What's New in Global Mapper v26.1

Significant New Features


  • Vehicle Detection in the Global Mapper Insight and Learning Engine now supports fine tuning to adjust and enhance the inference results of the object identification.
  • A new Configuration section dedicated to the Global Mapper Insight and Learning Engine allows custom trained models to be exported and imported. Built-in models can be updated when available, too.
  • Improved Lidar QC tool with options to adjust control points after statistics have been calculated.
  • Manual point cloud classification tool is now a dedicated toolset, available as a dockable or floating pane. More custom classification options are now available with an added option to classify points as they are selected.
  • Improved automatic powerline classification to use segmentation methods and increased segmentation processing speed for Automatic Point Cloud analysis tools.
  • Pixels to Points now provides color harmonization method options.
  • Extended the vector layer split by attribute option to include lidar data.
  • Updated the Script Editor for improved user experience in the tool.


  • Added Favorite Scripts functionality to save and run commonly used scripts from the new Scripting Toolbar.
  • Improved the Connect to Online Data tool to show data previews, allow favorite sources to be easily accessed, and support new bounds and export options directly in the tool.
  • Added tool view and set camera position in the 3D Viewer.
  • Created Digitizer Toolset containing digitizer tool buttons in a dockable floating pane.
  • Reorganized the Generic Text File Import options to support custom coordinate column identification and saved import options.
  • Added support for Cloud Optimized Point Clouds (COPC) and Esri SLPK format (read only).
  • Updated the Map Layout Editor to combine the Map Element Control Center with the Page List on the left side of the window.
  • Added a new tool for drawing parallel lines based on selected line(s).
  • Extended the Feature Info tool to raster/terrain data in the 3D Viewer.

Lidar Changes

  • Improved error message when a TIN operation on a huge number of points fails, likely due to memory issues. - GM-19179 Standard
  • Fixed issue with Lidar exports when XY units are converted dropping some points on the edge. - GM-18974 Standard
  • Fixed rare issue where some extra Lidar points would be filtered out. - GM-18755 Standard
  • Fixed error when trying to perform a Lidar QA/QC operation against control points with no elevation values. - GM-18478 Pro
  • Fixed issues loading LAS/LAZ files with coordinates that look like ECEF but aren't. Now a prompt will be shown for these. - GM-18439 Standard
  • Fixed issues with Lidar class filtering not always working on very large point clouds with a large number of different classes present. - GM-18304 Standard
  • Sped up calculations of Lidar statistics when editing point clouds. - GM-16996 Standard
  • Improved Lidar QC tool with options to adjust control points after statistics have been calculated.  - GM-16930 Pro
  • Allow select-by-polygon in Digitizer Tool to work for features that are marked as deleted (but displayed). - GM-15651 Standard
  • The new Unclassify button should now be usable in the Lidar classification toolbar - GM-8952 
  • Extended the vector layer split by attribute option to include lidar data. - GM-6988 Pro

Pixels to Points Changes

  • Updates projection selection in Pixels to Points wizard to be a dropdown menu. - GM-19098 Pro
  • P2P generated output will not override the existing global/workspace projection - GM-18884 Pro
  • Fixed extra large size assigned to P2P GCP symbols when 8 or more GCPs are present. - GM-18604 Pro
  • Support correct orthorectification of images from the multi-spectral sensor of the DJI M3M drone. - GM-18433 Pro
  • Pixels to Points now provides color harmonization method options. - GM-17585 Pro
  • Fixed lockup running P2P on TIF images with overview/pyramid layers. - GM-17567 Pro
  • Improved load of positions from external text file for P2P images when no header line is present in the file. - GM-17441 Pro
  • Repair an issue with P2P (SfM) not identifying images correctly which resulted in coverage loss. - GM-17161 Pro

Insight and Learning Engine Changes

  • Fixed an issue where Land Cover Classification fine-tuning was failing on certain machines due to random initialization of a variable. - GM-19135 Insight and Learning Engine
  • Improved input validation in the fine-tuning dialog to prevent the use of special characters that were previously causing errors. - GM-18967 Pro
  • Resolved an issue causing the processed tile count to exceed the total tile count during inference on large files. - GM-18804 Pro
  • Append original model name to custom fine-tuned or retrained model. - GM-18776 Pro
  •  - GM-18620 Insight and Learning Engine
  • Fixed display issue when panning while creating training data. - GM-18514 Pro
  • Resolved an issue where converting a land cover map to a new palette/schema using the Generate Training Data tool resulted in correct pixel values but incorrect colors. - GM-18503 Pro
  • Resolved an error during LCC post-processing when running on smaller tiles or cropped images, even with sufficient memory. - GM-18189 Pro
  • Revised the text on the Building Extraction page for clarity and to better describe raster image requirements. - GM-18104 Pro
  • Resolved an unhandled exception and retry issue when canceling file downloads for ILE tools, ensuring the operation stops without further messages. - GM-17853 Pro
  • Updated ILE tools to automatically tile and process large files exceeding tool limitations, removing the need for manual tiling. - GM-17829 
  • Resolved an unhandled exception and non-closable "Training Status" window issue when canceling a fine-tuning operation of land cover classification. - GM-17602 Insight and Learning Engine
  • Updated the Generate Training Data tool to assign "Building-Ground" as the default feature type for new polygons, ensuring consistency in building extraction and fine-tuning. - GM-17490 
  • Updated the LCC fine-tuning tool to support lower-resolution ground truth data and handle mismatched bounds with downsampling or cropping. - GM-17458 Pro
  • Added a save reminder to the "Target Land Cover Types Settings" tool, prompting users to save unsaved work before exiting to prevent data loss. - GM-17401 Pro
  • Resolved a visual glitch when dragging data in the Generate Training Data tool. - GM-17400 Pro
  • Resolved an issue preventing valid entries in Target Land Cover Type Setting dialog from reloading due to spaces in class name fields. - GM-17391 Pro
  • Resolved an issue with red streaks appearing outside cropped data areas by setting the land cover and building classes of NoData regions to 0 (UNKNOWN/Non-Building). - GM-17241 Pro

3D Viewer Changes

  • Fix 3D flythrough setup and use when attempting to visualize data containing 3D labels. - GM-18760 Standard
  • Fixed issue with drop-out of Lidar in 3D after running a classification or other edit operation. Note this typically only happened to Lidar that had been rectified or thinned. - GM-18567 Standard
  • Fix a variety of problems involving 3D label handling. - GM-17451 Standard
  • Fix a variety of accuracy issues with 3D Lidar selection for hover and feature info selection. Add hooks to minimize math overflow when viewing 3D data in some contexts. - GM-16707 Standard
  • Resolved error display 3D point feature models. - GM-16478 Standard
  • Fix internal 2D/3D render handling which caused pixel shading errors in the 3D view when changing shaders. - GM-15236 
  • Fixed issue with resetting 3D viewer perspective when using the measure tool. - GM-15166 
  • Resolved issue resetting 3D perspective when edited are made when views are linked. - GM-14453 
  • Fixed data dropout issue with saving fly-through video. - GM-14328 
  • 3D pipes now allow a full decimal representation for their width. - GM-13954 Standard
  • Added tool view and set camera position in the 3D Viewer. - GM-4807 Standard

Path Profile / Line of Sight Function Changes

  • Fixed precision on Path Profile corridor width display for values under 0.1. - GM-19439 Pro
  • Path Profile Line of Site check box settings for enabling Fresnel zones is now remembered when the dialog is opened again - GM-18933 Standard
  • Fixed issue where path profile setting changes wouldn't always be recorded into the registry - GM-18748 Standard
  • Fixed issue where the scale in path profile wouldn't display correctly when zooming in - GM-18277 Standard
  • Fixed issue where path profile setting changes wouldn't always be recorded into the registry - GM-17733 Standard
  • Path profile elevation corridor settings now correctly get applied to the LOS lines when the "selected layers" option is on - GM-17676 Standard
  • The cursor text in path profile now will move above/below the cursor depending on being above/below the center - GM-16765 Standard

Analysis Function Changes

  • Improved handling of flatten site tool when no allowed cut or fill slope is specified. This is only possible when filling inside the area and not flattening from terrain edges. - GM-18873 Standard
  • Fixed issue with creating histograms for 64-bit raster tiff data. - GM-18783 Standard
  • Fixed issue with degree symbols in attributes for view shed features in 26.0 release. - GM-18763 Standard
  • Made the Sample Size setting for the Generate Breaklines operation be remembered for data over 1m in resolution. - GM-18652 Pro
  • Fixed flattened site plan calculation speed issue when not calculating inside of the area(s) to flatten. - GM-18625 Standard
  • Fixed issue with area being cropped to during shadow calculations being moved after the operation completes. - GM-18623 Pro
  • Fixed rare issue with contours could not be generated directly from a TIN layer. - GM-18519 Pro
  • Fixed issue with font display in Feature Info tool. - GM-18512 Standard
  • Fixed issue with reported time on generated solar shadow mask layers being off by one hour if the local time was in daylight savings time. - GM-18495 Pro
  • The bounds of the selected polygon should now be obeyed - GM-18420 Standard
  • Terrain Paint Slope Along/Across range validation error message will now display expected slope range in correct units. - GM-18363 Pro
  • Fixed incorrect raster reclassify rules validation error. - GM-18148 Standard
  • Fixed raster reclassification of palette-based image within area. - GM-17713 Standard
  • Fixed the use of 'layer bounds' for an operation on terrain data (like contour generation) from a vector layer. - GM-17591 Standard
  • Ensure breakline 'Flat' slope controls are available for the 'Find Breaklines at Any Surface Break' option when 'Slope' is the selected Curvature Grid Type as they affect the results. - GM-17486 Pro
  • Ensure measure attributes are copied to the new flatten site area when optimizing placement during Flatten Site calculations. - GM-17468 Standard
  • Made the Raster Paint tool update the palette color selections when the user edits the palette for the layer being painted on. - GM-17388 Pro
  • Fixed issue where labels read from palette files could be truncated. - GM-17236 Standard
  • Fixed issue with breakline generation creating self-intersecting lines in some cases. - GM-16708 Pro
  • Fixed issue with Terrain Paint on tiff layers. - GM-16552 Pro
  • Corrected enabled state of Raster Reclassify Set Unlisted to No Data checkbox. - GM-16437 Standard
  • Exclude label layers from available inputs in Variography and Kriging tool - GM-14241 Pro
  • Prevent water changes in the 3D window from forcing a 3D view refresh. - GM-13319 Standard

Digitizer Tool Changes

  • Fixed issue in 26.0.2 hotfix release when trying to simplify a collection of features with a total vertex count less than 1000. - GM-19404 Standard
  • Fixed the adding of distance/bearing/COGO lines by clicking additional points on the map rather than manually entering them. - GM-19296 Standard
  • Fixed issues moving a selected vertex by clicking rather than click-and-drag. - GM-18950 Standard
  • Fixed flatten site plan 'equalize cut-and-fill volume' height calculation (incorrect in 26.0.0-26.0.1). - GM-18651 Standard
  • Fixed issues with incorrect degree symbols in grid lines and added coordinate attributes. - GM-18570 Standard
  • Fixed error when trying to perform a Lidar QA/QC operation against control points with no elevation values. - GM-18478 Pro
  • Fixed degree symbol display in created bounding box attributes. - GM-18256 Standard
  • Fixed issue cropping out overlapping polygons from raster layers. - GM-18118 Standard
  • The features should now be vertically shifted in this case - GM-17347 Standard
  • Added option for cylindrical buffer top and bottom to conform to feature or terrain elevations. - GM-17018 Standard

Attributes / Query Changes

  • Fixed degree symbol display in created bounding box attributes. - GM-18256 Standard
  • Min and max slopes / elevations in the attribute table are now what the user set in the Setup Vectorize dialog - GM-17776 Pro
  • Fixed issue where Attribute Editor could incorrectly show feature template attribute values for non-templated features. - GM-17677 Standard
  • All matching records should be kept in this operation now - GM-17212 

Scripting Changes

  • Fixed issue where a script run in it's own 'sandbox' (not in context of main map view) would reset the bounds of the main map display. - GM-19013 Standard
  • Fixed export of fixed screen position layers using EXPORT_RASTER script command. - GM-18606 Standard
  • Ensure LIDAR_FILTER script parameter is used with GENERATE_ELEV_GRID command with TIN gridding of Lidar. - GM-18458 Standard

Online Source Changes

  • Fixed issue loading WMTS source with format name specified like 'image/format; application=xxx' - GM-18916 Standard
  • Fixed the issue with the temporary directory names exceeding the Windows MAX_PATH limit - GM-18689 Standard
  • Fixed error loading data from NASA GIBS online source. - GM-18566 Standard
  • Improved pop up text request value when connecting to online data source. - GM-18483 Standard
  • Added information dialog when connecting to a TCarta online source. - GM-18415 Standard
  • Updated source urls for NASA GIBS online data sources. - GM-18413 Standard
  • Fixed issue with launch of premium online source prompts when searching. - GM-18038 Standard
  • Fixed issues accessing ESRI Feature Services that required authorization. - GM-15570 Standard
  • New design of the Online Source Dialog has been introduced - GM-8753 Standard

Projection / Datum Changes

  • Fixed name displayed for CA State Plane Zone 5 in status bar when it is the active projection. - GM-19255 Standard
  • Added built-in EPSG codes for State Plane / NAD83 / Maine zones with US survey feet as units. - GM-18976 Standard
  • P2P generated output will not override the existing global/workspace projection - GM-18884 Pro
  • In GC Mode, when the horizontal coordinate system is changed by the user, any existing vertical will be preserved rather than being cleared as in previous versions of the application. - GM-18310 
  • If GeoCalc Mode is turned on, restoring Configuration Defaults will now leave it on, rather than unsetting it. - GM-18289 Standard
  • In GeoCalc mode, fix logic for converting elevation values so that units are handle properly. - GM-18117 
  • In GC mode, enhance the error message when no valid coordinate transformation is available to specify the vertical coordinate systems as well as the horizontal. - GM-18076 
  • When first enabling GC Mode, when "None" is allowed, properly pop a Transform Picker to allow the user to select it when applicable. - GM-18075 
  • In GC Mode, if default Projection is enabled but user does not pick a Projection, handle it without an error and simply uncheck the checkbox. - GM-17909 
  • Stack trace no longer appears when toggling large lidar data in GeoCalc Mode. - GM-17645 
  • In GeoCalc Mode, add vertical coordinate reference system name to displays of current layer information in Configuration dialog. - GM-17119 
  • In GeoCalc mode Configuration dialog, clearly identify layers where no transform was needed, or where the user selected "None." - GM-17118 
  • In GeoCalc mod, users will now be warned during a DEM export if they are attempting to export an unsupported datum such as NAD83-HARN. - GM-17110 
  • Fixed DWG export from Global Mapper units bug. The resulting file always had 'Feet' $MEASUREMENT flag, which incorrectly scaled in metric Civil3D drawing. - GM-16884 Standard
  • Split existing MGI Austria datum into separate datums for the datum using the 2010 NTv2 grid shift file and one using the 2021 NTv2 grid shift file. - GM-16692 Standard
  • Removed rounding of elevation values from text file import. - GM-12368 

Format Specific Changes

  • Ensure GeoPackage exports maintain a known EPSG code on export and reload. - GM-19220 Standard
  • Fixed issue with extra points being included in some cases when exporting reprojected Lidar point clouds and cropping to a polygon. - GM-19094 Standard
  • Fixed issue with Lidar exports when XY units are converted dropping some points on the edge. - GM-18974 Standard
  • The error message should no longer appear. - GM-18924 Standard
  • Fixed issue with File -> Export -> Export Elevation Grid not allowing export to Lidar LAZ if no data besides an elevation grid was loaded. - GM-18822 Standard
  • Fixed missing word in dialog text. The dialog box for DWG export now reads: “Note that some software may be unable to deal with attributes. If you have trouble with an exported DWG with this option enabled, disable this option and try again” - GM-18775 Standard
  • Improved error handling when a corrupt 3D model file (PLY, OBJ, etc.) is loaded. - GM-18751 Standard
  • Fixed error exporting areas to GPX when no points or lines are loaded. - GM-18749 Standard
  • The error should no longer appear. - GM-18747 Standard
  • Fixed issues with non-English characters in the chart name for BSB charts. Also maintain case of chart name in BSB files. - GM-18669 Standard
  • Fixed export of fixed screen position layers using EXPORT_RASTER script command. - GM-18606 Standard
  • Fixed issue with display of non-English characters from layers loaded from .zip files. - GM-18557 Standard
  • Fixed issues displaying 1-bit black-and-white TIFF files if the fill order flag is explicitly set. - GM-18547 Standard
  • Improved automatic recognition of projection information from ENVI HDR files. - GM-18533 Standard
  • Ensure the axis order for GML files is not assumed when there is some ambiguity. - GM-18482 Standard
  • Improved resolution of points loaded from text/CSV files as Lidar point clouds. A minimum of 0.1mm resolution should now be preserved. - GM-18480 Standard
  • Resolved issue with Japanese characters in Cesium export file names. - GM-18474 Standard
  • Corrected placement of vectors loaded from PDF when a rotation is applied to the coordinates. - GM-18407 Standard
  • Fixed issues with large or rotated symbols being cropped when exporting to KML / KMZ. - GM-18376 Standard
  • Fixed DXF file export for surface models to be HUGE, in this test case 4x larger. AcDBFaces are exported if the face has three points and valid elevation values. - GM-18344 Standard
  • Changed file naming options for Cesium model exports. - GM-18251 Standard
  • Fixed issues loading XLS files with non-English characters in the filename. - GM-17566 Standard
  • The error message should not be shown in this case - GM-17270 
  • The numbers should be displayed properly now without scientific notation - GM-17173 Standard
  • Fixed DXF export from Global Mapper units bug. The resulting file always had 'Feet' $MEASUREMENT flag, which incorrectly scaled in metric Civil3D drawing. - GM-17145 Standard
  • Fixed issues with error handling for very large exports to STL for a 3D printer. - GM-17129 Standard
  • Fixed error loading DXF / DWG files with 3D meshes that have invalid faces. - GM-17112 Standard
  • Fixed DWG export from Global Mapper units bug. The resulting file always had 'Feet' $MEASUREMENT flag, which incorrectly scaled in metric Civil3D drawing. - GM-16884 Standard
  • Resolved issue showing KML feature descriptions. - GM-16253 
  • The attributes should no longer be duplicated now - GM-15875 Standard
  • Fixed issue where s57 has duplicate features in the base display group - GM-15720 Standard
  • Resolved issue with DXF export with Hebrew characters in file name. - GM-15441 
  • Only the filename should be shown now - GM-15327 Standard
  • The progress should be reported now - GM-15237 
  • Fixed DFX import unhandled exception running thread Spatial Index - for complex Mesh Faces. - GM-13936 Standard
  • Fixed LandXML import I circular curve import where the wrong arc of the circle was being displayed.
    Added LandXML import support for <Spiral> curves. - GM-13318 
  • There is a new menu item in the control center context menu that says "Automatically Refresh Selected Layer On Change" - GM-7696 
  • Added Favorite Scripts functionality to save and run commonly used scripts from the new Scripting Toolbar. - GM-3463 Standard

Rendering/Style Changes

  • Fixed wording on copy paste dialog - GM-18314 
  • Label text Font Halo Color and Size are now configurable. - GM-763 Standard

Map Layout Changes

  • Made Map Layout Editor map views with a custom layer list immediately reflect changes in the layer order in the main Control Center. - GM-19319 Standard
  • Fixed the use of fonts with halos in Text and Legend Elements for the Map Layout Editor. - GM-19279 Standard
  • Made hiding layers in the main map Control Center also hide them in Map Layout. - GM-19066 Standard
  • Fixed issues printing lines with an arrow track forward or reverse style. - GM-18605 Standard
  • Map Layout Editor Export to PDF will now export selected layers, if specified. - GM-15494 Standard
  • Updated the Map Layout Editor to combine the Map Element Control Center with the Page List on the left side of the window. - GM-14260 Standard

Misc. Changes

  • Fixed name displayed for CA State Plane Zone 5 in status bar when it is the active projection. - GM-19255 Standard
  • Fixed stack trace error when trying to add an inset map view from a minimized 2D map view. - GM-19019 Standard
  • P2P generated output will not override the existing global/workspace projection - GM-18884 Pro
  • Unchecking the "Use Custom Description" box should set the Feature Description back to the Feature Type - GM-18797 Standard
  • Fixed issues with non-English characters in the chart name for BSB charts. Also maintain case of chart name in BSB files. - GM-18669 Standard
  • Fixed issues displaying the layer description from layers with non-ASCII characters that were saved prior to 26.0 or came from non-English systems. - GM-18668 Standard
  • Fixed issue with reported time on generated solar shadow mask layers being off by one hour if the local time was in daylight savings time. - GM-18495 Pro
  • Fixed script editor tollbar tooltip text - GM-18491 Pro
  • New connections should now work without the need for recreation. - GM-18470 Standard
  • Improved the speed and progress reporting when extracting .zip and .7z files. - GM-18307 Standard
  • If GeoCalc Mode is turned on, restoring Configuration Defaults will now leave it on, rather than unsetting it. - GM-18289 Standard
  • Ensure Layer Attributes dialog for a layer updates when an Undo removes features from that layer. - GM-18278 Standard
  • Min and max slopes / elevations in the attribute table are now what the user set in the Setup Vectorize dialog - GM-17776 Pro
  • The highlighted controls have been removed from the dialog associated with this command: Crop/Combine/Split Functions>Resample/Split Selected Features at Specified Spacing - GM-17564 Standard
  • Fixed issues zooming the Reference view in the Image Rectifier dialog. - GM-17166 Standard
  • Fixed issue with hill shading and Slope Shader not working on GeoTIFF layers with overviews after applying a shift. - GM-17152 Standard
  • Enter a number pop up no longer appears when you remove values from the x and y axis output dimensions. - GM-16830 
  • Corrected text in custom shader range value entry dialog. - GM-16628 Standard
  • Resolved issue with zooming in the Image Rectification tool. - GM-15794 Standard
  • The preview should look as it did in 23.1 - GM-13754 
  • Added support for loading zip archives that use the Deflate64 compression method. - GM-13395 
  • Added ability to select lines that self-intersect, then if found an option is displayed to repair self-intersecting line by splitting the line at self-intersections. - GM-9017