Zoom Tool
The Zoom command selects the zoom tool as the current tool.
To zoom in on a specific point, choose the [Zoom tool] from the toolbar or, [Tool/Zoom] from menu bar. A magnifying glass icon should appear on the screen. To zoom in, left click without dragging the mouse. The view is centered on where the mouse was clicked and will zoom in by a factor of two. To zoom out, right click without dragging the mouse. The view will zoom out by a factor of two, centered on where the mouse was clicked. You can also hold down the Ctrl key while right clicking to restore the view to the last zoomed view.
Alternately, one can zoom in to a user-defined rectangle by left clicking and then dragging a box while holding down the left mouse button.
If your mouse has a middle button, you can hold it down and drag the map similar to the behavior of the Pan (Grab-and-Drag) tool.