Workspace Options

Right click on the top level Current Workspace in the Overlay Control Center to see these options.

Set File (Text, PDF, etc.) to Display When Loading Workspace...

This option brings up a dialog to specify a file. This file will be automatically opened in the native windows application whenever the workspace is loaded.

This function is useful, for example, to open a word document or PDF that relates to the map data and is necessary every time the workspace is opened. The load window filters to common Text and HTML files, but any file that has a known program associated with it in Windows could be automatically opened with the workspace.

Close All Hidden Layers

This option removes all layers that are currently marked as hidden (i.e. have their display check-box unchecked) .

Hide All Offscreen Layers

This option hides (i.e. un-checks the display check-box for) all layers that are currently completely off of the main map view .

Hide Layers that are Outside Selected Area Feature(s)

This option hides (i.e. un-checks the display check-box for) all layers whose bounds don't intersect the currently selected area feature(s). The area(s) need to be selected with the Digitizer or Feature Info tools before choosing this option.

Hide Layers that are Covered by Selected Area Feature(s)

This option hides (i.e. un-checks the display check-box for) all layers whose bounds intersect the currently selected area feature(s). The area(s) need to be selected with the Digitizer or Feature Info tools first.

Display Layer List in Reverse Order (Last Drawn is First)

The Overlay Control Center default order is to list layers in the order that they are drawn. The top layer in the list draws first , and is displayed below any subsequent layers that are drawn on the map.

Check this setting to reverse the order. With this setting selected the top layer in the Overlay Control Center list will be the one drawn 'on top' in the map display.

Layer order in the Overlay Control Center and map display is also impacted by the Vector Layer Ordering Configuration setting.

Select All Onscreen Layers

Layers that are visible (turned on with a check) and inside of the current map display extent will be highlighted in the Overlay Control Center.

Reorder Maps by Description /Resolution/ Location...

This option displays a dialog to choose a method by which to reorder the maps in the list. The options includes sorting alphabetically, by resolution, or spatially sorting the maps.

Reverse Order of Selected Layers

This will reverse the order of layers as they are listed in the Overlay Control Center. Depending on the vector display setting, the map display drawing order will also change.

Create a New Feature Template Layer...

This option creates a new empty feature template layer. Feature Templates can constrain the allowed values for attributes and require values for attributes. For more information see Feature Templates.