Wavefront OBJ

To generate 3D printer friendly OBJ files, see OBJ 3D Printing.

OBJ (or .OBJ) is a 3D model format developed by Wavefront Technologies and also used by other 3D graphics applications. Global Mapper v16.0 and later can read these files. Global Mapper v16.2 and later can export new OBJ files.

The OBJ file format is a simple data-format that represents 3D geometry alone — namely, the position of each vertex, the UV position of each texture coordinate vertex, vertex normals, and the faces that make each polygon defined as a list of vertices, and texture vertices.

OBJ files may contain texture and material references. The texture may be stored in an external image file (usually *.jpg or *.png) and the material may be defined in a *.MTL file.

OBJ coordinates have no units specified within the format. As with other loaded data, Global Mapper will recognize and use external projection files (like *.prj) that are stored in the same directory with the same filename at the *.OBJ file.


For more information on loading OBJ (Wavefront) files see Working with 3D Models

OBJ files are stored in a right-handed system.


To export an OBJ file, select File > Export > Export 3D Format... then choose Wavefront OBJ File. The layer may also be exported directly by right clicking on the layer in the Control Center and choosing Export in the Layer sub-menu.

3D File Export Options

Specify the axis orientation to use in the export. Global Mapper labels the vertical axis as Z, but in some 3D formats the vertical axis is designed as the Y-axis. Check the Export model as Y-up option to use the Y-up axis orientation.

Generate PRJ (Projection) file will generate an additional file that contains the data's projection information. This is useful because OBJ files aren't structured to hold this information.

Export Bounds

3D Mesh features do not support cropping within mesh objects. With a specified export bounds, mesh features inside the export bounds will be exported, uncropped. Mesh features with no part inside the export bound will not be included in the export.

For more information on the bounds specification options see Export Bounds.