Convert 3D Model / Mesh

The following tools are available to transform a 3D model into another data type.

Create Elevation Grid from 3D Vector Data

Use this tool to convert a mesh feature into an elevation grid.

Create 3D Area from 3D Model(s)...

This tool is available in the Overlay Control center. Right-click on a mesh layer(s) and navigate to the Layer sub-menu to find this option.

Convert 3D models into area features. The area features produced will obtain the feature type TIN face area, but can also be treated as standard area features.

Create Image Layer from 3D Model(s)...

This tool is available in the Overlay Control center. Right-click on a mesh layer(s) and navigate to the Layer sub-menu to find this option.

For 3D models that contain a texture, this tool will convert the applied texture into an orthoimage.

Create Point Cloud from 3D Model(s)...

This tool is available in the Overlay Control center. Right-click on a mesh layer(s) and navigate to the Layer sub-menu to find this option.

This option will convert a 3D model into a point cloud by including the vertices, and sampling the faces. This point cloud output can then be classified, converted to an elevation grid, etc. to create different terrain and lidar products.

Create 3D Model / Mesh

The following tools are available to create a 3D Model.

Create Mesh Feature from Terrain...

This tool is available in the Overlay Control center. Right-click on a terrain layer(s) and navigate to the Layer sub-menu to find this option. It can also include imagery layers.

This option will triangulate the terrain grid into a mesh feature. Each pixel specified will be converted to two triangles.

If a raster image is also selected in the layer dialog, the image layer will be applied as a texture image.

To modify the texture image of the generated mesh see Mesh Feature Style

See Also: