Cesium 3D Tiles

Cesium 3D Tiles is a format developed by Cesium for use in Cesium Ion and other 3D file viewers. Global Mapper supports the export of 3d vector data to Cesium 3D Tiles.


To export a mesh layer, select File > Export > Export 3D Format... then choose Cesium 3D Tiles.
The layer may also be exported directly by right clicking on the layer in the Control Center and choosing Export in the Layer sub-menu.

To export a point cloud layer select File > Export >Export Vector/Lidar Format... then choose Cesium Tiles.

Select Export Directory: Select a folder to save the tileset in.

The export will contain at least two files:

  • Model.glb

  • Tileset.json

  • Optional: .prj

Export Settings:

Export Model as Y-up

Specify the axis orientation to use in the export. Global Mapper labels the vertical axis as Z, but in some 3D formats the vertical axis is designed as the Y-axis. Check the Export model as Y-up option to use the Y-up axis orientation.

Orientation Default

Use model type conventions - set the default orientation based on the model type.

Default to Z-up - use Z up as the default orientation.

Default to Y-up - use Z up as the default orientation.

Generate PRJ (projection) File

Cesium 3D tiles do not natively include projection metadata. Enable this option to include the data’s projection information for use when loading the exported file in the future.


Export Bounds

3D Mesh features do not support cropping within mesh objects during export. With a specified export bounds, mesh features inside the export bounds will be exported, uncropped. Mesh features with no part inside the export bound will not be included in the export.

To crop mesh features to a square bounding box use the Crop Vector Features tool.

For more information on the bounds specification options see Export Bounds.