Python in Global Mapper

This tool requires Global Mapper Pro.

Python integration in Global Mapper enables users of the program to write scripts to automate Global Mapper workflows using the Python programming language. Many functions available in the user interface of Global Mapper are able to be accessed and run through a Python Script. Available operations range from changing program settings, importing and exporting data, vector/terrain/lidar/image analysis, and many others.

Python integration in Global Mapper uses Python version 3.10.x. This version can be installed with the Global Mapper program.

Python script files (*.py) can be written outside of Global Mapper, or within the program interface through the Script Editor dialog. These scripts can then be run in Global Mapper through the Script Editor dialog or the Run Script option, or executed via the command line or in a Python environment.

To use the Global Mapper python module outside of Global Mapper, installing python 3.10 is recommended.

For information on installing Python with Global Mapper and getting started writing a script, see here:

To access and use functionality from the Global Mapper program through a Python script, the Global Mapper library needs to be imported with the following command:

import globalmapper

For full documentation on the Python script commands and parameters to be used in Global Mapper, see here: