Adjust Elevations to a Single Slope
This option adjusts the elevations of a line feature to conform to a specified slope degree. This tool requires terrain data to be loaded.
Select the line feature(s) of interest with the Digitizer tool, or drag to select a subset of vertices within a line feature.Then right-click to Move/Reshape Feature(s)> Adjust Elevations to a Single Slope.
In the Adjust Elevations to a Single Slope dialog specify the line slope in degrees (+- 60 degrees).
When the entire line is selected, the first vertex of the line will be set at the terrain height (or keep its current value if per-vertex elevations are already set for the line feature). The additional line vertices will have the Z value adjusted to conform to the specified slope.
When a subset of vertices of the line are selected, the selected vertices will be adjusted to match the specified slope. The first selected vertex in the line (per the order listed in Feature Vertex List) will keep its height. The subsequent vertex will adjust conform to the specified slope.
When a set of non-consecutive vertices are selected in a line, all segments between those vertices will be adjusted to conform to the specified slope.
Adjusting the slope a line will impact the 3D length of each line segment. The X and Y position of each vertex will not be changed, only the Z value is modified.