What's New in Global Mapper v23
Significant New Features
- Added Undo / Redo capabilities for most operations. The Edit menu contains new Undo / Redo / Manage Undo options to allow undo'ing and redo'ing one or more operations. The Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y hot keys also work for Undo and Redo.
- Added support for 3D labels for any label in a label layer.
- Added support for lines and areas in the Spatial Operations tool.
- Added ability to classify vector features using Equal Interval, Equal Count and Natural Breaks (Jenks).
Significant New Features in Global Mapper Pro
- Added support for embedded Python scripts. The scripts can be loaded or created using the Run Script dialog.
- New script editor interface for editing scripts inside Global Mapper with syntax highlighting.
- Added new Analysis menu command to allow automatically extracting breaklines from terrain.
- Significantly improved the performance of building and vegetation classification using the segmentation method for mixed density point clouds, including terrestrial lidar.
- New Tool for customizing segmentation of Point Clouds. Split the point cloud into unique segments using a variety of selected point attributes and calculated values. Combined with the Select Lidar Segments tool this can support semi-automated custom classification of point clouds.
- Added new selection tools for points within segment groups to support selection and editing of all points within a segment.
- New tool to extract vector features from raster data.
- GPS now supports RTK capability. Global Mapper now has a built-in NTRIP client to forward location corrections from specified NTRIP caster to GPS receiver over serial or bluetooth.
Lidar Changes
- Dramatically sped up operations that edit large amounts of Lidar data, especially on machines with a large number of cores. - GM-12439
- Sped up sorting of large Lidar point clouds (on load or export to GMP) by a factor of 10 or more. - GM-12465
- New Tool for customizing segmentation of Point Clouds. Split the point cloud into unique segments using a variety of selected point attributes and calculated values. Combined with the Select Lidar Segments tool this can support semi-automated custom classification of point clouds. - GM-12473 Pro
- Added the ability to select all Lidar points in the same segment as one or more currently selected points. This option is available under the Advanced Selection submenu of the Digitizer Tool in the 2D and 3D views. - GM-12014 Pro
- Added new selection tools for points within segment groups to support selection and editing of all points within a segment. - GM-12474 Pro
- Added option to find and select Lidar points within (or further than) some distance from loaded terrain surfaces. This option is accessible via the 'Select Lidar by Distance' toolbar button. - GM-11178 Pro
- New option for lidar styling to Color Lidar by Segment. - GM-11566 Pro
- Fixed issue with unavailable Lidar draw modes being selected when loading a workspace in an instance without the Lidar module licensed. - GM-12082
- Improved error reporting when auto-classifying very large Lidar data sets. - GM-12598
- Updated color selection dialog 'Select from Map' function to get the color from colorized Lidar at the click location if no raster data exists there. - GM-12458
- Fixed issue with spikes in 3D building models when the data collection was done close to the ground. - GM-9870 Pro
- Fixed issues with slower performance handling Lidar data after it has been shifted in XY location. - GM-12610
- Fixed issue selecting and editing Lidar when zoomed far out. - GM-12442
Pixels to Points Changes
- Added several new built-in camera models, including DJI Zenmuse XT2 (Thermal and Visual) and Leica DMC3. - GM-9037
- Fixed issue with blank Pixels-to-Points post-processing report being generated when the draw filter has unknown Lidar classes turned off for display. - GM-11997
- Resolved issue with Pixels to Points report in Korean build of Global Mapper. - GM-11830
- Fixed issue in 3D view when picture points are loaded with other data. - GM-11135
New Supported Formats
- Added support for multibeam bathymetric data from Kongsberg Simrad in mb56 format. Data can be loaded as a point cloud or a raster image. - GM-2237
- Added support for loading SAGA GIS .sdat grid files. - GM-12386
- Added ability to export Lidar data to Autodesk ReCap RCS files. - GM-9297
3D Viewer Changes
- Added support for 3D labels for any label in a label layer. - GM-2797
- Improved performance of 3D viewer when there are many vector area features of different colors. - GM-11966
- Fixed a problem to prevent the digitizer from enabling when changing the 3D skybox when Global Mapper had no data loaded. - GM-11948
- Fixed issue with 3D measurement not persisting when the measurement is stopped. - GM-11739
- Sped up the display of lidar by class in 3D. - GM-11747
- Improved 3D refresh and bounds calculation for various types of data editing. - GM-11640
- Fixed display of 3D measurement when measuring from vertex to vertex. - GM-10353
- Fixed issue in 3D view when picture points are loaded with other data. - GM-11135
- Fixed the notification message for the cursor location and last point coordinates when using the measure tool. - GM-12086
- Fixed issue displaying and selecting lidar with scale/offset applied in 3D.
Fixed issues identifying and rendering clipped and selected 3D Lidar. - GM-11737
- Improved navigation in 3D to be more responsive to repeated movement in fly or walk mode. - GM-11704
Path Profile / Line of Sight Function Changes
- Added button to toggle Perpendicular Profile display on Path Profiles. - GM-11575
- Allow intersecting features on Path Profile to be indicated using just a point, instead of a point with vertical lines. - GM-8533
- Fixed performance issue when saving a profile to a PDF or other vector format when large map catalogs are loaded. - GM-12405
- Restored option to export profiles to a PDF with a fixed scale. Also fixed issue with the profile geometry being duplicated in some cases on export of the rendered profile to any format. - GM-12282
- On the perpendicular profile spacing setup, changed "Sample Elevations at Profile Vertices/ Endpoints Only" to "Sample Elevations at Profile Vertices and Endpoints Only".
- GM-12046
Analysis Function Changes
- Added Analysis menu command to allow the creation of Curvature Grids from loaded terrain layers. Currently supported methods include Profile, Planform, Longitudinal, Cross-Sectional, and Standard/General curvature. - GM-1175 Pro
- Added new Analysis menu command to allow automatically extracting breaklines from terrain. - GM-6714 Pro
- The Contouring tool Implements non-overlapping mode for iso-elevation area generation. The functionality is available at both dialogs and scripting command. - GM-11399
- Added support for lines and areas in the Spatial Operations tool. - GM-11798
- New tool to extract vector features from raster data. - GM-6675 Pro
- Made Contour Interval setting be remembered between invocations rather than always resetting to the default. There are different intervals stored for 10 different ranges so the behavior should be good for any data. - GM-12060
- Added new Spatial Operations filters for selecting valid or invalid features from a feature collection - GM-12300
- A text box to input color distance has been added. - GM-12577
- Allow creation of a Grid rather than Image when gridding Lidar classification codes. - GM-11932
- Added ability to limit Search and Replace function using a bounding rectangle - GM-10769
- The Create Viewshed workflow allows to combine individual Viewshed layers into a single overlapping layer with all the individual feature attributes as a single collection. The TOWER_ID attribute is added to the collection to select attributes by tower points. - GM-8154
- Added option to use selected features as Terrain Paint brush shapes. - GM-11466 Pro
- Added option in terrain painting to define the brush size in linear units (m / ft) - GM-11496 Pro
- Improved speed accuracy of peak finding when generating contours. Adding a scripting command in GENERATE_CONTOURS for MIN_PEAK_SLOPE which helps remove peaks incorrectly found in flat areas. - GM-12025
- Dramatically sped up the 'Combine Line Features' operation and allowed users to cancel it. - GM-12611
- Enabled and disabled axis and legend fields as appropriate on Graph Series tab. - GM-12184
- Fixed issue where attribute histogram calculations were not respecting feature groups. - GM-12135
- Changed the spatial operations dialogs from resizing. - GM-11930
- Fixed issue with 'Crop to Selected Area' not working when doing an average Color grid from Lidar and filling gaps. - GM-12130
- Made text used in the spatial operations tabs available to translation. - GM-11926
- Fixed Calculation of Flattened Site Plans to area features with elevations when using the 'Area Heights Relative to Ground' option. - GM-12083
- A change was made to the spatial operations language that made spatial transforms more consistent with the syntax used by spatial operations and spatial predicates. - GM-11885
- Fixed slow performance creating a mesh (3D model) from some online terrain sources. - GM-12531
- Fixed issue with Contour Generation 'Find Local Peaks and Depressions' options checking by default once used one time. - GM-12536
- In Contour Generation, Find Local Peaks and Depressions is no longer on by default. - GM-11120
- Corrected placement of terrain painted areas on DTED layers. - GM-12513
- Clarified display of point elevation values that come from the point geometry instead of an elevation attribute. - GM-11947
- Fixed problems with layer projections in spatial operations. The current rule is that if the input layers use the same projection, then the output layer uses that; if they differ, then the projection used for the output layer is that of the first input layer. - GM-11646
- Fixed a problem where the spatial operations script parser could fail if the script was in Unicode. - GM-11939
- Fixed problem generating view sheds in v22.1.0 when the start angle is 0 and the swept angle is 360. - GM-11976
- Fixed issues using the 'Flatten to Area Heights' option to create a flattened site plan grid. - GM-11851
- Fixed issue causing terrain paint across slope to slow. - GM-11972
Digitizer Tool Changes
- Added Undo / Redo capabilities for most operations. The Edit menu contains new Undo / Redo / Manage Undo options to allow undo'ing and redo'ing one or more operations. The Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y hot keys also work for Undo and Redo. - GM-9707
- Updated the creation of distance/bearing/COGO lines to add the list of call outs (distance/bearing values) as a Notation attribute to the created feature. - GM-12110
- Fixed issue closing gaps in area features that are not closed. - GM-12031
- Fixed crash when using the 'Adjust Elevations to a Single Slope' command with point features selected. - GM-12624
- Can now create per-vertex timestamp based on speed. - GM-9549
- Add option to create a 3D model from selected 3D area features. The option is in the Digitizer Tool menu under Advanced Feature Creation Options->Create 3D Model(s) from Selected 3D Area(s). - GM-11310
- Updated distance/bearing/COGO line creation to support COGO strings with bearings specified like DD.MMSS and to have a drop-down for selecting whether bearings are relative to True North, Magnetic North, or Grid North. In addition, all distance/bearing/COGO lines will now calculate using an Orthographic projection with the origin at the start point to minimize distortion. - GM-12144
- Added new Attribute Calculator function random(), used to populate attributes with random numbers. The numbers produced should form a uniform distribution over a closed interval between the upper and lower bounds. Integral results may be generated if desired. - GM-11485
- Added option to control creation of lines in straight skeleton. - GM-8678
- Dramatically sped up the closing of gaps between large numbers of adjacent features from the Digitizer Tool. - GM-11990
- Fixed display of Notations on the Feature Info dialog. - GM-11999
- Fixed issue selecting area features that cross the ATM when they are being reprojected. - GM-12518
- Fixed behavior of default attribute lists when editing features with the Digitizer Tool. - GM-12339
- Fixed issue with the proper layer not being selected the first time you edit more than one feature with the Digitizer Tool. - GM-12189
- Fixed issue with "Adjust Elevations to Single Slope" calculations - GM-12169
- Fixed issues using the 'Create Point Features Spacing Along Selected Features' option in the Digitizer Tool with the 'Sample Features at Single Fixed Distance' option. When sampling with distance units other than meters, the appended unit is now correct. In addition, the label applied to any points created from existing vertices (if the 'Keep All Original Vertices' option is checked) are now correct. - GM-11838
- Fixed issue with mesh simplification have missing faces in the output in some cases. - GM-12187
- Allow snapping to non-point features when using the 'Select from Map' option on a location specification dialog (like specifying the anchor point for grids). - GM-12049
- Fixed issues closing gaps between adjacent line features. - GM-12097
- - GM-11409
- Fixed very minor discrepancy in the edge length of regular grid features when the current projection uses units other than meters. - GM-11638
- Fixed the issue where GPS Elevation Offset was not used to calculate actual waypoint elevation - GM-12278
- Improved mesh simplification when there are very tiny topology issues with the mesh being simplified. - GM-12604
- Changed so that a group's point model is not changed in group feature editing unless it's explicitly done by the user, in which case it affects all currently selected points. - GM-6046
- Fixed issue creating buffers around line and area features when the display projection is lat/lon (Geographic) and the bearing type is 'Grid North'. - GM-11168
Attributes / Query Changes
- Added new right-click option to Feature Info dialog allowing the display of attribute values in a separate window. This allows easy viewing of multi-line and values. - GM-12004
- Made the coordinate display on the Feature Vertices display obey the Precision Options from the Measure/Units tab of the Configuration dialog. - GM-12091
- Added mode to only show selected features in the Attribute Editor. - GM-10258
- Fixed the functionality of the Load Saved Query button. - GM-12138
Scripting Changes
- Added support for embedded Python scripts. The scripts can be loaded or created using the Run Script dialog. - GM-12070 Pro
- Added GENERATE_BREAKLINES script command for generating breaklines from loaded terrain layers. - GM-12480 Pro
- Implemented python module to provide SDK API in "standalone" mode (outside the GlobalMapper application) - GM-12333 Pro
- Added support for creating COG (cloud-optimized-GeoTiff) files using the EXPORT_RASTER script command with TYPE=COG. - GM-12007
- Added new parameter to EDIT_VECTOR script command to allow points created via CREATE_POINTS_ALONG_FEATURES to be labelled sequentially instead of by distance. - GM-11268
- Added SAMPLE_TYPE parameter to EXPORT_ELEVATION command to allow specifying the band type for elevation exports. This now allows 32-bit integer types for GeoTIFF exports. - GM-12151
- Added new script command to export GeoPackage files - GM-6280
- Added new script command to generate a density grid. - GM-1936
- Added new script command to generate a Roughness Grid overlay from loaded data - GM-11919
- Updating the COMBINE_TERRAIN count operation (COMBINE_OP=COUNT_VALID) to work with loaded raster data (i.e. imagery) in addition to terrain layers. - GM-7500
- Added ability to shift data by distance and bearing to SHIFT_LAYER script command. - GM-11248
- Updated scripts to set the default folder for files with no path to the script file folder. This can be overridden using a new DEFAULT_FOLDER parameter for the GLOBAL_MAPPER_SCRIPT command. - GM-11980
- Add the parameters used when using the LIDAR_CLASSIFY script command to auto-classify ground points to the status window. - GM-12088
- A change was made to the spatial operations language that made spatial transforms more consistent with the syntax used by spatial operations and spatial predicates. - GM-11885
Online Source Changes
- Added ESA CCI 2015 Global Land Cover data - GM-9607
- Added built-in online source link to ALOS PALSAR 12.5m DEM data for Alaska. - GM-12029
- Fixed problem downloading FEMA Flood Map data (or data from other large data sets) - GM-11063
- Fixed error doing large exports from non-tiled WMS sources. - GM-12662
- Added CORINE 2012 and 2018 as built in online sources for Land Cover - GM-3079
- Added built-in access to premium MetroMap (Australia) sources for users that subscribe to that service. - GM-11637
- Fixed issue with WMTS sources using NZTM 2000 (New Zealand Transverse Mercator) not loading. - GM-12373
- Improved error messages displayed when REST feature downloads run into problems. - GM-12119
- Fixed lockup exporting large numbers of tiles from online sources. - GM-12498
- Fixed issues loading some built-in tiled sources. - GM-12062
- Fixed online sources for Hawaii - GM-7611
- Fixed issues loading some WMTS sources that require a STYLE parameter in the URL (even if the only valid option is 'default'). - GM-12134
- Updated New York state online sources. - GM-11546
- Update link to purchase Intermap data - GM-12009
Projection / Datum Changes
- Standardized naming for Italian datums and projections. - GM-12030
- EPSG code now appears in the top corner of the projection page - GM-9327
- Buffer, Range Ring, and Arc tool now have the uniform units options - GM-11621
- Improved recognition of IG05/12 datums from WKT PRJ files. - GM-12269
- Improved detection of Pseudo-Mercator (aka Web Mercator) projections from WKT PRJ files. - GM-12177
- Made it clear that the EPSG search on the Projection dialog can also find SR-ORG: codes if a raw number is supplied rather than a fully qualified value (like EPSG:1234 or SR-ORG:1234). - GM-12222
- Fixed datum transformation parameters for the VN-2000 datum. - GM-12230
- Fixed issue with the false easting and northing being incorrectly interpreted for some MrSID files. - GM-12023
- Fixed issue with the Zone selection on the Projection dialog not switching to an appropriate value for UTM if switching from another zoned projection (like MGA). - GM-12383
- Fixed issue with displaced customer's image layers in saved KMZ files - GM-11531
- Fixed issue with placement of raster images using OziExplorer .map files with British Grid zones. - GM-11441
- Corrected load of EPSG code 3078 (Michigan Georef). - GM-12581
- A unit conversion now gets applied on export to a DEM supported unit if the units are in US survey feet - GM-12131
- Global Mapper will now look for the user settings for the GeoCalc Mode in its new location for the newest version of Geographic Calculator in addition to the old location. - GM-12102
- Fixed intermittent issues when working with custom datums that have Bursa-Wolfe transformation parameters. - GM-11914
Format Specific Changes
- Added the ability to handle Region entities in a DWG file. - GM-8610
- Corrected name of NGVD29 Vertical Coordinate System on Lidar LAS/LAZ export dialog (was incorrectly labeled as NAVD29). - GM-12460
- Support for exporting CSV in MGRS coordinates - GM-3856
- Greatly improved progress reporting on batch conversion detailed progress dialog. - GM-11943
- Added support for automatically determining the projection from XML metadata from USGS that accompanies lidar files. - GM-11924
- Sped up the export of some data to palette-based image format. - GM-12320
- Added Map Layout Scale value to Screen Capture dialog. - GM-11670
- Improved load speed of XTF mosaic. - GM-10517
- Added a menu option to Export Web Format Files. - GM-9622
- Added custom coordinate position options present in Ascii Import to Excel import - GM-11978
- Added support for multibeam bathymetric data from Kongsberg Simrad in mb56 format. Data can be loaded as a point cloud or a raster image. - GM-2237
- Added support for loading SAGA GIS .sdat grid files. - GM-12386
- Added ability to export Lidar data to Autodesk ReCap RCS files. - GM-9297
- Added the ability to read style information from GeoPackage files exported from QGIS. - GM-9819
- Added the ability to read 3D Solids and other 3D models into GM as mesh features. - GM-1468
- Improved image quality and load speed of XTF mosaic. - GM-11504
- Added the ability to read and write coordinate system definitions in DWG and DXF files. - GM-11957
- Improved prompt for GML files to load Ordnance Survey styling so it only prompts once when loading multiple files. - GM-11541
- New option to group files in Control Center on load when loading many files at once, such as picture points. - GM-9532
- Added "Make Background (Void) Pixels Transparent" checkbox to CADRG/CIB/RPF export dialog. The option is recommended to be set if export of vector data is requested. - GM-7597
- Fixed issue when exporting elevation data to XYZ grid using 'bottom-to-top' or 'right-to-left' instead of the default order. - GM-11944
- Fixed issue with the wrong units being assigned from a WKT PRJ definition if there was no UNIT designation for the PROJECTION definition. - GM-11741
- Fixed issue where text file imports would treat columns as lidar information instead of attributes even when the data wasn't lidar data (based in column title) - GM-11550
- Fixed issue with export to 3D-enabled formats of non-3D areas cropped to rectangles adding per-vertex elevations with a value of -999999 to the areas. - GM-12002
- Improved color interpretation when loading IFC files - GM-11968
- When loading vector data from a PDF, ensure that data is loaded before displaying the rectification dialog. - GM-11066
- Fixed font/color inconsistent styling behavior in KML files - GM-7527
- Added progress reporting when loading large 2DM format files. - GM-12035
- Improved the handling of non-ASCII text when reading and writing DXF and DWG files. - GM-11954
- Fixed lockup batch converting to the GeoTIFF format. - GM-12033
- Fixed export of Hebrew and Arabic labels to PDF files if the text comes from a layer using a UTF-8 code page. - GM-12266
- Fixed issue with black overviews for elevation tiff data - GM-12367
- Fixed issue where setting for "Automatically fake location of unpositioned rasters" in Options >General >Raster Options was not being saved - GM-12305
- Fixed occasional issues batch converting from GeoTIFF files with overview layers to other image formats. - GM-12261
- Fixed lockup batch converting to DTED as well as prompt to select the type of file when first loading a DTED file. - GM-12260
- Fixed errors exporting map catalog (.gmc files) to Global Mapper Package (.gmp) files. - GM-12252
- Updated batch convert to GeoTIFF to maintain the tile size of the source data if it was also tiled. - GM-12221
- Auto-generate FID values in exported GeoPackage files even if there is a FID attribute in the source data. - GM-12180
- Fixed issue with black-and-white GeoTIFF files not exporting in v22.1. - GM-12190
- Fixed an issue for excel import where data from a line wasn't being split correctly if there was a particular sequence of commas and quotes - GM-12162
- Fixed issue where multiple copies of the data were being loaded from certain Esri TIN files. - GM-12096
- Designate vector MBTiles data sets as "not selectable", but not raster MBTiles data sets. - GM-12148
- Fixed issue with exporting TIFF overviews with JPEG compression. Properly set the JPEG quality for the export overviews. - GM-12040
- Fixed issue batch converting from archive files (.zip, etc.). - GM-11983
- Fixed batch conversion to GPX files. - GM-12075
- Fixed error message displaying some TIFF files that have internal errors. - GM-12139
- Fixed issue with displaced customer's image layers in saved KMZ files - GM-11531
- Fixed issue loading archive files contained with an archive file. - GM-11929
- Excel Import now supports additional date formats - GM-11721
- Fixed position of GeoTIFF files with a Mercator projection that use non-standard tags for the false easting/northing. - GM-12209
- Fixed issues with the 'Use Other Source Files as Filler' option during batch conversion. - GM-11897
- Fixed issue with placement of raster images using OziExplorer .map files with British Grid zones. - GM-11441
- Fixed issue where some labels were missing on raster exports that include vector data. - GM-11578
- Fixed issue with BAG file layer alignment. - GM-12078
- Removed prompt for 4th band interpretation when loading TIFF files as Picture Points. - GM-12272
- Corrected ASRP QUV (up to dateness) metadata. - GM-11608
- Fixed text import bug where elevation value wouldn't be set to 0 if left empty - GM-12018
- Fixed styling applied when importing newer Ordinance Survey GML files - GM-9321
- Added ability to import AutoCAD swept surface object as a collection of 3D areas. - GM-12146
- Fixed occasional lockup doing tiled exports to raster (image) formats with the 'Save Vector Data' option checked. - GM-12299
- Fixed display of UTF-8 characters in excel file preview. - GM-12396
- Fixed issue with export GeoTIFF overviews with transparent background. - GM-12182
- Fixed issues exporting layers over 4GB in size to GMP (Global Mapper Package) files. - GM-12463
- Corrected bounds of HDF5 layers. - GM-10963
- Fixed issue with multi-band exports with 4 or more data bands not properly creating an alpha channel when exporting to the MrSID format. - GM-12155
- Fixed issue where areas with holes exported to DWG do not appear in AutoCAD. - GM-12487
- Handled the case where a PostgreSQL user name contains a dot (".") character. - GM-12274
- Dramatically sped up the addition of large numbers of files to map catalogs (especially GeoTIFF files). - GM-12047
- Fixed issue when importing an Esri TIN data set. - GM-12094
- Can now export a layer with a single point to GMP/GMMP. - GM-11677
- Improved the consistency check for Geoslam files (databases). The error message is logged and a pop-up message is shown if the file does not contain required data. - GM-12010
- Improved handling of block reference entities in DWG files. - GM-12517
- Fixed issue where values for the 'name' attribute are missing in OSM exports - GM-12356
- Fixed issue with OTF terrain grid generation. - GM-11982
- Fixed issue with missing attribute data when loading IFC files - GM-11941
- A new option to in settings->general->"vector formats" so the user won't be prompted to load s57 files into more than one layer
Users will no longer be prompted to load s57 files into more than 1 layer if loading from a map catalog - GM-12109
- Added MapInfo Interchange Format to perpendicular path profile series export options. - GM-12319
- Modified area feature count displayed in Control Center and layer metadata to match count displayed in other GIS software. - GM-11137
- Added the ability to import some entities specific to AutoCAD Civil 3D from DWG and DXF files. - GM-11548
- Fixed the issue occurring at the attempt to export to GeoTIFF with overviews in JPG compression - GM-12011
- Fixed issue with export BigTIFF overviews - GM-12250
- A unit conversion now gets applied on export to a DEM supported unit if the units are in US survey feet - GM-12131
- The user can now mirror the UNITY export data Horizontally and Vertically as well as choose the byte-order. - GM-12191
- Fixed error in loading USGS tif files (unsigned 8-bit integer) - GM-11992
- Fixed issue in v22.0.1-v22.1.x saving some workspaces over 2GB in size. - GM-12205
- Fixed problem reading certain RCS files - GM-12219
- Import KML files that use non-standard delimiters in coordinate values. - GM-11961
- Improved load of JPEG2000 files by making use of embedded GML for positioning. - GM-12006
- Fixed handling of palette-based PNG files with transparency. The transparency was not being used. - GM-12057
- Added option to use alternate, faster, renderer for PDF files when batch converting from PDF to another format. - GM-12379
- Fixed issues exporting reprojected area features to GMP / GMMP files. - GM-12251
Rendering/Style Changes
- Added new Gaussian Blur resampling methods for raster and gridded elevation layers. - GM-12477
- Added ability to classify vector features using Equal Interval, Equal Count and Natural Breaks (Jenks). - GM-8804
- Added the ability to load a layer style from a Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) file - GM-8526
- Sped up the render of 3D models (meshes) that do not use textures or gradient fills. - GM-12249
- Added Attribute Calculator button to the Vector Options Styles tab. This allows you to calculate new attributes without leaving the style window, such as calculating new normalized values. - GM-12316
- Label line features with a multiple-line label when the label definition contains a 'new line' character. - GM-9264
- Fixed display of non-ASCII text on the status bar. - GM-11710
- Fixed issue with the HSV shader coloring the max value in a shaded terrain layer with the minimum color. - GM-12160
- Fixed display of UTF-8 characters in excel file preview. - GM-12396
Map Layout Changes
- Added ability to specify which layers to include on each layout page in the Map Layout Editor. - GM-4836
- Improved automatic crop of collar boundaries from CanMatrix 50K Canadian Topographic maps. Now the associated metadata XML will be used to determine the appropriate crop boundary automatically. - GM-11915
User Interface
- Added toolbar button to the Control Center for showing the Attribute Table for the selected layer(s). - GM-12317
- New GPS Sky View dialog shows the satellite constellation for the connected GPS. - GM-12496 Pro
Misc. Changes
- GPS now supports RTK capability. Global Mapper now has a built-in NTRIP client to forward location corrections from specified NTRIP caster to GPS receiver over serial or bluetooth. - GM-12231 Pro
- Fixed problem where setting the group name to blank does not remove the layer from its group. - GM-12085
- Updated the prompt to save a workspace for clarity - GM-12240
- Added ability to use layer bounds to specify crop polygon in Raster Layer Options. - GM-7409
- Updated default data to the latest political boundaries and to use label layer. Data © Natural Earth. - GM-12257
- Fixed rare error on some video cards when moving features with the Digitizer Tool. - GM-11984
- When replacing a mesh texture in the mesh texture viewer, if the texture load fails, the error message no longer contains stack trace and other debug information. - GM-12074
- Fixed the issue when selected layers were "invisible" if background color and font were changed - GM-12026
- Repaired incorrect error message text occurring when a workspace is saved with a tracklog is active. - GM-12273
- Fixed issue when setting the default projection to use a custom projection or datum. - GM-12027
- Fixed the issue where GPS Elevation Offset was not used to calculate actual waypoint elevation - GM-12278
- Fixed issue where a failed upload to MangoMap was causing existing map layers to be deleted. - GM-12003
- Fixed issue using the DEL key to close a vector layer that has an associated label layer. - GM-12188
- Updated the description of feature types using unknown S52 symbols to indicate its for s57 files - GM-12095
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