Display Tab

The Display tab for Elevation Data (pictured below) contains controls allowing the user to control the color intensity (brightness/ darkness), color transparency, blending, anti-aliasing, and color shading of the selected layers.


Color Intensity

The Color Intensity setting controls whether displayed pixels are lightened or darkened before being displayed. It may be useful to lighten or darken raster overlays in order to see overlaying vector data clearly.


The Translucency setting controls to what degree overlays underneath the selected overlay are visible. The default setting of Opaque means that underlying overlays will not be visible. Settings closer to Transparent make the overlay increasingly more see-through, allowing overlapping data to blend.


In the Transparency section, the Transparent option allows a particular color (or colors) to be displayed transparently, making it possible to see through a layer to the layers underneath.

The Set Transparent Color... button allows the user to select the color to treat as transparent.

With palette files, multiple colors may be selected using the CTRL or SHIFT key and selecting the palette colors. CTRL can also be used with the Pick from Map tool to pick multiple colors in a palette file.


Pick Color From Map - when this option is selected the cursor will change to an eyedropper. Click on any 2D map to select the color value at the cursor location.

Add to Custom Colors - This adds the color to the list of custom colors, shown below the basic colors.

The Exact to Fuzzy slider in the Transparency section controls how similar to the selected transparent color(s) that a color in the image has to be before it is also treated as transparent. The Exact side means that only exact matches on color will be treated as transparent, moving the slider towards the Fuzzy side makes progressively less similar colors be treated as transparent. This is useful for getting rid of colors in lossy formats like JPG and ECW where the colors are not exact.

Blend Mode

The Blend Mode setting controls how an overlay is blended with underlying overlays, in addition to the Translucency setting.

The Blend Mode settings allow Photoshop-style filters to be applied to overlays, resulting in often stunning results. The results from a particular set of overlays from a particular blend mode setting can often be hard to predict, so rather than try to understand what is technically happening for each blend mode it's best to just experiment with different ones until you find one that you like. The Hard Light setting seems to work well with satellite imagery overlaid on DEMs, but the others can be quite useful as well.

The Transparent option allows a particular color to be displayed transparently, making it possible to see through a layer to the layers underneath. For Example, when viewing a DRG on top of a DOQ, making the white in the DRG transparent makes it possible to see much of the DOQ underneath. Pressing the Set Transparent Color... button allows the user to select the color to treat as transparent in the selected overlay.


The Resampling option allows the user to control how the elevation value for each displayed/export location is determined based on the values in the file.

The following resampling methods are supported:


The Shader option allows the user to choose which elevation shader is to be used for coloring the cell values within this layer. By default, all gridded layers will share the elevation shader selected on the toolbar, but there may be certain situations where you want to color one layer differently than the others and exclude it from the loaded elevation range. One common example is a gridded layer that actually has non-elevation data.

Check the Use Global Enable/Disable Hill Shading Option to indicate that the use of hill shading on this layer should be controlled by the global option to enable or disable hill shading for all layers. The global option can be changed from the Shader Toolbar or from the Vertical Options tab on the Configuration dialog.  

When the Use Global Enable/Disable Hill Shading Option box is not checked, then use the Use Hill Shading for this Layer check box to control whether or not to use hill shading when the selected layer is displayed.  If this box is checked, the layer will have hill shading applied regardless of the current value of the global hill shading option.

If more than one elevation layer are selected, and those layers have different settings for Use Global Enable/Disable Hill Shading Option, then a light grey check will appear in the box. Any subsequent changes to the hill shading options will then be applied to all selected layers.