when setting default Projection for the first time. - GM-15829 Standard
  •  In GeoCalc mode, Geotiffs will now save vertical info in header on export when set manually. - GM-15684 
  • In GeoCalc mode, the coordinate transform cache is now cleared after unloading the workspace. - GM-15563 
  • Exporting a GMP in GeoCalc mode no longer requires you to reselect a coordinate transformation multiple times. - GM-15561 
  • P2P output saved as a GMW in GeoCalc mode will no longer throw an error about being unable to import a coordinate transform. - GM-15443 Pro
  • In GeoCalc Mode, handle export of DTED data properly. - GM-15344 
  • In GC Mode, addressed an issue where loading workspaces containing a generated DTM Elevation Grid produced errors. The generated grid will now load without errors. - GM-15309 
  • In GC Mode, ensure custom objects and grid files added via the Geographic Calculator are available in Global Mapper. - GM-12773 
  • Stack trace no longer occurs when Global Mapper exits with a GeoCalc transform picker open. - GM-16797 
  • In GeoCalc Mode, handle the situation where required grid files are missing by prompting the user to download them. - GM-16512 
  • When adding a new global vertical projection in GeoCalc mode, if there is a horizontal transform already selected, the user will no longer be prompted to re-select it. - GM-13385 


Format Specific Changes

  • Added support for reading and displaying 'extra bytes' fields from LAS / LAZ files. These will also save to GMP files. - GM-10712 Standard
  • Support for importing glTF 3D scenes and models - GM-13243 Standard
  • A dedicated OBJ export option to streamline the process of preparing an export for 3D printing. - GM-14463 Standard
  • Added new option that allows users to exclude the coordinate system information from the land/xml export - GM-15377 Standard
  • Added support for Point Clouds to export as Cesium 3D Tiles - GM-17462 Standard
  • Display the warning pop-up dialog at export in Cesium 3D format if the current projection is "precision loss" likely  - GM-17791 
  • Added support for embedded/binary textures in glTF/GLB files - GM-17268 
  • Enabled option for GMP (Global Mapper Package) export to save and restore the view bounds / projection when loading the GMP into an empty workspace. - GM-17234 
  • Sped up adding files to a map catalog when some or all files already exist in the catalog. - GM-17204 Standard
  • Enabled DRACO compression in glTF models (import) - GM-17036 
  • Simplified Export submenu items. - GM-17028 
  • Updated Surfer BLN export to include Z values for exported area features that have them. - GM-17021 
  • Updated Global Mapper Grid (GMG) export to have separate vertical unit and precision settings. - GM-17004 
  • Generated .jpg file will now match the .obj and .mtl when exporting a 3D printer friendly OBJ file. - GM-16948 
  • Improved language of text alert when exporting STL 3D Print. - GM-16932 Standard
  • Updated traditional USGS DEM files with arc second units to load natively in Arc Degrees instead. - GM-16778 
  • Added support for using .jfw files as world files for JPG file loads. - GM-15566 Standard
  • The solution is a set of performance enhancements. These enhancements should have no affect on the workflow besides a performance improvement. - GM-13596 
  • Added support for "NEW OBJECT" features in s57 - GM-16106 Standard
  • DWG/DXF export will try to restore the original layer's colors - GM-15511 Standard
  •  - GM-15154 
  • Dramatically sped up the export of KML/KMZ super overlays from online layers, map catalogs, and local tiled formats (like MBTiles). - GM-18204 
  • Added support for generic text files with lat/lon coordinates and a period after a hemisphere character at the start of the string (like 'N. 34 51 23.2'). - GM-17901 
  • Fixed translation issue that was causing a stack trace while importing .txt files in the Chinese build. - GM-17737 
  • Fixed error loading some GeoPackage files with CIRCULARSTRING features. - GM-17598 Standard
  • Improved handling of failures during tiled exports, including improved error reporting and proper display of 'Cancel All' prompt if exports are still ongoing when one fails. - GM-17469 Standard
  • Made columns on Attribute Setup tab of Shapefile export options dialog resize properly. - GM-17431 
  • Fixed "The system cannot find the path specified." issue for non-latin1 filepaths  - GM-17097 Standard
  • Fixed a bug in computing the transform for complex GLB/glTF models - GM-17037 Standard
  • Fixed issue with the last feature in a Landmark Graphics ASC file not being loaded. - GM-17029 Standard
  • Correct loading PNG texture files (glTF/GLB models) - GM-16986 Standard
  • Fixed margin size for PDF export and map layout when specifying in centimeters rather than inches. - GM-16936 
  • Added elevation layer support to geopackage script export - GM-16299 Standard
  • Properly set CODEPAGE in export DWG/DXF version 2000 - GM-15517 
  • Fixed issues with lines and areas exported to DGN files being truncated to just under 5,500 vertices. - GM-17773 
  • Fixed missing label for path profile svg export - GM-16819 Standard
  • Exporting a GMP in GeoCalc mode no longer requires you to reselect a coordinate transformation multiple times. - GM-15561 


Rendering/Style Changes

  • Enabled copy and paste support for raster image and terrain layers. - GM-2078 Standard
  • Allow specifying a symbol size in meters when setting a style for all point features on the Point Styles tab of the Options dialog for a layer. - GM-16975 
  • Standard (English) version of GlobalMapper uses UTF-8 active codepage which allows better handling of non-English texts and characters  - GM-15744 Standard
  • Fixed size of custom shape symbols that were incorrectly drawn at half the specified size (e.g. triangle, cross, diamond, star). - GM-16979 


Map Layout Changes

  • Fixed creation of Feature Mapbook based on Feature Bounds in Map Layout Editor. - GM-16904 Standard
  • Allow use of additional special attributes, like 'Index in Layer', 'Feature Layer Name, and 'Feature Type', as titles when creating a Feature Mapbook in the Map Layout Editor. - GM-16895 Standard


Misc. Changes

  • New Global Command Search tool for easy access to any tool available in Global Mapper. - GM-16535 Standard
  • Removed unnecessary prompt to 'save changes to workspace' when loading a new workspace over an existing unchanged workspace. - GM-15240 Standard
  • Updated the list of the toolbar favorites commands - GM-17271 
  • Fixed spelling error in menu. - GM-17072 
  • Updated warning dialog's wording when loading lidar data with filters applied. - GM-15453 Standard
  • The solution is a set of performance enhancements. These enhancements should have no affect on the workflow besides a performance improvement. - GM-13596 
  • The highlighted layers appear as bold text with an asterisk beside them in the Control Center - GM-17520 
  • There is a new context menu item for this in the Control Center - GM-2468 
  • Fixed issue with layer names in the Control Center remaining bold after they are removed from an animation set. - GM-17581 Standard
  • Fixed display of filenames with non-displayable characters in the system code page in the File menu's Recently Used File list. - GM-18088 
  • Made the Lidar Display tab of the layer options dialog grow controls when the dialog is resized. - GM-17815 Standard
  • Fixed crash splitting features into new lines at spacing for lines less than spacing in length. - GM-17563 
  • Fixed issue with prompt for 4th band of data showing once for each overview layer when loading a 4-band TIFF file. - GM-17341 Standard
  • Updated the updated software and metadata web display to use newer Chromium-based browser control. - GM-17240 
  • Change Save/Restore last drawn view shortcuts to Alt+B and Ctrl+B to avoid collision with Raster Analysis menu. - GM-17155 Standard
  • Fixed "The system cannot find the path specified." issue for non-latin1 filepaths  - GM-17097 Standard
  • Made trackpad-based mouse 'wheel' zoom center properly on the Image Rectification dialog. - GM-17055 Standard
  • Implemented undo/re-do for Mesh Vertices editing - GM-13471 Standard
  • Fix NVIDIA GPU-related problems with the 3D display of very large images. - GM-16987 Pro