Global Mapper Insight and Learning Engine™ (Beta)

The Global Mapper Insight and Learning Engine™ (Beta) is comprised of a set of deep learning-based imagery analysis tools.

This tool requires Global Mapper Pro.

Tools included in the Insight and Learning Engine™ (Beta) can be accessed from the Deep Learning Dropdown Menu, or from the Deep Learning Toolbar.

The new Insight and Learning Engine™ (Beta) in Global Mapper Pro 26.1 is available to all users with active Maintenance and Support. It requires version 26.1 to be installed and licensed. These tools will remain available to Pro users in Global Mapper Pro version 26.1 until September 2025.

The Insight and Learning Engine™ (Beta) is comprised of the following tools:

Land Cover Classification - The Land Cover Classification tool can be used to classify land cover data from aerial imagery.

Object Detection - The Object Detection tool allows for users to extract building footprints, and identify vehicles from high resolution aerial imagery.

Fine-Tuning - The Fine-Tuning tool can be used to adjust the built in models included in the Insight and Learning Engine™ (Beta) tools to better fit user data, as well as create new custom models from scratch.

Note: These tools will utilize CUDA-enabled GPUs if available by default. Using a machine with a dedicated Nvidia CUDA-enabled GPU can greatly improve processing time. If a machine does not have a compatible GPU, the tools will run on CPU. There is also an option in the Advanced section of Configuration to turn off GPU usage even on machines with a compatible GPU.