Global Mapper Mobile Package File

Global Mapper Mobile files (*.GMMP) package currently loaded data for use in the Global Mapper Mobile application. This format can be exported from the File> Export Menu.


Global Mapper Mobile Package only support export in Geographic (Lat/Lon) WGS84 Projection.

Online Layer Export Options

In the Online Layer Export Options section of the panel, select how layers loaded from the Download Online Imagery/Topo/Terrain Maps menu are exported. Most online data provides different levels of detail depending on the zoom level when the request is made to the server. Choose to automatically determine the zoom level, use the highest available level of detail, or use the zoom level currently displayed on the screen. This setting will impact the resulting file size.

Other Options

Use Double-Precision Coordinates for vector data setting will store coordinate data for vector features using double precision format, which allows for greater accuracy in the coordinate values (survey level) but greatly increases the file size.

The Discard feature attribute values option will remove all the attributes from all vector data.

The Combine Compatible Vector Layers into a Single Layer option causes all vector features with the same native projection to be combined into a single layer within the package file rather than maintaining their original layer structure.

The Embed Images Associated with Picture Points option causes any images associated with a vector feature (like points from an EXIF JPEG file) to be embedded in the GMP file for easy use on other systems.

Use JPEG2000 for Imagery Layers is the new default method for imagery in packages in Global Mapper 17.2 . This reduces the file size compared to previous package files that stored imagery in GeoTiff format. Note: Packages created in Global Mapper 17.2 and newer with this option turned on will not be readable in previous versions of Global Mapper.


This tab is available with loaded vector data. The Simplification panel allows the user to set up the threshold at which points that don't contribute much to the shape of the vector line and area features being exported are removed in order to generate features with less vertices. By default, all vertices will be kept, but the user can move the slider to the right to get rid of relatively insignificant vertices and realize significant space spacings at the cost of some fidelity.


The Tiling panel allows the user to split up the data into regularly spaced tiles on export if desired rather than just exporting a single file.

Export Bounds

The Export Bounds panel allows the user to select what portion of the loaded data they wish to export.