The EXPORT_VECTOR command exports all currently loaded vector data to a file. The following parameters are supported by the command.

  • FILENAME - full path to file to save the data to
  • EXPORT_LAYER - filename or description of layer(s) to export. By default all compatible and exportable layers are exported. You can include multiple EXPORT_LAYER parameters if you have multiple masks to search. Wildcards (* and ?) are supported. Hidden layers are not considered.
  • SAVE_GRID_LINES - specifies that if grid line display is enabled that the grid lines should be saved. Specify SAVE_GRID_LINES=NO to disable this option. If it's not specified the the grid lines will be saved if enabled.
  • GEN_PRJ_FILE - specifies that a projection (PRJ) file should be generated in addition to the output file. Set this to YES to cause the projection file to be generated. Leaving out this parameter or setting it to anything but YES will cause no PRJ file to be generated.
  • GEN_AUX_XML_FILE - specifies that an ESRI .aux.xml projection file should be generated in addition to the data file. Use GEN_AUX_XML_FILE=YES to turn on.
  • OVERWRITE_EXISTING - specifies that existing files should be overwritten. The default is OVERWRITE_EXISTING=YES, so use OVERWRITE_EXISTING=NO to skip exporting files that already exist.
  • SHAPE_TYPE (works for any, required for SHAPEFILE only) - specifies the vector object type (area, line, or point) to export. For formats other than SHAPEFILE if you don't provide a value then all available features will be exported. For the SHAPEFILE format you must specify exactly one of the below. For other formats you can specify a comma-delimited list of the following (like SHAPE_TYPE="AREAS,LINES"):
    • AREAS - export area features
    • LINES - export line features
    • POINTS - export point features