Vertex Editing
If the Show Area and Line Vertices option is
enabled (Shift+V is the keyboard shortcut to toggle this setting), individual vertices of area and line features can be selected by dragging a box over them. Select vertices before accessing the Digitizer
menu or context menu options in order to access the full list of options.
Selected vertices will be shown on the display with a circle around them. For more information on selecting vertices see Selecting and Editing Vertices.
- Edit Feature Vertices
Move Selected Vertex
Insert Vertex
- Delete Selected Vertices
Display Area/ Line Vertices
- Set Position of Selected Vertices
- Join Selected Vertices
- Reverse Order of Vertices in Selected Areas/ Lines
- Split Selected Areas at Selected Vertices
- Insert Vertices and/ or Split at Intersections of Selected Features
- Select Next Vertex in Line/ Area Feature
- Select Previous Vertex in Line/ Area Feature
- Simplify Features
- Smooth Selected Line/ Area Feature(s)
Create 3D Fly-Through
- Remove Per-Vertex Elevations from Selected Features
- Reverse Mesh Normals
- Reverse Mesh Faces
- Convert Mesh to Y-up
- Conversion Mesh to Z-up
- Convert Mesh Handedness
- Partition Mesh using XYZs
- Partition Mesh using UVs
To select vertices, simply left click near a vertex to select the closest, or drag a box to select all vertices within the box. The the CTRL and SHIFT keys can also be used to modify the current selection. For more information see Selecting and Editing Vertices.
Hold down the 'S' key when left clicking, to only consider vertices from already selected lines or areas.