The GENERATE_PATH_PROFILE command allows for the saving of a 3D path profile to an ASCII XYZ file. This command uses loaded elevation data to generate a list of the 3D coordinates between two given points in the given elevation units. The following parameters are supported by the command.

  • FILENAME - full path to XYZ ASCII file to save the data to
  • ELEV_UNITS - specify elevation units to use in export
    • FEET - export in US feet
    • METERS - export in meters
  • POINT_COUNT - specifies the number of points to generate in the path. This must be at least 2. For example, to create 1000 points, use POINT_COUNT=1000. You can use the POINT_SPACING parameter rather than this to specify how far apart sample points should be.
  • POINT_SPACING - specifies the point spacing in meters to use between sample points along the path. For example, to create points spaced 10 meters apart, use POINT_SPACING=10.0.
  • START_POS - specifies the start position for the path profile. The coordinates must be given in the current global coordinate system. For example, if UTM if the current projection, you might specify and easting/northing as follows: START_POS=480000,4310000.
  • END_POS - specifies the end position for the path profile. The coordinates must be given in the current global coordinate system. For example, if UTM if the current projection, you might specify and easting/northing as follows: START_POS=480000,4310000.
  • ADD_LAND_USE_CODES - specifies whether to query loaded LULC data sets for the land use code at each point and to include that land use code after the elevation. Use ADD_LAND_USE_CODES=YES to turn on adding land use codes for each point.
  • APPEND_TO_FILE - specifies that the elevations between the start and end locations should be appended to the file specified if it already exists rather than a new file being created. Use APPEND_TO_FILE=YES to enable.
  • ADD_BLANK_LINE - specifies that a blank line will be added to the file if APPEND_TO_FILE=YES is added to the command and the file was not empty to start with. Use ADD_BLANK_LINE=YES to enable adding the blank line.
  • SAVE_DIST_Z_FILE - specifies that the output file should contain distance and elevation values rather than XYZ coordinate values. Use SAVE_DIST_Z_FILE=YES to enable this option.