The Map Legend element in the Map Layout editor contains a legend of vector features and / or palette colors. This legend can be freely moved around the layout and resized.
To add a legend to a map layout, select Map Legend Element... from the Insert menu.
No legend will be displayed on the main map window.
A legend will be displayed for vector features on the map.
A legend will be displayed for palette colors for loaded raster files with palettes.
A legend will be displayed including both vector features and raster palette colors.
By default the legend will display vertically, with one value per row. Specify additional columns to divide the legend horizontally.
When styling is controlled by Feature Types, specify the attribute value used to label the legend. If the layer is styled based on Attribute/ Name Values this will be overridden by the list of values. For more information see Vector Data Layer Options.
When this option is selected, the legend entries associated with vector data will be split into groups by layer group (if there are any) and by layer description.
Select this option to use a natural sort order for labels, rather than an strictly alphabetical sort. This will keep numeric values in order of quantity.
The below labels will sort as follows
Alphabetical sort with the option unchecked:
Numeric or "natural" sort with this option selected:
Specify which feature types to include in the vector legend.
Select which layers to include in the map legend.
Specify which palette colors to use in the palette legend, and setup the palette. For more information on palette setup options see the Layer Options Palette tab.
Give the legend a title or header label.
Add footer text to bottom of the legend.
Use the font dialog to specify the desired font. A preview will display in the Sample area of the dialog.
Select the font to use for the text. The list will populate with available system fonts. See also Labels Configuration for default font face and character set.
Specify text effects, including a halo around the text, a specific font color, or strikeout and underline effects.
Specify the script to use for the text. The available options are dependent on the selected font.