The EXPORT_VECTOR command exports all currently loaded vector data to a file. The following parameters are supported by the command.
- FILENAME - full path to file to save the data to
- EXPORT_LAYER - filename or description of layer(s) to export. By default all compatible and exportable layers are exported. You can include multiple EXPORT_LAYER parameters if you have multiple masks to search. Wildcards (* and ?) are supported. Hidden layers are not considered.
type of vector file to export
- FIRST_LOADED - export to the same type as the first loaded file
- LAST_LOADED - export to the same type as the last loaded file
- ANUDEM_CONTOUR - export lines with elevation to an AnuDEM contour .gen format file.
- ARC_UNGENERATE - export line and area features to an Arc Ungenerate format file.
- ARC_UNGENERATE_POINTS - export point features to an Arc Ungenerate format file.
- CDF - export to a Geographix CDF format file.
- COLLADA - export to a Collada (DAE) 3D model format file.
- CSV - export point features to a CSV format file.
- DELORME_DRAWING - export features to a DeLorme drawing text file
- DELORME_TRACK - export line features to a DeLorme track text file
- DELORME_WAYPOINT - export point features to a DeLorme waypoint text file
- DGN - export to a DGN v8 file.
- DLGO - export to a native format USGS DLG-O file.
- DWG - export to an AutoCAD DWG format file.
- DXF - export to an AutoCAD DXF format file.
- GARMIN_TRK - exports lines to a Garmin TRK (PCX5) format file.
- GARMIN_WPT - exports names points to a Garmin WPT (PCX5) format file.
- GEOJSON - exports area, line, and point features to a GeoJSON (JavaScript Object Notation) file.
- GPX - exports line and point features to a GPX (GPS eXchange Format) file.
- INROADS - exports to the InRoads ASCII format.
- KML - export to a KML or KMZ format file.
- LANDMARK_GRAPHICS - export to a Landmark Graphics format file.
- LIDAR_LAS - export to a Lidar LAS/LAZ file. Use .laz in filename to get LasZip.
- LOWRANCE_USR - export to a Lowrance USR format file.
- MAPGEN - export to a MapGen format file.
- MAPINFO - export to a MapInfo MIF/MID or TAB/MAP format file.
- MATLAB - export to a MatLab format file.
- MOSS - export line and area features to a MOSS format file.
- NIMA_ASC - export to a NIMA ASC format file.
- OBJ - export to a Wavefront OBJ 3D model format file.
- OSM - export to a OpenStreetMap (OSM) XML format file.
- OV2 - export to a TomTom OV2 format file.
- PLATTE_RIVER - export to a Platte River ASCII Digitizer format file.
- PLS_CADD - export to a PLS-CADD format file.
- PLY - export to a PLY 3D model format file.
- POLISH_MP - export to a Polish MP format file.
- SEGP1 - export to a SEGP1 format file.
- SHAPEFILE - export to an ESRI Shapefile format file.
- SIMPLE_ASCII - export to a simple ASCII text/XYZ/distance/z file.
- SOSI - exports area, line, and point features to a SOSI (Norwegian Data) file.
- STL - export to an STL 3D model format file.
- SURFER_BLN - export to a Surfer BLN format file.
- SVG - export to a Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) format file.
- TSUNAMI_OVR - export to a Tsunami OVR format file.
- WASP_MAP - export to a WAsP .map format file (line features only).
- XYZI - export to a XYZI (XYZ + intensity format file)
- ZMAP_ISOMAP_LINE - export to a ZMap+ IsoMap Line format file (line features only).
- ZMAP_XYSEGID - export to a ZMap+ XYSegId format file (area and line features only).
- SAVE_GRID_LINES - specifies that if grid line display is enabled that the grid lines should be saved. Specify SAVE_GRID_LINES=NO to disable this option. If it's not specified the the grid lines will be saved if enabled.
- GEN_PRJ_FILE - specifies that a projection (PRJ) file should be generated in addition to the output file. Set this to YES to cause the projection file to be generated. Leaving out this parameter or setting it to anything but YES will cause no PRJ file to be generated.
- GEN_AUX_XML_FILE - specifies that an ESRI .aux.xml projection file should be generated in addition to the data file. Use GEN_AUX_XML_FILE=YES to turn on.
- OVERWRITE_EXISTING - specifies that existing files should be overwritten. The default is OVERWRITE_EXISTING=YES, so use OVERWRITE_EXISTING=NO to skip exporting files that already exist.
- SHAPE_TYPE (works for any, required for SHAPEFILE only) - specifies the vector object type (area, line, or point) to export. For formats other than SHAPEFILE if you don't provide a value then all available features will be exported. For the SHAPEFILE format you must specify exactly one of the below. For other formats you can specify a comma-delimited list of the following (like SHAPE_TYPE="AREAS,LINES"):
- AREAS - export area features
- LINES - export line features
- POINTS - export point features
Tiling/Gridding Export into Smaller Chunks
See also Gridding/Tiling Operations into Smaller Chunks
- GRID_TYPE_CELL_SIZE - specifies that the export should be gridded into multiple tiles with each tile having the given size in the export projection. The value should be specified as cell width,cell height. For example, if you are exporting in a metric projection and want to tile the export into cells that are 10,000 meters wide by 5,000 meters tall, you would use GRID_TYPE_CELL_SIZE="10000.0,5000.0".
- GRID_TYPE_PIXEL_SIZE - specifies that the export should be gridded into multiple tiles with each tile having the given size in pixels/samples. The value should be specified as cell pixel width,cell pixel height. For example, if you want to tile the export into cells that are 800 pixels wide by 600 pixels tall, you would use GRID_TYPE_PIXEL_SIZE="800,600".
- GRID_TYPE_PIXEL_SIZE_MAX - specifies that the export should be gridded into multiple tiles with each tile having the given maximum size in pixels/samples. This works by calculating the number of rows and columns needed to hold cells of the given pixel dimensions, then shrinking those pixel dimensions down so that the tiles exactly cover the exported bounds. The value should be specified as cell pixel width,cell pixel height. For example, if you want to tile the export into cells that are at most 800 pixels wide by 600 pixels tall, you would use GRID_TYPE_PIXEL_SIZE_MAX="800,600".
- GRID_TYPE_ROWS_COLS - specifies that the export should be gridded into multiple tiles with a given number of rows and columns of tiles. The value should be specified as number of rows,number of columns. For example, if you want to tile the export into a grid of 8 rows each 4 tiles across, you would use GRID_TYPE_ROWS_COLS="8,4".
- GRID_OVERLAP - specifies how much to overlap tiles when gridding an export into multiple tiles. This is a percentage value from 0 to 100 and only applies when on of the GRID_TYPE_* parameters is used. For example, to make your grid tiles overlap by 5% of the grid tile size, use GRID_OVERLAP="5.0". The default value is 0.0, meaning that the tiles do not overlap.
- GRID_OVERLAP_NUM_PIXELS - indicates whether or not the value specified in GRID_OVERLAP should be interpreted as a number of pixels instead of a percentage. Use GRID_OVERLAP_NUM_PIXELS=YES to specify that the value specified in the GRID_OVERLAP parameter should be interpreted as a number of pixels. Use GRID_OVERLAP_NUM_PIXELS=NO or omit this parameter to specify that the value is a percentage.
- GRID_KEEP_CELL_SIZE - specifies that the size of the grid cells should be maintained over sample spacing. This means that if you specify a grid of 4 rows and 5 columns, each grid cell will be exactly 25% of the total export height and 20% of the total export width. The sample spacing may be slightly smaller than what is specified in order to achieve this. By default, the sample spacing is exactly maintained and each grid cell may be slightly larger than specified to maintain an integer number of exported cells. Use GRID_KEEP_CELL_SIZE=YES to enable.
- GRID_NAMING - specifies how to name tiles when gridding an export into multiple tiles. The value should be SEQUENTIAL for sequential numeric naming starting at 1, SEPARATE for separate prefix appending by row and column, or SEPARATE_COLS_FIRST for separate prefix appending by columns and rows. For the SEPARATE options, use the GRID_NAMING_COLS and GRID_NAMING_ROWS parameters to specify the details of how to name the rows and columns. The value will be appended to FILENAME specified in the EXPORT command. If no GRID_NAMING parameter is supplied, the last selected grid naming options selected in the user interface will be used.
- GRID_NAMING_COLS - specifies how to name the column portion of grid cell names when using the GRID_NAMING=SEPARATE or GRID_NAMING=SEPARATE_COLS_FIRST parameter. The value of this field is a comma-delimited list with the following field values:
- Naming type. Can have the following values:
- NUM - name using numbers in ascending order
- NUM_REVERSE - name using numbers in descending order
- ALPHA - name using letters in ascending order
- ALPHA_REVERSE - name using letters in descending order
- Starting value for numbering or lettering (i.e. '1', or 'A'). If the naming type is numeric you can also specify %left% or %right% as the starting value to use the left or right coordinate of the cell bounding box. For row naming you can use %top% or %bottom%.
- Prefix string to use before the numeric or alphabetic value.
- Step value for numeric naming (default is '1')
You can leave values blank if they don't apply or you want to use the default. As an example, to do numeric naming starting at the number 100, increasing by 10 each time with a prefix of DEM, you would use GRID_NAMING_COLS="NUM,100,DEM,10".
- Naming type. Can have the following values:
- GRID_NAMING_ROWS - specifies how to name the row portion of grid cell names when using the GRID_NAMING=SEPARATE parameter. See the documentation for the GRID_NAMING_COLS parameter above for details on the format.
- GRID_NAMING_PREPEND_ZEROES - specifies whether or not to prepend zeroes to the start of grid column/row names. Use GRID_NAMING_PREPEND_ZEROES=NO to disable the prepending of zeroes.
- GRID_NAMING_SEPARATOR - specifies the separator string to use between pieces of a grid name. The default is an underscore (_).
- GRID_CREATE_FOLDERS - specifies that a separate folder should be generated for each row (or column if GRID_NAMING=SEPARATE_COLS_FIRST is specified) of the export rather than placing every output file in the same folder.
- Tiling to Polygons/Areas - If you would like to tile your export to a series of polygons/areas, use the POLYGON_CROP_FILE and POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH parameters. Click the link for details.
Specify Bounding Box for Operation
See also Specify Bounds for Operation
- GLOBAL_BOUNDS - specifies the combine bounds in units of the current global projection. There should be 4 values in a comma-delimited list following the parameter name. The values should be in order of minimum x, minimum y, maximum x, maximum y.
- GLOBAL_BOUNDS_SIZE - specifies the combine bounds in units of the current global projection. There should be 4 values in a comma-delimited list following the parameter name. The values should be in order of minimum x, minimum y, width in x, width in y.
- LAT_LON_BOUNDS - specifies the combine bounds in latitude/longitude degrees. There should be 4 values in a comma-delimited list following the parameter name. The values should be in order of west-most longitude, southern-most latitude, eastern-most longitude, northern-most latitude.
- LAYER_BOUNDS - specifies that the operation should use the bounds of the loaded layer(s) with the given filename. For example, to export to the bounds of the file "c:\test.tif", you would use LAYER_BOUNDS="c:\test.tif". Keep in mind that the file must be currently loaded.
- LAYER_BOUNDS_EXPAND - specifies that the operation should expand the used LAYER_BOUNDS bounding box by some amount. The amount to expand the bounding rectangle by should be specified in the current global projection. For example, if you have a UTM/meters projection active and want to expand the bounds retrieved from the LAYER_BOUNDS parameter by 100 meters on the left and right, and 50 meters on the top and bottom, you could use LAYER_BOUNDS_EXPAND="100.0,50.0". You can also specify a single value to apply to all 4 sides, or supply 4 separate values in the order left,top,right,bottom.
- SNAP_BOUNDS_TO_MULTIPLE - specifies that the top-left corner of the bounding box for the operation should be snapped to a multiple of the given value. For example, using SNAP_BOUNDS_TO_MULTIPLE=1 will snap the top-left corner to the nearest whole number. The values will always go smaller for X/easting/longitude and larger to Y/northing/latitude so you always get at least what is requested.
- SNAP_BOUNDS_TO_SPACING - specifies that the top-left corner of the bounding box for the operation should be snapped to a multiple of the resolution of the operation. For example, if you are exporting at 5 meter spacing, the top left corner will be snapped to the nearest multiple of 5. Use SNAP_BOUNDS_TO_SPACING=YES to enable or SNAP_BOUNDS_TO_SPACING=NO to disable. If not provided, the global setting for snapping exports to the nearest sample spacing boundary from the Advanced section of the General tab of the Configuration dialog will be used.
- USE_EXACT_BOUNDS - specifies that the exact bounds that were defined in the command should be used. Generally, when the bounds specified in a command are not the same as the data bounds, the command uses the intersection between the two. When USE_EXACT_BOUNDS=YES is specified, the command will use the bounds as specified, instead of the intersection.
Cropping to Polygons/Areas
See also Cropping Operations to Polygons/Areas
- POLYGON_CROP_FILE - specifies the full path and filename or loaded layer description of a vector file/loaded layer containing one or more polygon features to which the operation should be cropped. If multiple polygons are found in the specified file the polygon which has the largest intersection with the data to be combined will be used as the crop polygon (see POLYGON_CROP_USE_ALL or POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH for exceptions).
- POLYGON_CROP_FILE_PROJ - specifies the projection to use for the POLYGON_CROP_FILE. Use if the file doesn't have an associated projection file. See special Projection Specification for instructions.
- POLYGON_CROP_NAME - specifies the name of a polygon shape previously defined using the DEFINE_SHAPE command to which the export should be cropped. The coordinates in the shape need to have been provided in whatever projection the new terrain layer will be in (i.e. the current projection). If you want to crop to any area features that are selected with the Digitizer Tool in the user interface rather than a defined polygon, use POLYGON_CROP_NAME="SELECTED".
- POLYGON_CROP_USE_ALL - specifies that if a POLYGON_CROP_FILE is specified that contains multiple polygons, the operation will be cropped to all polygons in that file rather than just the best-fit polygon.
- POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH - specifies that if a POLYGON_CROP_FILE is specified that contains multiple polygons, the operation will generate a separate export for each polygons in that file rather than just the best-fit polygon. See the POLYGON_CROP_BBOX_ONLY and POLYGON_CROP_NAME_ATTR options for naming and other options when using this parameter. Use POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH=YES to enable. This parameter also works with FEATHER_BLEND_EDGES. Use POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH=YES with FEATHER_BLEND_POLY_FILE or FEATHER_BLEND_POLY to feather the edges of multiple polygons.
- POLYGON_CROP_EXCLUDE - specifies that the crop areas are actually regions to exclude from the export rather than include. If you add POLYGON_CROP_EXCLUDE=YES to the command the results will contain everything outside the crop areas but within the full export bounds.
- POLYGON_CROP_COMBINE_DUPS - specifies that if a POLYGON_CROP_FILE is specified that contains multiple polygons and POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH is set, whether or not polygons with duplicate values for the attribute used for filenaming will be combined into a single export or split into separate exports. The default is POLYGON_CROP_COMBINE_DUPS=YES.
- POLYGON_CROP_BBOX_ONLY - specifies that if the POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH parameter is specified that each export should just be cropped to the bounding box of each polygon rather than the actual boundary of the polygon. Use POLYGON_CROP_BBOX_ONLY=YES to enable only cropping to the bounding box.
- POLYGON_CROP_GRID_ONLY - specifies that any crop polygon(s) are used only to determine which tile/grid cells will be exported. For each tile/grid cell that intersects a crop polygon, the full tile/grid cell will be exported. Use POLYGON_CROP_GRID_ONLY=YES to enable.
- POLYGON_CROP_INT_DATA_BOUNDS - control how the bounding box for the export is determined if a crop polygon is specified. If this option is disabled, the export bounds will be the bounds of the crop area(s), even if they extend outside the data bounds, unless you explicitly specified a bounding box in the other parameters (i.e. LAYER_BOUNDS, GLOBAL_BOUNDS, etc.). If the option is enabled, the export bounds will be the intersection of the crop area bounds and the non-cropped bounding box (i.e. full data bounds or specified bounds in other parameter). This parameter is enabled by default, use POLYGON_CROP_INT_DATA_BOUNDS=NO to disable.
- POLYGON_CROP_NAME_ATTR - used to control the filenames generated when cropping to multiple polygons using the POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH parameter. See special Attribute Name parameter details. This value will be appended to any filename specified in the EXPORT FILENAME parameter. If no value is provided, the exported files will be sequentially numbered.
- POLYGON_CROP_FOLDER_ATTR - used to control the filenames generated when cropping to multiple polygons using the POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH parameter. See special Attribute Name parameter details.
- POLYGON_CROP_FILENAME_SUFFIX - specifies the text to insert in the output filename just before the file extension when cropping to polygons. For example, if you add POLYGON_CROP_FILENAME_SUFFIX="_out", the original FILENAME was "my_file_.dem" and the value from the polygon was "A1", you would get an output filename of "my_file_A1_out.dem".
- POLYGON_CROP_COMPARE_STR - specifies a compare string to use to filter out the areas in the polygon crop file. See the COMPARE_STR parameter for the EDIT_VECTOR script command for details.

- SPLIT_BY_ATTR - specifies that the export should generate a separate file for each set of attributes values in the input data. Use the FILENAME_ATTR and/or FILENAME_ATTR_LIST and FILENAME_INCLUDE_ATTR_NAME parameters to control which attributes are compared to and in what order and how the filename is generated from those attributes and their values. Use SPLIT_BY_ATTR=YES to split your export so that all features with the same values for each of the specified attributes is in the same file.
- FILENAME_ATTR - contains a single attribute to use when naming files exported when using the SPLIT_BY_ATTR=YES parameter. If you would like to filter the results to only where an attribute has a specified value, do that with an equal sign, like FILENAME_ATTR="<Feature Name>=My Label". You can also use != rather than = to match on any feature with an attribute value not equal to the specified value. You can also embed the value of the attribute in the export path (or in any parameter of the command) by adding %SPLIT_ATTR% inside the command. For example use FILENAME="c:\my_path\%SPLIT_ATTR%\prefix.ext" to export each file inside a folder that includes the split attribute value.
- FILENAME_ATTR_LIST - contains a comma-delimited list of attributes to use when naming files exported when using the SPLIT_BY_ATTR=YES parameter. If you would like to filter the results to only where an attribute has a specified value, do that with an equal sign, like FILENAME_ATTR_LIST="<Feature Name>=My Label,ATTR_1=My Attr Val". You can also use != rather than = to match on any feature with an attribute value not equal to the specified value. If you need to match on a value that may contain a comma, use FILENAME_ATTR instead.
- FILENAME_INCLUDE_ATTR_NAME - specifies that the attribute name specified in the FILENAME_ATTR_LIST parameter should be included as part of the filename when using SPLIT_BY_ATTR=YES to split your export into a separate file for each set of attributes.
- MAKE_FNAME_LOWER - specifies that the generated filename should consist only of lower-case letters. Typically used along with SPLIT_BY_ATTR=YES when getting attribute values that are upper case and you want the filename to be lower case.

- SPLIT_BY_LAYER (SHAPEFILE only) - specifies that the export should generate a separate Shapefile for each layer/type in the input data
- EXPORT_MEASURES- specifies that 3D line and point objects should be export as PolyLineM and PointM features (respectively) rather than as PolyLineZ and PointZ features. Use EXPORT_MEASURES=YES to enable.
- GEN_MULTI_PATCH (SHAPEFILE only) - specifies that area features exported to a Shapefile should be stored as multi-patch features rather than areas. Use GEN_MULTI_PATCH=YES to enable.
- DISCARD_EMPTY_ATTRS (SHAPEFILE only) - specifies whether or not to include attributes in the DBF file even if all encountered values are empty. By default these attributes are included, add DISCARD_EMPTY_ATTRS=YES to discard them.
- ALLOW_COMMA_DECIMAL - specifies whether or not a comma character can act as a decimal separator. Use ALLOW_COMMA_DECIMAL=YES to allow a comma as the decimal within string values. If not specified only periods will be allowed for decimals when determining the type for a field in the exported DBF file.
- INC_MAP_NAME_ATTR - specifies whether or not the name of the map file that a feature came from should be added as an attribute to the DBF files exported with the Shapefile. Use INC_MAP_NAME_ATTR=YES to enable.
- INC_STYLE_ATTRS - specifies whether or not attributes for the feature styles of each feature should be added as attributes to the DBF files exported with the Shapefile This is disabled by default, use INC_STYLE_ATTRS=YES to enable.
- CODE_PAGE - specifies the code page to use for the Shapefile export. The default is ANSI (1252). Use the code page number, or the text UTF-8 (number 65001).
- GEN_3D_FEATURES - specifies that 3D line and point objects should be created in the exported file. Set this to YES to cause the the 3D features to be generated. Leaving out this parameter or setting it to anything but YES results in the normal 2D objects. The elevation stored for each vertex/point will be the first of the following that is available:
- The elevation associated with the vertex/point in question.
- The elevation associated with the entire area/line/point being exported. For example, the elevation of a contour line or spot elevation.
- The first elevation obtained by searching the loaded elevation layers at the position of the vertex/point.
A value of 0.0 will be used if no elevation could not be obtained via any of the prior methods.
- INC_ELEV_ATTR - specifies whether or not the elevation of a feature should be added as an attribute to the exported files. Use INC_ELEV_ATTR=YES to enable or INC_ELEV_ATTR=NO to disable. This is enabled by default.
- INC_LAYER_ATTR - specifies whether or not the layer (description) of a feature should be added as an attribute to the DBF files exported with the Shapefile. Use INC_LAYER_ATTR=YES to enable or INC_LAYER_ATTR=NO to disable. This is enabled by default.
- CREATE_EXTRUDE_FACES - specifies whether or not to create 3D areas for the sides and bottom of extruded area features (i.e. create a box) when exporting extruded areas to 3D Shapefiles. The sides and bottom of the extruded area will be included in a multi-part polygon with the top of the 3D area.

- COORD_DELIM specifies the delimiter between coordinates in coordinate lines
- COMMA - coordinates are separated by commas
- SEMICOLON - coordinates are separated by semicolons
- SPACE - coordinates are separated by space characters
- TAB - coordinates are separated by tab characters
COORD_ORDER - specifies the order of the coordinates in coordinate lines. The following values are supported:
- X_FIRST - x coordinates (i.e. easting or longitude) come first, followed by y coordinates (i.e. northing or latitude) (default)
- Y_FIRST - y coordinates (i.e. northing or latitude) come first, followed by x coordinates (i.e. easting or longitude)
- WKT - coordinate string in WKT (well-known-text format). This allows single line representations of areas, lines, and points.
- FEATURE_SEP (SIMPLE_ASCII only) - specifies whether or not to separate vector features with a blank line
- NONE - do not separate vector features
- BLANK_LINE - separate vector features with a blank line
- Any other text. Use the escape sequence \n to specify that you want to insert a line break. For example, to separate features with a blank line, then a line with the text "NEW FEATURE", then another blank line, use FEATURE_SEP="\nNEW FEATURE\n".
- PRECISION specifies the number of digits to include beyond the decimal point for the stored values. For example use PRECISION=6 to store values like XXXXXXX.XXXXXX.
- SAVE_DIST_Z_FILE (SIMPLE_ASCII only) - specifies that the output file should be a distance/Z file. Use SAVE_DIST_Z_FILE=YES to enable this option.
- USE_3D_DIST (SIMPLE_ASCII only) - specifies if exporting a distance/Z file that the distances are the 3D along-ground distance and not just distances on a flat ellipsoid. Add USE_3D_DIST=YES to enable.
- COORD_OFFSET (SIMPLE_ASCII only) - specifies the offset to apply to any coordinates written to the file. This offset will be added to each coordinate written to the file. The offset should be specified as a comma-delimited list of the X, Y, and Z offsets, such as COORD_OFFSET=100000.0,200000.0,0.0
- COORD_SCALE (SIMPLE_ASCII only) - specifies the scale factors to apply to any coordinates written to the file. Each coordinate will be multiplied by these scale factor before being written to the file. The scale factors should be specified as a comma-delimited list of the X, Y, and Z scale factors, such as COORD_SCALE=0.1,0.1,1.0
- EXPORT_ELEV - specifies whether or not a elevation value should be generated for each vertex. A value of EXPORT_ELEV=YES will cause elevations to be generated. If the option is not specified, elevation values will be generated.
- EXPORT_ATTRS- specifies whether or not feature attributes should be written to the text file just before the coordinates. Use EXPORT_ATTRS=YES to enable export of the feature attributes. If the option is not specified, attributes will be exported. If you don't want to export style attribute with the feature, use EXPORT_ATTRS=NO_STYLE to get just the associated attributes and name of the feature in the attribute list.
COORD_COL_NAMES (CSV Only)- Use this parameter to copy the column names from a previously imported text layer, or to specify custom names for the coordinate columns. This parameter must contain one of the following:
- A file name that identifies the layer containing default column names. If the layer is not currently loaded, or it does not contain saved column names, the default column names will be used.
- A comma-separated list of column names 'X Col,Y Col [,Z Col]'. If you specify column names, you must specify the X and Y column names. The Z column name is optional. For example COORD_COL_NAMES="my_x, my_y, my_z"
- ADD_LAT_LON (CSV only) - specifies that lat/lon columns should be added to a CSV export. Use ADD_LAT_LON=YES to enable.
- EXPORT_HEADER (CSV only) - specifies whether or not the header line for CSV files should be written. Enabled by default, use EXPORT_HEADER=NO to disable.
- USE_COMMA_FOR_DECIMAL (CSV only) - specifies whether the European style of using a comma for a decimal should be used rather than using a period.
- POINTS_ONLY (CSV only) - specifies whether loaded area and line features should be included in a CSV export as WKT coordinate strings. The default is to only export points, so add POINTS_ONLY=NO to enable area and line export.
- EXPORT_ECEF (SIMPLE_ASCII only) - specifies that the export should use ECEF (earth-centered earth-fixed, or geocentric) coordinates.

- EXPORT_DWG_LABELS (DWG only) and EXPORT_DXF_LABELS (DXF only) - controls how object labels are exported to DWG/DXF files. The following values are supported:
- YES or ATTRS - export labels as attributes tied to each feature
- NO or NONE - don't export labels
- FEATURE_LAYER_POINTS - export labels as point features with the layer matching the feature they are associated with
- LABEL_POINTS - export labels as point features in a separate label layer
Typically you want to set this to YES, unless you are working with a software package that cannot handle DWG/DXF files with attributes. Leaving out this parameter will cause feature labels to be discarded on export.
- LAYER_ATTR - specifies the attribute value to use from each feature for the layer name in the output file. The default is to use the feature description. See special Attribute Name parameter details for recognized values.
- VERSION (DWG only) - specifies the version of DWG to export. The following values are supported:
- R12
- R13
- R14
- R15 (Autocad 2000) [Default]
- R18 (Autocad 2004)
- R21 (Autocad 2007)
- R24 (Autocad 2010)
- R27 (Autocad 2013)
- DWG_TEXT_SIZE (DWG only) - specifies the multiplier value to apply to text sizes when exporting DWG file. Use this to control how large text is in the exported file.
- DXF_TEXT_SIZE (DXF only) - specifies the multiplier value to apply to text sizes when exporting DXF file. Use this to control how large text is in the exported file.
- ALLOW_LONG_LABELS (DXF only) - specifies that labels over 31 characters in the DXF file. Add ALLOW_LONG_LABELS=YES to enable this.
- EXPORT_ELEV - specifies whether or not a elevation value should be generated for each vertex. A value of EXPORT_ELEV=YES will cause elevations to be generated. If the option is not specified, elevation values will be generated.
EXPORT_SINGLE_ELEV_2D - specify that line features with a single elevation (like contours) should be exported as 2D polylines with a single elevation rather than 3D polylines. Use EXPORT_SINGLE_ELEV_2D=YES to enable.
- EXPORT_ATTRS - specifies whether or not feature attributes should be written to the file. Use EXPORT_ATTRS=YES to enable export of the feature attributes. If the option is not specified, attributes will not be exported.

- TYPE - File-Based Spatial Databases (Using these TYPE values requires that the FILENAME parameter also be specified to identify the spatial database to be used.)
- SPATIALITE - Spatialite/SQLite
- FILE_GDB - Esri File Geodatabase
- ESRI_PGEO - Esri Personal Geodatabase
- TYPE - Connection-Based Spatial Databases (Using these type values requires that the SDB_CONNECTION_NAME parameter also be specified to identify the connection to be used.)
- ESRI_ARCSDE - Esri ArcSDE Geodatabase
- MSSQLSERVER - Micorsoft SQL Server Spatial
- MYSQL - MySQL Spatial
- POSTGIS - PostGIS/PostgreSQL
- ORACLE - Oracle Spatial Database
- SHAPE_TYPE - When exporting to a spatial database, the SHAPE_TYPE parameter is required, and must contain only one shape type. Each exported table will contain a single geometry type.
- FILENAME - When exporting to a file-based spatial database, use this parameter to specify the full path to the database file. If exporting to an Esri File Geodatabase, this parameter must contain the directory containing the geodatabase (typically ends in ".gdb" even though it is a directory).
- SDB_CONNECTION_NAME - The name of the connection to be used to access a connection-based spatial database. Connections can be defined in the script using a DEFINE_SDB_CONNECTION command, or by using the Connection Manager in the Global Manager user interface. All of the connections defined in the Connection Manager are available for use in a script.
- SDB_TABLE_NAME - Each EXPORT_VECTOR command will output a single database table. Use this parameter to specify the name of the database table where the output will be stored. If the export uses gridding or splits the output by attribute, then multiple tables will be exported. The name specified here will be the base name, and will be modified for each output table based on the gridding and split-by-attribute parameters. This is similar to how the gridding process works when exporting a SHAPEFILE.

- MAP_NAME - specifies the name to use for the map. Typically defaults to the filename if not specified.
- TEMPLATE_FILENAME (POLISH_MP only) - specifies the full path and filename for another MP file to use for the settings for the new MP file being exported.
- MP_EXPORT_TEMPLATE_FILES (POLISH_MP only) - if a TEMPLATE_FILENAME value is provided, this controls whether or not the [FILES] section(s) from the template file will be copied to the new file.
- MP_COPY_ENTIRE_TEMPLATE (POLISH_MP only) - specifies that the entire contents of a specified template file should be copied to the new file rather than just the header portion of the template file.
- MP_IMAGE_ID (POLISH_MP only) - specifies the image ID value that should be stored in the resultant .mp file. If you don't specify this value or you specify a value of 0 a new value that has not been used before will automatically be generated.
- EXPORT_ATTRS specifies whether or not feature attributes should be written to the file. Use EXPORT_ATTRS=YES to enable export of the feature attributes. If the option is not specified, attributes will not be exported.

- GEN_3D_FEATURES - specifies that 3D line and point objects should be created in the exported file. Set this to YES to cause the the 3D features to be generated. Leaving out this parameter or setting it to anything but YES results in the normal 2D objects. The elevation stored for each vertex/point will be the first of the following that is available:
- The elevation associated with the vertex/point in question.
- The elevation associated with the entire area/line/point being exported. For example, the elevation of a contour line or spot elevation.
- The first elevation obtained by searching the loaded elevation layers at the position of the vertex/point.
A value of 0.0 will be used if no elevation could be obtained via any of the prior methods.
- DGN_UNIT_RESOLUTION - specifies the unit resolution to use in an exported DGN file. The default is 10000.0.
- DGN_GLOBAL_ORIGIN_LL - specifies whether the global origin of the exported DGN file should be set to the lower left of the design plane rather than at the center of the design plane. Use DGN_GLOBAL_ORIGIN_LL=YES to move the global origin to the lower left.
- DGN_REPLACE_DARK_COLORS - specifies whether the color of dark lines should automatically be replaced with white on export to make them more visible on a dark background. Use DGN_REPLACE_DARK_COLORS=YES to enable this option.
- EXPORT_ATTRS - specifies whether or not feature attributes should be written to the DGN file as tags. Use EXPORT_ATTRS=YES to enable export of the feature attributes. If the option is not specified, attributes will be exported. If you don't want to export style attribute with the feature, use EXPORT_ATTRS=NO_STYLE to get just the associated attributes and name of the feature in the attribute list.

- KML_AREA_DISPLAY_ABOVE_TERRAIN (KML only) - specifies that area features with associated elevation value should be displayed at height above the terrain surface in Google Earth. Use KML_AREA_DISPLAY_ABOVE_TERRAIN=YES to enable.
- KML_AREA_ELEVS_RELATIVE (KML only) - specifies that the elevation values associated with 3D area features are relative to the terrain surface rather than relative to sea level. Use KML_AREA_ELEVS_RELATIVE=YES to enable.
- KML_AREA_EXTRUDE (KML only) - specifies that 3D area features displayed in Google Earth should be extruded from the surface to create volumetric objects like buildings. Use KML_AREA_EXTRUDE=YES to enable.
- KML_AREA_FAKE_HEIGHTS (KML only) - specifies that fake elevation values should be assigned to area features exported to ensure that the draw order remains correct in Google Earth. This may be necessary to keep overlapping area features drawing correctly. Use KML_AREA_FAKE_HEIGHTS=YES to enable.
- KML_AREA_TRANSLUCENCY (KML only) - specifies how see-through filled area features will be in the generated KML file. The values should range from 1 to 100 and represent a opacity percentage, with 100 being completely opaque and 1 being almost completely transparent. The default value is KML_AREA_TRANSLUCENCY=75.
- KML_CHOP_FILLED_AREAS (KML only) - specifies that filled areas with a large number of vertices (over 4096 currently) should be chopped up into smaller pieces to avoid rendering issues in Google Earth on some machines. Use KML_CHOP_FILLED_AREAS=FALSE to disable the chopping, which is automatically done for filled areas with no borders.
- KML_FOLDER_ATTR (KML only) - specifies the name of a feature attribute to use for the folder name in the generated KML file. By default, the export will check for a KML_FOLDER attribute with the name of a folder to use.
- KML_HTML_DESC_TEXT (KML only) - specifies a HTML text string describing what to use for the description for each feature exported to a KML file. To add a quote mark inside your description text, use two single quotes ('') rather than a double quote ("), as the latter would terminate the parameter value.
- KML_LINE_DISPLAY_ABOVE_TERRAIN (KML only) - specifies that LINE features with associated elevation value should be displayed at height above the terrain surface in Google Earth. Use KML_LINE_DISPLAY_ABOVE_TERRAIN=YES to enable.
- KML_LINE_ELEVS_RELATIVE (KML only) - specifies that the elevation values associated with 3D line features are relative to the terrain surface rather than relative to sea level. Use KML_LINE_ELEVS_RELATIVE=YES to enable.
- KML_POINT_DISPLAY_ABOVE_TERRAIN (KML only) - specifies that point features with associated elevation value should be displayed at height above the terrain surface in Google Earth. Use KML_POINT_DISPLAY_ABOVE_TERRAIN=YES to enable.
- KML_POINT_ELEVS_RELATIVE (KML only) - specifies that the elevation values associated with 3D Point features are relative to the terrain surface rather than relative to sea level. Use KML_POINT_ELEVS_RELATIVE=YES to enable.
- KML_POINT_EXTRUDE (KML only) - specifies that 3D point features displayed in Google Earth should be extruded from the surface by drawing a thin line from the surface to the point. Use KML_POINT_EXTRUDE=YES to enable.
- INC_LAYER_ATTR - specifies whether or not displays labels should be exported for line and area features. Use INC_LAYER_ATTR=YES to enable or INC_LAYER_ATTR=NO to disable. This is disabled by default.
- CODE_PAGE - specifies the code page to use for the KML export. The default is UTF-8. Use the code page number, the ISO-8859-? string, or the text UTF-8 (number 65001).

- ELEV_UNITS - specify elevation units to use in export
- FEET - export in US feet
- METERS - export in meters
- LAS_VERSION - specifies what version of LAS file to write out. This would be 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, or 1.4. If you don't specify a version, the lowest version that will support all of the provided options will be used (typically 1.1 or 1.2).
- VERT_CS_CODE - specifies the vertical coordinate system (i.e. vertical datum) to store in the LAS file to specify what the elevations are referenced to. Use the EPSG code, like 5103 for NAVD88. If you don't specify a value and the source files used all use the same known system, that will be used. Note that no vertical datum conversion is done, this is just to supply metadata.
- VERT_CITATION - specifies the text description to store in the Lidar LAS file for the vertical coordinate system for the elevations. If nothing is supplied the default one (if any) for the supplied VERT_CS_CODE will be used.
- FILE_SOURCE_ID - specifies a File Source ID numeric value to store in the exported LAS file header. If not specified and one of the input files is a LAS file with this value specified it will be used.
- GLOBAL_ENCODING - specifies a Global Encoding numeric value to store in the exported LAS file header. If not specified and one of the input files is a LAS file with this value specified it will be used.
- SYSTEM_ID - specifies a System ID value to store in the exported LAS file header. If not specified and one of the input files is a LAS file with this value specified it will be used.
- GEN_SOFTWARE - specifies a Generating Software value to store in the exported LAS file header. If not specified and one of the input files is a LAS file with this value specified it will be used. Otherwise 'Global Mapper' will be used.
- INC_COLOR - specifies that a color value should be included with each point sample from the loaded raster layers (or from the original points if they were Lidar points with a color value). Use INC_COLOR=YES to enable. If not specified, the default will be set to YES if any point clouds with color values are part of the export.
- NO_PROJ_HEADER - specifies whether or not the current projection should be written in the LAS header. Use NO_PROJ_HEADER=YES to cause the projection to not be written.
- HEADER_OFFSET - specifies a custom header offset to use in the LAS file rather than an automatically determined one. The offset should be specified as a comma-delimited list of the X, Y, and Z offsets, such as HEADER_OFFSET="100000.0,200000.0,0.0". If you want the offset used for the original input file (if a Lidar point cloud), use HEADER_OFFSET="KEEP_ORIG".
- HEADER_SCALE - specifies a custom header scale factor to use in the LAS file rather than an automatically determined one. The offset should be specified as a comma-delimited list of the X, Y, and Z scales, such as HEADER_OFFSET="0.01,0.01,0.001" to specify precision of 100ths of units in X and Y and thousandths in Z. If you want the offset used for the original input file (if a Lidar point cloud), use HEADER_SCALE="KEEP_ORIG".
- FLIGHT_DATE - specifies the flight date to store in the exported LAS file header. This can be either the day of the current year (value 1 to 366) or a common date format, including month, day, and year. If not specified the current date will be used.

See also Lidar Point Filter Options
- LIDAR_ELEV_RANGE - specifies the range of elevations to include in the grid in meters. By default all elevations are gridded, but if you want to restrict values to say 50m - 150m, you could add LIDAR_ELEV_RANGE="50,150".
- LIDAR_HEIGHT_RANGE - specifies the range of heights above ground to keep in meters. By default all heights are used, but if you want to restrict values to say 0m - 2m above ground, you could add LIDAR_HEIGHT_RANGE="0,2".
- LIDAR_SCAN_ANGLE_RANGE - specifies the range of scan angles to include in the grid in degrees. By default all scan angles are gridded, but if you want to restrict the grid to only those points with scan angles between 0 and 30 degrees, you could add LIDAR_SCAN_ANGLE_RANGE="0,30".
- LIDAR_FILTER - specifies a comma-separated list of Lidar class numbers to export. Provide a minus sign to remove the type from the filter rather than add it. The filter starts off with nothing in it if you provide a LIDAR_FILTER string, but you can add ALL to enable everything or NONE to clear the filter, then add or remove stuff after that. For example, to specify a class filter with only types 2 and 3 enabled, use LIDAR_FILTER="NONE,2,3". To get one with everything but classes 2 and 3, use LIDAR_FILTER="ALL,-2,-3". If no LIDAR_FILTER is provided then all types currently enabled in the shared global Lidar filter are used.
- LIDAR_RETURN_FILTER - specifies a comma-separated list of Lidar return types to enable or disable. Provide a minus sign to remove the type from the filter rather than add it. The filter starts off with the current filter settings, but you can add ALL to enable everything or NONE to clear the filter, then add or remove stuff after that. For example, to specify a return filter with only unknown and first returns, use LIDAR_RETURN_FILTER="NONE,0,1". To get one with everything but the first return, use LIDAR_RETURN_FILTER="ALL,-1". The numeric values have the following meanings:
- 0 - Unknown Returns
- 1 - First Return
- 2 - Second Return
- 3 - Last Return
- 4 - Single Return
- 5 - First of Many Returns
- 6 - Second of Many Returns
- 7 - Third of Many Returns
- 8 - Last of Many Returns
- LIDAR_COLOR_FILTER - specifies a color to include in the grid. If no value is provided then all colors are gridded. Otherwise, you can provide multiple LIDAR_COLOR_FILTER parameters of the format LIDAR_COLOR_FILTER="RGB(red,green,blue)" to specify colors to keep. The LIDAR_COLOR_DIST parameter specifies how far from an exact match to a specified color that a point color can be to be kept.
- LIDAR_DENSITY_RANGE - specifies the range of point densities in points per square meter to include. Any Lidar points in regions with densities outside the range are ignored. If you use two values then everything between the values is used. If only one value is specified then all points in areas >= to the specified value are used. For example, LIDAR_DENSITY_RANGE="1.0" means that all points in areas with densities of 1.0 points per square meter or higher are used.
- LIDAR_SOURCE_ID_LIST - specifies a comma-separated list of point source IDs to keep. If no list is provided all points are kept. For example, to keep just points with a source ID of 5 or 6, use LIDAR_SOURCE_ID_LIST="5,6".
- LIDAR_INTENSITY_RANGE - filter to only the specified intensity values. The value is a pair of integers representing the range of intensity values to be included. Example: LIDAR_INTENSITY_RANGE=100,15. If only the first value is provided, it will be considered the minimum intensity value, so all values greater than that value will be included.

- EXPORT_AREAS - specifies that area features should be exported to GPX files as track lines. Use EXPORT_AREAS=YES to enable.
- EXPORT_ATTRS - specifies whether or not all feature attributes for waypoints will be included as tags. Use EXPORT_ATTRS=YES to enable export.
- EXPORT_DESC - specifies that <desc> tags will be exported for waypoints. Use EXPORT_DESC=NO to disable.
- EXPORT_ELEV - specifies whether or not a <ele> (elevation) value should be generated for each waypoints/trackpoing. Use EXPORT_ELEV=NO to disable.
- EXPORT_SYM - specifies that <sym> (symbol) tags will be exported for waypoints. Use EXPORT_SYM=NO to disable.
- EXPORT_TIME - specifies that <time> tags will be exported for waypoints and track points when available. Use EXPORT_TIME=NO to disable.

- QUAD_NAME (DLGO only) - specifies the quadrangle name to store in the header of the DLG-O file. If not quadrangle name is specified, Global Mapper will attempt to automatically determine one based on the loaded data.
- PRECISION (SVG only) - specifies the number of digits to include beyond the decimal point for the stored values. For example use PRECISION=6 to store values like XXXXXXX.XXXXXX.
- CDF_MAJOR_CODE (CDF only) - specifies the default major attribute code to use for features when exporting to a CDF format file (default is 32).
- CDF_MINOR_CODE (CDF only) - specifies the default minor attribute code to use for features when exporting to a CDF format file (default is 45).
- CDF_USE_DEFAULT_CODE (CDF only) - specifies that the default attribute code pair should be used for all features written to the CDF file and not just those for which no attribute code pair could be automatically determined based on the feature classification.
- INC_ELEV_ATTR (MAPINFO only) - specifies whether or not the elevation of a feature should be added as an attribute to the exported files. Use INC_ELEV_ATTR=YES to enable or INC_ELEV_ATTR=NO to disable. This is enabled by default.
- INC_LAYER_ATTR (MAPINFO only) - specifies whether or not the layer (description) of a feature should be added as an attribute to the exported file. Use INC_LAYER_ATTR=YES to enable or INC_LAYER_ATTR=NO to disable. This is enabled by default.
- VERSION (LOWRANCE_USR only) - specifies which version of USR file to create. Must be 3 or 4. By default VERSION=3 is used.
- SAVE_XY_AS_TENTHS (SEGP1 only) - specifies that the X and Y values should be multiplied by 10 when saved to the SEGP1 file
- SAVE_Z_AS_TENTHS (SEGP1 only) - specifies that the Z values should be multiplied by 10 when saved to the SEGP1 file
- ATTR_TO_DELETE (OSM only) - provides an attribute to ignore/delete when exporting to OSM XML files. You can provide multiple of these parameters to ignore multiple attributes, like ATTR_TO_DELETE="MP_TYPE" ATTR_TO_DELETE="RouteParam".
- Y_UP (STL, COLLADA, PLY, and OBJ only) - specifies that the STL file that is created will use a "Y-Up" orientation; that is, Y values in exported coordinates will represent latitudes and Z values will represent elevations.
- NO_PROMPTING (STL, COLLADA, PLY, and OBJ only) - specifies that the 3D export dialog is suppressed.
- CREATE_BINARY (STL only) - specifies that the STL file that is created will be a binary STL file rather than a (much larger) ASCII text STL file.