Advanced Feature Creation
The Advanced Feature Creation menu includes any feature
creation tools that are derived from other input data, or the result of
data analysis. The
Advanced Feature Creation sub-menu is
available in the right-click menu when the Digitizer
tool is active, or in the top level Digitizer Menu.
The Advanced Feature Creation options available will depend on the input
data selected.
Create Grid...
Create Buffers Around Selected Feature(s)…
- Create/ Flatten Terrain from Selected Area Feature(s)
- Calculate Flattened Site Plan Grid from Selected Area(s)
Create Areas from Lines
- Create New Area Features from Selected Island(s)
- Create Coverage Area (Concave Hull) for Selected/ Loaded Features
- Subdivide Quadrilateral Area
- Chop/ Modify Selected Areas with Islands to Remove Islands
- Create Multi-Part Polygon from Selected Area Features
- Separate Multi-Part Polygons into Separate Areas
Create Lines from Areas
- Create New Line Feature from Selected Points
- Create Area
Skeletons/ Center Lines
- Create Perpendicular Lines Spaced Along Area and Line Features
Create Points from Lines/ Areas
- Create New Point / Text Feature At Specified Bearing / Distance
- Create New Points at Centroids of Selected Area Feature(s)
- Create Randomly Distributed Points within Selected Area Features
- Create Point Features Spaced Along Selected Features
- Create Quiver Plot (Direction Vectors) from selected points.
- Create Point at Centroid of Selected Point Features
Create 3D Model from Selected Lidar
- Create 3D Model(s) From Selected Area Feature(s)
- Create Whisker Lines (Lines at Given Bearing) from Selected Points(s)
- Connect Selected Points to Selected Lines with New Lines (Chainage)
- Insert Pad
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