Rectifier Options Menu

The Options menu allows you to setup various options related to the rectification process, as described below:

Rectification Method - the Rectification Method submenu allows you to select which rectification method (hence the name) to apply to the entered control points. Different methods are available based on how many control points have been entered. The various methods are as follows:

Resampling Method - the Resampling Method submenu allows you to select how the source image pixels will be resampled to create the rectified imagery. These settings simply control which resampling method is applied initially for rectified images. This can be changed later in the Overlay Control Center.

Auto-Name GCPs - this setting controls whether or not you will be prompted to enter a name for each ground control point (GCP) entered. Disabling this allows you to specify a name for each GCP, but can interrupt workflow. Unless you have a specific need to name your GCPs, we would recommend turning this option on.

Display GCP Labels - this setting controls whether or not the names of each ground control point (GCP) will be displayed in the Zoomed and Reference Image views.

Remember Last Projection - this setting controls whether or not to initialize the projection to the last used rectification projection when rectifying new data. If this is not enabled, the projection will always default to Geographic/Arc Degrees/WGS84.

Add Control Points at Corner Points - this option allows you to easily create a control point at each corner of the layer being rectified. If enough other control points have already been entered to do a rectification, the new corner control points will automatically be initialized with the best guess at the ground/projected location, otherwise they will be initialized with dummy values.

Display Transformation Equations - this option displays the actual transformation equations used for transforming this image based on the selected rectification method and the entered control points. Note that this is only available if enough control points have been entered for a transformation to be calculated and if the transformation method is based on a simple set of equations.

Show Crosshairs Across Entire Map - this option controls whether or not crosshair lines are displayed across the entire Zoomed View and Reference Image views.

Ctrl+Left Click Recenters and Zooms Other View - this option controls whether or not Ctrl+Left Clicking in the Zoomed or Reference Image view just recenters the other view if possible, or if it also zooms the other view to the same approximate extents.

Automatically Save GCP File When Done - this option will automatically prompt the user to save a GCP file when they select the OK or Apply button to complete a rectification operation.