Installing and Configuring the Network License Server for Global Mapper

IMPORTANT NOTE: Part I and Part II provide instructions on how to install the FLEXnet 11.4 license server software, which is a separate component from the Global Mapper software licensing on the user machine in Connecting to a Network License Server.

Part I - Installing the Network Server Software and Obtaining Server Information

In order to receive a network license, information from the server machine must be collected and sent to . This information can be collected from the server tools.

  1. Upon purchase of a network license of Global Mapper, you will receive an e-mail with instructions to download a ZIP file containing the server licensing tools.

    Extract the ZIP file to a directory on your application server.

  2. Unzip the FLEXnet11_4 folder to your chosen FLEXnet license server.

    We recommend that you do NOT run Global Mapper from a FLEXnet server machine.

    To avoid configuration problems, Flexera recommends that you keep the path to the GM_Flex folder as short and simple as possible.

    For users of Windows 10 and Windows Server 2012 Operating Systems, the path to the LMTOOLS and license file must be outside of protected directories. This includes the Windows install directory, as well as the 32 and 64 bit Program Files directories.

  3. Open the LMTOOLS.EXE application in the FLEXnet11_4 folder. You will find this program in the selection of files you just extracted on the server.

    Run lmtools.exe from the directory on your application server.

  4. Click on the System Settings tab of LMTools.

    Clicking the System Settings tab opens the dialog shown above.

  5. In the 'HostId Settings' group on the System Settings tab, you will see fields labeled 'Computer/ Hostname' and 'Ethernet Address'. You must report the Computer/Hostname (or the IP Address) and the Ethernet Address to Blue Marble Geographics via e-mail at or by phone.

    NOTE: Please do NOT use IP Address if your FLEXnet server does not have a fixed IP address (typical if you are on a DHCP network.)

    IMPORTANT: If using a laptop with a docking station, you must activate the software in the undocked state. If you have wireless internet, please disable the wireless NIC temporarily before activating the software and then activate using a wired Ethernet connection.

    Please inform us if you are using a licensing server that already has existing FLEXnet license services running for other applications.

  6. Once you send the FLEXnet server information, Blue Marble Geographics will supply you with a secure, custom license file.

Part II - Configuring the Network Service

Once you have received the license file (*.lic) from Blue Marble Geographics, please complete the following steps:

  1. Please place your license file (*.lic) in the directory on the server from which the network service will run (where you put the contents of the Flex file in Part I Step 1) as shown in Figure 5.

    Place the license file in the network service directory on your application server.

  2. Now that the license file is installed, you can start the license server. Run the LMTOOLS.EXE program from the server.

  3. Click on the Config Services tab of LMTools.

    Clicking the Config Services tab opens the dialog shown above.

  4. Fill in the 'Service Name' field with a meaningful name of your choice, such as 'GMService' or 'GlobalMapper'.

  5. Set 'Path to the lmgrd.exe file' to reflect the path to the directory on the server from which the network service will run.

  6. Set the 'Path to the license file' to the same directory.

  7. Set the 'Path to the debug log file' to the directory where you want the system to write the log file (Figure 10). Don't forget to specify a file name for the log file as part of the 'Path to the debug log field' field.

    Fill in the required parameters to configure the service.

  8. If you want the license server to run as a Windows service (recommended), check the Use services check box.

    This will enable the Start Server at Power Up check box. Check this if you want the service to start when the server is turned on or rebooted.

  9. Click the Save Service button to store your settings for the service.

  10. You are now ready to start the license server. Click the Start/Stop/Reread tab of LMTools .

  11. Click on Start Server to run the license server service. The status line at the bottom of the dialog should read "Server Start Successful".

    After clicking the Start Server button, the dialog at the bottom of the Start/Stop/Reread tab says "Server Start Successful."

  12. If the system was set up to use services, the Service/License File tab should show Configuration using Services.

    Select the Configuration using Services radio button option.

  13. Verify that ports 27000-27010 on your chosen FLEXnet license server are not blocked by any routers, firewalls, or other hardware or software security measures. Please contact your network administrator if you are not sure about this step. If that port is not available, or if there are other communication issues please contact for further assistance.

  14. To stop the server at any time, simply click on the Stop Server button. You must check 'Force Server Shutdown' to stop the server when BORROW licenses are checked out.