Cesium Terrain Tiles

Cesium Terrain tiles are a format developed by Cesium for displaying 3d terrain data. Global Mapper can export a set of Cesium .terrain tiles which are meant to be hosted on a server for display through web browsers.


To export a terrain layer, select File > Export > Export Elevation Grid Format... then choose Cesium Terrain Tiles.
The layer may also be exported directly by right clicking on the layer in the Control Center and choosing Export in the Layer sub-menu.

Tile Format- Select from the following options:

  • Height-map tiles - Elevation Grid format

  • Mesh tiles - 3d Mesh format

Zoom Levels:

Checking the Specify zoom levels manually allows for the minimum and maximum zoom levels to be specified. By default when this option is unchecked, a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 15 will be used.

Output Folder - Specify the output directory that the .terrain files will be exported to.

Output Projection - Select the output Coordinate System between WGS84 and Web Mercator for the exported tiles.


Export Bounds

For more information on the bounds specification options see Export Bounds.