Global Mapper Scripting Language Reference
- General Overview
- Batch Mode Operation
- Conditional Execution (If/Else)
- Loop of Commands Over Files in a Directory
- Loop of Commands Over a Range of Numeric Values
- Comments
- Commands
- ADD_MEASURE_ATTRS - Adds/Updates Measure Attributes to Features in a Layer
- APPLY_FORMULA - Applies a Formula to Loaded Raster Layers to Create a New One
- ASSIGN_TYPE - Deprecated, Use EDIT_VECTOR Instead
- CALC_ATTR - Calculate a New Attribute Value Based on Existing Attribute(s) and a Second Value
- CALC_ATTR_FORMULA - Calculate a New Attribute Value Based on a Formula Combining Existing Attributes
- CALC_VOLUMES - Calculate the Volume of Areas Using Current Elevation Data
- CALC_VOLUME_BETWEEN_SURFACES - Calculates the volume between two elevation grids
- COMBINE_LINES - Combines Connected Line Features Into New Lines or Areas Based on Attribute Values
- COMBINE_TERRAIN - Combines Two Loaded Terrain Layers to Generate a New Terrain Layer
- COPY_ATTRS - Copies Attributes from One Type of Features to Another Spatially
- COPY_LAYER_FILES - Copies the Base Files for Loaded Layers to a New Disk Location
- CROP_AREAS_TO_LINES - Split or crop area features based on line features
- DEFINE_LAYER_STYLE - Define a Layer Style for Later Use
- DEFINE_PROJ - Define a Projection for Later Use
- DEFINE_SDB_CONNECTION - Define an Spatial Database Connection
- DEFINE_SHADER - Define an Elevation/Slope Shader for Later Use
- DEFINE_SHAPE - Define a Shape (i.e. Polygon) for Later Use
- DEFINE_TEXT_FILE - Define Embedded Text File with Features to Load with IMPORT_ASCII
- DEFINE_VAR - Define a Variable for Later Use
- DEFINE_VAR_TABLE - Define a Table of Variable Values for Lookup
- DIR_LOOP_END - Ends a Loop of Commands Over Files in a Directory
- DIR_LOOP_START - Start a Loop of Commands Over Files in a Directory
- EDIT_MAP_CATALOG - Creates or Edits a Map Catalog
- EDIT_VECTOR - Edit Loaded Vector Features that Match a Type/Name/Attribute Query
- EMBED_SCRIPT - Runs Another Script File Within This Script
- EXPORT_ANY - Automatically Use Proper Export Command Based on Target TYPE
- EXPORT_CLOUD - Export data to cloud (Amazon s3)
- EXPORT_ELEVATION - Export Elevation Data to a File
- EXPORT_METADATA - Export Metadata for a Layer to a File
- EXPORT_PACKAGE - Export Data to a Global Mapper Package File
- EXPORT_PDF - Export Data to a PDF File
- EXPORT_PDF3D - Export Data to a 3D PDF File
- EXPORT_RASTER - Export Raster and Elevation Data to a File
- EXPORT_VECTOR - Export Vector Data to a File
- EXPORT_WEB - Export Vector Data to a File
- FORCE_EXIT - Forces Global Mapper to Immediately Exit with a Return Code
- GENERATE_CONTOURS - Generate Contours from Elevation Data
- GENERATE_ELEV_GRID - Generates an Elevation Grid from Loaded 3D Vector Data
- GENERATE_EQUAL_VAL_AREAS - Generates Area Features from Equal Values in Elevation/Terrain Layers
- GENERATE_LAYER_BOUNDS - Generates a Layer with Bounding Area Features for each Loaded Layer
- GENERATE_PATH_PROFILE - Generate a 3D Path Profile and Save it to a XYZ File
- GENERATE_POINTS_FROM_ELEV_GRID - Generate points at elevation cell centers
- GENERATE_REPORT - Generates a Report on the Loaded Vector Features
- GENERATE_RIDGE_LINES - Generate Ridge Lines from Elevation Data
- GENERATE_VIEWSHED - Generate Viewshed from Elevation Data
- GENERATE_WATERSHED - Generate Watershed from Elevation Data
- GLOBAL_MAPPER_SCRIPT - Script Header Line
- IF/ELSE_IF/ELSE/END_IF - Conditional Execution Based on Variable Values (If/Then/Else)
- IMPORT - Import Data From a File
- IMPORT_ARCHIVE - Import Data From an Archive File (.zip, .tar.gz, etc.)
- IMPORT_ASCII - Import Generic ASCII Data from a File
- IMPORT_CLOUD - Import Cloud Dataset
- IMPORT_DIR_TREE - Import All Data Files in a Directory Tree
- IMPORT_OSM_TILE - Import Tiled (OSM/TMS/Google Maps/Bing Maps) Online Source
- IMPORT_SPATIAL_DB - Import a Spatial Database
- IMPORT_TERRASERVER - Deprecated, Terraserver-USA/MSRMAPS.COM Servers Down as of May 1, 2012
- IMPORT_WMS - Import WMS Layer
- JOIN_TABLE - Joins Attributes from a File to a loaded Vector Layer
- LAYER_LOOP_END - Ends a Loop of Commands Over Loaded Layers
- LAYER_LOOP_START - Start a Loop of Commands Over Loaded Layers
- LIDAR_CLASSIFY - Automatically Classify Lidar Points
- LIDAR_COMPARE - Compare point cloud to control points.
- LIDAR_EXTRACT - Automatically Extract Building Outlines and Tree Points from Lidar
- LOAD_PROJECTION - Loads a New Global Projection From a PRJ File
- LOAD_STYLE_FILE - Loads a Style/Type File (.gm_style)
- LOAD_TYPE_FILTER - Deprecated, Use SET_OPT Instead (Loads a Lidar Filter or Type Filter from a GMF (Global Mapper Filter) File)
- LOG_MESSAGE - Logs a Status Message
- MAP_LAYOUT - Define the Map Layout (Margins, Scale, etc.)
- PAN_SHARPEN - Pan Sharpens a Color Layer with Pan Image (Creates New Layer)
- PLAY_SOUND - Plays a Beep or a Specified Sound File
- QUERY_LAYER_METADATA - Place Layer Metadta Value in a Variable
- RESTORE_LAST_SAVED_VIEW - Restores Last Saved View
- RUN_COMMAND - Runs a Command Line
- SAVE_CURRENT_VIEW - Saves Current View
- SAVE_PROJECTION - Saves the Current Global Projection to a PRJ File
- SAVE_WORKSPACE - Saves Workspace (GMW) File with Loaded Layers
- SET_BG_COLOR - Sets the Background Color
- SET_LAYER_OPTIONS - Updates Display Options of Loaded Layer
- SET_LOG_FILE - Sets the Name of the Log File
- SET_OPT - Sets General Options (Like Position Display Format, Display Options, etc.)
- SET_VERT_DISP_OPTS - Set Vertical Display Options
- SET_VIEW - Sets the Display View
- SHIFT_LAYER - Shifts the location of a layer by the specified distance.
- SHOW_3D_VIEW - Displays the 3D View Window
- SORT_LAYERS - Sorts the Loaded Layers Based on Some Criteria
- SPLIT_LAYER - Splits a Layer Based on an Attribute
- UNLOAD_ALL - Unloads All Currently Loaded Data
- UNLOAD_LAYER - Unloads a Single Layer
- VAR_LOOP_END - Ends a Loop of Commands Over a Range of Values
- VAR_LOOP_START - Start a Loop of Commands Over a Range of Numeric Values
- VIEW_LAYOUT - Define the Multi-View Layout
- Special Parameter Types
- Samples
General Overview
Global Mapper script files allow the user to create custom batch
processes that make use of the functionality built in to Global Mapper.
From a script, one can import data in any of the numerous formats supported by
the software, reproject that data if desired, and export it to a new file.
Global Mapper script files consist of a series of command lines. Each
command line begins with a command. A series of parameter/value pairs should
follow the command. These pairs should be written as parameter=value. No spaces
should exist before or after the equal sign. Individual parameter/value pairs
should be separated by spaces. If a pair requires spaces internal to the value,
quotes may be used around the entire value. For example, for a filename with
spaces, the pair could look like FILENAME="c:\\my documents\\test.tif".
Parameters that expect a value of YES or NO to enable or disable functionality
can (starting with v13.1) be enabled with just the parameter name. So rather than
saying FLAG_PARAM_NAME=YES, you can just say FLAG_PARAM_NAME to get the same
behavior as specifying yes.
Command lines typically consist of one line each. To extend a command to
another line, use the backslash character (\) at the end of the line. There are a few
exceptions to this, including the DEFINE_PROJ and
DEFINE_SHAPE commands and
the looping functionality provided by the DIR_LOOP_START
and DIR_LOOP_END commands.
Batch Mode Operation
You can run a Global Mapper script file automatically by passing it on the
command line to the Global Mapper .exe file. The script file will be run with no
user interface displayed and Global Mapper will immediately exit when the script
file completes processing. This allows you to easily run Global Mapper scripts
from another application or from a DOS batch file. Note that your script files
need to have an extension of .gms for this to work.
Batch variables
When running in batch mode you can define variables on the command line so they
will be available when running the script. You provide pairs of tokens on the command line,
after the file name. Each pair must look like:
-<var name> <var value>
/<var name> <var value>
Example command line:
global_mapper.exe "c:\temp\myscript.gms" -var1 01 -var2 33
This defines two variables that can be used in the script: var1=01 and var2=33. See
the DEFINE_VAR command for details on how to use variables.
Batch options
/showprogress - if present, instructs Global Mapper to display progress bars while processing a script. This parameter only has an effect when running a script from the command line.
Example command line:
"C:\Program Files\GlobalMapper17_64bit\global_mapper.exe" "C:\Scripts\export.gms" /showprogress
Any lines that begin with the forward slash character (/) are considered
comments and are ignored by the script processing engine. This means that you
can use C or C++ style comments like // or /* at the start of your line.
Conditional Execution in Global Mapper Scripts
Global Mapper scripts can incorporate conditional logic through the use of the IF, ELSE_IF, ELSE, and
END_IF commands. At a minimum, when incorporating conditional logic into a script, the user must use
an IF and an END_IF command, as in the following example:
// Additional script commands to be run when the condition is true.
When the script containing the sample is run, if the value of the variable %VAR1% is "val1", the statements
following the IF and before the END_IF will be executed. If the value of variable %VAR1% is something other
than "val1", then the statements following the IF will be skipped, and script processing will continue with
the first statement after the END_IF. If the user wants to run a specific set of commands in the case where
the condition specified on the IF is not true, then he can use the ELSE command:
// Script commands to be run when the IF condition is true.
// Script commands to be run when the IF condition is false.
Now, if the value of the variable %VAR1% is "val1", the statements following the IF and before the ELSE will be
executed, and the commands after the ELSE and before the END_IF will be skipped. If the value of variable %VAR1%
is something other than "val1", then the statements following the IF and preceding the ELSE will be skipped, and
the commands after the ELSE and before the END_IF will be run.
If the user has several conditions that need to be tested, only one of which can be true, then the ELSE_IF command can be used:
// Script commands to be run when the IF condition is true.
// Script commands to be run when the ELSE_IF condition is true.
// Script commands to be run when the all other conditions are false.
The commands following the IF will be handled as described above, but now there is a second condition being tested.
When the value of variable %VAR1% is "val2", then the commands after the ELSE_IF and before the ELSE will be run. In the
case where there are multiple IF/ELSE_IF conditions, the commands after the ELSE will be run when all of the other conditions are false.
Logical Conditions
The IF and the ELSE_IF commands require a COMPARE_STR parameter to specify the condition to be tested. The user can specify
multiple COMPARE_STR parameters, all of which must be true to result in the subsequent commands being executed (logical AND).
Use the COMPARE_OP="ANY" parameter to specify that the subsequent commands should be run if any one of the conditions is true (logical OR).
The COMPARE_STR must consist of <value><operation><value>, where either value can be a constant or a variable name
(enclosed in "%"). Both values must be specified. The operation is also required, and can be one of:
- "=" - Equals
- "!=" - Not Equals
- "<" - Less Than
- "<=" - Less Than or Equal To
- ">" - Greater Than
- ">=" - Greater Than or Equal To
By default, the comparison will be a case-insensitive string comparison. If you want to perform a numeric comparison, specify the COMPARE_NUM="YES" parameter.
IF commands can be nested, so the block of commands following an IF, ELSE_IF, or ELSE command can contain another IF command:
// Script commands to be run when the IF condition is true.
// Script commands to be run when the IF condition is false.
The ADD_MEASURE_ATTRS command allows you to add/update feature measure attributes
to all of the line and area features in a loaded vector layer.
The following parameters are supported by the command:
- FILENAME - filename of the layer to update.
If an empty value is passed in, all layers that were created by the script,
such as those from a GENERATE_CONTOURS command, will be updated. When running the
script in the context of the main map view (including loading a workspace) you can also
pass in the value 'USER CREATED FEATURES' to have the 'User Created Features' layer
updated or 'SELECTED LAYERS' to have any layers selected in the Control Center.
- AREA_UNITS - specifies the units to use when storing area measurements. The following values are supported:
- DISTANCE_UNITS - specifies the units to use when storing linear distance measurements. The following values are supported:
- METRIC - meters for shorter distances, kilometers for longer
- STATUTE - feet for shorter distances, miles for longer
- YARDS - yards for shorter distances, kilometers for longer
- NAUTICAL - feet for shorter distances, nautical miles for longer
- CHAINS - chains for shorter distances, miles for longer
- MEASURE_UNIT_TYPE - specifies how to handle measurement values of different sizes
- AUTO - automatically use base units for smaller measurements and large units for long (i.e. meters for shorter distances, kilometers for longer)
- BASE - always use base units, regardless of size. For example, always use meters for distance. Use this if you want to numerically compare values
- LARGE - always use large units, regardless of size. For example, always use kilometers for distance. Use this if you want to numerically compare values
The APPLY_FORMULA command allows you to apply a mathematical formula to the bands
in one or more loaded raster layers to create a new raster or grid layer. This is useful
for doing things like NDVI or NDWI calculations from multi-spectral imagery, among
a large array of other multi-spectral analysis.
The following parameters are supported by the command:
- FILENAME - filename of the layer(s) to use as input to the operation.
You can use * to use all loaded raster imagery layers. This is the default. You can also pass in the
description of the layer if it isn't based on a file, such as a layer created by the script.
When running the script in the context of the main map view (including loading a workspace) you can also
pass in the value 'USER CREATED FEATURES' to have the 'User Created Features' layer
updated or 'SELECTED LAYERS' to have any layers selected in the Control Center
- LAYER_DESC - description to assign to the newly created layer
- FORMULA - this free-form string describes the formula for a single band of the output.
You would have a separate FORMULA parameter for each output band. So if you were creating a 3-band output you would
have 3 separate FORMULA parameters. Each FORMULA parameter is a string that can either be the name of a pre-defined
operation, like NDVI or NDWI, or a free-form equation definition. See formula reference
documentation for details. The bands default to the original source bands from the provided input layers, but
you can use the NUM_BANDS, BAND_BIT_DEPTH, and BAND_EXPORT_SETUP parameters (described below) to customize which
bands from which input layers are assigned to each band number variable in the formula.
- OUTPUT_BIT_DEPTH - specifies the bit depth for the output band(s) (one for each
FORMULA parameter). Valid values are 8, 16, or 32. If you don't specify this then you will get 32-bit floating
point values if the output is a single band grid and 8-bit per band for imagery output.
- OUTPUT_GRID - specifies whether the output should be treated as a grid that is
shaded using an "elevation" shader or as an imagery layer. Use OUTPUT_GRID=YES to make it a shaded grid.
- NUM_BANDS - specifies how many bands of data to make available for input.
If you don't specify a value for this the band count will be the maximum available for any of the loaded layers.
- BAND_BIT_DEPTH - specifies how many bits to use for each band of data.
If you don't specify a value for this the highest bit depth of any of the input data layers will be used.
The valid values are BAND_BIT_DEPTH=8, BAND_BIT_DEPTH=16, or BAND_BIT_DEPTH=32.
- BAND_EXPORT_SETUP - allows you to override the default
band assignment for the FORMULA parameters. Use the following format to specify what band
from what layer to use for a given export band: <output_band>?<input_band>?<layer_filename> .
So for example to assign the 4th (infrared) band in an export from the 1st (red) band
in a previously loaded file name C:\data\input_file.tif, use the following parameter:
BAND_EXPORT_SETUP="4?1?c:\data\input_file.tif". Note that you would include a separate
BAND_EXPORT_SETUP parameter for each output band that you want to setup. If you leave
off the filename then you all loaded data will be considered as input, with just the
input-to-output band assignment being updated.
Here is an example script command showing how to apply a formula to all currently loaded raster layers.
The CALC_ATTR command allows you to calculate a new attribute value (or update the value for an
existing attribute) for features in a layer based on a source attribute (including things like the
feature label or type) and a second value. The second value can be a specified string or number, or the
value from another attribute of the feature.
The following parameters are supported by the command:
- FILENAME - filename of the layer to update.
If an empty value is passed in, all loaded vector layers will be updated.
When running the script in the context of the main map view (including loading a workspace) you can also
pass in the value 'USER CREATED FEATURES' to have the 'User Created Features' layer
updated or 'SELECTED LAYERS' to have any layers selected in the Control Center
If you don't pass anything in all vector layers will be operated on.
- TYPE - specifies what type of operation to use when assigning the new
attribute value.
- COPY - copies the source attribute value into the new attribute
- ADD - numerically adds the second value to the source value and saves the result into the new attribute
- SUBTRACT - numerically subtracts the second value from the source value and saves the result into the new attribute
- MULTIPLY - numerically multiplies the second value by the source value and saves the result into the new attribute
- DIVIDE - numerically divides the source value by the the second value and saves the result into the new attribute
- APPEND - appends the second value (as a string) to the source value and saves the result into the new attribute. The
SEP_STR parameter defined below is used to separate the second value from the source.
- PREPEND - prepends the second value (as a string) to the source value and saves the result into the new attribute The
SEP_STR parameter defined below is used to separate the second value from the source.
- NEW_ATTR - specifies the attribute value to create or update. See
special Attribute Name parameter details.
- SOURCE_ATTR - specifies the attribute value to start with when creating the new attribute.
See special Attribute Name parameter details.
- VALUE_ATTR - specifies the attribute value to use as the 2nd value of the calculation.
See special Attribute Name parameter details.
- VALUE - specifies the value to use as the 2nd value of the calculation. For numeric operations
this must be a number.
- SEP_STR - specifies the string to use to separate the source attribute and 2nd value when appending
or prepending text. If not provided the default is no separator at all.
Here is a sample of creating a new elevation attribute in feet from an elevation attribute (ELEV_M) in meters, including
with an appended unit string.
// Create new ELEV_FT attribute with attribute in feet in any loaded layers
// Append the unit name to the new attribute
The CALC_ATTR_FORMULA command allows you to calculate a new attribute value (or update the
value for an existing attribute) for features in a layer, based on a formula that may
contain numbers, strings or other attributes. A number of functions may be used as well.
The following parameters are supported by the command:
- FILENAME - filename of the layer to update.
If an empty value is passed in, all loaded vector layers will be updated.
When running the script in the context of the main map view (including loading a workspace) you can also
pass in the value 'USER CREATED FEATURES' to have the 'User Created Features' layer
updated or 'SELECTED LAYERS' to have any layers selected in the Control Center
If you don't pass anything in all vector layers will be operated on.
- NEW_ATTR - specifies the attribute value to create or update. See
special Attribute Name parameter details.
- CALC_MODE - specifies the way that formula operations are performed
when data types are ambiguous. Possible values are:
- AUTOMATIC - calculations are performed as numeric if the first operand
is numeric, or as string otherwise.
- NUMERIC - calculations are performed as numeric.
- STRING - calculations are performed as string.
- FORMULA specifies the formula to be used to create the new
attribute values. See the formula calculator reference
documentation for details.
Here is a sample of creating a new elevation attribute in feet from an elevation attribute (ELEV_M) in meters, including
with an appended unit string.
// Create new ELEV_FT attribute with attribute in feet in any loaded layers
// Append the unit name to the new attribute
The CALC_VOLUMES command allows you to calculate the volume for each area in the specified layer using the currently loaded terrain data.
The following parameters are supported by the command:
- FILENAME - filename of the layer containing the areas to be used in the calculations.
- OUTPUT_FILENAME - specifies the path and file name of the output file for volume statistics.
At least one of this and the ADD_VOLUME_ATTRS parameter is required.
Using both is valid also.
- ADD_VOLUME_ATTRS - indicates whether or not to add the volume measurements to the area features as attributes.
Use ADD_VOLUME_ATTRS=YES to add the volume data to the feature attribute list.
At least one of this and the OUTPUT_FILENAME parameter is required.
Using both is valid also.
- BASE_ELEVATION - specifies the base elevation in meters for volume calculations.
This parameter is optional.
The default is 0.
- VOLUME_UNIT - specifies the unit to be used for the volume calculations.
This parameter is optional, and the default is CUBIC_METERS.
Valid values are:
Here is a sample of calculating volumes in cubic feet, adding the results to the features as attributes.
Calculates the volume between two elevation grids. If you specify an area layer, the volume will be calculated for each feature, and volume attributes will be added to the feature. The following parameters are supported by the command:
- LAYER1_FILENAME - specifies the base elevation grid. Elevations in LAYER2_FILENAME will will be subtracted from elevations in this layer during the volume calculations.
- LAYER2_FILENAME - specifies the elevation grid with values that will be subtracted from LAYER1_FILENAME.
- AREA_FILENAME - An optional layer that contains area features. If it is specified, the volume will be calculated for each area, and the volume attributes will be added to the feature.
- VOLUME_UNIT - specifies the unit to be used for the volume calculations. This parameter is optional, and the default is CUBIC_METERS. Valid values are:
- OUTPUT_FILENAME - specifies the path and file name of the output file for volume statistics.
- Specify Bounding Box for Operation
LAYER2_FILENAME="P:\Data\lidarGrid2.dem" \
AREA_FILENAME="P:\Data\ClipAreas.shp" \

The COMBINE_LINES command allows you to combine connected lines features based on
one or more attribute or label values. You can choose to combines in just a single
loaded layer or in all loaded vector layers. You can either create new line features
from the connected lines, or using the CREATE_AREAS_FROM_LINES parameter instead create
new area features by connecting the lines into closed shapes. The newly created features will be placed
in a new layer and have the current projection. If creating lines, any lines that are connected to
another line will be marked as deleted. You can also supply multiple COMPARE_STR
parameters to apply multiple criteria, all of which must be true, in order for the lines
to be considering for combining.
The following parameters are supported by the command:
- CREATE_AREAS_FROM_LINES - controls whether or not area
features will be created from connected lines or just new line features. The default is
- FILENAME - filename of the layer to assign types to.
If an empty value is passed in, all loaded vector layers will be updated.
When running the script in the context of the main map view (including loading a workspace) you can also
pass in the value 'USER CREATED FEATURES' to have the 'User Created Features' layer
updated or 'SELECTED LAYERS' to have any layers selected in the Control Center.
- COMPARE_STR - specifies a comparison operation to
perform to see if a line feature is one that needs to be considered. The format is
attr_name=attr_value or attr_name!=attr_value (for equals and not equals comparisons respectively).
For example if you have an attribute named CFCC and you want to
match when the value of that attribute starts with an 'A', you can use
COMPARE_STR="CFCC=A*" as your parameter. You can add multiple COMPARE_STR parameters
to a single command to combine multiple criteria for your search. If you would like
to compare against a feature label rather than an attribute, use <Feature Name>
for your attribute name. To compare against a feature type name rather than an
attribute, use <Feature Type> for your attribute name. To compare against the
feature description, use <Feature Desc> for your attribute name. If you just
want all lines features from the specified layer(s), just don't specify a COMPARE_STR value.
You can also use <Feature Layer Name> to specify a match against a layer name that
will support wildcards.
- CASE_SENSITIVE - specifies whether or not text
comparisons are case sensitive or not. Use CASE_SENSITIVE=YES to enable, by default
comparisons are not case sensitive.
- LAYER_DESC - specifies the name to assign to the
newly generated layer containing the connected line features. If no layer description is provided, the default
name of "Combined Lines" will be used.
- COMPATIBLE_ONLY - specifies whether or not any connecting
lines should be combined (the default) or just those which have compatible types and attributes. Use
COMPATIBLE_ONLY=YES to enable combining only compatible lines.
- CLOSED_LINES_ONLY - specifies whether or not any connected lines have to
form a closed shape in order to create an area when generating area features. Use CLOSED_LINES_ONLY=YES
to enable requiring closed paths.
- CREATE_MULTIPLE_AREAS - specifies whether multiple area features can be
created if the lines don't all connect to each other. This is enabled by default, use CREATE_MULTIPLE_AREAS=NO
to disable this and require all matching lines to connect in a single path before creating an area.
- MAX_DIST - specifies the maximum distance in meters that the end points
of lines can be apart and still count as connected when combining them.
The COMBINE_TERRAIN command generates a new terrain (gridded elevation) layer
by combining two loaded terrain layers through some operation, like addition,
subtraction (difference), average, min/max, etc. The new terrain layer can then
be operated on just like any other terrain layer.
The following parameters are used by the COMBINE_TERRAIN command:
- Specify Bounding Box for Operation
- Cropping to Polygons/Areas
- LAYER1_FILENAME - full path and filename of the
first loaded terrain layer to use. You can also pass in the full description of
the loaded layer to use in case you want to use a layer not loaded from a file.
If you are using one of the combine operations that works on multiple layers in a
single list, like ADD, AVERAGE, MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, or COUNT_VALID, you can leave this
blank and have all loaded layers examined.
- LAYER2_FILENAME - full path and filename of the
second loaded terrain layer to use. You can also pass in the full description of
the loaded layer to use in case you want to use a layer not loaded from a file. You
do not have to provide this for those operations that work on multiple layers in a
- COMBINE_OP - defines the operation to perform
when combining the layers. The following operations are supported:
- ADD - adds the values from the first layer to the second
- SUBTRACT_SIGNED - subtracts the values of the second layer from
the first and saves the signed result.
- SUBTRACT_UNSIGNED - subtracts the values of the second layer from
the first and saves the magnitude of the result.
- AVERAGE - saves the average of the values from the first and second layers.
- MINIMUM - saves the smaller of the values from the first and second layers.
- MAXIMUM - saves the larger of the values from the first and second layers.
- MULTIPLY - multiplies the values from the first and second layers. If one or both of the
values is missing, the sample is marked as invalid.
- DIVIDE - divides the value from the first layer by the value in the second layer. If one or both of the
values is missing or if the second value is 0, the sample is marked as invalid.
- FILTER_KEEP_FIRST - saves the first layer value if the second layer value is valid.
- FILTER_KEEP_FIRST_IF_SECOND_INVALID - saves the first layer value if the second layer value is invalid
- FILTER_KEEP_FIRST_IF_GT_SECOND - saves the first layer value if the second layer value
is valid and the first layer value is greater than the second layer value.
- FILTER_KEEP_FIRST_IF_LT_SECOND - saves the first layer value if the second layer value
is valid and the first layer value is less than the second layer value.
- FILTER_KEEP_FIRST_IF_SECOND_GT_VAL - saves the first layer value if the second layer value
is valid and the second layer value is greater than the value provided with the COMPARE_VAL parameter
- FILTER_KEEP_FIRST_IF_SECOND_LT_VAL - saves the first layer value if the second layer value
is valid and the second layer value is less than the value provided with the COMPARE_VAL parameter
- COUNT_VALID - counts the number of layers that have a valid sample at each grid location. This works with
both raster and elevation data.
- COMPARE_VAL - provides a numeric vlaue to compare against for
some of the combine operations above.
- LAYER_DESC - specifies the name to assign to the
newly generated terrain layer. If no layer description is provided, the default
name of "Combined Elevation Grid" will be used.
- ELEV_UNITS - specify elevation units to use in new terrain layer
- FEET - export in US feet
- DECIFEET - export in 10ths of US feet
- METERS - export in meters
- DECIMETERS - export in 10ths of meters
- CENTIMETERS - export in centimeters
- SPATIAL_RES - specifies spatial resolution. Defaults to the minimum
spatial resolution of the two layers if not specified. Should be formatted as
x_resolution,y_resolution. The units are the units of the current global
projection. For example, if UTM was the current global projection and you
wanted to export at 30 meter spacing, the parameter/value pair would look like
SPATIAL_RES=30.0,30.0. You can also specify as a percentage of the default resolution by adding a percent.
For example to get half the detail your double the spatial resolution value, so you would use
- SPATIAL_RES_METERS - specifies spatial resolution to use in meters. The
value in meters will automatically be converted to the curent view/export projection units. For example,
to do an export at 2.0 meter spacing (or as close as you can get to that in the current units), use
SPATIAL_RES_METERS=2.0, or to do an export at 1.0 meters in X by 1.5 meters in Y, use
- FILL_GAPS - specifies that small gaps in between and within the
data sets being combined will be filled in by interpolating the surrounding
data to come up with an elevation for the point in question. This option is off
by default, specify FILL_GAPS=NO to turn off.
The COPY_ATTRS command copies one or more attributes from one layer of features to
another. The attributes are copied spatially between feature types, like copying point
attributes to the area features those points are contained in, etc. Not every combination
of feature types is supported for copying. If you choose a combination that is not supported
(like LINES to LINES) you will get an error message.
The following parameters are used by the COPY_ATTRS command:
- LAYER1_FILENAME - full path and filename of the
loaded vector layer to copy attributes from. You can also pass in the full description of
the loaded layer to use in case you want to use a layer not loaded from a file.
Wildcards (i.e. '*' and '?') are supported in the filename, so to match all layers, use *.
- LAYER2_FILENAME - full path and filename of the
loaded vector layer to copy attributes to. You can also pass in the full description of
the loaded layer to use in case you want to use a layer not loaded from a file.
Wildcards (i.e. '*' and '?') are supported in the filename, so to match all layers, use *.
- FROM_TYPE - defines the type of features to copy attributes
from. The following values are supported:
- AREAS - copy attributes from areas
- LINES - copy attributes from lines
- POINTS - copy attributes from points
- TO_TYPE - defines the type of features to copy attributes
to. The following values are supported:
- AREAS - copy attributes to areas
- LINES - copy attributes to lines
- POINTS - copy attributes to points
- ATTR_TO_COPY - specifies the name of an attribute
to copy from the "from" features to the "to" features. You can include multiple instances of this
parameter to copy multiple attributes. In addition to attribute names, you can specify
<Feature Name> to copy the feature display label.
- MAX_DIST - when copying from LINES to POINTS or POINTS to LINES, specifies the maximum
distance that a point can be from the closest line and still have the attributes copied.
- ENCLOSED_ONLY - when copying attributes from AREAS to LINES, specifies
whether or not the line features have to be completely inside the areas. Use ENCLOSED_ONLY=YES
to specify that the lines must be completely inside the areas.
- MULTI_AREA - specifies how to handle assigning attributes from AREAS to POINTS or LINES
when the point/line feature is inside multiple area features. The following values are supported:
- NONE - don't copy the attributes from any of the containing areas if there are more than one
- ALL - copy the attributes of every area containing the point/line feature
- ALL_SORT - copy the attributes of every area containing the point/line feature. If there are multiple copies of the
same attribute (including existing values), separate the values with a comma and sort them alphabetically. So if there
are values of an attribute 'South St', '83 Pine', and 'Main', the result would be '83 Pine,Main,South St'. The sorting
is done without regard to case.
- FIRST - only copy the attributes of the topmost containing area to the point/line feature
- MULTI_POINT - specifies how to handle assigning attributes from POINTS to
AREAS or LINES when there are multiple points inside a single area or near a line. The following values are supported:
- NONE - don't copy the attributes from any of the points in the area/line feature
- ALL - copy the attributes of every point in the area or near the line to the area/line feature
- ALL_CLONE - if multiple exist clone the feature for each matching feature
- FIRST - (to AREAS only) only copy the attributes of the first point in the area to the area
- CLOSEST - (to LINES only) only copy the attributes of the closest point to the line to the line
- MIN - (to LINES only) use the minimum value of the attribute encountered
- MAX - (to LINES only) use the maximum value of the attribute encountered
- AREA_COVERAGE - specifies how covered a "to" area has to be by a
"from" area for the attributes to be copied. The following values are supported:
- COMPLETE - the "to" area has to be complete inside the "from" area
- PARTIAL - the "to" area has to be covered at least some by the "from" area
- CENTROID - the "to" area centroid has to be inside the "from" area. This option is the fastest
but may result in some areas getting attributes that aren't covered at all if the centroid is
outside of the "to" area.
- MOST - the "to" area has to be at least half covered by the "from" area
- EQUAL_ATTR - specifies an attribute that must be equal between two features
in order to be a possible match for copying other attributes. See special Attribute Name
parameter details for allowed attribute names. You can include multiple EQUAL_ATTR parameters on a command to
require multiple attributes be equal.
/* Copy all loaded area attributes to the points in the area */
The COPY_LAYER_FILES command copies the base files for one or more layers to a new
folder on disk. Support is included for maintaining folder structures if a BASE_DIR
parameter is provided. If you specify layers that were loaded from .zip or .tar.gz archives,
the archive file itself will be copied and not the individual extracted files. If you specify
a file with supporting files with the same base name (i.e foo.tfw and foo.prj with foo.tif loaded)
they will also be copied.
The following parameters are used by the COPY_LAYER_FILES command.
- FILENAME - filename or description of layer(s) to copy the files for. This can include * and ?
wildcard characters. If you leave the FILENAME parameter off then all loaded layers will have their files copied,
which is the same behavior as using FILENAME="*".
- TARGET_DIR - specifies the folder where the files will be copied to. If no
BASE_DIR parameter is provided, the files will all be copied directly to the specified folder.
- BASE_DIR - specifies a starting string for the layer files being copied beyond
which everything should be treated as relative. For exampling if copying a file at "c:\data\my_dems\colorado\denver.dem" to
a TARGET_DIR of "c:\new_dems" with a BASE_DIR value of "c:\data\my_dems" you would get "c:\new_dems\colorado\denver.dem" as
the new filename.
- OVERWRITE_EXISTING - specifies that existing files should be
overwritten. The default is OVERWRITE_EXISTING=YES, so use OVERWRITE_EXISTING=NO to skip files that already exist
in the destination location.
/* Copy all loaded layer files to a new folder */
The CROP_AREAS_TO_LINES tool crops or splits areas based on line features. It uses the following parameters:
- AREA_FILENAME - filename of the layer that contains the area features to be cropped. If an empty value is passed in, all loaded area features that meet the AREA_COMPARE_STR conditions will be used. When running the script in the context of the main map view you can also pass in the value 'USER CREATED FEATURES' to have the 'User Created Features' layer updated or 'SELECTED LAYERS' to have any layers selected in the Control Center.
- AREA_COMPARE_STR - specifies a comparison operation to perform to see if an area feature is one that needs to be cropped. The format is attr_name=attr_value or attr_name!=attr_value (for equals and not equals comparisons respectively). For example if you have an attribute named CFCC and you want to match when the value of that attribute starts with an 'A', you can use COMPARE_STR="CFCC=A*" as your parameter. You can add multiple AREA_COMPARE_STR parameters to a single command to combine multiple criteria for your search. If you would like to compare against a feature label rather than an attribute, use <Feature Name> for your attribute name. To compare against a feature type name rather than an attribute, use <Feature Type> for your attribute name. To compare against the feature description, use <Feature Desc> for your attribute name. If you just want all lines features from the specified layer(s), just don't specify a COMPARE_STR value. You can also use <Feature Layer Name> to specify a match against a layer name that will support wildcards.
- LIST_FILENAME - filename of the layer that contains the line features that will be used to crop the area features. If an empty value is passed in, all loaded line features that meet the LINE_COMPARE_STR conditions will be used. When running the script in the context of the main map view you can also pass in the value 'USER CREATED FEATURES' to have the 'User Created Features' layer updated or 'SELECTED LAYERS' to have any layers selected in the Control Center.
- LINE_COMPARE_STR - specifies a comparison operation to perform to see if a line feature is one that will be used to crop the areas. The format is attr_name=attr_value or attr_name!=attr_value (for equals and not equals comparisons respectively). For example if you have an attribute named CFCC and you want to match when the value of that attribute starts with an 'A', you can use COMPARE_STR="CFCC=A*" as your parameter. You can add multiple AREA_COMPARE_STR parameters to a single command to combine multiple criteria for your search. If you would like to compare against a feature label rather than an attribute, use <Feature Name> for your attribute name. To compare against a feature type name rather than an attribute, use <Feature Type> for your attribute name. To compare against the feature description, use <Feature Desc> for your attribute name. If you just want all lines features from the specified layer(s), just don't specify a COMPARE_STR value. You can also use <Feature Layer Name> to specify a match against a layer name that will support wildcards.
The DEFINE_LAYER_STYLE command allows you to define a layer style for the area,
line, or point features in a vector layer. You can then apply this with the IMPORT or
SET_LAYER_OPTIONS command later.
The DEFINE_LAYER_STYLE command consists of a single command line followed by a
series of lines with the contents of a .gm_layer_style file, like you would save
from the Area Styles, Line Styles, or Point Styles tab of the Options dialog for
a vector layer. You can also provide a .gm_layer_style in the FILENAME parameter
to just reference an external file rather than embedding the layer style directly
in the script file.
The DEFINE_LAYER_STYLE command is terminated with a single line containing only the
For a sample of the DEFINE_LAYER_STYLE command in use, load some data and set up some
attribute-based or other custom styling on the Styles tabs of the Options dialog, then save
a Global Mapper workspace file from the File->Save Workspace menu command.
Open the resulting .gmw file in an editor and you can see how the DEFINE_LAYER_STYLE
command is used to define a layer style and then use it in the IMPORT command.
The following parameters are required by the DEFINE_LAYER_STYLE command.
- NAME - specifies the name to associate with the style. Use this layer in an IMPORT command
- TYPE - type of style being specified, allowed values are AREA, LINE, and POINT.
- FILENAME - specifies the name of a .gm_layer_style file to use for the style rather than embedding it.
The DEFINE_PROJ command allows a projection (including datum) to be
associated with a name. The projection name can then be used in later IMPORT,
projection as needed.
The DEFINE_PROJ command consists of a single command line followed by a
series of lines describing the projection in the format of an ESRI PRJ file. The
easiest way to determine the text for a projection is to setup a projection on
the Projection tab of the Tools->Configuration and then use the Save to
File button to create a new .prj file. Then just open the .prj file up in
Notepad and copy the contents to the lines following the DEFINE_PROJ command
The DEFINE_PROJ command is terminated with a single line containing only the
For a sample of the DEFINE_PROJ command in use, load some data and then save
a Global Mapper workspace file from the File->Save Workspace menu command.
Open the resulting .gmw file in an editor and you can see how the DEFINE_PROJ
command is used to define a view projection and the set it.
The following parameters are required by the DEFINE_PROJ command.
- PROJ_NAME - specifies the name to associate with the projection
The DEFINE_SDB_CONNECTION allows the user to define a connection and use that definition in the script. This is required for enterprise spatial databases that require a defined connection, but is not needed for exporting to a file-based spatial database such as Esri Personal Geodatabase or Spatialite/SQLite.
Using the SAVE_CONNECTION parameter will cause this definintion to be stored with the connections defined using the Connection Manager.
- SDB_CONNECTION_NAME - The name of the connection. This is used to identify the connection in a subsequent EXPORT_VECTOR or IMPORT_SPATIAL_DB command.
- TYPE - Spatial DB Type Name, one of:
- ESRI_ARCSDE - Esri ArcSDE Geodatabase
- MSSQLSERVER - Micorsoft SQL Server Spatial
- MYSQL - MySQL Spatial
- ORACLE - Oracle Spatial Database
- POSTGIS - PostGIS/PostgreSQL
- SDB_SERVER - the server where the database is located.
- SDB_PORT - the required server port number. In an ArcSDE geodatabase connection, this is also known as the Service parameter.
- SDB_DATABASE_NAME - The database name. This is optional when defining an Esri ArcSDE geodatabase connection. Whether or not it is needed depends on your particular installation.
- SDB_USER_NAME - The user name that will be used to access the database
- SDB_PASSWORD - The password in plain text
- SDB_SAVE_USER_AND_PASSWORD - If the SAVE_CONNECTION=YES parameter is used, this indicates whether or not to save the user name and password with the connection definition.
- SDB_USE_OS_AUTH - Use current OS login credentials to connect to the database. Specify SDB_USE_OS_AUTH instead of a user name and password. Supported only for Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Spatial Database connections.
- SAVE_CONNECTION - Boolean value that indicates whether or not this definition should be saved in the registry (if it does not already exist). If value is NO, then this definition will only be used in this script. Default is NO.
- OVERWRITE_EXISTING - Boolean value that indicates whether or not the definition in the script should replace the existing definition. Default will be NO.
SDB_SERVER="myserver" SDB_PORT="5432" SDB_DATABASE_NAME="mydb" \
The DEFINE_SHADER command allows a custom elevation/slope shader to be defined
to be used when rendering gridded elevation data. The shader will then be available for
any other operations and later Global Mapper runs. If there is an existing custom shader with
the same nameit will be replaced.
The DEFINE_SHADER command consists of a single command line followed by a
series of lines describing the series of elevation/slope and color pairs that define the
shader. Each line should have a single elevation/slope value and a color value
separated by a comma.
The DEFINE_SHADER command is terminated with a single line containing only the
The following parameters are required by the DEFINE_SHADER command.
- SHADER_NAME - specifies the name to associate with the shader
- BLEND_COLORS - specifies whether or not colors should smoothly blend
between values. Use BLEND_COLORS=NO to disable blending beween colors so you only get exactly the
specified color.
- STRETCH_TO_RANGE - specifies whether or not the specified elevation values
for the shader should stretch to the range of the loaded data. Use STRETCH_TO_RANGE=YES to enable.
- SHADE_SLOPES - specifies whether the elevation/slope values are slopes in degrees
or elevation values. Use SHADE_SLOPES=YES to indicate the specified values are slopes.
- SLOPES_PERCENT - specifies whether the slope values that are specified. Add
SLOPES_PERCENT=YES to indicate that slopes are in percent, otherwise they will be in degrees.
- OVERWRITE_EXISTING - specifies what to do if there is already a custom shader
with the given name If OVERWRITE_EXISTING=YES is specified the existing custom shader will be overwritten.
Otherwise it would be ignored.
- SAVE_SHADER - specifies whether or not the shader should be saved between runs
via the custom_shaders.txt file. This is enabled by default, so add SAVE_SHADER=NO to cause your shader to NOT
be remembered.
Here is an example of a DEFINE_SHADER command used to define a sample 3-color blended shader.
The DEFINE_SHAPE command allows a multi-point shape (like a polygon) to be
associated with a name. The shape name can then be used in later commands
for things like cropping and feathering to polygonal boundaries.
The DEFINE_SHAPE command consists of a single command line followed by a
series of lines describing the series of XY coordinate pairs that define the
shape. Each line should have a single coordinate value with the X and Y coordinates
separated by a comma. If you need your shape to contain multiple boundaries,
insert BREAK_SHAPE on a line to stop the current sequence and start a new one.
The DEFINE_SHAPE command is terminated with a single line containing only the
The following parameters are required by the DEFINE_SHAPE command.
- SHAPE_NAME - specifies the name to associate with the shape
Here is an example of a DEFINE_SHAPE command used to define a feather polygon
with a name of 'FEATHER_POLY'
Here is an example of a DEFINE_SHAPE command used to define a feather polygon
with 2 separate boundaries with a name of 'FEATHER_POLY'
The DEFINE_TEXT_FILE command allows an ASCII text file containing the definition of
vector features to be associated with a name. You can then use the associated name in the
FILENAME parameter of the IMPORT_ASCII command to load
the file contents as if they were an external file. This is a powerful command allowing
you to embed the definition of vector features directly within a script.
The associated name can also be used with the DIR_LOOP_START command where the definition includes a list of filepaths.
The DEFINE_TEXT_FILE command consists of a single command line followed by a
series of lines with the contents of the text "file". The DEFINE_TEXT_FILE command
is terminated with a single line containing only the text END_DEFINE_TEXT_FILE.
The following parameters are required by the DEFINE_TEXT_FILE command.
- FILENAME - specifies the name to associate with this text file contents. Provide
this value in the FILENAME parameter for the IMPORT_ASCII command.
Here is an example of a DEFINE_TEXT_FILE command used to define a couple of feature shapes.
GM_TYPE=Lake, < 0.5 sq. mi.
GM_TYPE=Minor River
The DEFINE_VAR command allows you to define a variable and an associated value. You can then
use the defined variable name later wrapped in percent signs to have the defined value replaced
in the script. This is useful for things like defining a path or something at the top of a
script that you can easily change in just one place later. You can also
pass variables on the command line for truly power batch-mode operation.
Built-in Variables
There are several built-in variable names that you can use to easily insert things like the
current date and time. The following variable strings can be used without having to define them:
- %TIMESTAMP% - inserts current date and time in system format
- %TIMESTAMP_MS% - inserts current date and time to millisecond resolution in the format 'YYYYMMDD_HHMMSSsss'
- %DATE% - inserts current date in system format
- %TIME% - inserts current time in system format
- %TIME_SINCE_START% - inserts the number of seconds since the script starting running
- %TIME_SINCE_LAST_LOG% - inserts the number of seconds since the last use of this variable
- %SCRIPT_FILENAME% - inserts the full path and filename of the running script
- %SCRIPT_FOLDER% - inserts the full path of the running script/workspace file. This will include a trailing slash. So a script 'C:\path\my_script.gms' would get 'C:\path\' inserted
- %GM_MAJOR_VER% - inserts the major version of Global Mapper. For example, any Global Mapper v17 build would insert '17'
- %GM_FULL_VER_W_DATE% - inserts the full version of Global Mapper, including the build date. For v17.0.0 built on Sep 22, 2015, this would be 'v17.0.0 (b092215)'
- %GM_FULL_VER_NO_DATE% - inserts the full version of Global Mapper. For v17.0.0 this would be 'v17.0.0'
The following parameters are required by the DEFINE_VAR command.
- NAME - specifies the variable name
- VALUE - specifies the variable value
- FORMULA - specifies a formula used to calculate the variable's value. The formula is specified
similarly to those used in the CALC_ATTR_FORMULA command, except that feature attributes cannot be specified, but instead,
other defined variables, including the predefined variables, may be used. See the formula calculator reference
documentation for details. Note that:
- If FORMULA is specified, then all other parameters except for NAME will be ignored.
- To use other variables, either user-created or predefined, the delimiting '%' characters should not be used,
since variable replacement in the scripting engine is performed in script commands before interpretation,
including in the FORMULA parameter;an invalid formula will likely result. For example, use
rather than
In the latter case, the formula presented to the calculator will look something like
"match(11:45:42 AM, '\d+:\d+')", which is invalid. - Matching of variable names is performed via a case-sensitive match. If a variable is used in formula, but it
doesn't exist, then it will be replaced by an empty string.
- REPLACE_STR - specifies a text value to replace inside the value with something else. This is
typically used inside a DIR_LOOP_START...DIR_LOOP_END loop where the VALUE contains other variables. The format is
REPLACE_STR="old_value=new_value". See example below.
- PROMPT - specifies that the user should be prompted to enter the value for the variable rather than
specifying it with the VALUE parameter. Very useful for developing interactive scripts. The following values are recognized:
- YES - Display prompt with OK and Cancel buttons and a box to enter the value.
- YES_NO - Display prompt with Yes and No buttons. The value is set to YES or NO depending on what is selected.
- YES_NO_CANCEL - Display prompt with Yes and No buttons. The value is set to YES or NO depending on what is selected. If
Cancel is pressed the operation is cancelled.
- OK - Display an information message with an OK button.
- FILE - Prompts the user for a filename. The PROMPT text will be the title of the file open dialog. The VALUE (if any)
will be the default filename selection (can be full path to provide a default folder too). You can use the VALUE parameter to
provide several defaults, including default folder, default filename, and/or default file extension. If you just want to provide
a default folder, use VALUE="C:\PATH_HERE\." where the filename is just a dot.
- DIR - Prompts the user for a directory/ folder. The PROMPT text will be the title of the folder selection dialog. The VALUE (if any)
will be the default folder selection.
- PROMPT_TEXT - specifies the text to show if a PROMPT parameter is provided
- ABORT_ON_CANCEL - specifies that if a prompt is cancelled (like for a file) that the
entire script should be aborted. Defaults to YES if a cancellable prompt is provided. Use ABORT_ON_CANCEL=NO to not
cancel the whole script on cancel of prompt.
- FILE_MUST_EXIST - specifies that if PROMPT=FILE is specified, the selected file
can be a new one and doesn't have to already exists.
- FILE_MUST_EXIST=YES will pop up a File Open dialog, and the user must select an existing file.
- FILE_MUST_EXIST=NO will pop up an File Save dialog, and the user can choose an existing file or a new one. This is the current default.
- VALUE_ATTR - specifies the variable value should come from the first feature in the
specified layer that has a non-empty value for the specified attribute. You should provide a FILENAME parameter
to indicate which layer(s) to check for the attribute, or none to check all of them.
See special Attribute Name parameter details.
- FILENAME - filename of the layer to get the attribute value from if you use
VALUE_ATTR. If an empty value is passed in, all loaded vector layers will be checked.
When running the script in the context of the main map view (including loading a workspace) you can also
pass in the value 'USER CREATED FEATURES' to have the 'User Created Features' layer
updated or 'SELECTED LAYERS' to have any layers selected in the Control Center updated.
- FILENAME_PIECE - specifies that only a piece of the specified value should be used. Used
if the value specifies a full path and filename and you want to define the variable to just a piece of that. So you might
use one DEFINE_VAR with a PROMPT=FILE to select a filename, then another DEFINE_VAR with that previous variable value as the
value and FILENAME_PIECE added requesting one of the pieces listed below (samples based on 'C:\path\to\my\data\my_file.dem'):
- DIR - full path to current file (value is 'C:\path\to\my\data\')
- FNAME - filename of current file (value is 'my_file.dem')
- FNAME_WO_EXT - filename of current file without extension (value is 'my_file')
- PARENT_DIR - name of parent directory of file (value is 'data')
- PARENT_DIRN - name of some level of parent directory, where 'N' is level. For example,
PARENT_DIR1 value is 'my' and %PARENT_DIR2% is 'to'.
- VALUE_TABLE - Provides the name of the table to be queried. See DEFINE_VAR_TABLE command.
- VALUE_COLUMN - Provides the name of the column that contains the data used to set the value of the parameter. See DEFINE_VAR_TABLE command.
- COMPARE_STR - Indicates which row to use for setting the value from a value table. See DEFINE_VAR_TABLE command.
- METADATA_LAYER - identifies the layer from which the metadata will be copied. This is the same value that would be passed to the FILENAME parameter on the IMPORT command used to load the layer.
- METADATA_ATTR - This is the string used to identify the metadata from which the value will be copied. The complete list of metadata attribute names for a layer can be seen by clicking the Metadata... button on the Control Center, or by running the EXPORT_METADATA command and looking at the result file. Some example metadata attributes are "UPPER LEFT X", "AREA COUNT", "PROJ_DESC", etc.
Here is an example of a DEFINE_VAR command used to define a directory path for later use and then
its subsequent use:
DEFINE_VAR NAME="DATA_DIR" VALUE="c:\temp\export test"
IMPORT FILENAME="%DATA_DIR%\blue_springs.opt"
For example you could use the following inside a directory loop to change the output path:
Example to define a variable based on the F_CODE attribute of a loaded layer and then use
that in the layer description of the layer.
DEFINE_VAR NAME="LAYER_F_CODE" VALUE_ATTR="F_CODE" FILENAME="c:\path_to_layer\my_data.shp"
SET_LAYER_OPTIONS FILENAME="c:\path_to_layer\my_data.shp" LAYER_DESC="%LAYER_F_CODE%"
Example to prompt the user for a folder and then a .zip file in that folder (you could have
just prompted for the file all at once, but this is for demonstration), then loads it.
// Prompt for folder to load
// Prompt for .zip file to load in folder. Cancel if nothing selected.
// Load the file.
Example to prompt the user for a filename, then define new variables that hold pieces of the
selected filename.
// Prompt use for file. Script aborts on cancel
// Define a variable with just the filename, another with parent folder
The command can be used to set up a look-up table in the script. Once the table is set up, you can use a
DEFINE_VAR command to set up a script variable by looking up a value in the
table. The data that makes up the table can be specified inline, or read from a CSV file. GM assumes that the
first line of the data contains the column names for the table. This is true regardless of whether the data is
inline or in a file.
END_VAR_TABLE - Indicates the end of the DEFINE_VAR_TABLE command. This is always required, whether the data is specified inline or in a file.
The following parameters are required by the DEFINE_VAR_TABLE command.
- NAME - Defines the name of the table
- FILENAME - (optional) Provides the full path to the CSV file that contains the table data. If both a file name and inline data are provided, only the data from the file is used; the inline data will be ignored.
Example (data specified inline):
DEFINE_VAR NAME="st_abb1" VALUE_TABLE="state_codes" VALUE_COLUMN="st_abb" \
DEFINE_VAR NAME="st_name1" VALUE_TABLE="state_codes" VALUE_COLUMN="st_name" \
Example (data in a file):
DEFINE_VAR_TABLE NAME="state_codes" \
FILENAME="C:\Temp\GlobalMapperWorkspaces\test_tabl e.csv"
DEFINE_VAR NAME="st_abb5M" VALUE_TABLE="state_codes" VALUE_COLUMN="st_abb" \
DEFINE_VAR NAME="st_name5M" VALUE_TABLE="state_codes" VALUE_COLUMN="st_name" \
The example CSV file contains the following data:
The DIR_LOOP_END command ends a loop of commands over all of the folders within
a directory. See the DIR_LOOP_START command
for details.
The DIR_LOOP_START command begins a loop of commands over all of the folders within
a directory (and optionally its subdirectories) that match one or more filename
masks. This is a powerful feature allowing you to do things like easily batch convert
a collection of files or perform any other supported operation over a collection of files.
You end a loop over the files in a folder using the DIR_LOOP_END command. Note that it
is also possible to nest loops.
Built-in Variables
For any commands found within a DIR_LOOP_START...DIR_LOOP_END pair defining a loop, the
following special character sequences can be used anywhere (examples of what the values
will be based on a current filename of 'C:\path\to\my\data\my_file.dem' are listed):
- %DIR% - full path to current file (value is 'C:\path\to\my\data\')
- %FNAME_W_DIR% - full path and filename of current file (value is 'C:\path\to\my\data\my_file.dem')
- %FNAME% - filename of current file (value is 'my_file.dem')
- %FNAME_WO_EXT% - filename of current file without extension (value is 'my_file')
- %PARENT_DIR% - name of parent directory of file (value is 'data')
- %PARENT_DIRN% - name of some level of parent directory, where 'N' is level. For example,
%PARENT_DIR1% value is 'my' and %PARENT_DIR2% is 'to'.
- %RECURSE_FOLDER% - folder recursed into beyond original search folder. So if current filename was
'C:\path\to\my\data\sub\folder\my_file.dem' the value of this would be 'sub\folder\'. Use this
to rebuild a directory structure elsewhere when recursing.
For a sample of the DIR_LOOP_START command in use, see the
example at the bottom of this reference.
The following parameters are used by the DIR_LOOP_START command.
- DIRECTORY - specifies the directory to search for files in. If
you leave this blank, the operation will be based in the current folder.
- FILENAME_MASKS - space-separated list of filename masks to match on.
If no value is provided then all files will be used. If you provide ".." as the mask, you will enter
the loop once for each folder that is matched, allowing you to perform one operation per folder on an
enter directory tree. In addition to individual masks the following special values are also supported:
- COMMON_ALL - a filter with all Commonly Supported Formats
- COMMON_ELEV - a filter with all Commonly Supported Elevation Grid Formats
- COMMON_RASTER - a filter with all Commonly Supported Raster Formats
- COMMON_VECTOR - a filter with all Commonly Supported Vector Formats
- FILENAME_MASKS_EXCLUDE - space-separated list of filename masks to exclude from matching.
Any files that match the FILENAME_MASKS but also match a FILENAME_MASKS_EXCLUDE mask will not be looped over.
- RECURSE_DIR - specifies whether the loop operation will search
subdirectories of the specified directory as well as the current one. Use RECURSE_DIR=YES to
enable. The default value is to NOT search subdirectories.
- LIST_FILENAME - specifies an explicit list of files to iterate over in order. The value can either refer to a previously defined inline DEFINE_TEXT_FILE or a text file on disk. Each line should contain the filename to load.
- INDEX_VAR - specifies the name of a variable to initialize with the current loop index. For example, specify INDEX_VAR="FILE_IDX", then you can use %FILE_IDX% inside the loop. It will have values starting at 0 and incrementing by 1.
The EDIT_MAP_CATALOG command allows you to work with map catalogs (managed collections of
map files), including create new map catalogs, adding maps to existing map catalogs, and
removing maps from existing map catatalogs.
The following parameters are supported by the command:
- FILENAME - filename of the map catalog to create/update.
- CREATE_IF_EMPTY - specifies whether or not the map catalog (.gmc) file
should be created if it doesn't already exist. The default is YES. If you specify the FILENAME of a map
catalog file that doesn't exist and have CREATE_IS_EMPTY=NO provided, nothing will be done and an
error will be logged.
- ZOOM_DISPLAY - specifies when the maps in the map catlaog should be displayed
and when it should be hidden based on the display zoom scale. This command will be formatted
as a name from the list, below followed by 2 numeric paramters. For example, use
ZOOM_DISPLAY="SCALE,25000,0" to have a map display only when zoomed in below 1:25000 scale.
- ALWAYS - always display the map. The numeric parameters are ignored.
- PERCENT - display the map when the map bounding box is a certain percentage of
the screen size. For example, use ZOOM_DISPLAY="PERCENT,0.10,0" to display the map when
its bounding box is at least 10% of the screen size.
- PIXEL_SIZE - display the map when each display pixel is less than some number of meters in size.
For example, use PIXEL_SIZE="SCALE,10,0" to display the map when the current
display resolution is 10 meters per pixel (or less/higher resolution).
- SCALE - display the map when the current display is at or below a certain scale.
For example, use ZOOM_DISPLAY="SCALE,25000,0" to display the map when the current
draw scale is at or below 1:25000.
- SCALE_RANGE - display the map when the current display is below a range of scale
value. For example, use ZOOM_DISPLAY="SCALE_RANGE,25000,100000" to display the map when
the current draw scale is between 1:25000 and 1:100000.
- ADD_FILE - specifies the full path to a file to add to the map
catalog. You can include wildcard characters, like * and ?, in the filename. You can also include multiple
ADD_FILE parameters to add multiple files in one command. For example, to add all of the ECW files in a
folder to the catalog, use ADD_FILE="C:\path_to_files\*.ecw".
- ADD_FILE_LIST - specifies the full path to a text file listing maps to add
to the map catalog. The text file should contain the full path to each file to add on each line of the file.
- REMOVE_MAP - specifies the full path of a file to remove from the map catalog.
You can include wildcard characters, like * and ?, in the filename. You can also include multiple
ADD_FILE parameters to remove multiple files in one command. For example, to remove all of the ECW files in the map
catalog, use REMOVE_MAP="*.ECW". To clear out a map catalog, use REMOVE_MAP="*". To remove a file by filename
without specifying a folder, use a * for the path. For example to remove "c:\temp\my_map.tif", you could use
REMOVE_MAP="*\my_map.tif" or REMOVE_MAP="c:\temp\my_map.tif".
- LOAD_FLAGS - specifies the load flags to use for the file. These are the same as used
for the IMPORT command. Use this to skip any load prompts. The values are format specific.
Here is a sample showing how to create a map catalog and then load it:
// Create the map catalog. Maps should show when they take up at least 10% of display.
ADD_FILE="c:\temp\export test\*.tif" ADD_FILE="c:\temp\export test\*.dem" \
// Load the map catalog
IMPORT FILENAME="c:\temp\export test\script_catalog.gmc"
The EDIT_VECTOR command selects and modifies vector data. You can choose to update area, line, and/
or point features with a single operation. You can also supply multiple COMPARE_STR
parameters to apply multiple criteria, all of which must be true, in order to
edit a feature.
It allows you to assign feature types (classifications), add/update
attributes and display labels, and reshape or delete features based on
one or more attribute or label values.
The following parameters are supported by the command:
Specify Data to Edit (By Attribute and/or Bounding Box)
- FILENAME - filename of the layer to update.
If an empty value is passed in, all loaded vector layers will be updated.
When running the script in the context of the main map view (including loading a workspace) you can also
pass in the value 'USER CREATED FEATURES' to have the 'User Created Features' layer
updated or 'SELECTED LAYERS' to have any layers selected in the Control Center updated.
- SHAPE_TYPE - specifies the vector object type(s) (area, line, and/or point) to edit.
If you don't provide a value then all available matching features will be edited. You can specify multiple
different object types as a comma-delimited list of the following (like SHAPE_TYPE="AREAS,LINES"):
- AREAS - area features
- LINES - line features
- POINTS - point features
- COMPARE_STR - specifies a comparison operation to perform to see if a feature is one that needs to be updated. The format is <attr_name><operator><attr_value> where the operator can be "=", "!=", "<", "<=", ">", or ">=". For example, to get all features with CLASS attribute less than 3, use COMPARE_STR="CLASS<3".
- You can also use a wild card symbol ("*") to match any character. For example if you have an attribute named CFCC and you want to match when the value of that attribute starts with an 'A', you can use COMPARE_STR="CFCC=A*" as your parameter. Note that when you use a wild card, only the "=" and "!=" comparison operators will result in a successful match.
- Instead of testing a specific attribute name, you can test whether any attribute in a feature has a particular value. To do this, use "<Any Attribute>" as the attribute name. For example, COMPARE_STR="<Any Attribute>=1" will match all features that have an attribute containing the value "1". You can use any operator, and the comparison value can contain wildcards.
- You can add multiple COMPARE_STR parameters to a single command to combine multiple criteria for your search. See special Attribute Name parameter details for other special allowed attribute names. Special attributes can only be used for "=" and "!=" comparisons.
- CASE_SENSITIVE - specifies whether or not text
comparisons are case sensitive or not. Use CASE_SENSITIVE=YES to enable, by default
comparisons are not case sensitive.
- ATTR_EXISTS and ATTR_MISSING - specialized instances of COMPARE_STR that allow you to select features based on whether or not an attribute exists.
For example, use ATTR_EXISTS="CFCC" to select features that have an attribute called CFCC, or ATTR_MISSING="CFCC" to select features that do not have an attribute called CFCC.
ATTR_EXISTS and ATTR_MISSING parameters can be used more than once in an EDIT_VECTOR command, and can be combined with COMPARE_STR parameters.
- COMPARE_OP - controls how multiple COMPARE_STR, ATTR_EXISTS, and ATTR_MISSING parameters are handled. The default
is to require that all conditions be met to include a feature (an AND operation), but if you would like
to match on a feature if at least one condition is met, use COMPARE_OP=ANY to specify that an OR operation should
be used rather than an AND operator. You can explicitly add COMPARE_OP=ALL if you want an AND operation, but that is
the default and it will work that way if you leave it off as well.
- COMPARE_NUM - specifies that any comparisons that are done against numeric values
should be numeric rather than alphabetic. Use COMPARE_NUM=YES to enable.
- Specify Bounding Box for Operation
Specify Layer for Output - Default is Input Layer
- COPY_TO_NEW_LAYER - specify COPY_TO_NEW_LAYER=YES to have the results (features) of the EDIT_VECTOR command copied to a new layer. If you use this parameter, but do not specify a value, then YES will be assumed.
- MOVE_TO_NEW_LAYER - specify MOVE_TO_NEW_LAYER=YES to have the results (features) of the EDIT_VECTOR command copied to a new layer, and then deleted from their original layer. If you use this parameter, but do not specify a value, then YES will be assumed.
- NEW_LAYER_NAME - Indicates the name of the layer where the features will be created, copied or moved. If a layer with this name already exists, then that layer will be used, otherwise, a new layer will be created.
- NEW_LAYER_PROJ - special Projection Specification indicating the projection to be used in the new layer. If this parameter is not specified, then the new layer will use the current global projection.
Attribute and Style Editing
- AREA_TYPE - specifies the name of the Global Mapper
area type to assign to matching area features.
- LINE_TYPE - specifies the name of the Global Mapper
line type to assign to matching line features.
- POINT_TYPE - specifies the name of the Global Mapper
point type to assign to matching point features.
- LIDAR_CLASS - specifies the name of the Lidar class to apply to all matching Lidar points. This can either be the Lidar class number or the name of the Lidar class displayed in the user interface. For example, to set all points to type 2 (ground), use LIDAR_CLASS=2 or LIDAR_CLASS="Ground". This option requires a Lidar module license.
- ATTR_VAL - specifies the attribute value to update
and what value to assign to it. The format is attr_name=attr_value. For example if you
want to set the value of an attribute named CFCC to A34, use ATTR_VAL="CFCC=A34". You
can add multiple ATTR_VAL parameters to a single command to provide multiple attribute/value
pairs (or labels) to add/update. If you would like to update the feature label rather than
an attribute, use <Feature Name> for your attribute name.
- ATTR_TO_DELETE - specifies the name of an attribute
to delete from matching features. You can include multiple instances of this
attribute to delete multiple values. To remove the feature label rather than an
attribute, use <Feature Name> for the attribute name.
- ATTR_TO_KEEP - specifies the name of an attribute
to keep from matching features. You can include multiple instances of this
attribute to specify multiple attributes to keep. You can also include wildcard characters,
like * and ?, in the attribute name.
- ATTR_TO_RENAME - specifies the name of an attribute
to rename from matching features and what to rename it to. You can include multiple instances of this
attribute to rename multiple attributes. For example, to rename the attribute, CTY to be COUNTY, add
the parameter ATTR_TO_RENAME="CTY=COUNTY" to your command.
- ATTR_TO_COPY - specifies the name of an attribute
to copy the value of an existing attribute or label to. You can include multiple instances of this
parameter to copy multiple attributes. For example, to create a new attribute named DISP_LABEL from the
feature label, use ATTR_TO_COPY="DISP_LABEL=<Feature Name>" or to create a new attribute named
DEPTH from the value of an attribute named Z, use ATTR_TO_COPY="DEPTH=Z".
- ATTR_REPLACE_STR - specifies the name of an attribute
to replace text in and the text to replace and with what. You can include multiple instances of this
attribute to replace text in multiple attributes. For example, to replace the text 'Street' with 'St.' in
an attribute named 'ROAD_NAME', use ATTR_REPLACE_STR="ROAD_NAME=Street=St." in your command. To replace text
in the feature label rather than an attribute, use <Feature Name> for the attribute name. To replace a
new line character, use the escape sequence \n.
- STYLE_ATTR - provides a style attribute to update. You can include multiple
STYLE_ATTR parameters, one for each style attribute pair. See
Field Options for a list of
the supported style attributes and values. For example to set all matching lines to a solid
green pen 3 pixels wide, add the following: STYLE_ATTR="LINE_STYLE=SOLID" STYLE_ATTR="LINE_WIDTH=3" STYLE_ATTR="LINE_COLOR=RGB(0,255,0)"
- ADD_COORD_ATTRS - specifies that X and Y attributes should be added with the X and Y
coordinate values to the attribute list of any matching point features. For matching line features you will get
attributes for the start and end points (START_X, START_Y, END_X, and END_Y).
Duplicate Feature Finding
- DELETE_DUPLICATES - specifies whether or not to mark
matching features that are duplicates (i.e. same coordinates, label, attributes, type, and style) as deleted.
Use DELETE_DUPLICATES=YES to enable. Note that this only removes duplicate features that
are within the same layer. Duplicates in different layers will not be deleted.
- MARK_DUPLICATES - specifies whether or not to add a DUPLICATE=Y attribute
to matching features that are duplicates (i.e. same coordinates, label, attributes, type, and style).
Use MARK_DUPLICATES=YES to enable. Note that this only marks duplicate features that
are within the same layer. Duplicates in different layers will not be marked. All features in the duplicate set
will be marked with the DUPLICATE=Y attribute except the first one. All of the duplicates will also get a
DUP_ID attribute that uniquely identifies the group of duplicates.
- IGNORE_ATTRS - specifies when deleting or marking duplicates that only the geometry
of the features should be considered and not any attribute values. Add IGNORE_ATTRS=YES to make the attributes
be ignored. You can require some particular attributes to be equal using the DUPLICATE_ATTR parameter.
- DUPLICATE_ATTR - specifies the name of an attribute
to that must have the same value in both features being compared when looking for duplicates. You can include multiple instances of this
attribute to require multiple attributes to be equal. Special attribute names, like <Feature Name>, are recognized for the attribute name.
For example to require the name and an attribute named ROAD_ID to be equal, add DUPLICATE_ATTR="ROAD_ID" and DUPLICATE_ATTR="<Feature Name>"
to your command. This would only be used in conjunction with IGNORE_ATTRS=YES otherwise all attributes are required to be equal.
- SUBSET_IS_DUP - specifies whether a line that is a subset of another line should be treated
as a duplicate of the other line. If you add SUBSET_IS_DUP, any lines that are sub-sets of another line will have a SUBSET=Y attribute
added along with the other duplicate information.
Apply Terrain Elevations to Vector Data
- APPLY_ELEVS - Enable this option is you want to apply elevation values from loaded terrain layers to vector data. Use APPLY_ELEVS=YES to enable
- CALC_ELEV_SLOPE_STATS - uses loaded elevation data to calculate elevation and slope statistics for all features that meet the selection criteria. It can be used in combination with the following parameters: IGNORE_LINE_VERTICES, INC_UNIT_SUFFIX, ELEV_ATTR, ELEV_LAYER.
- ELEV_ATTR - The name the attribute to save the elevation in when applying to point features. If not provided, the value will be stored in the ELEVATION attribute.
- ELEV_LAYER - filename or description of elevation layer(s) to get elevation values from. By default all visible terrain layers are used. You can include multiple ELEV_LAYER parameters if you have multiple masks to search. Wildcards (* and ?) are supported. Hidden layers are not considered.
- IGNORE_LINE_VERTICES - while computing statistics for a line feature, resample the feature instead of using the features vertices. This parameter works with APPLY_ELEVS or CALC)ELEV_SLOPE_STATS.
- INC_UNIT_SUFFIX - specifies whether or not the unit suffix (like 'm' or 'ft') is appended after the raw elevation value for elevations saved to attributes for point features. The default is off, use INC_UNIT_SUFFIX=YES to enable
- REPLACE_EXISTING - specifies whether we should replace existing elevation values with a new one from terrain layers. This is enabled by default. Use REPLACE_EXISTING=NO to disable replacing existing elevations.
- ADD_EXISTING_ELEV - if replacing existing elevation values, specifies whether the elevation at each location from terrain layers is added to the existing elevation value rather than directly replacing it. Use ADD_EXISTING_ELEV=YES to enable.
Buffer Creation
The following parameters control creation of buffer areas around matching features:
- BUFFER_DIST - explicit buffer radius parameter, in meters. e.g. BUFFER_DIST="5.0". You can also put units in string (like BUFFER_DIST="5.0 miles" or BUFFER_DIST="500 m"). Put space between distance and units.
- BUFFER_DIST_END - explicit buffer radius parameter for radius at end of tapered buffer, in meters. e.g. BUFFER_DIST_END="3.0". You can also put units in string (like BUFFER_DIST="5.0 miles" or BUFFER_DIST="500 m"). Put space between distance and units.
- BUFFER_ATTR - name of attribute that determines buffer radius for a feature. One of "BUFFER_ATTR" or "BUFFER_DIST" must be used. e.g. BUFFER_ATTR="BUFFERSIZE"
- BUFFER_ATTR_END - name of attribute that determines buffer radius at the end of a tapered buffer for a feature. One of "BUFFER_ATTR_END" or "BUFFER_DIST_END" must be used to get a tapered buffer
- BUFFER_ATTR_UNITS - String representing units to use to interpret value obtained by "BUFFER_ATTR". Accepts "M" (meters), "METERS", "FT", "FEET", "KM", MI" (meters), "MILES", "NM" (nautical miles). Defaults to meters. e.g. BUFFER_ATTR_UNITS="FT"
- BUFFER_COMBINE_AREAS - boolean, whether to combine created bufers (default = false). e.g. BUFFER_COMBINE_AREAS=YES
- BUFFER_CREATE_RECTS - boolean, whether to create rectangle buffers (default = false). e.g. BUFFER_CREATE_RECTS="YES"
- BUFFER_Z_OFFSET - Z-offset applied to z-value of 3D features (default = 0), in meters. e.g. BUFFER_Z_OFFSET="100"
- BUFFER_ZONES - number of buffer zones to create per feature (default = 1). e.g. BUFFER_ZONES=2
Other Feature Editing
- DELETE_FEATURES - specifies whether or not to mark
all matching features as deleted. Use DELETE_FEATURES=YES to enable.
- DELETE_ISLANDS - use DELETE_ISLANDS=YES to specify that all islands/holes in matching area features should be marked as deleted
- COORD_OFFSET - specifies the offset to
apply to any coordinates for the features that match the specified criteria. The offset should
be in the units of the layer the features are being matched from. The offset should be specified as a
comma-delimited list of the X and Y offsets, such as COORD_OFFSET="100000.0,200000.0".
- COORD_SCALE - specifies the scale
factors to apply to any coordinates for the features that match the specified criteria. Each coordinate will
be multiplied by these scale factor. The scale factors should be specified either as a single value (the
most common scenario) or as separate scale factors for the X and Y values, like COORD_SCALE=1.00005 for a
single value, or COORD_SCALE=1.0045,1.0052 for separate X and Y coordinate scales.
- ROTATE_ANGLE - specifies the angle in degrees by which to rotate matching
features by clockwise around some point. The ROTATE_ABOUT parameter specifies what point the feature coordinates
are rotated about.
- ROTATE_ABOUT - if a non-zero ROTATE_ANGLE value is specified, specifies the point
that the features should be rotated about, with the default being about the center of all matching features. The
following values are supported:
- COMBINED_CENTER - rotates about the combined center of all matching features. This is the default value.
- INDIVIDUAL_CENTER - rotates each feature about the center of the feature independently.
- Manually specified location - you can manually specify the X and Y coordinates to rotate about (in the projection
of the layer being rotated), like ROTATE_ABOUT="45000.0,1356000.0"
- CREATE_LABEL_POINTS - specifies that a point feature should be created at the
centroid/label position of each matching area feature. Use CREATE_LABEL_POINTS=YES to enable. If you only want to
match areas with a non-empty label also add COMPARE_STR="<Feature Name>=*".
- CREATE_VERTEX_POINTS - specifies that a point feature should be created at each
vertex of the matching area and line features. Use CREATE_VERTEX_POINTS=YES to enable.
- CONNECT_ISLANDS - specifies that any matching area features with islands should have the
islands connected to the outer area boundary to form a single vertex list. This is useful if you need to export the
data for use in software that doesn't support area features with holes/islands in them. Use CONNECT_ISLANDS=YES to enable.
- SIMPLIFICATION - specifies a simplification threshold to use to simplify/reduce the matching area and line features. It can contain a horizontal threshold (e.g., SIMPLIFICATION="20") or both horizontal and vertical thresholds, separated by a blank (e.g., SIMPLIFICATION="20 10").
- The horizontal threshold specifies how far off a straight line (in the units of the current projection) that a point has to be before it is kept. Vertices that are this distance or further from the straight line will be kept. Vertices that are closer than this distance from the straight line will be discarded.
- The vertical threshold applies only to 3D data, and will be applied to the vertex elevations. If the calculation exceeds the threshold, then the vertex will be kept.
- By default, the vertical threshold is treated as elevation (in the vertical unit of the data). This specifies a threshold for the elevation difference between vertices. If the elevation difference is greater than or equal to the threshold, the vertex will be kept.
- If you include the VERT_THRESH_IS_SLOPE parameter, the vertical threshold will be treated as slope, in degrees. This indicates a threshold for the slope difference between vertices. Each calculation involves three points (A, B, and C). If the difference between slope AC and slope AB exceeds the threshold, and the difference between slope AC and slope BC exceeds the threshold, then the point will be kept.
- CONVERT_AREAS_TO_LINES - specifies that any matching area features will have new line
features created from them. Use CONVERT_AREAS_TO_LINES=YES to enable this functionality. By default each matching area
and all islands/holes in that area will haved lines created for them (the islands will get an ISLAND=Y attribute), but
you can add IGNORE_ISLANDS=YES to just create lines from the parent areas.
- INSERT_VERTICES_AT_INTERSECTIONS - specifies that new vertices will be inserted at the
intersection of any matching line features. Use INSERT_VERTICES_AT_INTERSECTIONS=YES to enable this functionality.
- SPLIT_AT_INTERSECTIONS - specifies that any matching line features that share an interior
vertex will be split at that vertex into new lines. Use SPLIT_AT_INTERSECTIONS=YES to enable this functionality. Use this
in conjunction with the INSERT_VERTICES_AT_INTERSECTIONS option to insert vertices at intersections and then split the
lines there. The INSERT_VERTICES_AT_INTERSECTIONS option is enabled by default if SPLIT_AT_INTERSECTIONS is enabled (v16.1.2 and later).
Add INSERT_VERTICES_AT_INTERSECTIONS=NO if you only want to split at existing vertices.
- PTS_AT_INTERSECTIONS - specifies that new point features will be created wherever two or
more matching line features touch. Use PTS_AT_INTERSECTIONS=YES to enable.
- UNIQUE_ID_BASE - specifies a number to start assigning unique IDs to features that match
the query. For example, using UNIQUE_ID_BASE=1 would assign ID attributes to each matching feature starting at 1 and
increasing sequentially (i.e. 1, 2, 3, etc.).
- SMOOTH_FEATURES - specifies that matching area and line features should be smoothed.
- CREATE_COVERAGE_AREAS - specifies that a new layer with coverage areas for all
matching features should be created. Use CREATE_COVERAGE_AREAS=YES to enable.
- COVERAGE_SMOOTHING_FACTOR - specifies a smoothing factor to use when creating the
coverage areas to control how tightly shrink-wrapped around the vector features the area is. The default value is 1.0,
but any value greater than 0 is allowed, with larger values resulting in more smoothing.
- CREATE_SKELETON_LINES - specifies that skeleton lines for the matching area features should be
created and added to a new layer. The layer description will be the area layer description with "Skeleton Lines" appended to it.
- REMOVE_ISLANDS - specifies that any areas with islands/holes should be chopped up to remove
the islands. The original area will be marked as deleted and the new island-less areas added to the same layer. Use
REMOVE_ISLANDS=YES to enable this behavior.
- POINT_LAYER_TO_SPLIT_AGAINST - specifies the full path and filename or description of a loaded
point layer to use to split matching line features. The closest line to each point in the layer will be found and (if closer
than MAX_DIST) will be split at the location that the point snaps to.
- MAX_DIST - specifies the maximum distance (in meters) that a point from the POINT_LAYER_TO_SPLIT_AGAINST
layer can be from the nearest line and still split the line.
- FIX_INVALID - specifies that invalid polygon geometries should be found and, if possible, fixed.
Add FIX_INVALID=YES to enable this.
- RESAMPLE_FEATURES - Resample the vertices at regularly spaced intervals for the line or area features that match the current query.
If positive, the value is the interval in meters. If negative, the value is the number of sample locations to space evenly along the feature.
For example, RESAMPLE_FEATURES=150 creates a vertex feature every 150 meters along each line or area feature. RESAMPLE_FEATURES=-20 creates 20 evenly spaced vertices along the feature.
Use KEEP_ORIGINAL_VERTICES=NO to replace the original vertices with the resampled ones.
Use KEEP_END_POINT=YES to preserve the original start and end point for the feature (in this case, the last segment may not contain the full interval length.)
- CREATE_POINTS_ALONG_FEATURES - Create point features at regularly spaced intervals along line or area features that match the current query.
If positive, the value is the interval in meters. If negative, the value is the number of sample locations to space evenly along the feature.
For example, CREATE_POINTS_ALONG_FEATURES=150 creates a point feature every 150 meters along each line or area feature.
CREATE_POINTS_ALONG_FEATURES=-30 creates 30 points spaced evenly along the line or area boundary.
- CREATE_PERP_LINES_ALONG_FEATURES - Create perpindicular line features at regularly spaced intervals along line or area features that match the current query.
If positive, the value is the interval in meters. If negative, the value is the number of sample locations to space evenly along the feature.
For example, CREATE_PERP_LINES_ALONG_FEATURES=200 creates a point feature every 200 meters along each line or area feature.
- PERP_LINE_LENGTH - Specifies the length, in meters, for the perpendicular line added using the CREATE_PERP_LINES_ALONG_FEATURES parameter.
- KEEP_END_POINT - When processing the RESAMPLE_FEATURES, CREATE_POINTS_ALONG_FEATURES or CREATE_PERP_LINES_ALONG_FEATURES parameter, indicates whether or not to keep the original end point for the feature. Use KEEP_END_POINT=YES to enable this function. The default is to not include the end point.
- KEEP_ORIGINAL_VERTICES - When processing the RESAMPLE_FEATURES, CREATE_POINTS_ALONG_FEATURES or CREATE_PERP_LINES_ALONG_FEATURES parameter, indicates whether or not to include the original vertices from the area. If the value is YES, a point or line feature for each vertex in the feature will be created in addition to the points or lines created at regular intervals. Use KEEP_ORIGINAL_VERTICES=YES to enable this functionality. The default is to not include the original vertices.
Here is an example illustrating how to move features with a CLASS attribute with a value of '1' to a new
layer named 'Major Highways':
Here is an example illustrating how to add evenly spaced points every 200 meters along the features containing a CLASS attribute with a value of '1'.
Point features will also be created at the end point, and at each current vertex:
Here is an example illustrating how to add evenly spaced perpendicular lines, 50 meters long, every 250 meters along the features containing a CLASS attribute with a value of '2'.
Line features will also be created at the end point:
Here is a sample script demonstrating applying elevations to all loaded vector data from all loaded terrain:
// Apply elevations from all loaded terrain layers to all loaded vector layer.
// Do NOT add elev values to existing values and do NOT include unit suffix.
// If the data already has an existing elevation, do NOT replace it
// Assign elevations for points to the ELEV_1 attribute rather than ELEVATION
For more examples of how to use the EDIT_VECTOR command, see the
sample at the bottom of this document.
The EMBED_SCRIPT command allows you to call another script from within a
script or to load a workspace file. This can be useful in many situations.
For example, if you have a common set of data files that you want to load for
each script operation, you could simply create a script that loaded those files,
then embed that script within your other scripts.
The following parameters are supported by the command:
- FILENAME - full path to script or workspace file to run
- SKIP_UNLOAD_ALL - specifies whether or not the first UNLOAD_ALL or UNLOAD_LAYER command
in the script file being run should be skipped. This is useful for embedding workspace files which typically
unload everything to start with. Use SKIP_UNLOAD_ALL=YES to skip the first UNLOAD_ALL or UNLOAD_LAYER command.
The EXPORT_ANY command exports loaded data to some file format. The TYPE parameter for this will automatically determine
For example if you use TYPE=USGS_DEM then you will export using the EXPORT_ELEVATION command.
The parameters for the command that is used based on the TYPE parameter.
- TYPE - type of file we're exporting to. See the other EXPORT commands
for a complete list of available types. The following types are special types:
- FIRST_LOADED - export to the same type as the first loaded file
- LAST_LOADED - export to the same type as the last loaded file
The EXPORT_CLOUD command exports data to a cloud database, including Amazon S3 account. The following parameters are supported by the command.
- CLOUD_TYPE - Cloud type, currently only AWS is supported "Amazon's AWS S3"
- CLOUD_KEY1- first access key, for AWS S3 this is the Public Key
- CLOUD_KEY2 - second access key, for AWS S3 this is the Private Key
- CLOUD_FOLDER - folder where file exists in the cloud, for AWS S3 this is the bucket
- CLOUD_LOCATION - location where folder exists, for AWS S3 this is region
- CLOUD_FILE - the name of the file as it exists in the cloud.
CODE_PAGE="0" CLOUD_TYPE="Amazon's AWS S3" CLOUD_KEY1="AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" CLOUD_KEY2="AAAA+bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" \
CLOUD_FOLDER="bmg-bucket" CLOUD_LOCATION="us-east-1" CLOUD_FILE="biggybig.shp"
The EXPORT_ELEVATION command exports all currently loaded elevation data to a
file. The following parameters are supported by the command.
- FILENAME - full path to file to save the data to
- EXPORT_LAYER - filename or description of layer(s) to export.
By default all compatible and exportable layers are exported. You can include multiple EXPORT_LAYER
parameters if you have multiple masks to search. Wildcards (* and ?) are supported. Hidden layers are not considered.
To export just the layer(s) selected in the Control Center, use EXPORT_LAYER="SELECTED LAYERS".
- TYPE - type of elevation file we're exporting to
- FIRST_LOADED - export to the same type as the first loaded file
- LAST_LOADED - export to the same type as the last loaded file
- ARCASCIIGRID - export an Arc ASCII Grid format file.
- BIL - export to a BIL format file (simple binary format with header).
- BT - export to a BT (Binary Terrain) format grid file.
- DTED - export to DTED format grid files.
- DXF_3DFACE - export a DXF 3D face format file.
- DXF_MESH - export a 3D DXF mesh format file.
- DXF_POINT - export a 3D DXF point format file.
- ERDAS - export to an Erdas Imagine IMG format file.
- FLOATGRID - export a Float/Grid format file.
- GEOSOFT_GRID - export to a Geosoft grid format file.
- GEOTIFF - export to a GeoTIFF format file.
- GLOBAL_MAPPER_GRID - export to a Global Mapper Grid format file.
- GRAVSOFT_GRID - export to a Gravsoft Grid format file.
- GWS - export to Windsim GWS.
- HF2 - export to a HF2/HFZ format file.
- IDRISI_RASTER - export to an Idrisi elevation format file.
- LEVELLER_HF - export to a Leveller heightfield file.
- LIDAR_LAS - export to a Lidar LAS/LAZ file. Use .laz in filename to get LasZip.
- MAPMAKERTERRAIN - export to a MapMaker Terrain format file.
- NITF - NITF format terrain file
- PLS_CADD - PLS-CADD terrain file
- ROCKWORKS_GRID - export to a RockWorks Grid format file.
- STL - export to a STL format file
- SURFERGRID - export to a Surfer Grid format file. The FORMAT parameter
specifies whether it is an ASCII or binary format Surfer Grid file.
- TERRAGEN - export to a Terragen terrain file.
- USGS_DEM - export to a native format USGS DEM file.
- VRML - export to a VRML file.
- VULCAN_3D - export to a Vulcan3D triangulation file.
- XYZ_GRID - export to a XYZ Grid file.
- ELEV_UNITS - specify elevation units to use in export
- FEET - export in US feet
- DECIFEET - export in 10ths of US feet
- METERS - export in meters
- DECIMETERS - export in 10ths of meters
- CENTIMETERS - export in centimeters
- SPATIAL_RES - specifies spatial resolution. Defaults to the minimum
spatial resolution of the two layers if not specified. Should be formatted as
x_resolution,y_resolution. The units are the units of the current global
projection. For example, if UTM was the current global projection and you
wanted to export at 30 meter spacing, the parameter/value pair would look like
SPATIAL_RES=30.0,30.0. You can also specify as a percentage of the default resolution by adding a percent.
For example to get half the detail your double the spatial resolution value, so you would use
- SPATIAL_RES_METERS - specifies spatial resolution to use in meters. The
value in meters will automatically be converted to the curent view/export projection units. For example,
to do an export at 2.0 meter spacing (or as close as you can get to that in the current units), use
SPATIAL_RES_METERS=2.0, or to do an export at 1.0 meters in X by 1.5 meters in Y, use
- FORCE_SQUARE_PIXELS - if this value is set to YES, the spatial
resolution of the resultant elevation file will be set so that the x and y
pixel size are the same, with the minimum default size being used for both.
- SAMPLING_METHOD (elevation and raster only) - specifies the sampling
method to use when resampling this layer. The following values are supported:
- DEFAULT - Use either automatic resampling based on export or layer resampling, depending on setting of global
flag about whether to resample on export
- AUTO - Automatically select a resampling method based on how the export resolution and bounds compare to the original
layout for a layer. For example if you export to a lower resolution a box averager of appropriate size may be used automatically
- LAYER - Use the sampling method set for each layer
- The list of SAMPLING_METHOD values for the IMPORT command (Click here for list) can
also be specified to use a particular sampling method for all layers being exported/
- Specify Bounding Box for Operation
- Tiling/Gridding Export into Smaller Chunks
- Cropping to Polygons/Areas
- GEN_WORLD_FILE - specifies that a world file (TFW for TIF, JGW for JPG, etc.) should
be generated in addition to the grid file. Use GEN_WORLD_FILE=YES to turn on.
- GEN_TAB_FILE - specifies that a MapInfo TAB file should be generated
in addition to the grid file. Use GEN_TAB_FILE=YES to turn on.
- GEN_PRJ_FILE - specifies that a projection (PRJ) file should be
generated in addition to the data file. Use GEN_PRJ_FILE=YES to turn on.
- GEN_AUX_XML_FILE - specifies that an ESRI .aux.xml projection file should be
generated in addition to the data file. Use GEN_AUX_XML_FILE=YES to turn on.
- OVERWRITE_EXISTING - specifies that existing files should be
overwritten. The default is OVERWRITE_EXISTING=YES, so use
OVERWRITE_EXISTING=NO to skip exporting files that already exist.
- FILL_GAPS - specifies that small gaps in between and within the
data sets being exported will be filled in by interpolating the surrounding
data to come up with an elevation for the point in question. This option is on
by default, specify FILL_GAPS=NO to turn off.
BIL Grid Fields
- BYTES_PER_SAMPLE - specifies how many bytes to use per elevation sample in the BIL
file. Valid values are 1 byte (8 bit), 2 bytes (16-bits) and 4 bytes (32-bits). If this value isn't specified, 2 bytes are used.
- USE_UNSIGNED - if exporting to 1 or 2 byte integer samples,
add USE_UNSIGNED=YES to the command to get unsigned 8-bit or 16-bit values rather than the default signed values.
- USE_BIG_ENDIAN - specifies that elevation values
written to BIL files should use big endian (Motorola byte order) rather than
the default little endian (Intel byte order).
- USE_ESRI_HDR - specifies that the ESRI .hdr format
should be used for the export. Use USE_ESRI_HDR=YES to enable.
XYZ Grid Fields
- COORD_DELIM - specifies the delimeter
between coordinates
- COMMA - coordinates are separated by commas
- FIXED_WIDTH - coordinates are stored in fixed width columns
- SEMICOLON - coordinates are separated by semicolons
- SPACE - coordinates are separated by space characters
- TAB - coordinates are separated by tab characters
- EXPORT_COLORS - specifies that RGB color
values should be exported for each coordinate that is saved.
- EXPORT_ECEF - specifies that the
export should use ECEF (earth-centered earth-fixed, or geocentric) coordinates.
- EXPORT_ROW_MAJOR - specifies that the XYZ values should
be exported in row-major order. Use EXPORT_ROW_MAJOR=YES to enable this.
- REVERSE_ROWS - specifies that the values should
be exported from bottom-to-top rather than top-to-bottom
- REVERSE_COLS - specifies that the values should
be exported from right-to-left rather than left-to-right
- THIN_GRID_MAX_DELTA - specifies that the output points
should be thinned in areas with elevation values that change less than the specified valu. The units are
whatever units are specifed in the ELEV_UNITS parameter. By default if this value is provided the data will
be divided in to grids of a max size 64x64. If all values in that grid are within THIN_GRID_MAX_DELTA of
each other, only a single point will be exported. If not, 4 smaller grids of size 32x32 are examined, and
so on until a single point is reached. Use THIN_GRID_PIX_SIZE to specify a different maximum subgrid size other
than 64x64.
- THIN_GRID_PIX_SIZE - specifies the maximum number of samples
on each side of the sub-grids examined with THIN_GRID_MAX_DELTA is specified.
ERDAS Fields
- BYTES_PER_SAMPLE - specifies how many bytes to use per elevation sample in the IMG file.
Valid values are 2 bytes (16-bits) and 4 bytes (32-bits). If this value isn't specified, 2 bytes are used.
specifies that overview (pyramid) layers should be generated for the export. Use
specifies the block size to use for the export. The default is BLOCK_SIZE=64.
specifies whether or not the exported file should be compress. The default is
GeoTIFF Fields
- BYTES_PER_SAMPLE - specifies how many bytes to use per elevation sample in
the vertical GeoTIFF file. Valid values are 2 bytes (16-bits) and 4 bytes (32-bits). If this value isn't specified, 2 bytes are used.
- USE_UNSIGNED - if exporting 2 byte integer samples,
add USE_UNSIGNED=YES to the command to get unsigned 16-bit values rather than the default signed values.
- TILE_SIZE - specifies that the GeoTIFF
file should be exported with a tiled organization and use the specified tile size. This tile
size should be between 8 and 2048. Typical values are 64, 128, and 256.
- DISABLE_BIGTIFF - use to disable
the automatic creation of BigTIFF-format files for very large exports. Use DISABLE_BIGTIFF=YES
to disable the automatic BigTIFF support.
- TIFF_COPYRIGHT - specify text to store in TIFFTAG_COPYRIGHT tag.
- TIFF_DATETIME - specify text to store in TIFFTAG_DATETIME tag.
- TIFF_DOC_NAME - specify text to store in TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME tag.
- TIFF_GT_CITATION - specify text to store in GeoTIFF GTCitationGeoKey GeoTIFF tag.
- TIFF_IMAGE_DESC - specify text to store in TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION tag.
- TIFF_PCS_CITATION - specify text to store in GeoTIFF PCSCitationGeoKey GeoTIFF tag.
- TIFF_NO_GTIFF_HEADER - don't embed a GeoTIFF header in the file. Use TIFF_NO_GTIFF_HEADER=YES to disable write of header.
- COMPRESSION (GeoTIFF only)- specifies the type of compression to
use for the generated TIFF file. If you do not provide a compression value then no compression will be used.
- NONE - Do not compress the output.
- LZW - Use LZW (lossless) compression on the output.
- DEFLATE - Use Deflate/ZIP (lossless) compression on the output.
- VERT_CITATION - specifies the text description to store in the GeoTIFF file for the vertical coordinate system for the elevations. If nothing is supplied the default one (if any) for the supplied VERT_CS_CODE will be used.
- VERT_CS_CODE - specifies the vertical coordinate system (i.e. vertical datum) to store in the GeoTIFF file to specify what the elevations are referenced to. Use the EPSG code, like 5103 for NAVD88. If you don't specify a value and you specify a VERT_CITATION field that matches a known name, the associated VERT_CS_CODE for that name will be used. For example, VERT_CITATION="NAVD88" will provide VERT_CS_CODE=5103 by default. If neither of these are present and the source files used all use the same known system, that will be used. Note that no vertical datum conversion is done, this is just to supply metadata.
- EXPORT_SLOPE - use to specify that
slope values should be exported rather than elevation values. Use EXPORT_SLOPE=YES to enable.
- EXPORT_SLOPE_DIR - use to specify that
slope direction values should be exported rather than elevation values.
- EXPORT_SLOPE_PERCENT - use to specify that
slope values should be exported as percent slope rather than degrees. Use EXPORT_SLOPE_PERCENT=YES to enable
and also make sure to add EXPORT_SLOPE=YES to the command line.
DTED Fields
- DTED_LEVEL - specifies which DTED level to export
to. The values must be between 0 and 5 (with 0, 1, and 2) being the only levels supported by most applications.
- DTED_PRODUCER_CODE - specifies a producer code to store in the
DTED file header. This should be in the form CCAAABBB where the first 2 characters are the country code.
- DTED_SECURITY_CLASS - specifies the security classification character
to store in the DTED file header. The default is 'U' for unclassified. Other valid values are 'C' (confidential),
'S' (secret), and 'R' Restricted.
- SPLIT_INTO_FOLDERS - write each column out to separate folders by
longitude. Use SPLIT_INTO_FOLDERS=YES to enable this behavior.
Lidar LAS/LAZ Fields
- SAVE_HEIGHTS_ABOVE_GROUND - specifies whether the exported
LAS/LAZ file should contain raw elevations or a calculated 'height above ground'. Use SAVE_HEIGHTS_ABOVE_GROUND=YES
to enable saving heights above ground. Note this requires the separate Lidar module to be licensed.
- LAS_VERSION - specifies what version of LAS
file to write out. This would be 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, or 1.4. If you don't specify a version, the lowest
version that will support all of the provided options will be used (typically 1.1 or 1.2).
- VERT_CS_CODE - specifies the vertical coordinate
system (i.e. vertical datum) to store in the LAS file to specify what the elevations are referenced to.
Use the EPSG code, like 5103 for NAVD88. If you don't specify a value and the source files used all use
the same known system, that will be used. Note that no vertical datum conversion is done, this is just
to supply metadata.
- VERT_CITATION - specifies the text description to
store in the Lidar LAS file for the vertical coordinate system for the elevations. If nothing is supplied
the default one (if any) for the supplied VERT_CS_CODE will be used.
- FILE_SOURCE_ID - specifies a File Source ID numeric value to
store in the exported LAS file header. If not specified and one of the input files is a LAS file with
this value specified it will be used.
- GLOBAL_ENCODING - specifies a Global Encoding numeric value to
store in the exported LAS file header. If not specified and one of the input files is a LAS file with
this value specified it will be used.
- SYSTEM_ID - specifies a System ID value to
store in the exported LAS file header. If not specified and one of the input files is a LAS file with
this value specified it will be used.
- GEN_SOFTWARE - specifies a Generating Software value to
store in the exported LAS file header. If not specified and one of the input files is a LAS file with
this value specified it will be used. Otherwise 'Global Mapper' will be used.
- FLIGHT_DATE - specifies the flight date to
store in the exported LAS file header. This can be either the day of the current year (value 1 to 366) or
a common date format, including month, day, and year. If not specified the current date will be used.
- GUID - specifies the GUID to store in the LAS header. The format should be like
- USE_8BIT_CLASSES - specifies that full 8-bit values should
be used to store the point classification, allowing values up to 255, even in LAS 1.1/1.2 files that only support
classes up to 31 per the standard. Use with care as the files created using USE_8BIT_CLASSES=YES will not
comply with the LAS standards if any classes over 31 are present.
Arc ASCII Grid Fields
- VOID_ELEV - specifies the string to use for
no data values. The default is -9999.0.
- PRECISION - specifies the number of digits of precision
to include after the decimal. The default is an automatic determination based on the actual value. If you want
to instead use just one digit after the decimal always, use PRECISION=1.
- USE_CENTER_COORDS - specifies that center coordinates rather than
corner coordinates should be written to the Arc ASCII Grid header. Use USE_CENTER_COORDS=YES to enable.
GWS Windsim Fields
- ELEV_LAYER - filename or description of elevation layer(s) to export for Windsim GWS export. By default all compatible and exportable layers are exported. You can include multiple ELEV_LAYER parameters if you have multiple masks to search. Wildcards (* and ?) are supported. Hidden layers are not considered.
- ROUGHNESS_LAYER - filename or description of roughness grid layer(s) to export for Windsim GWS export. By default all compatible and exportable layers are exported. You can include multiple ROUGHNESS_LAYER parameters if you have multiple masks to search. Wildcards (* and ?) are supported. Hidden layers are not considered.
Other Format Specific Fields
- QUAD_NAME (USGS_DEM only) - specifies the quad name to place
in the header of the USGS DEM file.
- VERT_EXAG (VRML only) - specifies the vertical exaggeration
to use when creating the VRML file. Larger values result in a rougher terrain
being generated while smaller values result in a smoother terrain. A value of 1.0 results
in no vertical exaggeration at all (i.e. a nearly true to life representation). If you don't specify
a value the currently selected vertical exaggeration value on the Vertical Options tab of the
Configuation dialog will be used.
- ALLOW_LOSSY (GLOBAL_MAPPER_GRID only) - specifies whether or
not a slight loss in precision is allowable in order to achieve better
compression ratios. The default is YES, so turn only use lossless compression
you need to specify a value of ALLOW_LOSSY=NO.
- FORMAT (SURFERGRID only) - determines if Surfer Grid export
format is ASCII, BINARY_V6, or BINARY_V7. The default is ASCII if no format is specified.
- EXPORT_ECEF (DXF_3DFACE only) - specifies that the
export should use ECEF (earth-centered earth-fixed, or geocentric) coordinates.
- CREATE_BINARY (STL only) - specifies that the STL file that is created
will be a binary STL file rather than a (much larger) ASCII text STL file.
- Z_UP (STL only) - specifies that the STL file that is created
will use a "Z-Up" orientation; that is, Y values in exported coordinates will represent elevations
and Z values will represent latitudes.
- NITF_USE_DECIMAL (NITF only) - specifies that is a NITF file is exported with
lat/lon coordinates that the ICORDS is set to D for decimal coordinates rather than G for DMS.
Here is an example script showing 2 GWS exports:
// Do export with elev/roughness layers separately specified
ELEV_LAYER="*blue_springs*.dem*" ROUGHNESS_LAYER="Roughness *"
// Do export with automatic layer selection
The EXPORT_METADATA command exports the metadata for a specified load layer.
The following parameters are supported by the command.
- FILENAME - full path of file (must already be loaded) that you want
to save the metadata for.
- METADATA_FILENAME - full path of new text file to create on disk
containing the metadata for the specified layer.
- ADD_LIDAR_STATS - specifies whether or not statistics about a Lidar point cloud
should be dumped to the file for Lidar point cloud layers. This includes all of the statistics that you see
on the Statistics tab of the Metadata dialog for a Lidar layer. Use ADD_LIDAR_STATS=YES to enable.
- APPEND_TO_FILE - specifies that the metadata text should be appended to the
file specified if it already exists rather than a new file being created. Use APPEND_TO_FILE=YES to enable.
- HEADER - specifies a header line to include before the metadata output
by this statement. If you want to insert extra line breaks in the header, use the \n escape character.
- ADD_BLANK_LINE - specifies that a blank line will be added to the
file if APPEND_TO_FILE=YES is added to the command and the file was not empty to start with. Use
ADD_BLANK_LINE=YES to enable adding the blank line.
The EXPORT_PACKAGE command exports all currently loaded raster, vector, and
elevation data to a Global Mapper Package (GMP) file. The following parameters are
supported by the command.
- FILENAME - full path to file to save the data to
- EXPORT_LAYER - filename or description of layer(s) to export.
By default all compatible and exportable layers are exported. You can include multiple EXPORT_LAYER
parameters if you have multiple masks to search. Wildcards (* and ?) are supported. Hidden layers are not considered.
- Specify Bounding Box for Operation
- Tiling/Gridding Export into Smaller Chunks
- Cropping to Polygons/Areas
- SIMPLIFICATION - specifies the simplification threshold to use when
exporting the vector features. This specifies how far off a straight line (in the
units of the current projection) that a point has to be before it is kept.
Generally you should not specify a simplification value as the default just exports
all vertices as they are. This is an option for advanced users only.
- SINGLE_PRECISION - specifies that vector coordinates
should be written out as 4-byte single precision floating point numbers rather than the
default 8-byte double precision floating point numbers. Use SINGLE_PRECISION=YES to
enable single precision export, which will result in smaller files.
- DISCARD_ATTRIBUTES - specifies that the list of attribute-value
pairs for each vector feature should not be written out. Use DISCARD_ATTRIBUTES=YES to
enable this behavior.
- VECTOR_ONLY - specifies that only vector layers should be
exported to the package file. Use VECTOR_ONLY=YES to enable.
- SHAPE_TYPE specifies the vector object type(s) (area, line, or point) to export.
You can specify a comma-delimited list of the following (like SHAPE_TYPE="AREAS,LINES") or if you don't provide
a value at all the default of all types will be exported:
- AREAS - export area features
- LINES - export line features
- POINTS - export point features
- KEEP_ALL_STYLES - specifies that the full style of each feature
should be written to the package file, even if it uses the current default for the type. Use
KEEP_ALL_STYLES=YES to enable this. This is useful if you want features to look exactly the
same on all systems and not be affected by changes to the default styling for types.
- KEEP_NATIVE_PROJECTION - specifies that each layer should
be exported in the native projection of the layer rather than reprojected to the current
projection. Use KEEP_NATIVE_PROJECTION=YES to enable this behavior.
- COMBINE_VECTOR_LAYERS - specifies that all vector data
should be combined into a single layer within the package file. Use COMBINE_VECTOR_LAYERS=YES
to enable this behavior.
- OVERWRITE_EXISTING - specifies that existing files should be
overwritten. The default is OVERWRITE_EXISTING=YES, so use
OVERWRITE_EXISTING=NO to skip exporting files that already exist.
The EXPORT_PDF command exports all currently loaded data to a PDF file. The following parameters are
supported by the command.
- FILENAME - full path to file to save the data to
- EXPORT_LAYER - filename or description of layer(s) to export.
By default all compatible and exportable layers are exported. You can include multiple EXPORT_LAYER
parameters if you have multiple masks to search. Wildcards (* and ?) are supported. Hidden layers are not considered.
- DPI - specifies the DPI that the file is generated at.
- EXPORT_SCALE - specifies the scale to do the export at. For example to
export at 1:50,000 scale, use EXPORT_SCALE=50000.
- PDF_PAGE_SIZE - specifies the name of the paper size to use.
This should match one of the entries on the PDF export dialog, like landscape, portrait, A0, etc.
If you would like to define a custom page size, use a format like PDF_PAGE_SIZE="CUSTOM 12in x 18in" (creates
a 12 inch wide by 18 inch tall page or PDF_PAGE_SIZE="CUSTOM 30cm X 60cm" which creates a 30 cm by 80 cm page.
- PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION - specifies the page orientation to use for
the generated PDF file. The following values are supported:
- AUTO - Automatically determine whether to use portrait or landscape mode based on export bounds aspect ratio.
- PDF_MARGINS - specifies the margins to use in inches. The value should be a comma-delimited
list of numbers for the left, top, right, and bottom margins. For example, PDF_MARGINS="0.5,1.0,0.5,1.25" would result in a
0.5 inch margin for the left and right, 1.0 inch for the top, and 1.25 inches for the bottom.
- PDF_HEADER - specifies the header to use
- PDF_FOOTER - specifies the footer to use
- PDF_COMBINE_RASTERS - specifies whether multiple raster layers should be combined into a
single layer or kept separate. Use PDF_COMBINE_RASTERS=YES to combine them or PDF_COMBINE_RASTER_LAYERS=NO to keep separate.
- PDF_FILL_PAGE - specifies whether the PDF export should fill the page or be cropped to the
exact bounds specified. Use PDF_FILL_PAGE=YES to enable or PDF_FILL_PAGE=NO to disable.
- PDF_FONT_SCALE - specifies the scale factor to apply to text. For example use
PDF_FONT_SCALE=2.0 to double the size of text.
- PDF_SYMBOL_SCALE - specifies the scale factor to apply to point symbols and icons. For example use
PDF_SYMBOL_SCALE=2.0 to double the size of symbols.
- Specify Bounding Box for Operation
- Tiling/Gridding Export into Smaller Chunks
- LAYER_ATTR - specifies the attribute value to use from each feature for the layer name in the PDF
file. The default is to use the feature description. See special Attribute Name parameter details for
recognized values.
- VECTOR_ONLY - specifies that only vector layers should be
exported to the PDF file. Use VECTOR_ONLY=YES to enable.
- SAVE_GRID_LINES - specifies that if grid line display is enabled that the grid lines
should be saved. Specify SAVE_GRID_LINES=NO to disable this option. If it's not specified the
the grid lines will be saved if enabled.
- SAVE_SCALE_AND_LEGEND - specifies that the distance scale and
elevation legend, if applicable and enabled for display on the Configuration
dialog, should be exported to the generated PDF file. Specify
SAVE_SCALE_AND_LEGEND=NO to disable this option. If it's not specified the
current view settings will be used.
- PDF_USE_ADOBE_EXT - specifies that Adobe ISO 32000 Extensions should be used for georeference. Specify
PDF_USE_ADOBE_EXT=YES to enable this option (default) or PDF_USE_ADOBE_EXT=NO to disable this option and use standard PDF georeferencing.
- OVERWRITE_EXISTING - specifies that existing files should be
overwritten. The default is OVERWRITE_EXISTING=YES, so use
OVERWRITE_EXISTING=NO to skip exporting files that already exist.
The EXPORT_PDF3D command exports all currently loaded data to a 3D PDF file. The following parameters are supported by the command.
- FILENAME - full path to file to save the data to
- EXPORT_LAYER - filename or description of layer(s) to export.
By default all compatible and exportable layers are exported. You can include multiple EXPORT_LAYER
parameters if you have multiple masks to search. Wildcards (* and ?) are supported. Hidden layers are not considered.
- PDF_PAGE_SIZE - specifies the name of the paper size to use.
This should match one of the entries on the PDF export dialog, like landscape, portrait, A0, etc.
If you would like to define a custom page size, use a format like PDF_PAGE_SIZE="CUSTOM 12in x 18in" (creates
a 12 inch wide by 18 inch tall page or PDF_PAGE_SIZE="CUSTOM 30cm X 60cm" which creates a 30 cm by 80 cm page.
- PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION - specifies the page orientation to use for
the generated PDF file. The following values are supported:
- AUTO - Automatically determine whether to use portrait or landscape mode based on export bounds aspect ratio.
- PDF_MARGINS - specifies the margins to use in inches. The value should be a comma-delimited
list of numbers for the left, top, right, and bottom margins. For example, PDF_MARGINS="0.5,1.0,0.5,1.25" would result in a
0.5 inch margin for the left and right, 1.0 inch for the top, and 1.25 inches for the bottom.
- PDF_HEADER - specifies the header to use
- PDF_FOOTER - specifies the footer to use
- PDF_COMBINE_RASTERS - specifies whether multiple raster layers should be combined into a
single node or kept separate. Use PDF_COMBINE_RASTERS=YES to combine them (default) or PDF_COMBINE_RASTER_LAYERS=NO to keep separate.
- PDF_COMBINE_ELEV_GRIDS - specifies wheter multiple elevation grid layers should be combined into a single node or kept separate.
Use PDF_COMBINE_ELEV_GRIDS=YES to combine them (default) or PDF_COMBINE_ELEV_GRIDS=NO to keep separate.
- PDF_CREATE_IMAGE_DRAPED - specifies whether to combine raster and elevation grid layers into a single image draped surface node.
Use PDF_CREATE_IMAGE_DRAPED=YES to combine them (default) or PDF_CREATE_IMAGE_DRAPED=NO to keep separate.
- Specify Bounding Box for Operation
- Tiling/Gridding Export into Smaller Chunks
- PDF_LIDAR_AS_LINES - specifies wether to render Lidar points as short line segments in PDF. This will improve appearance in some PDF readers. Specify
PDF_LIDAR_AS_LINES=YES to enable this option (default) or PDF_LIDAR_AS_LINES=NO to disable this option and render as points.
- PDF_USE_FILENAME_FOR_NODES - specifies whether to use the source filename for exported node names. Specify
PDF_USE_FILENAME_FOR_NODES=YES to enable this option or PDF_USE_FILENAME_FOR_NODES=NO to disable this option and assign default node names based on data type (raster, lidar, point, line, area).
- PDF_USE_LDP - specifies whether to use a Low Distortion Projection for exported data. This can impove accuracy when the range of coordinates is
small compared to their values. Specify LDP=YES to enable this option (defulat) or PDF_USE_LDP=NO to disable this option.
- PDF_USE_ADOBE_EXT - specifies that Adobe ISO 32000 Extensions should be used for georeference. Specify
PDF_USE_ADOBE_EXT=YES to enable this option (default) or PDF_USE_ADOBE_EXT=NO to disable this option and use standard PDF georeferencing.
- OVERWRITE_EXISTING - specifies that existing files should be
overwritten. The default is OVERWRITE_EXISTING=YES, so use
OVERWRITE_EXISTING=NO to skip exporting files that already exist.
The EXPORT_RASTER command exports all currently loaded raster, vector, and
elevation data to a file. The following parameters are supported by the command.
- FILENAME - full path to file to save the data to. When using additional name parameters with Tiling/Gridding or Polygon Cropping, this can specify just a directory, or the prefix and/or extension for the filename.
- EXPORT_LAYER - filename or description of layer(s) to export.
By default all compatible and exportable layers are exported. You can include multiple EXPORT_LAYER
parameters if you have multiple masks to search. Wildcards (* and ?) are supported. Hidden layers are not considered.
- TYPE - type of raster file we're exporting to
- FIRST_LOADED - export to the same type as the first loaded file
- LAST_LOADED - export to the same type as the last loaded file
- ADRG - export to an ADRG data set. See supported ADRG fields below.
- ASRP - export to an ASRP data set. See supported ASRP fields below.
- BIL - export to a band interleave (BIL) format file.
- BIP - export to a band interleaved pixel (BIP) format file.
- BMP - export to a Windows bitmap (BMP) format file.
- BSB - export to a BSB/KAP chart file.
- BSQ - export to a band sequential (BSQ) format file.
- ECW - export to an ECW format file.
- ERDAS - export to an Erdas Imagine IMG format file.
- GEOTIFF - export to a GeoTIFF format file.
- IDRISI_RASTER - export to an Idrisi raster format file.
- JPEG - export to a JPG format file.
- JPEG2000 - export to a JPEG2000 format file.
- KML - export to a raster KML/KMZ format file for display in Google Earth.
- NITF - NITF format imagery
- PCX - export to a PCX format file.
- PNG - export to a PNG format file.
- RPF - export to a RPF (CADRG or CIB) data set. See required RPF fields below.
- XY_COLOR - export to a XY color format file.
- SPATIAL_RES - specifies spatial resolution. Defaults to the minimum
spatial resolution of the two layers if not specified. Should be formatted as
x_resolution,y_resolution. The units are the units of the current global
projection. For example, if UTM was the current global projection and you
wanted to export at 30 meter spacing, the parameter/value pair would look like
SPATIAL_RES=30.0,30.0. You can also specify as a percentage of the default resolution by adding a percent.
For example to get half the detail your double the spatial resolution value, so you would use
- SPATIAL_RES_METERS - specifies spatial resolution to use in meters. The
value in meters will automatically be converted to the curent view/export projection units. For example,
to do an export at 2.0 meter spacing (or as close as you can get to that in the current units), use
SPATIAL_RES_METERS=2.0, or to do an export at 1.0 meters in X by 1.5 meters in Y, use
- PIXEL_SIZE - specifies the desired size in pixels
of your export. Use this instead of SPATIAL_RES if you know exactly how many pixels
in size your export should be. The format is PIXEL_SIZE="widthxheight".
For example, to make your export have dimensions of 1024 pixels wide by 768 pixels
tall, use PIXEL_SIZE="1024x768".
- PIXEL_SIZE_MAX - specifies the maximum desired size in pixels
of your export. The format is the same as the PIXEL_SIZE parameter, but specifies the maximum dimension
on either side. If the dimensions result in non-square pixels, a smaller pixel count will be used
in width or height so that the pixel aspect ratio is maintained.
- FORCE_SQUARE_PIXELS - if this value is set to YES, the spatial
resolution of the resultant raster file will be set so that the x and y pixel
size are the same, with the minimum default size being used for both.
- SAMPLING_METHOD (elevation and raster only) - specifies the sampling
method to use when resampling this layer. The following values are supported:
- DEFAULT - Use either automatic resampling based on export or layer resampling, depending on setting of global
flag about whether to resample on export
- AUTO - Automatically select a resampling method based on how the export resolution and bounds compare to the original
layout for a layer. For example if you export to a lower resolution a box averager of appropriate size may be used automatically
- LAYER - Use the sampling method set for each layer
- The list of SAMPLING_METHOD values for the IMPORT command (Click here for list) can
also be specified to use a particular sampling method for all layers being exported/
- GEN_WORLD_FILE - specifies that a world file should be generated in
addition to the image file. Use GEN_WORLD_FILE=YES to turn on.
- GEN_TAB_FILE (GEOTIFF and PNGonly) - specifies that a
MapInfo TAB file should be generated in addition to the image file. Use
GEN_TAB_FILE=YES to turn on.
- GEN_PRJ_FILE - specifies that a projection (PRJ) file should be
generated in addition to the data file. Use GEN_PRJ_FILE=YES to turn on.
- GEN_AUX_XML_FILE - specifies that an ESRI .aux.xml projection file should be
generated in addition to the data file. Use GEN_AUX_XML_FILE=YES to turn on.
- GEN_OZI_MAP_FILE - specifies that an OziExplorer .map file should be
generated in addition to the data file. Use GEN_OZI_MAP_FILE=YES to turn on.
- GEN_ERS_FILE - specifies that an ERMapper .ers header file should be
generated in addition to the data file. Use GEN_ERS_FILE=YES to turn on.
- PALETTE - specifies the palette/image type to use. If not specified, a 24-bit
RGB image will be generated.
- The exported file will use the some color configuration (if possible)
as the file being exported. Note that this option is only available if you have only a
single layer loaded for export.
palette generated will be an optimal mix of up to 256 colors that will
closely represent the full blend of colors in the source images. This option
will generate the best results, but can more than double the export time
required if any high color images are present in the export set.
- HALFTONE (BMP, ERDAS, GEOTIFF, and PNG only) - use a
256-color halftone palette spread over the color spectrum
- DOQ_DRG (BMP, ERDAS, GEOTIFF, and PNG only) - use a
256-color palette optimized for combined grayscale DOQs and USGS DRGs
- DRG (BMP, ERDAS, GEOTIFF, and PNG only) - use a
256-color palette optimized for the colors found in USGS DRGs
- GRAYSCALE - use a 256-color grayscale palette
- BW (BMP, GEOTIFF only) - creates a black and white, 1-bit per pixel
- BLACKISMIN (GEOTIFF only) - creates an 8-bit per pixel grayscale
image with no color map stored in the image. Black will be stored as zero
with varying shades of gray up to white with a value of 255.
- WHITEISMIN (GEOTIFF only) - creates an 8-bit per pixel grayscale
image with no color map stored in the image. White will be stored as zero
with varying shades of gray up to black with a value of 255.
- JPG (GEOTIFF only) - creates a 24-bit RGB JPG-in-TIFF image. Note
that while this creates a highly compressed GeoTIFF file, many software
packages do not recognize JPG-in-TIFF format files.
creates a multi-band image file with any
number of bands of data. This is useful for multi-spectral imagery. Either 8- or
16-bits per band will be used depending on what is available in the input data.
Use the NUM_BANDS parameter to specify how many bands to use. You can override
the default band setting using the BAND_EXPORT_SETUP parameter (described below).
- Custom palette filename - you can also pass in the full path to a .pal file
containing a custom palette to use for the export.
- NUM_BANDS - specifies how many bands of data to
export for a PALETTE=MULTIBAND export. If you don't specify a value for this the band
count will be the maximum available for any of the loaded layers.
- BAND_BIT_DEPTH - specifies how many bits to use for each band of data
for a PALETTE=MULTIBAND export. If you don't specify a value for this the highest bit depth of
any of the input data layers will be used. The valid values are BAND_BIT_DEPTH=8, BAND_BIT_DEPTH=16,
- BAND_EXPORT_SETUP - allows you to override the default
band assignment for a MULTIBAND export. Use the following format to specify what band
from what layer to use for a given export band: <output_band>?<input_band>?<layer_filename> .
So for example to assign the 4th (infrared) band in an export from the 1st (red) band
in a previously loaded file name C:\data\input_file.tif, use the following parameter:
BAND_EXPORT_SETUP="4?1?c:\data\input_file.tif". Note that you would include a separate
BAND_EXPORT_SETUP parameter for each output band that you want to setup. If you leave
off the filename then you all loaded data will be considered as input, with just the
input-to-output band assignment being updated.
- Specify Bounding Box for Operation
- Tiling/Gridding Export into Smaller Chunks
- Cropping to Polygons/Areas
- QUALITY (JPEG or GEOTIFF only) - specifies the quality setting to use
when generating the image. Valid values range from 1 to 100, with 1 generating
the lowest quality image and 100 generating the highest quality image. If no
QUALITY setting is present, a default value of 75 is used which generates a
very high quality image that is still highly compressed. Note that if a different quality value
has been selected on the GeoTIFF export dialog in the user interface the last used value
there will be the default.
- TARGET_COMPRESSION (ECW and JPEG2000 only) - specifies the target
compression ratio to use when creating the ECW image. The default value is 10
which strikes a good balance between image quality and compression. The higher
the value, the smaller the resulting image will be at the expense of image
- INC_VECTOR_DATA - specifies whether or not loaded vector data
should be rendered and exported to the generated image. Use a value of YES to
indicate that vector data should be used. Any other value will result in
vector data NOT being saved to the file.
- FILL_GAPS - specifies that small gaps in between and within the
data sets being exported will be filled in by interpolating the surrounding
data to come up with a color for the point in question. This option is off by
default, specify FILL_GAPS=YES to turn it on.
only) - specifies that only metadata files like world files, TAB files, and
PRJ files should be created for this file. This is useful for things like
generating world and TAB files from GeoTIFF files without doing a whole new
export. Just make the output filename the same as the loaded file to create
the metadata for.
- TILE_SIZE (JPG2000 only) - specifies that the JPEG2000
file should internally use tile organization with the given tile size. By default an internal
tile organization of size 1024x1024 is used. Use TILE_SIZE=0 to disable tile organization.
- SAVE_SCALE_AND_LEGEND - specifies that the distance scale and
elevation legend, if applicable and enabled for display on the Configuration
dialog, should be exported to the generated raster file. Specify
SAVE_SCALE_AND_LEGEND=YES to enable this option.
- BG_TRANSPARENT (ECW, GEOTIFF, JPEG2000 and PNG only) - specifies
that any areas of no data/background should be marked as transparent. Use BG_TRANSPARENT=YES to enable.
- OVERWRITE_EXISTING - specifies that existing files should be
overwritten. The default is OVERWRITE_EXISTING=YES, so use
OVERWRITE_EXISTING=NO to skip exporting files that already exist.
- EXPORT_SCALE - specifies the scale to do the export at. You must also
specify a DPI value in order to use the EXPORT_SCALE parameter. For example to export at 1:50,000 scale,
use EXPORT_SCALE=50000.
- DPI (GEOTIFF, BMP, and JPG only or with EXPORT_SCALE parameter) -
specifies the DPI (dots per inch) value to save in the generated file(s). For example, use
DPI=300 to specify that the DPI for this file is 300. By default no DPI value will
be written out.
specifies that overview (pyramid) layers should be generated for the export. Use
specifies the block size to use for the export. The default is BLOCK_SIZE=64.
specifies whether or not the exported file should be compress. The default is
- COORD_DELIM (XY_COLOR only) - specifies the delimiter between coordinates
- COMMA - coordinates are separated by commas
- SEMICOLON - coordinates are separated by semicolons
- SPACE - coordinates are separated by space characters
- TAB - coordinates are separated by tab characters
specifies that the ECW file should store values from the 4th band of loaded layers to the alpha
channel rather than using the alpha channel as on/off values. Use USE_BAND4_AS_ALPHA=YES to enable.
This is an advanced option that allows some rudimentary multi-band ECW support.
- SAVE_FULL_ALPHA (PNG Only) - Specifies that the full range of alpha values from the top-most raster layer at each location should be stored for RGB PNG files with an alpha channel rather than just 0 (transparent) or 255 (opaque). Disabled by default, use SAVE_FULL_ALPHA=YES to enable.
- NO_PROJ_HEADER (ECW or JPEG2000 only) -
specifies that no projection or datum information should be written to the file. Use
NO_PROJ_HEADER=YES to indicate that the projection should not be written.
- NITF_USE_DECIMAL (NITF only) - specifies that is a NITF file is exported with
lat/lon coordinates that the ICORDS is set to D for decimal coordinates rather than G for DMS.
GeoTIFF Fields
- COMPRESSION - specifies the type of compression to
use for the generated TIFF file. If you do not provide a compression value the default compression
for each type will be used. The following values are supported:
- NONE - Do not compress the output.
- LZW - Use LZW (lossless) compression on the output.
- JPEG - Use JPEG-in-TIFF (lossy) compression. Only works for 24-bit RGB output. Use QUALITY parameter to set quality setting.
- PACKBITS - Use Packbits (lossless) compression. Only works for 8-bit palette-based output.
- DEFLATE - Use Deflate/ZIP (lossless) compression on the output.
- USE_LZW [DEPRECATED - use COMPRESSION instead]- specifies that LZW compression
should be used for this RGB or palette-based GeoTIFF file. LZW compression
typically results in much smaller files than the default compression, but
there may be some software packages that do not yet support LZW-encoded
GeoTIFF files. Specify USE_LZW=YES to enable LZW compression.
- TILE_SIZE - specifies that the GeoTIFF
file should be exported with a tiled organization and use the specified tile size. This tile
size should be between 8 and 2048. Typical values are 64, 128, and 256.
- DISABLE_BIGTIFF - use to disable
the automatic creation of BigTIFF-format files for very large exports. Use DISABLE_BIGTIFF=YES
to disable the automatic BigTIFF support.
- TIFF_COPYRIGHT - specify text to store in TIFFTAG_COPYRIGHT tag.
- TIFF_DATETIME - specify text to store in TIFFTAG_DATETIME tag.
- TIFF_DOC_NAME - specify text to store in TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME tag.
- TIFF_GT_CITATION - specify text to store in GeoTIFF GTCitationGeoKey GeoTIFF tag.
- TIFF_IMAGE_DESC - specify text to store in TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION tag.
- TIFF_PCS_CITATION - specify text to store in GeoTIFF PCSCitationGeoKey GeoTIFF tag.
- TIFF_NO_GTIFF_HEADER - don't embed a GeoTIFF header in the file. Use TIFF_NO_GTIFF_HEADER=YES to disable write of header.
KML/KMZ Fields
specifies how large layer has to be in pixels before it will show up in Google Earth.
specifies how large layer has to be in pixels before it will stop showing up in Google Earth.
The default value of -1 which means that a layer will never go away once it is displayed.
specifies at what number of pixels in size that the image will start fading out. This value
should be between KML_MIN_LOD_PIXELS and KML_MAX_LOD_PIXELS. The fade will be such that
the image is 100% opaque at KML_FADE_EXTENT_MIN and completely transparent at KML_MIN_LOD_PIXELS.
specifies at what number of pixels in size that the image will start fading out. This value
should be between KML_MIN_LOD_PIXELS and KML_MAX_LOD_PIXELS. The fade will be such that
the image is 100% opaque at KML_FADE_EXTENT_MAX and completely transparent at KML_MAX_LOD_PIXELS.
specified which raster image format to use when creating tiles for KML/KMZ files. The
valid options are JPG, PNG, and TIFF. For example, add KML_RASTER_FORMAT=JPG to use
JPG format files.
specifies that the data should be automatically gridded into "super overlays" to
allow displaying large quantities of data in Google Earth. Use KML_SUPER_OVERLAY=YES
to enable this behavior.
if data is being automatically gridded into "super overlays", this specifies the size of
tiles to use for gridding. The default tile size is 1024. To change this for example to
512x512, use KML_TILE_SIZE=512.
if data is being automatically gridded into "super overlays", this specifies the multiplier
to use when creating zoomed out pyramid layers. The default value of 2 makes each
successive zoom level 1/2 the resolution of the previous one until everything fits
in a single tile. To change this to making each layer 1/3rd the resolution of the
previous one, use KML_ZOOM_SCALE_FACTOR=3.
specifies that an _index.kml file should be generated in the target folder which is an index to the
individual KML/KMZ tiles that were exported.
BSB Fields
- CHART_NAME - Name of chart
- CHART_NUMBER - Chart number
- CHART_SCALE - Denominator of scale, like CHART_SCALE=5000 for a 1:5,000 scale chart.
- CHART_EDITION_DATE - Chart edition date, like CHART_EDITION_DATE="04/21/2014" for April 21, 2014.
- CREATE_BSB_FILE - Flag to control whether or not a BSB file is created alongside KAP. Use CREATE_BSB_FILE=NO to disable.
- INC_POLYNOMIAL - Flag to control whether or not the polynomial coordinate transformation is included in the KAP file. Use INC_POLYNOMIAL=NO to disable
- FILENAME - Full path and name of a.toc file at root of data set export.
- MAP_NAME - The map name, usually a 6-character name
- SERIES - The chart series 2-letter code from [Section 5.1.4, MIL-STD-2411-1]. The
following list includes some commonly supported values (note that any 2-letter code is supported):
- GN - 1:5M Scale GNC (Global Navigation Chart)
- JN - 1:2M Scale JNC (Jet Navigation Chart)
- TP - 1:500K Scale TPC (Tactical Pilotage Chart)
- I1 - 10m Resolution CIB Imagery
- I2 - 5m Resolution CIB Imagery
- I3 - 2m Resolution CIB Imagery
- I4 - 1m Resolution CIB Imagery
- I5 - 0.5m Resolution CIB Imagery
- SCALE - The scale to export at. In most cases the SERIES implies the scale so this
value is ignored, but it you use a SERIES with a variable scale this is required.
- PRODUCER_CODE - The numeric producer code ID from [MIL-STD-2411-1, Section 5.2.1), like
1 for AFACC (Air Force Air Combat Command) or the abbreviation (like AFACC).
- AUTHOR - The author to store in the NITF file header in the Originator's Name field ((MIL-STD-2500A 5.2)
- SECURITY_CLASS - The 1-character security classification from [MIL-STD-2411-1, Section 5.1.8).
The default is SECURITY_CLASS=U for unclassified.
- SECURITY_COUNTRY - The 2-character security country code from [MIL-STD-2411-1, Section 5.1.7).
The default is SECURITY_COUNTRY=US for the US.
- SECURITY_MARKING - The 2-character security markingfrom [MIL-STD-2411-1, Section 5.1.9).
The default is SECURITY_MARKING=uu for unclassified.
- VERSION - The file version. The default is 1 if you don't provide a value.
- WRITE_EMPTY_FRAMES - Specifies that all frames within the bounds should be written out,
even if all pixels in the frame are transparent. Add WRITE_EMPTY_FRAMES=YES to enable this behavior.
- MAX_COLORS - specifies the maximum number of colors to use in the palette when compressing
the CADRG/CIB. By default the maximum of 216 is used, but you can specify a smaller value to reduce the colors and perhaps
maintain more sharpness in the compressed result.
- FILENAME - Full path and name of TRANSH01.THF file at root of data set export.
- MAP_NAME - The map name, usually a 6-character name
- VERSION - The file version. The default is 12 for ASRP 1.2. The value of 11 is also supported for v1.1.
The EXPORT_VECTOR command exports all currently loaded vector data to a file.
The following parameters are supported by the command.
- FILENAME - full path to file to save the data to
- EXPORT_LAYER - filename or description of layer(s) to export.
By default all compatible and exportable layers are exported. You can include multiple EXPORT_LAYER
parameters if you have multiple masks to search. Wildcards (* and ?) are supported. Hidden layers are not considered.
- TYPE - type of vector file we're exporting to
- FIRST_LOADED - export to the same type as the first loaded file
- LAST_LOADED - export to the same type as the last loaded file
- ANUDEM_CONTOUR - export lines with elevation to an AnuDEM contour .gen format file.
- ARC_UNGENERATE - export line and area features to an Arc Ungenerate
format file.
- ARC_UNGENERATE_POINTS - export point features to an Arc Ungenerate
format file.
- CDF - export to a Geographix CDF format file.
- COLLADA - export to a Collada (DAE) 3D model format file.
- CSV - export point features to a CSV format file.
- DELORME_DRAWING - export features to a DeLorme drawing text file
- DELORME_TRACK - export line features to a DeLorme track text file
- DELORME_WAYPOINT - export point features to a DeLorme waypoint text file
- DGN - export to a DGN v8 file.
- DLGO - export to a native format USGS DLG-O file.
- DWG - export to an AutoCAD DWG format file.
- DXF - export to an AutoCAD DXF format file.
- GARMIN_TRK - exports lines to a Garmin TRK (PCX5) format file.
- GARMIN_WPT - exports names points to a Garmin WPT (PCX5) format file.
- GEOJSON - exports area, line, and point features to a GeoJSON
(JavaScript Object Notation) file.
- GPX - exports line and point features to a GPX (GPS eXchange Format) file.
- INROADS - exports to the InRoads ASCII format.
- KML - export to a KML or KMZ format file.
- LANDMARK_GRAPHICS - export to a Landmark Graphics format file.
- LIDAR_LAS - export to a Lidar LAS/LAZ file. Use .laz in filename to get LasZip.
- LOWRANCE_USR - export to a Lowrance USR format file.
- MAPGEN - export to a MapGen format file.
- MAPINFO - export to a MapInfo MIF/MID or TAB/MAP format file.
- MATLAB - export to a MatLab format file.
- MOSS - export line and area features to a MOSS format file.
- NIMA_ASC - export to a NIMA ASC format file.
- OBJ - export to a Wavefront OBJ 3D model format file.
- OSM - export to a OpenStreetMap (OSM) XML format file.
- OV2 - export to a TomTom OV2 format file.
- PLATTE_RIVER - export to a Platte River ASCII Digitizer format file.
- PLS_CADD - export to a PLS-CADD format file.
- PLY - export to a PLY 3D model format file.
- POLISH_MP - export to a Polish MP format file.
- SEGP1 - export to a SEGP1 format file.
- SHAPEFILE - export to an ESRI Shapefile format file.
- SIMPLE_ASCII - export to a simple ASCII text/XYZ/distance/z file.
- SOSI - exports area, line, and point features to a SOSI (Norwegian Data) file.
- STL - export to an STL 3D model format file.
- SURFER_BLN - export to a Surfer BLN format file.
- SVG - export to a Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) format file.
- TSUNAMI_OVR - export to a Tsunami OVR format file.
- WASP_MAP - export to a WAsP .map format file (line features only).
- XYZI - export to a XYZI (XYZ + intensity format file)
- ZMAP_ISOMAP_LINE - export to a ZMap+ IsoMap Line format file (line features only).
- ZMAP_XYSEGID - export to a ZMap+ XYSegId format file (area and line features only).
- SAVE_GRID_LINES - specifies that if grid line display is enabled that the grid lines
should be saved. Specify SAVE_GRID_LINES=NO to disable this option. If it's not specified the
the grid lines will be saved if enabled.
- GEN_PRJ_FILE - specifies that a projection (PRJ) file should be
generated in addition to the output file. Set this to YES to cause the
projection file to be generated. Leaving out this parameter or setting it to
anything but YES will cause no PRJ file to be generated.
- GEN_AUX_XML_FILE - specifies that an ESRI .aux.xml projection file should be
generated in addition to the data file. Use GEN_AUX_XML_FILE=YES to turn on.
- Specify Bounding Box for Operation
- Tiling/Gridding Export into Smaller Chunks
- Cropping to Polygons/Areas
- OVERWRITE_EXISTING - specifies that existing files should be
overwritten. The default is OVERWRITE_EXISTING=YES, so use
OVERWRITE_EXISTING=NO to skip exporting files that already exist.
Splitting Exports by Attribute Fields
- SPLIT_BY_ATTR - specifies that the export should generate a
separate file for each set of attributes values in the input data. Use the FILENAME_ATTR and/or FILENAME_ATTR_LIST
and FILENAME_INCLUDE_ATTR_NAME parameters to control which attributes are compared to and in what order
and how the filename is generated from those attributes and their values.
Use SPLIT_BY_ATTR=YES to split your export so that all features with the same values for each
of the specified attributes is in the same file.
- FILENAME_ATTR_LIST - contains a comma-delimited list of
attributes to use when naming files exported when using the SPLIT_BY_ATTR=YES parameter. If
you would like to filter the results to only where an attribute has a specified value, do that
with an equal sign, like FILENAME_ATTR_LIST="<Feature Name>=My Label,ATTR_1=My Attr Val".
You can also use != rather than = to match on any feature with an attribute value not equal to
the specified value. If you need to match on a value that may contain a comma, use FILENAME_ATTR
- FILENAME_ATTR - contains a single attribute to use when naming files
exported when using the SPLIT_BY_ATTR=YES parameter. If you would like to filter the results to only
where an attribute has a specified value, do that with an equal sign, like FILENAME_ATTR="<Feature Name>=My Label".
You can also use != rather than = to match on any feature with an attribute value not equal to
the specified value. You can also embed the value of the attribute in the export path (or in any
parameter of the command) by adding %SPLIT_ATTR% inside the command. For example use
FILENAME="c:\my_path\%SPLIT_ATTR%\prefix.ext" to export each file inside a folder that includes
the split attribute value.
- FILENAME_INCLUDE_ATTR_NAME - specifies that the attribute name
specified in the FILENAME_ATTR_LIST parameter should be included as part of the filename when
using SPLIT_BY_ATTR=YES to split your export into a separate file for each set of attributes.
- MAKE_FNAME_LOWER - specifies that the generated filename should
consist only of lower-case letters. Typically used along with SPLIT_BY_ATTR=YES when getting
attribute values that are upper case and you want the filename to be lower case.
- SHAPE_TYPE (works for any, required for SHAPEFILE only) - specifies the vector object
type (area, line, or point) to export. For formats other than SHAPEFILE if you don't provide a value then all available
features will be exported. For the SHAPEFILE format you must specify exactly one of the below. For other
formats you can specify a comma-delimited list of the following (like SHAPE_TYPE="AREAS,LINES"):
- AREAS - export area features
- LINES - export line features
- POINTS - export point features
Shapefile Fields
- SPLIT_BY_LAYER (SHAPEFILE only) - specifies that
the export should generate a separate Shapefile for each layer/type in the input data
- EXPORT_MEASURES specifies that 3D line
and point objects should be export as PolyLineM and PointM features (respectively) rather than as
PolyLineZ and PointZ features. Use EXPORT_MEASURES=YES to enable.
- GEN_MULTI_PATCH (SHAPEFILE only) - specifies that area
features exported to a Shapefile should be stored as multi-patch features rather than areas.
Use GEN_MULTI_PATCH=YES to enable.
- DISCARD_EMPTY_ATTRS (SHAPEFILE only) - specifies whether or not
to include attributes in the DBF file even if all encountered values are empty. By default these attributes
are included, add DISCARD_EMPTY_ATTRS=YES to discard them.
- ALLOW_COMMA_DECIMAL specifies whether or not
a comma character can act as a decimal separator. Use ALLOW_COMMA_DECIMAL=YES to allow a comma as
the decimal within string values. If not specified only periods will be allowed for decimals when
determining the type for a field in the exported DBF file.
- INC_MAP_NAME_ATTR specifies whether or not
the name of the map file that a feature came from should be added as an attribute to the
DBF files exported with the Shapefile. Use INC_MAP_NAME_ATTR=YES to enable.
- INC_STYLE_ATTRS specifies whether or not
attributes for the feature styles of each feature should be added as attributes to the
DBF files exported with the Shapefile This is disabled by default, use INC_STYLE_ATTRS=YES to enable.
- CODE_PAGE specifies the code page to use
for the Shapefile export. The default is ANSI (1252). Use the code page number, or the text UTF-8 (number 65001).
- GEN_3D_FEATURES specifies that 3D line
and point objects should be created in the exported file. Set this to YES to cause
the the 3D features to be generated. Leaving out this parameter
or setting it to anything but YES results in the normal 2D objects. The
elevation stored for each vertex/point will be the first of the following that
is available:
- The elevation associated with the vertex/point in question.
- The elevation associated with the entire area/line/point being exported. For
example, the elevation of a contour line or spot elevation.
- The first elevation obtained by searching the loaded elevation layers at
the position of the vertex/point.
A value of 0.0 will be used if no elevation could be obtained via any of the prior methods.
- INC_ELEV_ATTR (specifies whether or not
the elevation of a feature should be added as an attribute to the exported files. Use INC_ELEV_ATTR=YES to enable or
INC_ELEV_ATTR=NO to disable. This is enabled by default.
- INC_LAYER_ATTR (specifies whether or not
the layer (description) of a feature should be added as an attribute to the
DBF files exported with the Shapefile. Use INC_LAYER_ATTR=YES to enable or
INC_LAYER_ATTR=NO to disable. This is enabled by default.
- CREATE_EXTRUDE_FACES - specifies whether or not to create 3D areas for the sides and bottom of
extruded area features (i.e. create a box) when exporting extruded areas to 3D Shapefiles. The sides and bottom of the
extruded area will be included in a multi-part polygon with the top of the 3D area.
Simple ASCII/CSV/XYZI Fields
- COORD_DELIM specifies the delimeter between coordinates in coordinate lines
- COMMA - coordinates are separated by commas
- SEMICOLON - coordinates are separated by semicolons
- SPACE - coordinates are separated by space characters
- TAB - coordinates are separated by tab characters
- FEATURE_SEP (SIMPLE_ASCII only) - specifies whether or not
to separate vector features with a blank line
- NONE - do not separate vector features
- BLANK_LINE - separate vector features with a blank line
- Any other text. Use the escape sequence \n to specify that you want to insert a
line break. For example, to separate features with a blank line, then a line with
the text "NEW FEATURE", then another blank line, use
- PRECISION specifies the number of digits to include beyond the
decimal point for the stored values. For example use PRECISION=6 to store values like XXXXXXX.XXXXXX.
- SAVE_DIST_Z_FILE (SIMPLE_ASCII only) - specifies that the output file should
be a distance/Z file. Use SAVE_DIST_Z_FILE=YES to enable this option.
- USE_3D_DIST (SIMPLE_ASCII only) - specifies if exporting a distance/Z file that
the distances are the 3D along-ground distance and not just distances on a flat ellipsoid. Add USE_3D_DIST=YES to enable.
- COORD_OFFSET (SIMPLE_ASCII only) - specifies the offset to
apply to any coordinates written to the file. This offset will be added to
each coordinate written to the file. The offset should be specified as a
comma-delimited list of the X, Y, and Z offsets, such as
- COORD_SCALE (SIMPLE_ASCII only) - specifies the scale
factors to apply to any coordinates written to the file. Each coordinate will
be multiplied by these scale factor before being written to the file. The
scale factors should be specified as a comma-delimited list of the X, Y, and Z
scale factors, such as COORD_SCALE=0.1,0.1,1.0
- EXPORT_ELEV specifies whether or not a
elevation value should be generated for each vertex. A value of
EXPORT_ELEV=YES will cause elevations to be generated. If the option is not
specified, elevation values will be generated.
- EXPORT_ATTRS specifies whether or not
feature attributes should be written to the text file just before the
coordinates. Use EXPORT_ATTRS=YES to enable export of the feature attributes.
If the option is not specified, attributes will be exported. If you don't want to
export style attribute with the feature, use EXPORT_ATTRS=NO_STYLE to get just
the associated attributes and name of the feature in the attribute list.
- ADD_LAT_LON (CSV only) - specifies that lat/lon columns
should be added to a CSV export. Use ADD_LAT_LON=YES to enable.
- EXPORT_HEADER (CSV only) - specifies whether or not the
header line for CSV files should be written. Enabled by default, use EXPORT_HEADER=NO to disable.
- USE_COMMA_FOR_DECIMAL (CSV only) - specifies whether the
European style of using a comma for a decimal should be used rather than using a period.
- POINTS_ONLY (CSV only) - specifies whether loaded area and
line features should be included in a CSV export as WKT coordinate strings. The default is to only
export points, so add POINTS_ONLY=NO to enable area and line export.
- EXPORT_ECEF (SIMPLE_ASCII only) - specifies that the
export should use ECEF (earth-centered earth-fixed, or geocentric) coordinates.
DXF/DWG Fields
controls how object labels are exported to DWG/DXF files. The following values are supported:
- YES or ATTRS - export labels as attributes tied to each feature
- NO or NONE - don't export labels
- FEATURE_LAYER_POINTS - export labels as point features with the layer matching the feature they are associated with
- LABEL_POINTS - export labels as point features in a separate label layer
Typically you want to set this to YES, unless you are working with a software package that cannot handle DWG/DXF
files with attributes. Leaving out this parameter will cause feature labels to be discarded on export.
- LAYER_ATTR - specifies the attribute value to use from each feature for the layer name in the output
file. The default is to use the feature description. See special Attribute Name parameter details for
recognized values.
- VERSION (DWG only) - specifies the version of DWG to export. The following
values are supported:
- R12
- R13
- R14
- R15 (Autocad 2000) [Default]
- R18 (Autocad 2004)
- R21 (Autocad 2007)
- R24 (Autocad 2010)
- R27 (Autocad 2013)
- DWG_TEXT_SIZE (DWG only) - specifies the multiplier value
to apply to text sizes when exporting DWG file. Use this to control how large text is in the
exported file.
- DXF_TEXT_SIZE (DXF only) - specifies the multiplier value
to apply to text sizes when exporting DXF file. Use this to control how large text is in the
exported file.
- ALLOW_LONG_LABELS (DXF only) - specifies
that labels over 31 characters in the DXF file. Add ALLOW_LONG_LABELS=YES to enable this.
- EXPORT_ELEV - specifies whether or not a
elevation value should be generated for each vertex. A value of
EXPORT_ELEV=YES will cause elevations to be generated. If the option is not
specified, elevation values will be generated.
- EXPORT_ATTRS - specifies whether or not feature attributes should be written to the file. Use EXPORT_ATTRS=YES to enable export of the feature attributes. If the option is not specified, attributes will not be exported.
Exporting Vector Files to a Spatial Database
- TYPE - File-Based Spatial Databases (Using these TYPE values requires that the FILENAME parameter also be specified to identify the spatial database to be used.)
- SPATIALITE - Spatialite/SQLite
- FILE_GDB - Esri File Geodatabase
- ESRI_PGEO - Esri Personal Geodatabase
- TYPE - Connection-Based Spatial Databases (Using these type values requires that the SDB_CONNECTION_NAME parameter also be specified to identify the connection to be used.)
- ESRI_ARCSDE - Esri ArcSDE Geodatabase
- MSSQLSERVER - Micorsoft SQL Server Spatial
- MYSQL - MySQL Spatial
- POSTGIS - PostGIS/PostgreSQL
- ORACLE - Oracle Spatial Database
- SHAPE_TYPE - When exporting to a spatial database, the SHAPE_TYPE parameter is required, and must contain only one shape type. Each exported table will contain a single geometry type.
- FILENAME - When exporting to a file-based spatial database, use this parameter to specify the full path to the database file. If exporting to an Esri File Geodatabase, this parameter must contain the directory containing the geodatabase (typically ends in ".gdb" even though it is a directory).
- SDB_CONNECTION_NAME - The name of the connection to be used to access a connection-based spatial database. Connections can be defined in the script using a DEFINE_SDB_CONNECTION command, or by using the Connection Manager in the Global Manager user interface. All of the connections defined in the Connection Manager are avaiable for use in a script.
- SDB_TABLE_NAME - Each EXPORT_VECTOR command will output a single database table. Use this parameter to specify the name of the database table where the output will be stored. If the export uses gridding or splits the output by attribute, then multiple tables will be exported. The name specified here will be the base name, and will be modified for each output table based on the gridding and split-by-attribute parameters. This is similar to how the gridding process works when exporting a SHAPEFILE.
Polish MP Fields
- MAP_NAME - specifies the name to use for the map. Typically defaults
to the filename if not specified.
- TEMPLATE_FILENAME (POLISH_MP only) - specifies the full path
and filename for another MP file to use for the settings for the new MP file
being exported.
TEMPLATE_FILENAME value is provided, this controls whether or not the [FILES]
section(s) from the template file will be copied to the new file.
specifies that the entire contents of a specified template file should be copied to
the new file rather than just the header portion of the template file.
- MP_IMAGE_ID (POLISH_MP only) - specifies the image ID value
that should be stored in the resultant .mp file. If you don't specify this
value or you specify a value of 0 a new value that has not been used before
will automatically be generated.
- EXPORT_ATTRS specifies whether or not
feature attributes should be written to the file.
Use EXPORT_ATTRS=YES to enable export of the feature attributes.
If the option is not specified, attributes will not be exported.
DGN Fields
- GEN_3D_FEATURES specifies that 3D line
and point objects should be created in the exported file. Set this to YES to cause
the the 3D features to be generated. Leaving out this parameter
or setting it to anything but YES results in the normal 2D objects. The
elevation stored for each vertex/point will be the first of the following that
is available:
- The elevation associated with the vertex/point in question.
- The elevation associated with the entire area/line/point being exported. For
example, the elevation of a contour line or spot elevation.
- The first elevation obtained by searching the loaded elevation layers at
the position of the vertex/point.
A value of 0.0 will be used if no elevation could be obtained via any of the prior methods.
the unit resolution to use in an exported DGN file. The default is 10000.0.
- DGN_GLOBAL_ORIGIN_LL - specifies
whether the global origin of the exported DGN file should be set to the lower left
of the design plane rather than at the center of the design plane. Use
DGN_GLOBAL_ORIGIN_LL=YES to move the global origin to the lower left.
whether the color of dark lines should automatically be replaced with white
on export to make them more visible on a dark background. Use DGN_REPLACE_DARK_COLORS=YES
to enable this option.
- EXPORT_ATTRS specifies whether or not
feature attributes should be written to the DGN file as tags.
Use EXPORT_ATTRS=YES to enable export of the feature attributes.
If the option is not specified, attributes will be exported. If you don't want to
export style attribute with the feature, use EXPORT_ATTRS=NO_STYLE to get just
the associated attributes and name of the feature in the attribute list.
KML/KMZ Fields
that area features with associated elevation value should be displayed at height above
the terrain surface in Google Earth. Use KML_AREA_DISPLAY_ABOVE_TERRAIN=YES to enable.
- KML_AREA_ELEVS_RELATIVE (KML only) - specifies
that the elevation values associated with 3D area features are relative to the terrain surface
rather than relative to sea level. Use KML_AREA_ELEVS_RELATIVE=YES to enable.
- KML_AREA_EXTRUDE (KML only) - specifies
that 3D area features displayed in Google Earth should be extruded from the surface to create
volumetric objects like buildings. Use KML_AREA_EXTRUDE=YES to enable.
- KML_AREA_FAKE_HEIGHTS (KML only) - specifies that
fake elevation values should be assigned to area features exported to ensure that the
draw order remains correct in Google Earth. This may be necessary to keep overlapping area
features drawing correctly. Use KML_AREA_FAKE_HEIGHTS=YES to enable.
- KML_AREA_TRANSLUCENCY (KML only) - specifies how
see-through filled area features will be in the generated KML file. The values should range
from 1 to 100 and represent a opacity percentage, with 100 being completely opaque and 1
being almost completely transparent. The default value is KML_AREA_TRANSLUCENCY=75.
- KML_CHOP_FILLED_AREAS (KML only) - specifies that filled
areas with a large number of vertices (over 4096 currently) should be chopped up into smaller pieces
to avoid rendering issues in Google Earth on some machines. Use KML_CHOP_FILLED_AREAS=FALSE to disable
the chopping, which is automatically done for filled areas with no borders.
- KML_FOLDER_ATTR (KML only) - specifies
the name of a feature attribute to use for the folder name in the generated KML file. By default,
the export will check for a KML_FOLDER attribute with the name of a folder to use.
- KML_HTML_DESC_TEXT (KML only) - specifies
a HTML text string describing what to use for the description for each feature exported to
a KML file. To add a quote mark inside your description text, use two single quotes ('') rather than a
double quote ("), as the latter would terminate the parameter value.
that LINE features with associated elevation value should be displayed at height above
the terrain surface in Google Earth. Use KML_LINE_DISPLAY_ABOVE_TERRAIN=YES to enable.
- KML_LINE_ELEVS_RELATIVE (KML only) - specifies
that the elevation values associated with 3D line features are relative to the terrain surface
rather than relative to sea level. Use KML_LINE_ELEVS_RELATIVE=YES to enable.
that point features with associated elevation value should be displayed at height above
the terrain surface in Google Earth. Use KML_POINT_DISPLAY_ABOVE_TERRAIN=YES to enable.
- KML_POINT_ELEVS_RELATIVE (KML only) - specifies
that the elevation values associated with 3D Point features are relative to the terrain surface
rather than relative to sea level. Use KML_POINT_ELEVS_RELATIVE=YES to enable.
- KML_POINT_EXTRUDE (KML only) - specifies
that 3D point features displayed in Google Earth should be extruded from the surface by drawing
a thin line from the surface to the point. Use KML_POINT_EXTRUDE=YES to enable.
- INC_LAYER_ATTR specifies whether or not displays labels
should be exported for line and area features. Use INC_LAYER_ATTR=YES to enable or
INC_LAYER_ATTR=NO to disable. This is disabled by default.
- CODE_PAGE specifies the code page to use
for the KML export. The default is UTF-8. Use the code page number, the ISO-8859-? string, or the text UTF-8 (number 65001).
Lidar LAS/LAZ Fields
- ELEV_UNITS - specify elevation units to use in export
- FEET - export in US feet
- METERS - export in meters
- LAS_VERSION - specifies what version of LAS
file to write out. This would be 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, or 1.4. If you don't specify a version, the lowest
version that will support all of the provided options will be used (typically 1.1 or 1.2).
- VERT_CS_CODE - specifies the vertical coordinate
system (i.e. vertical datum) to store in the LAS file to specify what the elevations are referenced to.
Use the EPSG code, like 5103 for NAVD88. If you don't specify a value and the source files used all use
the same known system, that will be used. Note that no vertical datum conversion is done, this is just
to supply metadata.
- VERT_CITATION - specifies the text description to
store in the Lidar LAS file for the vertical coordinate system for the elevations. If nothing is supplied
the default one (if any) for the supplied VERT_CS_CODE will be used.
- FILE_SOURCE_ID - specifies a File Source ID numeric value to
store in the exported LAS file header. If not specified and one of the input files is a LAS file with
this value specified it will be used.
- GLOBAL_ENCODING - specifies a Global Encoding numeric value to
store in the exported LAS file header. If not specified and one of the input files is a LAS file with
this value specified it will be used.
- SYSTEM_ID - specifies a System ID value to
store in the exported LAS file header. If not specified and one of the input files is a LAS file with
this value specified it will be used.
- GEN_SOFTWARE - specifies a Generating Software value to
store in the exported LAS file header. If not specified and one of the input files is a LAS file with
this value specified it will be used. Otherwise 'Global Mapper' will be used.
- INC_COLOR - specifies that a color value should be included
with each point sample from the loaded raster layers (or from the original points if they were Lidar points with
a color value). Use INC_COLOR=YES to enable.
- NO_PROJ_HEADER - specifies whether or not the current
projection should be written in the LAS header. Use NO_PROJ_HEADER=YES to cause the projection to not be written.
- HEADER_OFFSET - specifies a custom header offset to use
in the LAS file rather than an automatically determined one. The offset should be specified as a comma-delimited list of the
X, Y, and Z offsets, such as HEADER_OFFSET="100000.0,200000.0,0.0". If you want the offset used for the original input file (if
a Lidar point cloud), use HEADER_OFFSET="KEEP_ORIG".
- HEADER_SCALE - specifies a custom header scale factor to use
in the LAS file rather than an automatically determined one. The offset should be specified as a comma-delimited list of the
X, Y, and Z scales, such as HEADER_OFFSET="0.01,0.01,0.001" to specify precision of 100ths of units in X and Y and thousandths in Z.
If you want the offset used for the original input file (if a Lidar point cloud), use HEADER_SCALE="KEEP_ORIG".
- FLIGHT_DATE - specifies the flight date to
store in the exported LAS file header. This can be either the day of the current year (value 1 to 366) or
a common date format, including month, day, and year. If not specified the current date will be used.
- LIDAR_ELEV_RANGE - specifies the range of elevations to include in the export in meters. By
default all elevations are exported, but if you want to restrict values to say 50m - 150m, you could add LIDAR_ELEV_RANGE="50,150".
- LIDAR_SCAN_ANGLE_RANGE - specifies the range of scan angles to include in the export in degrees. By
default all scan angles are exported, but if you want to restrict the export to only those points with scan angles between 0 and 30
degrees, you could add LIDAR_SCAN_ANGLE_RANGE="0,30".
- LIDAR_FILTER - specifies a comma-separated list of Lidar class numbers
to export. Provide a minus sign to remove the type from the filter rather than add it. The
filter starts off with nothing in it if you provide a LIDAR_FILTER string, but you can add ALL to enable everything or NONE to
clear the filter, then add or remove stuff after that. For example, to specify a class filter with only
types 2 and 3 enabled, use LIDAR_FILTER="NONE,2,3". To get one with everything but classes 2 and 3, use
LIDAR_FILTER="ALL,-2,-3". If no LIDAR_FILTER is provided then all types currently enabled in the shared global
Lidar filter are used.
- LIDAR_RETURN_FILTER - specifies a comma-separated list of Lidar return types
to export. Provide a minus sign to remove the type from the filter rather than add it. The
filter starts off with the current filter settings, but you can add ALL to enable everything or NONE to
clear the filter, then add or remove stuff after that. For example, to specify a return filter with only
unknown and first returns, use LIDAR_RETURN_FILTER="NONE,0,1". To get one with everything but the first
return, use LIDAR_RETURN_FILTER="ALL,-1". The numeric values have the following meanings:
- 0 - Unknown Returns
- 1 - First Return
- 2 - Second Return
- 3 - Last Return
- 4 - Single Return
- 5 - First of Many Returns
- 6 - Second of Many Returns
- 7 - Third of Many Returns
- 8 - Last of Many Returns
- LIDAR_COLOR_FILTER - specifies a color to include in the export. If no value is provided then
all colors are exported. Otherwise, you can provide multiple LIDAR_COLOR_FILTER parameters of the format LIDAR_COLOR_FILTER="RGB(red,green,blue)"
to specify colors to keep. The LIDAR_COLOR_DIST parameter specifies how far from an exact match to a specified color that a point
color can be to be kept.
- LIDAR_DENSITY_RANGE - specifies the range of point densities in points per square meter to include. Any Lidar points in regions with densities outside the range are ignored. If you use 2 values then everything between the value is used. If only one value is specified then all points in areas >= to the specified value are used. For example, LIDAR_DENSITY_RANGE="1.0" means that all points in areas with densities of 1.0 points per square meter or higher are used.
- LIDAR_SOURCE_ID_LIST - specifies a comma-separated list of point source IDs to keep. If no list
is provided all points are kept. For example, to keep just points with a source ID of 5 or 6, use LIDAR_SOURCE_ID_LIST="5,6".
GPX Fields
- EXPORT_AREAS - specifies that area features should be exported
to GPX files as track lines. Use EXPORT_AREAS=YES to enable.
- EXPORT_ATTRS - specifies whether or not all feature attributes for waypoints will
be included as tags. Use EXPORT_ATTRS=YES to enable export.
- EXPORT_DESC - specifies that <desc> tags will be exported for waypoints.
Use EXPORT_DESC=NO to disable.
- EXPORT_ELEV - specifies whether or not a
<ele> (elevation) value should be generated for each waypoints/trackpoing. Use EXPORT_ELEV=NO to disable.
- EXPORT_SYM - specifies that <sym> (symbol) tags will be exported for waypoints.
Use EXPORT_SYM=NO to disable.
- EXPORT_TIME - specifies that <time> tags will be exported for waypoints and track points
when available. Use EXPORT_TIME=NO to disable.
- CODE_PAGE specifies the code page to use
for the KML export. The default is UTF-8. Use the code page number, the ISO-8859-? string, or the text UTF-8 (number 65001).
- QUAD_NAME (DLGO only) - specifies the quadrangle name to
store in the header of the DLG-O file. If not quadrangle name is specified,
Global Mapper will attempt to automatically determine one based on the loaded
- PRECISION (SVG only) - specifies the number of digits to include beyond the
decimal point for the stored values. For example use PRECISION=6 to store values like XXXXXXX.XXXXXX.
- CDF_MAJOR_CODE (CDF only) - specifies the default major
attribute code to use for features when exporting to a CDF format file
(default is 32).
- CDF_MINOR_CODE (CDF only) - specifies the default minor
attribute code to use for features when exporting to a CDF format file
(default is 45).
- CDF_USE_DEFAULT_CODE (CDF only) - specifies that the default
attribute code pair should be used for all features written to the CDF file
and not just those for which no attribute code pair could be automatically
determined based on the feature classification.
- INC_ELEV_ATTR (MAPINFO only) - specifies whether or not
the elevation of a feature should be added as an attribute to the exported files. Use INC_ELEV_ATTR=YES to enable or
INC_ELEV_ATTR=NO to disable. This is enabled by default.
- INC_LAYER_ATTR (MAPINFO only) - specifies whether or not
the layer (description) of a feature should be added as an attribute to the exported file.
Use INC_LAYER_ATTR=YES to enable or INC_LAYER_ATTR=NO to disable. This is enabled by default.
- VERSION (LOWRANCE_USR only) - specifies which version of
USR file to create. Must be 3 or 4. By default VERSION=3 is used.
- SAVE_XY_AS_TENTHS (SEGP1 only) - specifies that the X and Y values should
be multiplied by 10 when saved to the SEGP1 file
- SAVE_Z_AS_TENTHS (SEGP1 only) - specifies that the Z values should
be multiplied by 10 when saved to the SEGP1 file
- ATTR_TO_DELETE (OSM only) - provides an attribute to ignore/delete
when exporting to OSM XML files. You can provide multiple of these parameters to ignore multiple attributes,
- Y_UP (STL, COLLADA, PLY, and OBJ only) - specifies that the STL file that is created
will use a "Y-Up" orientation; that is, Y values in exported coordinates will represent latitudes
and Z values will represent elevations.
- NO_PROMPTING (STL, COLLADA, PLY, and OBJ only) - specifies that the 3D export
dialog is suppressed.
- CREATE_BINARY (STL only) - specifies that the STL file that is created
will be a binary STL file rather than a (much larger) ASCII text STL file.
The EXPORT_WEB command exports all currently loaded data to a tiled web format.
The following parameters are supported by the command.
- FILENAME - output file name. For Google Maps, Bing, and OSM, this is the name of the
HTML file that will be used to display the tiles. For TMS, this is the name of the XML file that contains the tile info.
For KML Raster, this is the name of the KML/KMZ file. For MBTiles, this is the name of the SQLite database, with an extension
of ".mbtiles". For RMaps, this is the name of the SQLite database, with an extension of ".sqlite". In all of these cases, the
EXPORT_WEB command will create a new output file.
- EXPORT_LAYER - filename or description of layer(s) to export.
By default all compatible and exportable layers are exported. You can include multiple EXPORT_LAYER
parameters if you have multiple masks to search. Wildcards (* and ?) are supported. Hidden layers are not considered.
- TYPE - type of vector file we're exporting to
- GOOGLE_MAPS - Google Maps Tiles
- VIRTUAL_EARTH - Bing/Virtual Earth Tiles
- KML_RASTER - KML file with all data in a raster
- WORLDWIND - World Wind Tiles
- TMS - Tile Mapping Service tiles
- OSM - Open Street Maps Tiles
- MBTILES - MapBox MBTiles SQLite Database
- RMAPS - RMaps SQLite Database
- Specify Bounding Box for Operation
- Cropping to Polygons/Areas
- MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL - highest zoom level for which tiles will be created. Valid zoom levels,
and associated resolution using the default 256 x 256 pixel tiles are:
- 0 or not provided - automatically choose a default zoom level to capture the full detail of the layer(s) being exported
- 3 - 19568 meters/pixel
- 4 - 9784 meters/pixel
- 5 - 4892 meters/pixel
- 6 - 2446 meters/pixel
- 7 - 1223 meters/pixel
- 8 - 611 meters/pixel
- 9 - 306 meters/pixel
- 10 - 153 meters/pixel
- 11 - 76 meters/pixel
- 12 - 38 meters/pixel
- 13 - 19 meters/pixel
- 14 - 9.6 meters/pixel
- 15 - 4.8 meters/pixel
- 16 - 2.4 meters/pixel
- 17 - 1.19 meters/pixel
- 18 - 0.60 meters/pixel
- 19 - 0.30 meters/pixel
- 20 - 0.15 meters/pixel
- 21 - 0.07 meters/pixel
- 22 - 0.04 meters/pixel
- 23 - 0.02 meters/pixel
- NUM_ZOOM_LEVELS - contains the number of zoom levels to be created. The default is 5.
- MAP_NAME - user-defined name for the map.
- IMAGE_FORMAT is the format to be used for the images. Choices are "PNG" and "JPG". The default is "PNG".
- QUALITY - For JPG format images specify the quality
- BG_MAP_NAME - type of map to use as the background (Google Maps tiles only):
- ROADMAP - Road map
- SATELLITE - Satellite imagery
- HYBRID - Combination of ROADMAP and SATELLITE
- TERRAIN - Terrain map
- TRANSLUCENCY - amount of translucency for the tiles. The value must be between 0.0 and 1.0. 1.0 is Opaque, and the image gets more translucent as the numbers get lower. 0.0 is treated the same as 1.0. The default is 1.0.
- TILE_PATH - contains the directory where the tiles should be stored. If this is not specified, the tiles will be written to the directory specified for the FILENAME parameter.
- CUSTOM_TILE_FILENAME - custom definition for tile filenames. Use variables %z for zoom, %x for column, and %y for row. For example, use "%z\\prefix_%y_%x.png" to create one folder per zoom level. The tiles will be created in the path under the HTML filename path.
- TILE_SIZE - use this to override the default tile size for the selected TYPE. This value specifies the size of each tile in the resulting tile set. For example, using TILE_SIZE=1024 will result in tiles of size 1024x1024 being created rather than the default (typically 256x256).
- MBT_DESCRIPTION - map description that will be added to the MBTiles metadata (MBTiles only).
- MBT_MAP_TYPE - indicates the type of map (MBTiles only). Valid values are (default is "overlay"):
- basemap - This map will be the base map.
- overlay - This map will overlay another map.
- SPATIAL_RES - specifies spatial resolution. Defaults to the minimum
spatial resolution of the two layers if not specified. Should be formatted as
x_resolution,y_resolution. The units are the units of the current global
projection. For example, if UTM was the current global projection and you
wanted to export at 30 meter spacing, the parameter/ value pair would look like
SPATIAL_RES=30.0,30.0. You can also specify as a percentage of the default resolution by adding a percent.
For example to get half the detail your double the spatial resolution value, so you would use
- SPATIAL_RES_METERS - specifies spatial resolution to use in meters. The
value in meters will automatically be converted to the current view/ export projection units. For example,
to do an export at 2.0 meter spacing (or as close as you can get to that in the current units), use
SPATIAL_RES_METERS=2.0, or to do an export at 1.0 meters in X by 1.5 meters in Y, use
- PIXEL_SIZE - specifies the desired size in pixels
of your export. Use this instead of SPATIAL_RES if you know exactly how many pixels
in size your export should be. The format is PIXEL_SIZE="widthxheight".
For example, to make your export have dimensions of 1024 pixels wide by 768 pixels
tall, use PIXEL_SIZE="1024x768".
- The following parameters require boolean values ("YES" or "NO") to turn on or off the associated option (the default for all of them is "NO"):
- WEB_NO_TRANSPARENCY - Do not use transparent background pixels
- WEB_HIDE_PROGRESS - Hide the progress bar windows
- WEB_ADD_SCALE_BAR - Add a scale bar to the map (Google Maps Only)
- WEB_ADD_MAP_TYPE_CONTROL - Add a map type control (Google Maps Only)
- WEB_ADD_OVERVIEW_MAP - Add an Overview Map (Google Maps Only)
- WEB_AUTO_GRID - Create a default grid (KML Raster only)
- WEB_SKIP_EMPTY_TILES - Skip tiles that have no data
- WEB_USE_JAVA_FILE_NAMES - Create names for World Wind Java (World Wind only)
- WEB_TRANSPARENT_TILES - Make the image tiles transparent
- WEB_SKIP_EXISTING_TILES - Skip tiles that already exist (resuming export)
- WEB_FILL_TO_TILE_BOUNDS - Fill the tiles to the bounds
- WEB_NO_HTML_FILE - Generate tiles only, no HTML file
- WEB_FORCE_PALETTE_PNG - Force the PNG to have palette instead of RGB
- WEB_FULL_TILES_ONLY - Only export tiles that are fully covered
The FORCE_EXIT command aborts the script and optionally immediately shuts down Global Mapper without going through the normal shut-down
process. This is useful if you are running a Global Mapper script via a CreateProcess call and the Global Mapper
process is not returning when the script completes, or if you need a particular return code provided. The following
parameters are supported by this command:
- CLOSE_APP - specifies whether or not the Global Mapper application should be closed in
addition to stopping the script. By default this is enabled, so add CLOSE_APP=NO to only abort the script and not the entire app.
- RETURN_CODE - specifies the numeric return code to use. If not provided 0 is
returned if the script did not encounter any errors or 1 if there were errors encountered.
The GENERATE_CONTOURS command allows for the generation of contour lines
(isolines of equal elevation) from any or all currently loaded elevation data.
The following parameters are supported by the command.
- ELEV_UNITS - specify elevation units to use in export
- FEET - export in US feet
- METERS - export in meters
- INTERVAL - specifies the contour interval to use. This must be a
whole number greater than 0. The units are specified with the ELEV_UNITS
parameter described above. If you wanted to generate a contour file with an
interval of 20 feet, you would use INTERVAL=20 ELEV_UNITS=FEET in the
parameter list. If no interval is provided, a default one is guessed based on
the elevation range of the loaded elevation data.
- GEN_FROM_TIN_AREAS - specifies that the contours should be generated from any loaded
TIN (3D triangle) areas rather than from loaded terrain data. Add GEN_FROM_TIN_AREAS=YES to command to use TINs.
- MULT_MINOR - specifies how many contours apart every intermediate contour is. For
example, use MULT_MINOR=5 to make every 5th contour an intermediate contour. So using INTERVAL=10 and MULT_MINOR=5
creates intermediate contours every 50 meters.
- MULT_MAJOR - specifies how many contours apart every major contour is. For
example, use MULT_MAJOR=10 to make every 10th contour an intermediate contour. So using INTERVAL=10 and MULT_MINOR=10
creates major contours every 100 meters.
- MIN_ELEV - minimum elevation to consider for contours. Must be specified
in conjunction with MAX_ELEV in order to restrict the range of contour generation to anything other than
the full range of loaded elevation values. Units are specified by ELEV_UNITS parameter.
- MAX_ELEV - maximum elevation to consider for contours. Must be specified
in conjunction with MIN_ELEV in order to restrict the range of contour generation to anything other than
the full range of loaded elevation values. Units are specified by ELEV_UNITS parameter.
- SPATIAL_RES - specifies spacing of grid points used to determine
contour position. A smaller grid spacing results in higher fidelity, but
larger, contours. Typically you'll want to use the default value which is the
minimum spatial resolution of all loaded data. Should be formatted as
x_resolution,y_resolution. The units are the units of the current global
projection. For example, if UTM was the current global projection and you
wanted to use a grid with a 30 meter spacing, the parameter/value pair would
look like SPATIAL_RES=30.0,30.0. You can also specify as a percentage of the default resolution by adding a percent.
For example to get half the detail your double the spatial resolution value, so you would use
- SPATIAL_RES_METERS - specifies spatial resolution to use in meters. The
value in meters will automatically be converted to the curent view/export projection units. For example,
to do an export at 2.0 meter spacing (or as close as you can get to that in the current units), use
SPATIAL_RES_METERS=2.0, or to do an export at 1.0 meters in X by 1.5 meters in Y, use
- SIMPLIFICATION - specifies the simplification threshold to use when
generating the contours. This specifies how far off a straight line (in the
units of the current projection) that a point has to be before it is kept.
Generally you should not specify a simplification value as the default value
of one tenth of the sample spacing works quite well. This is an option for advanced
users only.
- SAMPLING_METHOD (elevation and raster only) - specifies the sampling method to use when resampling this layer. The following values are supported:
- DEFAULT - Use either automatic resampling based on export or layer resampling, depending on setting of global flag about whether to resample on export
- AUTO - Automatically select a resampling method based on how the export resolution and bounds compare to the original layout for a layer. For example if you export to a lower resolution a box averager of appropriate size may be used automatically
- LAYER - Use the sampling method set for each layer
- The list of SAMPLING_METHOD values for the IMPORT command (Click here for list) can also be specified to use a particular sampling method for all layers being exported.
- GEN_HEIGHT_AREAS - generate area features colored based on the
current elevation shader in addition to generating contour lines. Use a value
of YES to enable the generate of the height areas.
- GEN_SPOT_ELEVATIONS - generate spot elevations at min/max
elevations. Use a value of YES to enable the generate of min/max spot
elevation points.
- SINGLE_LEVEL_ONLY - specifies that the INTERVAL value is actually a
value indicating the only height that a contour should be generated at. Use a
value of YES to turn this functionality on.
- FILL_GAPS - specifies that small gaps in between and within the
data sets being used to generate the contours will be filled in by
interpolating the surrounding data to come up with an elevation for the point
in question. This option is on by default, specify FILL_GAPS=NO to turn off.
- LAYER_DESC - specifies the name to assign to this layer. If no
layer description is provided, the default name of "GENERATED CONTOURS" will
be used.
- INC_UNIT_SUFFIX - specifies whether or not a unit suffix (either
"m" or "ft") should be appended to the numeric label of generated features. By
default this is enabled, so specify INC_UNIT_SUFFIX=NO to turn unit suffixes
off. This is useful if the data the contours are being generated over doesn't
actually represent elevation.
- SMOOTH_CONTOURS - specifies whether or not generated contour line
and area features should have smoothing applied to improve appearance. This
option is enabled by default. Use SMOOTH_CONTOURS=NO to disable smoothing.
- CREATE_ON_WAY_DOWN - specifies whether contours are created as the
terrain passed from a higher elevation to a contour height (CREATE_ON_WAY_DOWN=YES) or the default way
of being created when the terrain passes from a contour height to lower elevation values (CREATE_ON_WAY_DOWN=NO).
- MIN_CONTOUR_LEN - specifies that any closed contour lines less than the
specified length (in meters) will be marked as deleted. This is useful for cleaning up contours in very
rugged and detailed terrain, like from Lidar. The default is to keep all generated contour lines.
- Specify Bounding Box for Operation
- Cropping to Polygons/Areas
The GENERATE_ELEV_GRID command allows for the generation of a gridded elevation layer
using loaded 3D vector data. The following parameters are supported by the command as well
as the display option paramters supported by the IMPORT command.
- FILENAME - filename of the layer(s) to grid.
If an empty value is passed in, all loaded vector layers with 3D data will be gridded.
When running the script in the context of the main map view (including loading a workspace) you can also
pass in the value 'USER CREATED FEATURES' to have the 'User Created Features' layer
updated or 'SELECTED LAYERS' to have any layers selected in the Control Center gridded.
- ELEV_UNITS - specify elevation units to use for new grid
- FEET - US feet
- DECIFEET - 10ths of US feet
- METERS - meters
- DECIMETERS - 10ths of meters
- CENTIMETERS - centimeters
- GRID_ALG - specify gridding algorithm to use
- TIN - triangulate 3D data and grid it. This is the default and allows use of lines and areas as constraints.
- BIN_MIN - uses the minimum value within a bin of size GRID_BIN_SIZE. Requires a Lidar module license and only works on Lidar point data.
- BIN_AVG - uses the average value within a bin of size GRID_BIN_SIZE. Requires a Lidar module license and only works on Lidar point data.
- BIN_MAX - uses the maximum value within a bin of size GRID_BIN_SIZE. Requires a Lidar module license and only works on Lidar point data.
- SPATIAL_RES - specifies spacing of grid points to use
in generated grid. A smaller grid spacing results in higher fidelity, but
larger, elevation grids. Should be formatted as x_resolution,y_resolution.
The units are the units of the current global projection. For example, if
UTM was the current global projection and you wanted to use a grid with a 30
meter spacing, the parameter/value pair would look like SPATIAL_RES=30.0,30.0.
If you do not provide a SPATIAL_RES value, a good default for the input data will
be chosen, so in most cases it is best just to leave this off.
- SPATIAL_RES_METERS - specifies spatial resolution to use in meters. The
value in meters will automatically be converted to the curent view/export projection units. For example,
to do an export at 2.0 meter spacing (or as close as you can get to that in the current units), use
SPATIAL_RES_METERS=2.0, or to do an export at 1.0 meters in X by 1.5 meters in Y, use
- GRID_BIN_SIZE - if using a bin-based GRID_ALG for Lidar data this specifies
how many native spacings in size to make each bin. For example a value of GRID_BIN_SIZE="3.0" would make each
square bin 3 times the calculated native spacing of the point data. You can specify a bin size in meters by
using the SPATIAL_RES_METERS parameter or a negative GRID_BIN_SIZE (like GRID_BIN_SIZE="-0.5" for 0.5 meter spacing.
- Specify Bounding Box for Operation
- Cropping to Polygons/Areas
- LAYER_DESC - specifies the name to assign to this layer. If no
layer description is provided, a default name will be assigned.
- NO_DATA_DIST_MULT - specifies how far from an actual data point a
grid cell has to be before it is treated as a no data value. This number is
given as a multiple of the diagonal size of a single grid cell as nominally
determined by the gridding algorithm or specified with the SPATIAL_RES parameter.
A value of 0 (the default) means that all points should be considered as valid.
- GRID_FILL_TO_BOUNDS - specifies that the grid values should
be filled out to the entire bounds of the gridded data rather than just to the convex
hull of the data being gridded. Use GRID_FILL_TO_BOUNDS=YES to enable this.
- GRID_FLATTEN_AREAS - specifies that area features with
elevation values should be flattened to the elevation of the area features.
Use GRID_FLATTEN_AREAS=NO to disable this.
- GRID_HEIGHTS_RELATIVE - specifies that the elevation
values for the input vector features should be treated as relative to any loaded
terrain data rather than as absolute elevation values. This useful for things like trees
or buildings where you have a height above the ground rather than an absolute height.
- GRID_SAVE_TIN - specifies that the triangulated
irregular network (TIN) for the grid operation should be saved as a new separate
vector layer consisting of triangular 3D area features. Use GRID_SAVE_TIN=YES to
enable this.
- GRID_USE_CONSTRAINTS - specifies that 3D line and area
features should be treated as constraints (breaklines) during the gridding process.
Use GRID_USE_CONSTRAINTS=YES to enable this.
- GRID_IGNORE_ZERO - specifies that features with an
elevation of 0.0 will not be used during the gridding process.
- GRID_TYPE - specifies what values should be gridded for
a bin-based grid. The following values are supported:
- ELEVATION - default, grids the elevation values for each point
- INTENSITY - grids the intensity value for each point
- HEIGHT_ABOVE_GROUND - grids the height above ground for each point
- NDVI - grids the calculate NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) for 4-band (RGB+NIR) Lidar points
- NDWI - grids the calculate NDWI (normalized difference water index) for 4-band (RGB+NIR) Lidar points
- LIDAR_ELEV_RANGE - specifies the range of elevations to include in the grid in meters. By
default all elevations are gridded, but if you want to restrict values to say 50m - 150m, you could add LIDAR_ELEV_RANGE="50,150".
- LIDAR_SCAN_ANGLE_RANGE - specifies the range of scan angles to include in the grid in degrees. By
default all scan angles are gridded, but if you want to restrict the grid to only those points with scan angles between 0 and 30
degrees, you could add LIDAR_SCAN_ANGLE_RANGE="0,30".
- LIDAR_FILTER - specifies a comma-separated list of Lidar class numbers
to export. Provide a minus sign to remove the type from the filter rather than add it. The
filter starts off with nothing in it if you provide a LIDAR_FILTER string, but you can add ALL to enable everything or NONE to
clear the filter, then add or remove stuff after that. For example, to specify a class filter with only
types 2 and 3 enabled, use LIDAR_FILTER="NONE,2,3". To get one with everything but classes 2 and 3, use
LIDAR_FILTER="ALL,-2,-3". If no LIDAR_FILTER is provided then all types currently enabled in the shared global
Lidar filter are used.
- LIDAR_RETURN_FILTER - specifies a comma-separated list of Lidar return types
to enable or disable. Provide a minus sign to remove the type from the filter rather than add it. The
filter starts off with the current filter settings, but you can add ALL to enable everything or NONE to
clear the filter, then add or remove stuff after that. For example, to specify a return filter with only
unknown and first returns, use LIDAR_RETURN_FILTER="NONE,0,1". To get one with everything but the first
return, use LIDAR_RETURN_FILTER="ALL,-1". The numeric values have the following meanings:
- 0 - Unknown Returns
- 1 - First Return
- 2 - Second Return
- 3 - Last Return
- 4 - Single Return
- 5 - First of Many Returns
- 6 - Second of Many Returns
- 7 - Third of Many Returns
- 8 - Last of Many Returns
- LIDAR_COLOR_FILTER - specifies a color to include in the grid. If no value is provided then
all colors are gridded. Otherwise, you can provide multiple LIDAR_COLOR_FILTER parameters of the format LIDAR_COLOR_FILTER="RGB(red,green,blue)"
to specify colors to keep. The LIDAR_COLOR_DIST parameter specifies how far from an exact match to a specified color that a point
color can be to be kept.
- LIDAR_DENSITY_RANGE - specifies the range of point densities in points per square meter to include. Any Lidar points in regions with densities outside the range are ignored. If you use 2 values then everything between the value is used. If only one value is specified then all points in areas >= to the specified value are used. For example, LIDAR_DENSITY_RANGE="1.0" means that all points in areas with densities of 1.0 points per square meter or higher are used.
- LIDAR_SOURCE_ID_LIST - specifies a comma-separated list of point source IDs to keep. If no list
is provided all points are kept. For example, to keep just points with a source ID of 5 or 6, use LIDAR_SOURCE_ID_LIST="5,6".
The GENERATE_EQUAL_VAL_AREAS command allows for the generation of areas for regions of the same
(or similar) color, elevation, or slope values from a loaded raster or elevation layer.
- FILENAME - specifies the filename of the already loaded
layer from which to generate the equal-value areas.
- LAYER_DESC - specifies the description to use for the layer
- ATTR_NAME - specifies the name to use for the attribute
holding the color, elevation, or slope that a particular area represents. If you leave this
attribute off then no value attribute will be saved with each area.
- ATTR_FORMAT - specifies a custom format string for creating
the color attribute. This would be a C-style string with either a single number parameter or
3 for separate red, green, and blue. Usually you wouldn't specify this and the default would
then just be the same as ATTR_FORMAT="RGB( %3d, %3d, %3d )".
- AREA_TYPE - specifies the name of the area type to
assign to the area features. See the Area Styles tab of the Configuration dialog for
a list of available type names.
- EQUAL_COLORS (raster only) - specifies the color(s)
to create areas for. If you don't provide one of more colors all colors are matched on.
The color(s) should be specified as RGB(<red>,<green>,<blue>). For example, to
create areas for white, use EQUAL_COLORS=RGB(255,255,255). Optionally, if the
image that you are creating areas for uses a palette for the colors, you can
specify a palette index in the following format: INDEX(<0-based palette
index>). For example, to make the second color in the palette transparent,
use EQUAL_COLORS=INDEX(1). You can provide more than one color to match on by providing
a semi-color separated list, like EQUAL_COLORS="RGB(0,255,0);RGB(255,0,0)" to match on
blue and red.
- COLOR_DIST - specifies how far from an exact match each
color channel of a color value must be to be considered the same. By default a value of
0 is used which means exact matches only. If you want to break the entire color range into
say 4 ranges for each color channel, use something like COLOR_DIST=32 as that would allow
colors up to 32 away from each color channel value to match to a color.
- ELEV_DIST - specifies how far from an exact match (in meters) each
value must be to be considered the same. By default a value of 0 is used which means exact matches
only. If you want to say split into area groups 10 meters in size, use ELEV_DIST=5. This would give
you areas with values between -5 and 5 meters, 5 and 15 meters, etc.
- SLOPE_DIST - specifies how far from an exact match (in degrees) each
value must be to be considered the same. By default a value of 0 is used which means exact matches
only. If you want to say split into area groups 10 degrees in size, use SLOPE_DIST=5. This would give
you areas with values between 0 and 10 degrees, 10 and 20 degrees, etc.
- FORCE_RGB - specifies that the attribute value for a color-based area will
always be the full RGB color and not a palette index/name if available. Use FORCE_RGB=YES to enable.
- FIX_INVALID - specifies whether or not the resulting areas should be
split up into pieces if any invalid (i.e. self-intersecting) pieces are created. Use FIX_INVALID=YES to
force the invalid areas to be fixed.
- Specify Bounding Box for Operation
This sample will generate equal-elevation areas of size 20 meters (10 meters on either side) from the specified
DEM layer and store the elevation values in an attribute named ELEV for each area feature.
GENERATE_EQUAL_VAL_AREAS FILENAME="C:\temp\export test\blue_springs_4_quads.dem" ELEV_DIST=10.0 ATTR_NAME="ELEV"
The GENERATE_LAYER_BOUNDS command create a new layer with a single bounding box area created
from the bounding box of each loaded layer or a polygonal coverage of the valid data in the layer
if specified by the BOUNDS_TYPE parameter:
- LAYER_DESC - specifies the description to use the for created layer
- FILENAME - filename of the layer to generate bounds for. If an empty value is
passed in, all layers that were created by the script, such as those from a
GENERATE_CONTOURS command, will have bounds created for. When running the script in the context of the
main map view (including loading a workspace) you can also pass in the value 'USER CREATED FEATURES'
to have the 'User Created Features' layers unloaded or 'SELECTED LAYERS' to have any layers selected in the
Control Center unloaded. You can also pass in the full description of
the loaded layer to use in case you want to unload a layer not loaded from a file. If
you do not provide a FILENAME parameter then all loaded layers will have their bounds generated.
- BOUNDS_TYPE - specifies whether to create bounding box or polygon coverages. The following values are supported:
- BOUNDS - (default) A bounding box in the native projection of the layer is created.
- POLYGON - A coverage polygon is calculated covering the features/valid data in the layer
- RECT_ONLY - This is the same as the BOUNDS value, except the bounding box is in the current projection rather than the native layer projection.
- MAX_VERTEX_COUNT - specifies the maximum number of vertices to include in a polygonal
coverage. The default is MAX_VERTEX_COUNT=32. If the polygonal coverage has more than the specified maximum count the
polygon will be simplified until it has less vertices than the specified count.
- COVERAGE_SMOOTHING_FACTOR - specifies a smoothing factor to use when creating polygonal
coverage areas for vector/Lidar layers to control how tightly shrink-wrapped around the vector features the area is. The default value is 1.0,
but any value greater than 0 is allowed, with larger values resulting in more smoothing.
The GENERATE_PATH_PROFILE command allows for the saving of a 3D path profile
to an ASCII XYZ file. This command uses loaded elevation data to generate a list
of the 3D coordinates between two given points in the given elevation units. The
following parameters are supported by the command.
- FILENAME - full path to XYZ ASCII file to save the data to
- ELEV_UNITS - specify elevation units to use in export
- FEET - export in US feet
- METERS - export in meters
- POINT_COUNT - specifies the number of points to generate in the
path. This must be at least two. For example, to create 1000 points, use
POINT_COUNT=1000. You can use the POINT_SPACING parameter rather than this to
specify how far apart sample points should be.
- POINT_SPACING - specifies the point spacing in meters to use
between sample points along the path. For example, to create points spaced 10
meters apart, use POINT_SPACING=10.0.
- START_POS - specifies the start position for the path profile. The
coordinates must be given in the current global coordinate system. For
example, if UTM if the current projection, you might specify and
easting/northing as follows: START_POS=480000,4310000.
- END_POS - specifies the end position for the path profile. The
coordinates must be given in the current global coordinate system. For
example, if UTM if the current projection, you might specify and
easting/northing as follows: START_POS=480000,4310000.
- ADD_LAND_USE_CODES - specifies whether to query loaded LULC data
sets for the land use code at each point and to include that land use code
after the elevation. Use ADD_LAND_USE_CODES=YES to turn on adding land use
codes for each point.
- APPEND_TO_FILE - specifies that the elevations between the start
and end locations should be appended to the file specified if it already
exists rather than a new file being created. Use APPEND_TO_FILE=YES to enable.
- ADD_BLANK_LINE - specifies that a blank line will be added to the
file if APPEND_TO_FILE=YES is added to the command and the file was not empty to start with. Use
ADD_BLANK_LINE=YES to enable adding the blank line.
- SAVE_DIST_Z_FILE - specifies that the output file should contain
distance and elevation values rather than XYZ coordinate values. Use
SAVE_DIST_Z_FILE=YES to enable this option.
Creates a point feature at the center of each cell in the specified elevation grid layer(s).
The available parameters for the command include:
- FILENAME - filename or layer description of the layer(s) to process. If an empty value, or "*", is passed in, all loaded elevation grid layers will be included, and a separate output layer will be produced for each input layer.
- LAYER_DESC - specifies the name to assign to the output layer. If no layer description is provided, a default name will be assigned. If more than one layer is being processed, this will be used as a suffix on the automatically generated layer name.
- Specify Bounding Box for Operation
- Cropping to Polygons/Areas
LAYER_DESC="grid_points" \
The GLOBAL_MAPPER_SCRIPT must be the first command in the file. Typically, the entire command line
will look like:
You can use the following parameters with this command:
- VERSION - specifies the version of the scripting language used.
This parameter is required. You should always use VERSION=1.00.
- ENABLE_PROGRESS - specifies whether or not any progress dialogs
should be displayed while this script is processing. This is enabled by
default for scripts run in the context of the main map view or when loading workspaces. Scripts
run in their own sandbox or from them command line disable progress by default.
Use ENABLE_PROGRESS=NO to disable the display of any progress dialogs
during the processing of this script.
- GM_VERSION - specifies the Global Mapper version that a workspace (.gmw)
file was saved from. This is in v16.2.2 and later. The format will be like GM_VERSION="16.2.2".
- TIMESTAMP - specifies the time that the workspace was saved. This
will be saved in the ISO-8601 time format, like TIMESTAMP="2015-06-03T13:08:39Z"
- SHOW_WARNINGS - specifies whether or not warning messages should be
displayed when you are done loading the workspace/script into the main map view. Use SHOW_WARNINGS=NO
to disable the display of warnings. Any true ERROR messages will always display.
- LOG_TO_COMMAND_PROMPT - specifies whether or not logged messages should
be written to the calling command prompt (if script is passed on the command line). If you add
LOG_TO_COMMAND_PROMPT="YES" and you pass the .gms file on the command line, any logged messages
will be written to the normal log context as well as the command prompt. Make sure to call global_mapper.exe
with 'start /wait' syntax or from a .bat file to ensure that the command line output goes where desired.
- REQUIRE_WORKSPACE - name of workspace file that is required to be
loaded for this script to run. If a name is provided for this parameter and
that workspace is not currently loaded into Global Mapper, the script will
immediately abort. This can be used if you have different scripts that you
only want to use if other workspaces are active and want to prevent
accidentally selecting the wrong script.
The GENERATE_REPORT command allows you to generate a CSV text report file on the data in one or more
loaded layers broken down by a particular attribute value, feature name, or type, or
just a single line report about all features. The report will include the count of area, line, and
point features matching the specified criteria as well as the total combined length of the line
features and combined covered area of the area features.
The following parameters are supported by the command:
- OUTPUT_FILENAME - specifies the name of the text .csv
file to write the report results to.
- FILENAME - filename of the layer to generate the report for.
If an empty value is passed in, all layers that were created by the script,
such as those from a GENERATE_CONTOURS command, will be used to generate the report. You can also
pass in the value 'USER CREATED FEATURES' when running a script in the context
of the main map view or loading a workspace to have the 'User Created Features' layer
be used. If no FILENAME parameter is provided, the report will cover all available
vector layers.
- REPORT_ATTR - specifies what to use to divide up the
report into categories. See special Attribute Name parameter details.
If no REPORT_ATTR parameter is provided or the value is empty, only a single line concerning
all matching features will be generated in the report. You can provide multiple REPORT_ATTR
parameters if you want to group the results by more than one attribute. For example you
might want to separate could by layer and type so you could add REPORT_ATTR="<Feature Layer Name>" and
REPORT_ATTR="<Feature Name>".
- COMPARE_STR - specifies a comparison operation to
perform to see if a feature is one that needs to be included in the report. The format is
attr_name=attr_value. For example if you have an attribute named CFCC and you want to
match when the value of that attribute starts with an 'A', you can use
COMPARE_STR="CFCC=A*" as your parameter. You can add multiple COMPARE_STR parameters
to a single command to combine multiple criteria for your search. See special Attribute Name
parameter details for special attribute names to compare against.
- CASE_SENSITIVE - specifies whether or not text
comparisons are case sensitive or not. Use CASE_SENSITIVE=YES to enable, by default
comparisons are not case sensitive.
The GENERATE_VIEWSHED command allows you to perform a view shed analysis
using loaded elevation grid data with a user-specified transmitter location,
height, and radius. All areas within the selected radius that have a clear
line of sight to the transmitter are colored with a user-specified color.
The parameters are:
- LAYER_DESC - specifies the name
to assign to the view shed layer. If no layer description is provided,
the default name of "GENERATE_VIEWSHED Output" will be used.
- XMIT_POS - indicates the transmitter location in the current projection system. This is a required parameter.
This should be formatted as XMIT_POS="x_easting_longitude,y_northing_latitude"
- XMIT_HEIGHT - specifies the
height above ground or sea level for the transmitter that the view shed
analysis will be simulating. The value must contain the height and
a units abbreviation, e.g., XMIT_HEIGHT="5 ft". This is
a required parameter.
- indicates whether the XMIT_HEIGHT value is above sea level or above
ground. Use XMIT_HEIGHT_ABOVE_SEA_LEVEL=YES to specify that the transmitter
height is relative to sea level. The default is "NO",
i.e., the transmitter height is above ground.
- RECEIVER_ELEV_TYPE - specifies
the method used to define the receiver height. It can be one of
the following values: "EXPLICIT_HEIGHT", "XMIT_ANGLE",
or "XMIT_ANGLE_RANGE". If RECEIVER_ELEV_TYPE is not specified,
the default is "EXPLICIT_HEIGHT".
- RECEIVER_HEIGHT - required parameter
that specifies the receiver height when the type is "EXPLICIT_HEIGHT".
This is the minimum height above the ground or sea level from which
the transmitter must be visible for the point to be considered visible.
The value must contain the height and a units abbreviation, e.g., RECEIVER_HEIGHT="8
- RECEIVER_ANGLE - Optionally,
you can also specify that the receiver elevation should be calculated
based on an elevation angle relative to the horizon from the transmitter.
This is useful if you have something like a radar dish that points up
at some angle and you want to see where the signal can be seen. Specify
the value in degrees, from 0 to 360. RECEIVER_ANGLE is a required
parameter when the type is "XMIT_ANGLE" or "XMIT_ANGLE_RANGE".
- RECEIVER_ANGLE_END - specifies
the other end of a transmission angle range for a beam transmitted from
the transmitter. Then the view shed will depict where that beam would
hit the terrain surface (or some user-specified distance above the surface).
RECEIVER_ANGLE_END is a required parameter when the type is "XMIT_ANGLE_RANGE".
Specify the value in degrees, from 0 to 360. It must be greater
than the value used for RECEIVER_ANGLE.
the receiver height (in meters) to use when checking with restricted transmission
angle. This parameter is optional, and is only used when RECEIVER_ELEV_TYPE
- indicates whether the RECEIVER_HEIGHT or RECEIVER_HEIGHT_ANGLE value
is above sea level or above ground. Use
RECEIVER_HEIGHT_ABOVE_SEA_LEVEL=YES to specify that the receiver height
is relative to sea level. The default is "NO", i.e., the
receiver height is relative to the ground.
- RADIUS - specifies how far in each direction from the transmitter to
check for visibility. Typically you'd want to set this to the effective
range of your transmitter. The value must contain the distance and a units
abbreviation, e.g., RADIUS="25 km". This is a required
- RADIUS_MIN - If you want to
ignore areas close to the transmitter, use RADIUS_MIN to specify a minimum
view radius value. The value must contain the distance and a units abbreviation,
e.g., RADIUS_MIN="1 km". This is an optional parameter. The
default is 0, which includes everything from the transmitter out to the
selected view radius.
command allows the user to limit the view shed to a particular subsection
of the complete radial area. The START_ANGLE specifies the cartographic
angle, in degrees, at which the radial subregion begins. This angle is
a cartographic angle, meaning that 0 degrees is north and angle increases
clockwise. For example, to define a arc that starts due south, use START_ANGLE="180".
This parameter is optional. The default is to perform the analysis
on the full radial area.
- SWEPT_ANGLE - specifies the
number of degrees clockwise to include in the view shed. For example,
if the transmitter being analyzed sweeps an arc from due south to due
is an optional parameter. The default is 360 degrees.
whether or not to take the curvature of the earth into account while performing
the view shed analysis. Use USE_EARTH_CURVATURE="YES"
to specify that you want to use earth curvature. This parameter
is optional; the default is "NO".
addition, when earth curvature is being used, use ATMOSTPHERIC_CORRECTION
specify an atmospheric correction value to be used. The atmospheric correction
value is useful when determining the view shed for transmitting waves
whose path is affected by the atmosphere. For example, when modeling microwave
transmissions, ATMOSPHERIC_CORRECTION="1.333" is typically used
to emulate how microwaves are refracted by the atmosphere. This
is an optional parameter, with a default of 1.333.
whether or not view shed coverage area (polygon) features should be generated
for those areas that are visible. These generated area features then behave
just like any other vector feature and can be exported to vector formats,
like Shapefiles, for use in other software. Use CREATE_COVERAGE_AREAS="NO"
to disable this; the default is "YES".
- SHOW_HIDDEN_AREAS - indicates
whether or not the generated view shed will cover those areas that would
NOT be visible, rather than those that would be visible from the transmitter
location. Use SHOW_HIDDEN_AREAS="YES" to enable this functionality.
The default is to show visible areas.
that invalid or missing values should be treated as zero. The default
turn this off.
- COLOR - specifies the color
to use to display view shed areas. Use an RGB(red,green,blue) specification,
for example, COLOR="RGB(0,255,0)" will create green areas.
- FRESNEL_FREQ - allows you to
have the view shed analysis also check that a certain portion (FRESNEL_PCT_CLEAR)
of the first Fresnel zone for a transmission of a particular frequency
is clear. Use FRESNEL_FREQ to specify the frequency, in GHz. For
example, FRESNEL_FREQ="2.4" specifies a frequency of 2.4 GHz.
- FRESNEL_PCT_CLEAR - specifies
the percent of the first Fresnel zone that must be clear. The typical
standard is that good visibility requires that at least 60% (the default)
of the first Fresnel zone for the specified frequency be clear of obstructions.
Specify the value as a percent, e.g., FRESNEL_PCT_CLEAR="70"
will use 70%. This is an optional parameter, which will only be
used if FRESNEL_FREQ is also specified.
maximum percent of 1st Fresnel zone that must be clear (default is 100.0).
If you specify a maximum Fresnel zone percentage clear other than 100%,
only those locations where the minimum percentage of the 1st Fresnel zone
that is clear is between your specified percentages will be marked as
visible. This is an optional parameter, which will only be used
if FRESNEL_FREQ is also specified.
- PATH_LOSS_FREQ - specifies the
signal frequency in GHz for the free space path loss calculation. This
allows you to display the power at any given location taking free space
path loss into account.
the total power in dB from the rest of the link budget (i.e. transmission
power plus antenna gain minus any other power losses excluding free space
path loss).
- GEN_POWER_GRID - indicates whether
or not to create a grid of the remaining power at each location. Then
as you move the cursor over the view shed you can see the remaining power.
In addition the view shed will get more transparent as the signal power
gets lower.
- USE_VECTOR_HEIGHTS - indicates
whether or not loaded vector data with elevation values should be considered
when performing the view shed analysis. This allows you to use things
like buildings, fence lines, towers, etc. to block portions of the view,
creating a more realistic view shed. The default is to not use vector
data. Use USE_VECTOR_HEIGHTS="YES" to specify that you
want to use heights from vector data.
that any locations within an obstruction area will be marked as hidden,
rather than only those that actually would be hidden. The default
is "NO".
- specifies whether the elevation values stored with vector features are
relative to the ground or relative to mean sea level. Typically heights
for vector features are specified relative to the ground. If any area
features are included and their heights are relative to the ground, the
obstruction heights within those areas will be increased by the specified
amount, but any receiver heights will still be based on the terrain. This
makes things like wooded areas very easy to model. The default is
"NO" (heights are relative to the ground). To specify
that vector heights should be relative to sea level, use VECTOR_HEIGHTS_ABOVE_SEA_LEVEL="YES"
- FIX_INVALID - indicates whether or not to automatically detect and fix
invalid coverage polygons. Use FIX_INVALID="YES" to detect
and fix invalid polygons. The default is "NO".
The GENERATE_WATERSHED command allows for the generation of a watershed, including
stream flow and optionally watershed areas for each stream segment. The GENERATE_RIDGE_LINES command
shares the same parameters, but finds ridge lines rather than stream lines. A ridge line is created wherever flow
would accumulate in the inverse of the terrain surface. The following parameters are supported by the command.
- STREAM_THRESHOLD - specifies the number of cells that have to
drain to a particular location before that location is considered to be part of the stream/ridge
- MAX_DEPTH - specifies the maximum depression depth (in meters) that will
be filled prior to calculating the watershed. This is needed to prepare a terrain surface for flow analysis
so that a continuous flow can be found. Note that while using a large MAX_DEPTH value may generate better
results, it could also cause the process to take a lot longer.
- GEN_AREAS - generate watershed area features for each found
stream segment outlining the area that drains into that stream. Enabled by default for watersheds and disabled for ridge lines,
use GEN_AREAS=NO to disable.
- SMOOTH_STREAMS - specifies whether or not generated streams/ridge lines
should have smoothing applied to improve appearance. This option is enabled by default.
Use SMOOTH_STREAMS=NO to disable smoothing.
- FLOW_TO_POS - specifies the X and Y location (or longitude/latitude)
of a position to generate an area with all parts of the terrain surface that flow to (or near) that
point in the vector area feature. The format is FLOW_TO_POS="x,y". You can provide multiple FLOW_TO_POS
parameters to find the flow to multiple locations. Use FLOW_TO_POS_THRESH to specify how close to the position
the flow has to go in order to consider the source point part of that area. Use FLOW_TO_POS_PROJ
to specify the projection of the position. If that is not provided it will be assumed to be
in the current projection.
- FLOW_TO_POS_THRESH - specifies how many samples away from
the sample containing the specified FLOW_TO_POS that the flow can be and still be considered to
go to that point. The default is FLOW_TO_POS_THRESH=1.
- FLOW_TO_POS_PROJ - special Projection Specification
parameter providing the projection of the FLOW_TO_POS.
- FILLED_DEM_FILENAME - specifies the full path and name of a GMG (Global Mapper Grid) file to save the
depression filled DEM to after finding it. The default is to not save the filled DEM to a GMG file.
- GEN_FLOW_DIR_POINTS - specifies whether or not a separate layer containing a point feature with the
flow direction and accumulation at each sample location. Add GEN_FLOW_DIR_POINTS=YES to create the layer. The symbol can be
set with the FLOW_DIR_SYMBOL parameter.
- FLOW_DIR_SYMBOL - specifies the name of the point symbol to use for the flow direction points.
The specified symbol will be rotated to show the flow direction. The default is the medium black arrow.
- SHOW_FLOW_ACCUM - specifies whether or not the flow accumulation grid should be saved as a new layer.
Use SHOW_FLOW_ACCUM=YES to enable saving the flow accumulation to a new grid layer.
- SPATIAL_RES - specifies spacing of grid points used to calculate
the watershed. A smaller grid spacing results in higher fidelity, but the calculation process
will take longer. Typically you'll want to use the default value which is the
minimum spatial resolution of all loaded data. Should be formatted as
x_resolution,y_resolution. The units are the units of the current global
projection. For example, if UTM was the current global projection and you
wanted to use a grid with a 30 meter spacing, the parameter/value pair would
look like SPATIAL_RES=30.0,30.0.
- SPATIAL_RES_METERS - specifies spatial resolution to use in meters. The
value in meters will automatically be converted to the curent view/export projection units. For example,
to do an export at 2.0 meter spacing (or as close as you can get to that in the current units), use
SPATIAL_RES_METERS=2.0, or to do an export at 1.0 meters in X by 1.5 meters in Y, use
- SAMPLING_METHOD - specifies the sampling
method to use when sampling the terrain layers involved in the watershed calculation. The following values are supported:
- DEFAULT - Use either automatic resampling based on export or layer resampling, depending on setting of global
flag about whether to resample on export
- AUTO - Automatically select a resampling method based on how the export resolution and bounds compare to the original
layout for a layer. For example if you export to a lower resolution a box averager of appropriate size may be used automatically
- LAYER - Use the sampling method set for each layer
- The list of SAMPLING_METHOD values for the IMPORT command (Click here for list) can
also be specified to use a particular sampling method for all layers being exported/
- Specify Bounding Box for Operation
- FILL_GAPS - specifies that small gaps in between and within the
data sets being used to generate the watershed will be filled in by
interpolating the surrounding data to come up with an elevation for the point
in question. This option is on by default, specify FILL_GAPS=NO to turn off.
- LAYER_DESC - specifies the name to assign to this layer. If no
layer description is provided, the default name of "GENERATED WATERSHED" will
be used.
- Cropping to Polygons/Areas
- MIN_STREAM_LEN - specifies the minimum length in meters of a stream
segment at the start of a stream network. Any streams shorter than this that have nothing flowing
into them will be discarded. The default is to keep all streams regardless of length.
- KEEP_ZERO_AT_ZERO - specifies whether or not to modify 0 (typically ocean)
values to allow flow to continue across expanses of 0 elevation. The default is to
enable this so 0 values don't change. If you want to model flow across 0 surfaces, add KEEP_ZERO_AT_ZERO=NO.
The IMPORT command imports a data file for later use. The following
parameters are supported by the command.
- FILENAME - full path to file to load the data from.
This can also be the URL (http: or ftp:) for a file on a web site that you want Global Mapper to
download and load. You can include wildcards ('*' or '?') in the FILENAME (v16.0.5. or later) to
load all files matching a particular mask. In v17.0.4 or later you can provide workspace or script
files (.gmw and .gms) via an IMPORT command rather than using EMBED_SCRIPT.
- TYPE - type of data file we're loading
- AUTO - automatically determine the type (default).
- ACE - Altimetry Corrected Elevation (ACE) format file.
- ARCASCIIGRID - Arc ASCII Grid format file.
- ARCBINARYGRID - Arc Binary Grid format file.
- AVC - Arc Vector Coverage format file.
- BIL - BIL format file.
- BSB - BSB format file (usually has .KAP extension).
- BT - a BT (Binary Terrain) format grid file.
- CANADA3D - Canada 3D format file.
- COMPEGPS - a CompeGPS RTE, TRK, or WPT file.
- CPS3 - a CPS-3 grid file.
- CTM_DEM - a CTM DEM format file.
- DBF - DBase file with point features.
- DHM25 - a Swiss DHM terrain format file.
- DGN - MicroStation DGN files earlier than v8.
- DIVAGIS_GRID - a DIVA GIS grid format file.
- DMDF - a Digital Map Data Format (DMDF) format file.
- DOQQ - USGS DOQ in JPEG format.
- DTED - Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) format.
- DXF - DXF format.
- ECW - ER Mapper Compressed Wavelet (ECW) format file.
- EMF - a Windows Enhanced Metafile (EMF) format file.
- ENVI DEM - ENVI DEM format file.
- ERDAS - Erdas Imagine format file.
- ERDAS_GIS - Erdas GIS format file.
- ERM_GRID - ERM grid format file.
- ESRI_PGEO - ESRI personal geodatabase format file.
- ETOPO2 - ETOPO2 format file.
- FAST_L7A - a Landsat FAST L7A format file.
- FILE_GDB - an ESRI File Geodatabase
- FLOATGRID - FLOAT/GRID format file.
- GEOSOFT_GRID - a Geosoft Binary Grid format file.
- GEOTIFF - GeoTIFF format file.
- GIF - a GIF format file with associated world file.
- GLOBAL_MAPPER_CATALOG - a Global Mapper Map Catalog file.
- GLOBAL_MAPPER_GRID - a Global Mapper Grid format file.
- GML - a GML format file.
- GNIS - Geographics Names Information Service (GNIS) file
- GPS_TRACKMAKER - a GPS TrackMaker format file.
- GXF - Geosoft Grid ASCII (GXF) file
- GPX - GPS eXchange Format file
- HDF - an HDF format raster or grid file, like ASTER DEM or ASTER VNIR imagery.
- HELAVA_DEM - a Helava DEM file
- HYDRA_GRID - a Hydra Grid file
- HYPACK_MATRIX - a Hypack Matrix format file.
- IBCAO - Arctic bathymetry in NetCDF format.
- IDRISI_RASTER - Idrisi raster/elevation format file.
- IGF_DIS - an IGF-DIS format file
- INM_3TX - an INM 3TX grid file.
- INTERGRAPH_COT - Intergraph COT format file.
- JDEM - a Japanese DEM .mem file.
- JPEG - a JPEG file with an associated world file.
- JPEG2000 - a JPEG 2000 file
- JPGIS - JPGIS (Japanese DEM) XML file.
- KML - a KML/KMZ file.
- LIDAR_LAS - a LAS file with LIDAR data.
- LOWRANCE_USR - a Lowrance USR format file.
- LULC - USGS Land Use and Land Cover vector data file.
- MAPINFO - a MapInfo MIF/MID of TAB/MAP vector data collection.
- MAPMAKERTERRAIN - a MapMaker terrain file
- MARPLOT_MIE - a MarPlot MIE format file.
- MAPTECH - a MapTech BSB, Topo, or Aerial format file.
- MICRODEM_DEM - a MicroDEM-created DEM file
- MICROPATH_3CD - a Micropath 3CD grid file.
- MICROPATH_DEM - a Micropath DEM file
- MRSID - a LizardTech MrSID image file.
- NetCDF - a NetCDF format file.
- NIMA_GNS - a NIMA GNS format file.
- NITF - NITF format imagery
- NOS_GEO - a NOS/GEO format chart file.
- NTF_GRID - a NTF grid format file.
- OPTIMI_GRID - an Optimi terrain or clutter grid format file.
- OZI - an OziExplorer format waypoint (WPT) or track (PLT) file.
- PCX - a PC Paintbrush PCX format file.
- PCX5 - a Garmin PCX5 format waypoint (WPT) or track (TRK) file.
- ROCKWORKS_GRID - a RockWorks Grid format file.
- RPF - Raster Product Format database, like CADRG.
- RPF_FRAME - single frame from a Raster Product Format database, like CADRG.
- S57 - a S-57 chart file
- SDTS - a SDTS transfer
- SEGP1 - a SEGP1 seismic shotpoint file.
- SHAPEFILE - an ESRI Shapefile.
- SURFERGRID - a Surfer grid format file.
- SWEDISHDEMGRID - a Swedish DEM grid format file.
- TERRASCAN - a TerraScan LIDAR format file.
- TIGER_LINE - a Tiger/Line format file.
- TRMM_GRID - a TRMM precipitation grid file.
- USGS_DEM - a native format USGS DEM file.
- VPF - a Vector Product Format file such as VMAP or DNC data
- VULCAN_3D - a Vulcan3D triangulation file
- WASP_RESOURCE_GRID - a WaSP resource grid file
- ZMAP_PLUS - a Geographix Zmap Plus+ format file.
- PROMPT_IF_TYPE_UNKNOWN - set to NO if you don't want the user
to be prompted to select a file type if the type cannot automatically be determined (useful when looping).
- HIDDEN - set to YES to cause this overlay to be hidden from view
after it is loaded. The default is to show the overlay.
- LAYER_DESC - specifies a description to use for the layer when
displaying it in the Overlay Control Center. This overrides the default
description based on the filename or other information within the file.
- LAYER_GROUP - specifies the name of the group for the layer in the Control Center.
To include multiple layers of grouping put the string <sub> in between levels. For example to make a group
with 2 levels of nesting, use LAYER_GROUP="Top Level<sub>Next Level".
- ALLOW_SELECTION - set to NO to disable selection of
features from this layer using either the Feature Info or Digitizer Tools.
- ALLOW_EXPORT - set to NO to disable export from this layer.
- LOAD_FLAGS - contains flags for any import options that you were prompted for when
loading the file, such as if you have a .tif file that you were prompted to select as elevation or raster. Also things
like the coverages and tile sets for VPF layers. To see how to set these if you are writing a script, load a file with
the settings that you want in the main user interface and then save a workspace, then examine the IMPORT command in the .gmw
file for that file and see how the LOAD_FLAGS were set.
- METADATA_FILENAME - specifies full path and filename of a file to display the contents of on the Metadata dialog for a layer. The file can be any simple displayable text format, including text and XML.
- METADATA_URL - specifies a URL to a displayable web file (including HTML web page or XML document) to show on the Metadata dialog for a layer.
- CODE_PAGE specifies the code page to use when interpreting text from this layer. By default
if the file doesn't specify a code page the current system code page will be used. Use the code page number, or the text UTF-8 (number 65001).
- SAMPLING_METHOD (elevation and raster only) - specifies the sampling
method to use when resampling this layer. The following values are supported:
- NEAREST_NEIGHBOR - use the nearest neighbor sampling method
- BILINEAR - use bilinear interpolation
- BICUBIC - use bicubic interpolation
- BOX_2X2 - use a 2x2 box average
- BOX_3X3 - use a 3x3 box average
- BOX_4X4 - use a 4x4 box average
- BOX_5X5 - use a 5x5 box average
- BOX_6X6 - use a 6x6 box average
- BOX_7X7 - use a 7x7 box average
- BOX_8X8 - use a 8x8 box average
- BOX_9X9 - use a 9x9 box average
- MAX_2X2 - (terrain layers only) use maximum value found in 2x2 box
- MAX_3X3 - (terrain layers only) use maximum value found in 3x3 box
- MAX_4X4 - (terrain layers only) use maximum value found in 4x4 box
- MAX_5X5 - (terrain layers only) use maximum value found in 5x5 box
- MAX_6X6 - (terrain layers only) use maximum value found in 6x6 box
- MAX_7X7 - (terrain layers only) use maximum value found in 7x7 box
- MAX_8X8 - (terrain layers only) use maximum value found in 8x8 box
- MAX_9X9 - (terrain layers only) use maximum value found in 9x9 box
- MED_2X2 - (terrain layers only) use median value found in 2x2 box
- MED_3X3 - (terrain layers only) use median value found in 3x3 box
- MED_4X4 - (terrain layers only) use median value found in 4x4 box
- MED_5X5 - (terrain layers only) use median value found in 5x5 box
- MED_6X6 - (terrain layers only) use median value found in 6x6 box
- MED_7X7 - (terrain layers only) use median value found in 7x7 box
- MED_8X8 - (terrain layers only) use median value found in 8x8 box
- MED_9X9 - (terrain layers only) use median value found in 9x9 box
- MIN_2X2 - (terrain layers only) use minimum value found in 2x2 box
- MIN_3X3 - (terrain layers only) use minimum value found in 3x3 box
- MIN_4X4 - (terrain layers only) use minimum value found in 4x4 box
- MIN_5X5 - (terrain layers only) use minimum value found in 5x5 box
- MIN_6X6 - (terrain layers only) use minimum value found in 6x6 box
- MIN_7X7 - (terrain layers only) use minimum value found in 7x7 box
- MIN_8X8 - (terrain layers only) use minimum value found in 8x8 box
- MIN_9X9 - (terrain layers only) use minimum value found in 9x9 box
- ALT_MODE (vector only) - altitude mode specifies how the 3D viewer should interpret z-values in the vector features
of an layer, relative to terrain. Altitude mode may also be set in an individual feature, in which case it overrides the layer setting.
The following values are supported:
- UNSPECIFIED - Altitude mode is determined by either the setting in the feature, or if unspecified, the setting in the 3D viewer
- ABSOLUTE - treat z-values as absolute elevations, ignoring any terrain
- RELATIVE_TO_GROUND - treat z-values as distances above the terrain
- RELATIVE_TO_SEA_FLOOR - treat z-values as distances above the sea floor (currently implemented as RELATIVE_TO_GROUND)
- CLAMP_TO_GROUND - ignore z-values, and clamp the feature to the terrain
- CLAMP_TO_SEA_FLOOR - ignore z-values, and clamp the feature to the sea floor (currently implemented as CLAMP_TO_GROUND)
- DEPTH - treat z-values as absolute depths, ignoring any terrain
- ANTI_ALIAS [DEPRECATED - use SAMPLING_METHOD instead] (elevation and raster only) - specifies whether to
remove jagged edges by making a subtle transition between pixels. Turning off
this option helps maintain the hard edges of the pixels as they are
rasterized. Use ANTI_ALIAS=YES to turn on. Anything else turns it off.
- CONTRAST_MODE (raster only) - specifies the type of contrast
adjustment to apply to the data.
- NONE - no contrast adjustment applied (this is the default)
- PERCENTAGE - apply a percentage contrast adjustment. The
CONTRAST_STRETCH_SIZE parameter can be used to override the number of
standard deviations from the mean to stretch to.
- MIN_MAX - apply a min/max contrast stretch, stretching the available
range of values in each color band to the full range of 0-255. For imagery
which contains both black and white, this will have no affect.
- CONTRAST_SHARED (raster only) - specifies whether or not
the contrast adjustment for this layer will share the adjustment with other contrast-adjusted
layers in order to ensure a consistent modification across layers. Use CONTRAST_SHARED=YES
to enable contrast sharing.
- CONTRAST_STRETCH_SIZE (raster only) - specifies the number of
standard deviations from the mean to use in a PERCENTAGE contrast adjustment.
The default is 2.0.
instead - specifies whether to automatically calculate and apply a 2
standard deviation contrast adjustment to the image. Use AUTO_CONTRAST=YES to
turn on. Anything else turns it off.
- CLIP_COLLAR (raster only) - specifies whether to clip the collar
off of the image. The following values are supported for cropping:
- NONE - no collar cropping is performed.
- AUTO - automatically remove a USGS DRG-style collar or a 3.75 DOQQ
- LAT_LON - crop the collar to a a specified set of bounds specified in
arc degrees in the native datum of the layer. The bounds should be specified
using the CLIP_COLLAR_BOUNDS parameter.
- NATIVE - crop the collar to a specified set of bounds specified in the
native projection system and datum of the layer. The bounds should be
specified using the CLIP_COLLAR_BOUNDS parameter.
- PIXELS - crop a given number of pixels off of each side of the layer.
The number of pixels to remove from each side should be specified using the
- SNAP_DEGREES - crop the collar by snapping each edge to a specified degree boundary specified in
arc degrees in the native datum of the layer. The bounds should be specified
using the CLIP_COLLAR_BOUNDS parameter. For example to crop the west and east edges to a half
degree boundary and the north and south edges to a one degree boundary, use the following:
- POLY - crop to a polygon provided with the CLIP_COLLAR_POLY parameter.
- CLIP_COLLAR_BOUNDS (raster only) - specifies the bounds of the
collar to be clipped off when the CLIP_COLLAR parameter is enabled. The
coordinates should be specified in arc degrees, native layer coordinates, or
pixel counts as a comma-delimited list going west,south,east,north. For
example, CLIP_COLLAR_BOUNDS=34.25,-109.0,34.375,-108.875.
- CLIP_COLLAR_POLY (raster only) - specifies the name of the
previously defined shape (with the DEFINE_SHAPE command) to
crop the layer to when the CLIP_COLLAR=POLY parameter is used. The
coordinates in the shape must have been defined in the native projection system of the layer
being loaded. Unless you provide CLIP_COLLAR_POLY_SIMPLIFY=NO, the clip polygon will be simplified
to 1/10th of a pixel resolution to reduce the size of the crop polygon for faster cropping without
noticeably changing the shape.
- CLIP_COLLAR_POLY_EXCLUDE (raster only) - specifies that the crop to the
polygon specified with CLIP_COLLAR_POLY should keep all parts of the layer outside the crop polygon(s) rather
than what is inside the polygon(s). Add CLIP_COLLAR_POLY_EXCLUDE=YES to enable this behavior.
- CLIP_COLLAR_POLY_SIMPLIFY - specifies that the clip polygon will be simplified
to 1/10th of a pixel resolution to reduce the size of the crop polygon for faster cropping without
noticeably changing the shape. Enabled by default, use CLIP_COLLAR_POLY_SIMPLIFY=NO to disable.
- CLIP_COLLAR_POLY_PIXEL (raster only) - specifies that the coordinates
in the crop polygon from the CLIP_COLLAR_POLY parameter are in pixel relative coordinates for the
layer rather than in the native system of the layer. Use this if you need to crop a layer to a particular
boundary in known pixel coordinates. The coordinates will convert to native layer coordinates on load.
- ZOOM_DISPLAY - specifies when the map should be displayed
and when it should be hidden based on the display zoom scale. This command will be formatted
as a name from the list, below followed by 2 numeric paramters. For example, use
ZOOM_DISPLAY="SCALE,25000,0" to have a map display only when zoomed in below 1:25000 scale.
- ALWAYS - always display the map. The numeric parameters are ignored.
- PERCENT - display the map when the map bounding box is a certain percentage of
the screen size. For example, use ZOOM_DISPLAY="PERCENT,0.10,0" to display the map when
its bounding box is at least 10% of the screen size.
- PIXEL_SIZE - display the map when each display pixel is less than some number of meters in size.
For example, use PIXEL_SIZE="SCALE,10,0" to display the map when the current
display resolution is 10 meters per pixel (or less/higher resolution).
- SCALE - display the map when the current display is at or below a certain scale.
For example, use ZOOM_DISPLAY="SCALE,25000,0" to display the map when the current
draw scale is at or below 1:25000.
- SCALE_RANGE - display the map when the current display is below a range of scale
value. For example, use ZOOM_DISPLAY="SCALE_RANGE,25000,100000" to display the map when
the current draw scale is between 1:25000 and 1:100000.
- COLOR_INTENSITY (elevation and raster only) - specifies the color
intensity to use when adjusting the brightness of pixels in the overlay. Valid
values range from 0 to 20, with 0 being completely black, 10 being no
alteration, and 20 being completely white. For example, to make an image
slightly darker, you could use COLOR_INTENSITY=7. (NOTE: This parameter has been
deprecated in favor of the COLOR_INTENSITY_FULL parameter).
- COLOR_INTENSITY_FULL (elevation and raster only) -
specifies the color intensity to use when adjusting the brightness of pixels in
the overlay. Valid values range from 0 to 512, with 0 being completely white, 256
being no alteration, and 512 being completely black. For example, to make an image
slightly darker, you could use COLOR_INTENSITY=300. (NOTE: This parameter replaces
the COLOR_INTENSITY parameter).
- TEXTURE_MAP (raster only) - specifies that this image should be
draped over any elevation data loaded before it. Use TEXTURE_MAP=YES to turn
on. Anything else turns it off.
- PALETTE_NAME (palette-based raster only) - specifies the filename
of a recognized palette file to override the default colors in this layers palette or a palette
previously defined with the DEFINE_PALETTE command. Use this to change the color interpretation
of palette indices.
- TRANSPARENT_COLOR (elevation and raster only) - specifies the color
to make transparent when rendering this overlay. The color should be specified
as RGB(<red>,<green>,<blue>). For example, to make white the
transparent color, use TRANSPARENT_COLOR=RGB(255,255,255). If you do not wish
any color to be transparent, do not use this parameter. Optionally, if the
image that you are making transparent uses a palette for the colors, you can
specify a palette index in the following format: INDEX(<0-based palette
index>). For example, to make the second color in the palette transparent,
- TRANSPARENT_COLOR_DIST - for layers that have specified a color
to make transparent, this parameter allows you to specify how far a color in the layer has to be
from the specified TRANSPARENT_COLOR value to be treated as transparent as well. The default value
of 0 means that the colors have to exactly match for the pixel to be treated as transparent. Larger
values (up to 256) allow larger distances between the layer color and the transparent color. This
is useful for lossy formats, like JPEG.
- COLOR_GRADE (raster only) -
specifies the color grading values to use for this layer (as configured on the Color Grade
options dialog tab). This should be a comma-delimited list with the saturation value (from 0-1)
first, then the input and output range for the red, green, and blue color channels, as follows:
- PROJ - special Projection Specification
type of parameter that specifies the projection to use for the file. This will override any
projection information stored in the file.
- PROJ_NAME (DEPRECATED use PROJ instead) - specifies the name of the projection to use for this
file (this will override any projection information stored in the file). This
name must have been defined with a prior DEFINE_PROJ command.
- PROJ_FILENAME (DEPRECATED use PROJ instead)- specifies the name of the projection (.prj) file to
use for this file (this will override any projection information stored in the
- PROJ_EPSG_CODE (DEPRECATED use PROJ instead) - specifies the numeric EPSG projection
code that defines the projection for this file (this will override any projection
information stored in the file). For example, use PROJ_EPSG_CODE=26715 to define a UTM
zone 15 projection with NAD27 as the datum and meters as the units.
- PROMPT_IF_PROJ_UNKNOWN - set to NO if you don't want the user
to be prompted to select a projection if the projection of the file cannot be automatically
- USE_DEFAULT_PROJ - specifies that if no projection can be
automatically determined for a layer that the default projection selection should be used rather than
prompting the user. Use USE_DEFAULT_PROJ=YES to enable.
The default projection uses the first valid option from the following, including a check for linear versus angular numeric ranges:
- Projection of any files loaded from the same folder
- Last projection user selected on a projection dialog in this session
- Current view projection
- Projection from default.prj in global_mapper.exe path
- Projection from default.prj in User Settings File path
- Last projection user selected on a projection dialog in previous session of GM
- Default UTM/15N/NAD83 projection
- USE_DEFAULT_POS - specifies that if no position data for a raster layer can be
automatically determined that a default position should be chosen so that it displays. Use USE_DEFAULT_POS=YES to
Elevation Parameters
- specifies parameters for working with
elevation values in terrain layers
- ELEV_FIELD - specifies the name of the attribute field to use as
the elevation value for the vector features in a file
- ELEV_UNITS - specify elevation units to use for
this file if it contains gridded elevation data and also for vector feature elevations that
don't have a unit embedded in the elevation value. Valid values are as follows:
- FEET - elevations in US feet
- DECIFEET - elevations in 10ths of US feet
- METERS - elevations in meters
- DECIMETERS - elevations in 10ths of meters
- CENTIMETERS - elevations in centimeters
- ELEV_OFFSET (elevation only) - specifies the offset in meters to
apply to each elevation value in the layer. This allows you to vertically
shift a layer to match other layers.
- ELEV_POWER (elevation only) - specifies the power value to apply to
each elevation value in the layer. For example a value of 2.0 would square each elevation value before
applying a scale and adding the offset. Default to 1.0 (no power).
- ELEV_SCALE (elevation only) - specifies the scale value to apply to
each elevation value in the layer. This allows you to vertically scale a layer
to match other layers. Default to 1.0 (no scaling).
- MIN_ELEV (elevation only) - specifies the minimum elevation
(meters) to treat as valid when rendering this layer. Any elevations below
this value will be treated as invalid and not be drawn or exported.
- MAX_ELEV (elevation only) - specifies the maximum elevation
(meters) to treat as valid when rendering this layer. Any elevations above
this value will be treated as invalid and not be drawn or exported.
- CLAMP_ELEVS (elevation only) - if a MIN_ELEV and/or MAX_ELEV value
is specified, setting this to YES will make any valid elevation values outside
of the specified range be clamped to the new range value rather than treated
as invalid.
- VOID_ELEV (elevation only) - specifies the elevation (meters) to
replace any void areas in the layer with. If not specified, the void areas
will be transparent.
- SHADER_NAME (elevation only) - this sets the name of the shader to
use when rendering the gridded elevation data for this layer. Use this to
override use of the shared default shader just for this layer. This must be
one of the names displayed in the shader drop down in Global Mapper, such as
"Atlas Shader" or "Global Shader" or the name of a custom shader.
- TRANSLUCENCY (elevation and raster only) - specifies the level of
translucency (i.e. how "see-through" the layer is). Value values range from 0
to 512, with 0 meaning the layer is completely transparent (i.e. invisible)
and 512 meaning the layer is completely opaque (this is the default).
- IGNORE_ALPHA (raster only) - specifies that an embedded
alpha channel in an image should be ignored. This is useful for images that have incorrect
alpha channels. Use IGNORE_ALPHA=YES to enable.
- BLEND_MODE (elevation and raster only)- specify blend mode to use
for combining this overlay and any previously loaded overlays
- NO_BLEND - no blending is done, this is the default
- FEATHER_BLEND_EDGES (raster only) - specifies that the layer should
be feature-blended around one or more ledges. This is a numeric bitfield
value. Add the following values to enable blending on that edge:
- 1 - blend top edge
- 2 - blend bottom edge
- 4 - blend left edge
- 8 - blend right edge
For example, to blend all edges, use
FEATHER_BLEND_EDGES=15. The FEATHER_BLEND_SIZE parameter is used to specify
how many pixels to blend on each blended edge.
- FEATHER_BLEND_SIZE (raster only) - specifies the size in pixels to
use for a blend boundary.
- FEATHER_BLEND_POLY (raster only) - specifies the name of a previously defined
shape from DEFINE_SHAPE to feather too. You can also use FEATHER_BLEND_POLY=COVERAGE to calculate the polygonal
coverage of the layer and feather blend to that automatically.
- FEATHER_BLEND_POLY_FILE (raster only) - specifies that
the polygon boundary to feather blend this layer against should come from the specified
- BAND_SETUP (raster only) - specifies what bands of data from the
raster file being loaded should be used to populate the red, green, and blue
color channels when displaying the image. This is useful for multi-spectral
imagery which may have more than 3 color bands. The default band setup will be
to use the first three bands as follows: BAND_SETUP="0,1,2". Note that not all
raster formats support specifying a non-default band setup.
Vector Label Parameters
- the parameters below allow specifying a how to create
display labels for vector layers.
- LABEL_FIELD - specifies the name of the attribute field to use as
the label attribute for the features in the file. By default the attribute-based labeling will only
be applied to those features that don't already have a label, but if the LABEL_FIELD_FORCE_OVERWRITE attribute
is set to YES then all features will have their labels replaced. If you want to build the label from multiple
attributes, separate them with '>+<' in the file, like 'RD_PREFIX>+<RD_NAME>+<RD_SUFFIX'.
- LABEL_CUSTOM_DEF - specifies a custom free-form string describing how to form the
display labels for this layer. This can include embedded attribute values as %ATTR_NAME%.
- LABEL_FIELD_FORCE_OVERWRITE - specifies that the LABEL_FIELD or LABEL_CUSTOM_DEF attribute value
should be applied to all feature labels, not just those that don't already have labels. Use
- SHOW_LABELS - specifies whether or not labels are shown for features in this
layer, assuming they would be otherwise shown. The default is SHOW_LABELS=YES. Use SHOW_LABELS=NO to disable
the display of labels for this layer regardless of other settings.
- LABEL_PREFIX - specifies the prefix to prepend to attribute-based labels
- LABEL_SUFFIX - specifies the suffix to append to attribute-based labels
Vector Style/Type Parameters
- the parameters below allow specifying styles for
the vector features.
- AREA_STYLE_NAME - name of style to use for area features from
DEFINE_LAYER_STYLE or the name of a .gm_layer_style file
- LINE_STYLE_NAME - name of style to use for line features from
DEFINE_LAYER_STYLE or the name of a .gm_layer_style file
- POINT_STYLE_NAME - name of style to use for point features from
DEFINE_LAYER_STYLE or the name of a .gm_layer_style file
- AREA_TYPE - specifies the name of the Global Mapper type to use for
area features imported from the file.
- LINE_TYPE - specifies the name of the Global Mapper type to use for
line features imported from the file.
- POINT_TYPE - specifies the name of the Global Mapper type to use
for point features imported from the file.
Layer Rectification/ Control Points
- the parameters below allow defining
a series of control points and rectification parameters for setting up a coordinate mapping from
pixel space to real-world projection coordinates for the layer.
- GCP - specifies a single ground control point for use in rectifying
a file. The GCP record consists of 5 comma-delimited fields, the control point
name, the pixel X and Y coordinates, and the corresponding ground X and Y
coordinates. A separate GCP parameter and value should be used for each
control point used in the rectification. As an alternative, the GCP_FILENAME
parameter (see below) can be used instead.
- GCP_FILENAME - specifies the name of a control point file used to
rectify the file being imported.
- GCP_PROJ_NAME - specifies the name of the projection that the
ground control points are provided in. This name must have been defined with a
prior DEFINE_PROJ command. Use this if you want to specify control
points in a projection other than what you want to define as the native
projection for the file. Note that you must also explicitly specify the name
projection of the file using either the PROJ,
- TRANSFORM_FILENAME - specifies the name of a control point file used to
transform the coordinates of the imported file. This is different than the GCP_FILENAME in that the file
defines a mapping of world coordinates to a new set of world coordinates rather than pixel coordinates to
world coordinates. Each line should be of the format: x_orig,y_orig,x_new_y_new
- GCP_PROJ_FILENAME - specifies the name of the projection (.prj)
file that contains the projection definition for the projection that the
ground control points are provided in. Use this if you want to specify control
points in a projection other than what you want to define as the native
projection for the file. Note that you must also explicitly specify the name
projection of the file using either the PROJ,
PROJ_FILENAME parameters.
- GCP_PROJ_EPSG_CODE - specifies the EPSG code
of the projection that the ground control points are provided in. Use this if you
want to specify control points in a projection other than what you want to define
as the native projection for the file. Note that you must also explicitly specify
the name projection of the file using either the PROJ,
PROJ_FILENAME parameters.
- RECTIFY - specifies the rectification method to use for rectifying
you do not specify a rectification type but do provide at least two ground
control points, best rectification method will automatically be chosen based
on the number of control points specified.
used to specify the rectification method, the polynomial will always be a 1st degree polynomial
and won't switch automatically to a 2nd degree polynomial at 6 or more points. By default, the 2nd
degree polynomial will automatically be used
- PICTURE_POS - specifies that the image should be loaded as a
'picture point' that displays the image when you select the point with the Feature Info Tool. The
value should contain the X and Y coordinates (in the projection specified for the layer). For
example to place the value at 30N 95W with the projection set as PROJ_EPSG_CODE=4326 you can use
- VIDEO_FILENAME - specifies the full path and filename or URL for a
video file to associate with the layer. This video can then be displayed for selected point or line
features with a video timestamp.
- LOAD_HIDDEN_PDF_LAYERS - for PDF import, specifies that if no layer
prompt is provided that hidden layers should be loaded automatically. Use LOAD_HIDDEN_PDF_LAYERS=YES to enable.
Lidar Display Parameters
- the parameters below allow specifying options
for working with Lidar data.
- LIDAR_DRAW_MODE - specifies how points in a Lidar point
cloud layer should be drawn. The following values are supported:
- COLOR - if the points have an associated RGB color, use that. Otherwise color by elevation.
- ELEV - color by elevation of the point using the current elevation shader.
- INTENSITY - color as a grayscale image by the intensity
- CLASS - color by the point classification
- RETURN - color by the the return number
- HEIGHT_ABOVE_GROUND - color by the height above ground
- POINT_SOURCE_ID - color by the point source ID
- POINT_INDEX - color by the index of the point in the cloud
- RETURN_HEIGHT_DELTA - color by the difference in height between first and last return
- CIR - color as color infrared if NIR band present
- NDVI - color by calculated NDVI value if NIR band present
- NDWI - color by calculated NDWI value if NIR band present
- DENSITY - color by point density
- WITHHELD - color by withheld flag
- OVERLAP - color by overlap flag
- KEY_POINT - color by key point flag
- LIDAR_POINT_SIZE - specifies how large the points in a Lidar point
cloud are drawn. The default value of 0 will automatically scale the points to be larger as you
zoom in on them. Specify a fixed number to always draw them at a particular size in pixels.
- LIDAR_DRAW_QUALITY - specifies the quality setting (0-100) for
drawing the Lidar point cloud. Larger values draw a larger fraction of the points when zoomed out,
but the draw will take longer to complete.
- LIDAR_FILTER - specifies a comma-separated list of Lidar class numbers
to enable or disable for load. Provide a minus sign to remove the type from the filter rather than add it. The
filter starts off with nothing in it if you provide a LIDAR_FILTER string, but you can add ALL to enable everything or NONE to
clear the filter, then add or remove stuff after that. For example, to specify a class filter with only
types 2 and 3 enabled, use LIDAR_FILTER="NONE,2,3". To get one with everything but classes 2 and 3, use
- LIDAR_RETURN_FILTER - specifies a comma-separated list of Lidar return types
to enable or disable for load. Provide a minus sign to remove the type from the filter rather than add it. The
filter starts off with loading everything, but you can add ALL to enable everything or NONE to
clear the filter, then add or remove stuff after that. For example, to specify a return filter with only
unknown and first returns, use LIDAR_RETURN_FILTER="NONE,0,1". To get one with everything but the first
return, use LIDAR_RETURN_FILTER="ALL,-1". The numeric values have the following meanings:
- 0 - Unknown Returns
- 1 - First Return
- 2 - Second Return
- 3 - Last Return
- 4 - Single Return
- 5 - First of Many Returns
- 6 - Second of Many Returns
- 7 - Third of Many Returns
- 8 - Last of Many Returns
- LIDAR_USE_INTEN_FOR_NIR - specifies that we should treat the intensity value
Lidar points as the NIR (near infrared) value if the point cloud has RGB colors but no NIR values of its own.
The IMPORT_ARCHIVE command imports a data file from a .tar.gz archive for
later use. The only time you should ever need to use the IMPORT_ARCHIVE command
is when you only want to load some of the data inside a .tar.gz archive. For the
typical case of just loading everything in an archive, use the IMPORT command
with AUTO as the value for the TYPE parameter. The following parameters are
supported by the command.
- ARCHIVE_FILENAME - full path to the archive file to load the data
- FILENAME - filename to load from the archive. You can include
wildcard characters like '*' and '?' in the value to match on multiple files.
- NOTE: All other parameters that are supported by the IMPORT command
are also supported by this command.
The IMPORT_ASCII command imports data from a generic ASCII text file for
later use. The following parameters are supported by the command. In addition,
all of the option parameters for the IMPORT command are also
supported for this command.
- FILENAME - full path to file to load the data from
- TYPE - type of import that we're doing
- POINT_ONLY - all lines with coordinate data will result in a new point
object begin created
- POINT_AND_LINE - both point and line features (and optionally areas) will be created from
coordinate data in the file. Line features will be created when coordinate
data lines are back to back in the file. All individual coordinate lines
will result in a point object being created
- AREA_ONLY - only closed area features will be created from the sequences of
- ELEVATION - all lines in the file with 3 coordinate values (x,y, and
elevation) will be used to create an elevation grid. The data will be
triangulated and gridded automatically, resulting in a fully usable
elevation grid that can be exported to any of the supported elevation data
- LIDAR - all 3D points in the file are added to a Lidar point cloud. You
can load a .xyzi file to also add the intensity. Use the LIDAR_CLASS parameter
to specify a numeric classification to apply to all points, like LIDAR_CLASS=2
to assign as ground shot points.
- DIST_BEARING - all lines contain a distance and bearing from some other
point location provided using the START_POS parameter. This will create
point features. You should also provide a COORD_ORDER parameter with a custom
definition for the column locations. The distances should be in meters and the
bearings in degrees relative to north.
- DIST_BEARING_LINE - all lines contain a distance and bearing for a segment of a line.
The line starts at the point location provided using the START_POS parameter. This will create
a single line feature. You should also provide a COORD_ORDER parameter with a custom
definition for the column locations. The distances should be in meters and the
bearings in degrees relative to north.
- DIST_BEARING_SEGS - all lines contain a distance and bearing for a segment of a line.
For each line in the file, a line will be created that starts at the point location provided
using the START_POS parameter. You should also provide a COORD_ORDER parameter with a custom
definition for the column locations. The distances should be in meters and the
bearings in degrees relative to north.
- COORD_DELIM - specifies the delimeter between coordinates in
coordinate lines
- AUTO - automatically detect the delimeter type (default)
- WHITESPACE - coordinates are separated with one or more space and/or tab
- COMMA - coordinates are separated by commas
- SEMICOLON - coordinates are separated by semicolons
- TAB - coordinates are separated by tabs
- COORD_FORMAT - specifies the format of the coordinate values.
The default is DECIMAL.
- DECIMAL - standard numerical value. No extra values are packed into one.
- DDMMSS - degree coordinates are stored as the number of degrees times 10,000 plus the minutes times 100
plus the seconds. So for example 35 deg 15 min and 12.3 seconds would look like 351512.3.
- DDMM - degree coordinates are stored as the number of degrees times 100 plus the minutes.
So for example 35 deg 15.2 min would look like 3515.2.
- DD_MMSS - degree coordinates are stored as DD.MMSS (i.e. degrees + ( minutes / 100 ) + ( seconds / 10000 ).
So for example 35 deg 15 min and 12.3 seconds would look like 35.15123.
- ECEF - the XYZ coordinates represent ECEF (Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed) coordinates. They actual
values are the same as the DECIMAL format. The ECEF coordinates will be converted to lat/lon degrees
using the ellipsoid implied by the projection datum, then converted to whatever projection is specified.
- COORD_ORDER specifies the order of the coordinates in coordinate
- X_FIRST - x coordinates (i.e. easting or longitude) come first, followed
by y coordinates (i.e. northing or latitude) (default)
- Y_FIRST - y coordinates (i.e. northing or latitude) come first, followed
by x coordinates (i.e. easting or longitude)
- WKT - coordinate string in WKT (well-known-text format). This allows single line
representations of areas, lines, and points.
- MGRS - MGRS (military grid reference system) coordinate string
- CUSTOM - specifies a custom column layer. The columns are specified as 1-based
numbers (i.e. first column is 1, not 0). The values should be specified as
"CUSTOM,x_col,y_col[,z_col][,time_col]", or for DIST_BEARING as "CUSTOM,dist_col,bearing_col[,z_col]".
So for example if the X/longitude is in column 3, the Y/latitude in column 4, and the Z
in the first column, use "CUSTOM,3,4,1". If you need to specify that an optional colulmn isn't present, use -1
for that column. For example if you have an X,Y,time file, use "CUSTOM,1,2,-1,3".
- COORD_PREFIX - if present, this line is used to specify what
special character sequence coordinate lines start with. For example, if the
coordinate lines in the file started with the character sequence "XY,", you
should use COORD_PREF="XY,". By default no coordinate prefix is assumed.
- INC_COORD_LINE_ATTRS - set the value of this parameter to YES
if you wish to use any leftover text at the end of coordinate lines as
attributes for the feature the coordinates are in. This could be useful if
elevation data is present at the end of the lines. By default, the value of
this attribute is NO.
- INC_ELEV_COORDS - this parameter controls whether or not
the value right after the 2nd coordinate column (if there is one) will be treated as an
elevation value. Use INC_ELEV_COORDS=YES or INC_ELEV_COORDS=NO to enable (the default)
or disable this behavior.
- VOID_ELEV - specifies what value is treated as a no-data (void)
elevation and ignored for the purposes of gridding or adding an elevation attribute. If not
provided the default invalid value of -99999.0 is used.
- COL_HEADERS - controls whether or not the first line of the file
should be used as column headers for coordinate line attributes later in the
file. Setting this to yes is useful for things like CSV files with column
headers in the first row, otherwise set it to NO (the default).
- SKIP_COLUMNS - specifies the number of columns (fields) to skip at the start
of a coordinate line before trying to read the coordinates. For example, if
the X and Y coordinates of a line were in the 3rd and 4th columns of the
coordinate line, you'd use a value of SKIP_COLUMNS=2. The default value is 0,
meaning that coordinates must be in the first two columns.
- SKIP_ROWS - specifies the number of rows to skip at the start
of a file before trying to read any data. For example, if your file has a fixed header
of 20 lines, you would use SKIP_ROWS=20 to skip those header rows.
- COORD_PAIRS_PER_ROW - specifies the number of coordinate pairs (XY + optional Z and time)
that are on each line of the file. If specified the value must be at least 1. Use this to load line or area features
from files that have 2 or more coordinate pairs on each line of the file. The pairs are assumed to be sequential, so if
you have 3 XYZ coordinate pairs on a line and the first 2 fields are attributes, use SKIP_COLUMNS=2 and COORD_PAIRS_PER_ROW=3
to get a triangle from each line in the format attr1,attr2,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3.
- BREAK_COL_IDX - specifies the 1-based index of the column
to break features at if the value in that column changes.
- BREAK_COL_PEN_UP - specifies that the "break on change column" from the
BREAK_COL_IDX parameter is actually a pen up/down field and new features should be started when a 1 is
encountered in the field. Use BREAK_COL_PEN_UP=YES to enable.
- CREATE_AREAS_FROM_LINES - controls whether or not area
features will be created from closed line features (first and last point the same) if no
CLOSED attribute was specifically provided for the feature.
- COORD_OFFSET - specifies the offset to apply to any coordinates
read in from the file. This offset will be added to each coordinate read in
from the file. The offset should be specified as a comma-delimited list of the
X, Y, and Z offsets, such as COORD_OFFSET=100000.0,200000.0,0.0
- COORD_SCALE - specifies the scale factor to apply to any
coordinates read in from the file. Each coordinate will be multiplied by these
scale factor after being read in from the file. The scale factors should be
specified as a comma-delimited list of the X, Y, and Z scale factors, such as
- NO_DATA_DIST_MULT - specifies how far from an actual data point a
grid cell has to be before it is treated as a no data value. This number is
given as a multiple of the diagonal size of a single grid cell as nominally
determined by the gridding algorithm or specified with the SPATIAL_RES parameter.
A value of 0 means that all points should be considered as valid.
- SPATIAL_RES - specifies spatial resolution to use
when generating an elevation grid from the data. Defaults to a good value for
maintaining the full spatial resolution of the provided point data if not specified.
Should be formatted as x_resolution,y_resolution. The units are the units of the
projection specified for the file. For example, if UTM with meter units was the file
projection and you wanted to export at 30 meter spacing, the parameter/value pair
would look like SPATIAL_RES=30.0,30.0.
- SPATIAL_RES_METERS - specifies spatial resolution to use in meters. The
value in meters will automatically be converted to the curent view/export projection units. For example,
to do an export at 2.0 meter spacing (or as close as you can get to that in the current units), use
SPATIAL_RES_METERS=2.0, or to do an export at 1.0 meters in X by 1.5 meters in Y, use
Distance-Bearing Type Parameters
The following parameters are applicable when loading a file set as TYPE=DIST_BEARING , TYPE=DIST_BEARING_LINE or TYPE=DIST_BEARING_SEGS
- START_POS - specifies the start position for distance-bearing files. The
coordinates must be given in the coordinate system of the layer. For
example, if UTM if the current projection, you might specify and
easting/northing as follows: START_POS="480000,4310000". You can also specify START_POS="SELECTED" to use the
location of a point feature selected with the Digitizer Tool as the position.
- DIST_BEARING_REL_TO- indicates the basis for the bearing angle. Valid values are: TRUE_NORTH, MAG_NORTH, and GRID_NORTH. If this parameter is not specified, the default is TRUE_NORTH.
- DIST_BEARING_UNIT- specifies the linear unit for the distance values. Both the full name and abbreviation are valid. If this parameter is not specified, the default is meters.
The IMPORT_CLOUD command imports data from a cloud dataset, including Amazon S3 account. The following parameters are supported by the command.
- FILENAME - Name of the file when it is downloaded
- CLOUD_TYPE - Cloud type, currently only AWS is supported "Amazon's AWS S3"
- CLOUD_KEY1 - first access key, for AWS S3 this is the Public Key
- CLOUD_KEY2 - second access key, for AWS S3 this is the Private Key
- CLOUD_FOLDER - folder where file exists in the cloud, for AWS S3 this is the bucket
- CLOUD_LOCATION - location where folder exists, for AWS S3 this is region
- CLOUD_FILE - the name of the file as it exists in the cloud.
CODE_PAGE="0" CLOUD_TYPE="Amazon's AWS S3" CLOUD_KEY1="AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" CLOUD_KEY2="AAAA+bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" \
CLOUD_FOLDER="bmg-billingbucket" CLOUD_LOCATION="us-east-1" CLOUD_FILE="bilbo.shp"
The IMPORT_DIR_TREE command imports all of the data files in a given
directory tree that match a list of filename masks. The following parameters are
supported by the command. In addition, all of the option parameters for
the IMPORT command are also supported for this command.
- DIRECTORY - full path to root of directory tree to import files
- FILENAME_MASKS - space-separated list of filename masks to import.
If no value is provided then all files which are of recognized types will be
- RECURSE_DIR - specifies whether the search for matching files will
recurse in to sub-folders. The default is RECURSE_DIR=YES. Use RECURSE_DIR=NO to only search in thespecified folder.
The IMPORT_OSM_TILE command imports a tiled online layer using the OSM, TMS, Google Maps, or Bing Maps
tile schema. The following parameters are supported by the command:
- NOTE: All style parameters that are supported by the IMPORT command
are also supported by this command.
- OSM_BASE_URL - URL to base of tile source. Can include custom URL variables
like %z, %x, %y, or %quad (for Bing-style naming) for defining exactly how the request URL should look. See the add online source dialog
for more information and a sample of a custom URL.
- OSM_DESC - description to use for the source
- OSM_FILE_EXT - file extension for tiles, like PNG, JPG, or GMG (for terrain).
- OSM_NUM_ZOOM_LEVELS - specifies the number of the maximum zoom level for the source. Note
if this is a built-in source you don't need to provide this, just leave it off and the default will be used.
- TILE_SIZE - specifies the size in pixels of each tile. For example if the source uses
512x512 tiles, add TILE_SIZE=512. The default is 256.
- DETAIL_MULT - specifies the detail scale to use when deciding
while zoom level to get for the source. The calculated draw/export resolution is divided by
this value to get the resolution to access the data at. For example, a value of DETAIL_MULT=0.5
means the source will be displayed from twice the detail it normally would, while DETAIL_MULT=2
would pull at half the resolution (i.e. much faster access).
- LEVEL0_TILECOLS - Number of tile columns across the lowest zoom level. By default this is 1 for a single tile covering the entire world.
- LEVEL0_TILEROWS - Number of tile rows at the lowest zoom level. By default this is 1 for a single tile covering the entire world.
- SAMPLE_TYPE - Specifies the format of samples in BIL files for a terrain-based layer. Typical values will be F32 for 32-bit floats,
S32 for 32-bit signed integer, or S16 for 16-bit signed integer.
Specify Tiling Type
- By default the OSM tile naming schema is assumed, but you can use
the parameters below to specify Google Maps or TMS tiling. If you specify a full custom URL in OSM_BASE_URL then the tiling
schema doesn't matter as much since the URL defines the naming.
- SOURCE_TYPE - specifies the tile schema for the online source. This is supported in v16.2.4 and later and
takes precedence over the deprecated OSM_IS_GOOGLE_MAPS and OSM_IS_TMS parameters. The acceptable values are:
- GMAP - Google Maps tiles
- OSM - OSM tiles
- TMS - TMS tiles
- VWORLD_DEM - VWorld DEM terrain in BIL tiles, tiles increase from bottom up
- OSM_IS_GOOGLE_MAPS - add OSM_IS_GOOGLE_MAPS=YES to indicate the source uses the Google Maps tiling scheme
- OSM_IS_TMS - add OSM_IS_TMS=YES to indicate the source uses the TMS tiling scheme
Specify Bounds for Layer
- Use the parameters below to define the bounding box to import from the source:
- ADDRESS - address to download data near. Use along with RADIUS to specify
the bounds with an address and radius rather than a specific bounding box.
- RADIUS - radius in kilometers around ADDRESS to search.
- LAT_LON_BOUNDS - specifies the bounds to import in
latitude/longitude degrees relative to the WGS84 datum. There should be 4 values in a comma-delimited list
following the parameter name. The values should be in order of westmost
longitude, southernmost latitude, easternmost longitude, northernmost
- LAYER_BOUNDS - specifies that the import should use the bounds of
the loaded layer(s) with the given filename. For example, to import to the
bounds of the file "c:\test.tif", you would use LAYER_BOUNDS="c:\test.tif".
Keep in mind that the file must be currently loaded.
- LAYER_BOUNDS_EXPAND - specifies that the operation
should expand the used LAYER_BOUNDS bounding box by some amount. The amount to expand
the bounding rectangle by should be specified in the current global projection. For
example, if you have a UTM/meters projection active and want to expand the bounds
retrieved from the LAYER_BOUNDS parameter by 100 meters on the left and right, and
50 meters on the top and bottom, you could use LAYER_BOUNDS_EXPAND="100.0,50.0". You
can also specify a single value to apply to all 4 sides, or supply 4 separate values
in the order left,top,right,bottom.
Here is an example of an IMPORT_OSM_TILE command that pulls in MapQuest OpenStreetMap data within 5 km of Blue Marble's headquarters:
IMPORT_OSM_TILE OSM_BASE_URL="" OSM_DESC="MapQuest OpenStreetMap Worldwide Street Maps" \
CENTER_LABEL="Blue Marble Geographics" CENTER_LABEL_POS="-69.7908786,44.2859022"
The IMPORT_SPATIAL_DB command allows the user to import spatial data from a spatial database. The database can be either a file-based spatial
database or a connection-based spatial database.:
- TYPE - File-Based Spatial Databases (Using these TYPE values requires that the SDB_CONNECTION_FILE parameter also be specified to identify the spatial database to be used.)
- SPATIALITE - Spatialite/SQLite
- FILE_GDB - Esri File Geodatabase
- ESRI_PGEO - Esri Personal Geodatabase
- TYPE - Connection-Based Spatial Databases (Using these type values requires that the SDB_CONNECTION_NAME parameter also be specified to identify the connection to be used.)
- ESRI_ARCSDE - Esri ArcSDE Geodatabase
- MSSQLSERVER - Micorsoft SQL Server Spatial
- MYSQL - MySQL Spatial
- ORACLE - Oracle Spatial Database
- POSTGIS - PostGIS/PostgreSQL
- SDB_CONNECTION_FILE - When importing from a file-based spatial database, use this parameter to specify the full path to the database file. If importing from an Esri File Geodatabase, this parameter must contain the directory containing the geodatabase (typically ends in ".gdb" even though it is a directory).
- SDB_CONNECTION_NAME - The name of the connection to be used to access a connection-based spatial database. Connections can be defined in the script using a DEFINE_SDB_CONNECTION command, or by using the Connection Manager in the Global Manager user interface. All of the connections defined in the Connection Manager are available for use in a script.
- SDB_TABLE_NAME - Each IMPORT_SPATIAL_DB command will import a single database table. Use this parameter to specify the name of the database table to be imported.
- SDB_IMPORT_BOUNDS - specifies the bounds to be used when importing data from a spatial database. The parameter value is a bounding rectangle in the same projection as the import database, in the form: "<minX>,<minY>,<maxX>,<maxY>".
- LAT_LON_BOUNDS - specifies the bounds to import in latitude/longitude degrees relative to the WGS84 datum. There should be 4 values in a comma-delimited list following the parameter name. The values should be in order of westmost longitude, southernmost latitude, easternmost longitude, northernmost latitude.
- LAYER_BOUNDS - specifies that the import should use the bounds of the loaded layer(s) with the given filename. For example, to import to the bounds of the file "c:\test.tif", you would use LAYER_BOUNDS="c:\test.tif". Keep in mind that the file must be currently loaded.
- LAYER_BOUNDS_EXPAND - specifies that the operation should expand the used LAYER_BOUNDS bounding box by some amount. The amount to expand the bounding rectangle by should be specified in the current global projection. For example, if you have a UTM/meters projection active and want to expand the bounds retrieved from the LAYER_BOUNDS parameter by 100 meters on the left and right, and 50 meters on the top and bottom, you could use LAYER_BOUNDS_EXPAND="100.0,50.0". You can also specify a single value to apply to all 4 sides, or supply 4 separate values in the order left,top,right,bottom.
SDB_TABLE_NAME="public.canada" SDB_IMPORT_BOUNDS="-126.821609,26.773888,-106.597575,50.302504"
The IMPORT_WMS command imports a chunk of WMS or WMTS (tiled WMS) data, such as
satellite imagery or topographic maps. The following parameters are supported by
the command:
- NOTE: All style parameters that are supported by the IMPORT command
are also supported by this command.
- SOURCE_DESC - text description of source. Should match name from the
online source dialog. Used to match to a source in the source list if no match based on URL could be found.
- WMS_SERVER_URL - URL to WMS server GetCapabilites
- WMS_SERVICE - service name to use, typically WMS
- WMS_LAYER - name of WMS layer to load
- WMS_IS_TILED - specifies that the server is a WMTS (tiled WMS) service. Use WMS_IS_TILED=YES to enable.
- ADDRESS - address to download data near. Use along with RADIUS to specify
the bounds with an address and radius rather than a specific bounding box.
- RADIUS - radius in kilometers around ADDRESS to search.
- LAT_LON_BOUNDS - specifies the bounds to import in
latitude/longitude degrees. There should be 4 values in a comma-delimited list
following the parameter name. The values should be in order of westmost
longitude, southernmost latitude, easternmost longitude, northernmost
- LAYER_BOUNDS - specifies that the import should use the bounds of
the loaded layer(s) with the given filename. For example, to import to the
bounds of the file "c:\test.tif", you would use LAYER_BOUNDS="c:\test.tif".
Keep in mind that the file must be currently loaded.
- LAYER_BOUNDS_EXPAND - specifies that the operation
should expand the used LAYER_BOUNDS bounding box by some amount. The amount to expand
the bounding rectangle by should be specified in the current global projection. For
example, if you have a UTM/meters projection active and want to expand the bounds
retrieved from the LAYER_BOUNDS parameter by 100 meters on the left and right, and
50 meters on the top and bottom, you could use LAYER_BOUNDS_EXPAND="100.0,50.0". You
can also specify a single value to apply to all 4 sides, or supply 4 separate values
in the order left,top,right,bottom.
- DETAIL_MULT - specifies the detail scale to use when deciding
while zoom level to get for the source. The calculated draw/export resolution is divided by
this value to get the resolution to access the data at. For example, a value of DETAIL_MULT=0.5
means the source will be displayed from twice the detail it normally would, while DETAIL_MULT=2
would pull at half the resolution (i.e. much faster access).
Here is an example of an IMPORT_WMS command that pulls in NAIP imagery within 5 km of Blue Marble's headquarters:
LAYER_DESC="NAIP Color Imagery for US (1m Resolution)"
The JOIN_TABLE command joins the attributes from a table file to the features
of a loaded vector layer. The following parameters are supported by the
- LAYER_NAME - vector layer to join the attributes to.
- FILENAME - file that contains the attributes to join to the vector layer features.
- JOIN_FILE_ATTR_NAME - name of the file attribute to join on.
- JOIN_LAYER_ATTR_NAME - name of the layer attribute to join on.
- FILE_DELIM - string that delimits the values in a text file. You can also use
FILE_DELIM=SPACE for a space or FILE_DELIM=TAB for a tab delimiter.
- CASE_SENSITIVE - specifies whether or not text
comparisons are case sensitive or not. Use CASE_SENSITIVE=YES to enable, by default
comparisons are not case sensitive.
- IGNORE_WHITESPACE - specifies whether or not whitespace (i.e. spaces and tabs)
should be ignored when looking for matches to join on. Use IGNORE_WHITESPACE=YES to ignore whitespace, by default
whitespace is considered.
- ALLOW_DUPLICATES - specifies how duplicate entries in the join file should be handled.
By default the last matching entry will be used, but you can set the behavior as follows:
- KEEP_LAST (or YES) - keep the attribute values from the last matching record in the join file
- KEEP_FIRST - keep the attribute values from the first matching record in the join file
- KEEP_ALL_APPEND - keep all matching records from the join file, appending new values to the existing attribute with a comma separator
- KEEP_ALL_APPEND_SORT_ASC - same as KEEP_ALL_APPEND, except that the list of values will be sorted in ascending order. If all of the values are numbers, they will be sorted using a numeric sort, otherwise, they will be sorted using a text sort.
- KEEP_ALL_APPEND_SORT_DESC - same as KEEP_ALL_APPEND, except that the list of values will be sorted in descending order. If all of the values are numbers, they will be sorted using a numeric sort, otherwise, they will be sorted using a text sort.
- KEEP_ALL_COPY - keep all matching reords from the join file, but create new attribute values with a numeric suffix for the multiple entries.
For example if there were 5 matching records with an ADDR attribute, you would get ADDR, ADDR2, ADDR3, ADDR4, and ADDR5 attributes added
- COPY_FEATURE - create duplicate features for each record with a duplicate join attribute, one addition feature for each duplicate join attribute value
- PROMPT - prompt the user for how to handle duplicates if encountered
- NO - abort the join if any duplicate records are encountered in the join file
The LAYER_LOOP_END command ends a loop of commands over loaded layers. See the
LAYER_LOOP_START command for details.
The LAYER_LOOP_START command begins a loop of commands over load layers. You can loop over
all layers or just those matching a particular filename mask.
You end a loop over the files in a folder using the LAYER_LOOP_END command. Note that it
is also possible to nest loops.
Built-in Variables
For any commands found within a LAYER_LOOP_START...LAYER_LOOP_END pair defining a loop, the
following special character sequences (the LAYER part can be changed using the VAR_NAME_PREFIX parameter)
can be used anywhere (examples of what the values will be based on a current layer filename of 'C:\data\my_file.dem' are listed):
- %LAYER_DIR% - full path to current file (value is 'C:\data\')
- %LAYER_FNAME_W_DIR% - full path and filename of current file (value is 'C:\data\my_file.dem')
- %LAYER_FNAME% - filename of current file (value is 'my_file.dem')
- %LAYER_FNAME_WO_EXT% - filename of current file without extension (value is 'my_file')
- %LAYER_PARENT_DIR% - name of parent directory of file (value is 'data')
- %LAYER_DESC% - description of current layer
The following parameters are used by the LAYER_LOOP_START command.
- FILENAME - filename or description of layer(s) to loop over. This can include * and ?
wildcard characters. If you leave the FILENAME parameter off then all loaded layers will be looped over,
which is the same behavior as using FILENAME="*". If you specify a blank FILENAME parameter then you will
loop over all layers not based on a file. When running the script in the context of the main map view
(including loading a workspace) you can also pass in the value 'USER CREATED FEATURES' to have the 'User Created Features' layers
looped over or 'SELECTED LAYERS' to have any layers selected in the Control Center looped over.
- VAR_NAME_PREFIX - prefix to use for the variable names in the loop (useful in nested loops).
For example if you provided VAR_NAME_PREFIX="HIDE", then you would use %HIDE_FNAME% rather than %LAYER_FNAME% inside that
loop. If you don't provide a value then the default of LAYER is used.
// Hide all layers
// Loop over the loaded layers, doing a separate export for each
// Enable the current layer since we hid it above
// Export
// Disable the current layer so it won't be involved in other operations
// Unhide all layers
The LIDAR_CLASSIFY command allows for automatically identifying and classifying ground-shot or
building/high vegetation points from Lidar point clouds. The following parameters are supported by the command:
- FILENAME - filename or description of loaded layer(s) to classify Lidar points in.
- TYPE - specifies what type(s) of points to classify. If you don't provide a TYPE parameter only
ground points will be classified. To classify multiple types, provide a comma-separated list, like TYPE="GROUND,NONGROUND,POWERLINE".
The following values are valid:
- GROUND - classify ground shot points.
- NONGROUND - classify building/high vegetation points. Note you must already have classified ground points for the
building/tree classification to work properly.
- POWERLINE - classify powerline vegetation points. Note you must already have classified ground points for the
powerline classification to work properly.
- NOISE - classify high and low noise points.
- HIGH_NOISE - classify high noise points.
- LOW_NOISE - classify low noise points.
Ground Point Classification Options
- use for TYPE=GROUND
- GRID_BIN_SIZE - specifies how many native spacings in size to make each bin
initially for the algorithm. For example a value of GRID_BIN_SIZE="3.0" would make each
square bin 3 times the calculated native spacing of the point data. The default is GRID_BIN_SIZE="3.0" for classifying
ground points and GRID_BIN_SIZE="1.0" for non-ground (building/tree) points. If you want to specify a spacing in meters
rather than as a multiple of the native spacing for the point cloud, use a negative value. For example, to get a spacing
of 0.6 meters, use GRID_BIN_SIZE="-0.6".
- LIDAR_RESET_GROUND - specifies that any points that are already marked as ground
should be reset to unclassified to start the process. Add LIDAR_RESET_GROUND=YES to reset the points.
- LIDAR_CURVATURE - specifies the minimum height differential (curvature) in meters for the
first pass of the MCC algorithm. The default is LIDAR_CURVATURE="0.3".
- LIDAR_MAX_HEIGHT_DELTA - specifies the maximum height difference to consider as still
possibly ground when removing points that are likely non-ground (i.e. buildings or vegetation) using a morphological
filter before running the MCC algorithm to find ground points. You can provide a value of 0 to skip the morphological
filter altogether and just run the MCC algorithm.
- LIDAR_SLOPE - specifies the slope in degrees that is close to the expected steepest
slope in the region being classified. This is used by the morphological filter which removes likely non-ground points
before running the MCC algorithm to find ground points.
Non-Ground (Building/Tree) Point Classification Options
- GRID_BIN_SIZE - specifies how many native spacings in size to make each bin
initially for the algorithm. For example a value of GRID_BIN_SIZE="3.0" would make each
square bin 3 times the calculated native spacing of the point data. The default is GRID_BIN_SIZE="3.0" for classifying
ground points and GRID_BIN_SIZE="1.0" for non-ground (building/tree) points. If you want to specify a spacing in meters
rather than as a multiple of the native spacing for the point cloud, use a negative value. For example, to get a spacing
of 0.6 meters, use GRID_BIN_SIZE="-0.6".
- LIDAR_RESET_NON_GROUND - specifies that any points that are already marked as one of the
types being classified should be reset to unclassified at the start of the operation. Add LIDAR_RESET_NONGROUND=YES to reset the points.
- LIDAR_MIN_HEIGHT - specifies the minimum height above ground that a point has to be in order
to consider it as a possible building or high vegetation point.
- LIDAR_PLANE_MAX_OFFSET - specifies the maximum RMSE (root mean square error) in meters from a best-fit local
plane that the points in a small region all have to be within in order to consider the region a potential planar (building) region. The default is LIDAR_PLANE_MAX_OFFSET=0.08 (8 cm). If you have lower resolution
data you might need to bump this up a bit. A good value should be at least a couple of times the absolute error in elevation for the data set.
- LIDAR_PLANE_MAX_ANGLE - specifies the maximum angle (in degrees) between adjacent best-fit planes such that
they can still be considered part of the same plane when identifying flat building surfaces.
- LIDAR_TREE_MAX_OFFSET - specifies the minimum RMSE (root mean square error) in meters from a best-fit local
plane that the points in a small region all have to be within in order to consider the region a potential vegetative region.
The default is LIDAR_TREE_MAX_OFFSET=0.15 (15 cm). If you have lower resolution data you might need to bump this up a bit.
This value must be larger than the LIDAR_PLANE_MAX_OFFSET value.
Powerline Point Classification Options
- POWERLINE_BIN_SIZE - specifies the size of each bin (meters per edge) when evaluating points to see if
they are clustered as needed for the powerline classification algorithm. Typically you will leave this at the default setting of 1 meter bins
(i.e. POWERLINE_BIN_SIZE="1.0"). You might use slightly larger bins for data that is lower density (around 20 points / sq m), up to 2 meter bins.
- LIDAR_RESET_NONGROUND - specifies that any points that are classified as a powerline-related type will be
reset to unclassified at the start of the operation and that other already classified non-ground points will be considered as possible powerlines.
Add LIDAR_RESET_NONGROUND=YES to reset the points.
- LIDAR_MIN_POWERLINE_HEIGHT - specifies the minimum height above ground (in meters) that a point has to be in order
to consider it as a possible powerline point.
- POWERLINE_MAX_DIST_FROM_LINE - specifies the maximum distance (in meters) from the best-fit 3D line of points with similar
elevations in a bin that any points can be and still be considered powerlines.
- POWERLINE_MAX_VERT_DIFF_PER_M - specifies the maximum difference in elevation allowed per meter to consider points as
possibly part of the same powerline segment. The default value is 0.5m, which allows for a change in elevation of 0.5m over a 1m distance between points.
You might specify a slightly larger value if your data is noisy.
Noise Point Classification Options
- use for TYPE=NOISE.
- NOISE_BIN_SIZE - specifies how many native spacings in size to make each bin
initially for the noise classification algorithm. The noise classification algorithm identifies points that are far outside
the normal range in a local area of the point cloud. This value will typically be large, like NOISE_BIN_SIZE=128, to consider
local areas that are 128 times the nominal point spacing in each direction.
- LIDAR_RESET_NOISE - specifies that any points that are already marked as noise
should be reset to unclassified to start the process. Add LIDAR_RESET_NOISE=YES to reset the points.
- LIDAR_RESET_CLASSIFIED - controls whether or not points that are already classified can be identified and
marked as noise points. Add LIDAR_RESET_UNCLASSIFIED=NO to only check unclassified points for noise.
- NOISE_STD_DEV - specifies how many standard deviations above or below the mean for an area that
a point elevation needs to be in order to be considered noise. Default is NOISE_STD_DEV=3.0.
- LIDAR_ELEV_RANGE - specifies that any points with elevations outside of a specified range should be
marked as high or low noise. To specify a range of acceptable values in meters, specify the minimum allowed elevation followed by
a comma and the maximum allowed elevation. For example, if you want to mark everything outside the range 50m - 150m as noise,
you could add LIDAR_ELEV_RANGE="50,150".
- LIDAR_HEIGHT_RANGE - specifies that any points with height above ground outside of a specified range should be
marked as high or low noise. To specify a range of acceptable values in meters, specify the minimum allowed height followed by
a comma and the maximum allowed height. For example, if you want to mark everything more than 2 meters below the ground surface as low
noise and everything more than 500m above the ground surface as high noise, use LIDAR_HEIGHT_RANGE="-2,500". The default value is
- CHANGE_CLASS - specifies that any points that are identified as noise should have their classification changed. This defaults to on, so add CHANGE_CLASS=NO to disable.
- MARK_WITHHELD - specifies that any points that are identified as noise should be marked as withheld. Use MARK_WITHHELD=YES to enable this behavior. By default this will be the opposite of the CHANGE_CLASS value.
- DELETE_FEATURES - specifies that any points that are identified as noise should be marked as deleted. This defaults to the same as the MARK_WITHHELD value. Explicitly add DELETE_FEATURES=YES to always mark noise as deleted or DELETE_FEATURES=NO to never mark as deleted.
- Specify Bounding Box for Operation
- Lidar Advanced Filter Options
The LIDAR_COMPARE command allows for comparing the elevations from loaded Lidar point clouds to loaded 3D control points. You can also adjust the Lidar points to match the control points. The following parameters are supported by the command:
- FILENAME - filename or description of loaded layer(s) of Lidar point clouds to compare to control point(s). If not specified all loaded Lidar clouds will be used.
- POINT_FILENAME - filename or description of loaded layer(s) with the 3D control point features. If not specified all loaded 3D point features will be used.
- REPORT_FILENAME - if specified, the name of the text file (CSV format) to save a report to with each control point listed along with information about the elevation difference at the point as well as the overall RMSE in meters
- FIT_POINTS - if FIT_POINTS=YES is provided, the elevation of the Lidar points will be adjusted to match the control point elevations.
The LIDAR_EXTRACT command allows for automatically extracting building outlines, tree points/outlines, and linear powerlines from classified
Lidar point clouds. Building extraction requires classified building points, tree extraction requires classified
high vegetation points, and powerline extraction requires classified powerline points. The following parameters are supported by the command:
- FILENAME - filename or description of loaded Lidar layer(s) to extract from.
- GRID_BIN_SIZE - specifies how many native spacings in size to make each bin
initially for the algorithm. For example a value of GRID_BIN_SIZE="3.0" would make each
square bin 3 times the calculated native spacing of the point data. The default is GRID_BIN_SIZE="0.5" which queries the
data at half of the native spacing. If you want to specify a spacing in meters rather than as a multiple of the native spacing
for the point cloud, use a negative value. For example, to get a spacing of 0.6 meters, use GRID_BIN_SIZE="-0.6".
- TYPE - specifies what type of features to extract. If you don't provide a TYPE parameter all types
will be extracted. The following values are valid:
- ALL - extract all types
- BUILDING - extract building/roof outlines. Note you must already have classified building points for the
building extraction to work.
- TREE - extract tree points/outlines. Note you must already have classified high vegetation points for the
tree extraction to work.
- POWERLINE - extract powerline features. Note you must already have classified powerline points for the
line extraction to work.
Building Extraction Options
- use for TYPE=BUILDING.
- CREATE_SIDE_WALLS - specifies whether or not side wall areas will be created extended from the
roof polygon edges to the ground height. Use CREATE_SIDE_WALLS=YES to enable. If not enabled, the roof polygons will be marked to
extrude to the ground when displaying in the 3D viewer.
- CREATE_SEP_ROOF_AREAS - specifies that separate roof areas will be created where the direction and/or Z
value of the roof plane significantly changes between adjacent roof cells. The LIDAR_PLANE_MAX_OFFSET and LIDAR_PLANE_MAX_ANGLE parameters
control how large of an offset is allowed before breaking the roof. Use CREATE_SEP_ROOF_AREAS=YES to enable.
- LIDAR_PLANE_MAX_OFFSET - specifies the maximum RMSE (root mean square error) in meters from a best-fit local
plane that the points in a small region all have to be within in order to consider the region a potential planar (building) region. The default is LIDAR_PLANE_MAX_OFFSET=0.08 (8 cm). If you have lower resolution
data you might need to bump this up a bit. A good value should be at least a couple of times the absolute error in elevation for the data set.
- LIDAR_PLANE_MAX_ANGLE - specifies the maximum angle (in degrees) between adjacent best-fit planes such that
they can still be considered part of the same plane when identifying flat building surfaces.
- SIMPLIFICATION - specifies the simplification multiplier to use when simplifying the building polygons.
Tree Extraction Options
- use for TYPE=TREE.
- CREATE_TREE_POLYS - specified that approximate tree outline polygons should be created. Add
- LIDAR_MIN_HEIGHT - specifies the minimum height above ground (in meters) for a tree crown point to create
a point at the tree crown location.
- LIDAR_TREE_MIN_SPREAD - specifies the minimum spread/width (in meters) which is the minimum width of a tree
- LIDAR_TREE_MAX_SPREAD - specifies the maximum spread/width (in meters) which is the maximum width of a tree
Powerline Extraction Options
- - use for TYPE=POWERLINE.
- POWERLINE_MAX_DIST_FROM_LINE - specifies the maximum distance (in meters) from the best-fit 3D line of points
for a connected powerline segment that the points in a new candidate segment can be and still be connected.
- POWERLINE_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA - specifies the maximum difference in angle (in degrees) from a straight line that the
points in a new candidate segment can be and still be connected.
- POWERLINE_MIN_LEN - specifies the minimum total length in meters that a connected powerline must be in order to be kept
- POWERLINE_MAX_VERT_DIFF_PER_M - specifies the maximum difference in elevation allowed per meter to allow when
connecting short segments to a longer continuous powerline. The default value is 0.5m, which allows for a change in elevation of 0.5m over a 1m distance between points.
You might specify a slightly larger value if your data is noisy.
- Specify Bounding Box for Operation
- Lidar Advanced Filter Options
The LOAD_PROJECTION command imports a projection from a PRJ file and makes it
the current global projection. This projection will be used for all exports
after this command until another LOAD_PROJECTION command is encountered to
change the global projection. The following parameters are supported by the
command (you would just use one of the below):
- PROJ - special Projection Specification
type of parameter that specifies the projection to use for the file. This will override any
projection information stored in the file.
- FILENAME (DEPRECATED use PROJ) - full path to PRJ file to load the projection from
- PROJ_NAME (DEPRECATED use PROJ) - specifies the name of the projection to use. This name
must have been defined with a prior DEFINE_PROJ command.
- PROJ_EPSG_CODE (DEPRECATED use PROJ) - specifies the numeric EPSG projection
code that defines the projection. For example, use PROJ_EPSG_CODE=26715 to define a UTM
zone 15 projection with NAD27 as the datum and meters as the units.
The LOAD_STYLE_FILE command load a Global Mapper Style (.gm_style) file containing style
definitions for a list of types. You can optionally choose to have any types specified in
the style file that aren't present in the running instance of Global Mapper to be added,
providing a script way to add new custom types. The following parameters are supported by the
- FILENAME - full path to style (.gm_style) file to load
- ADD_UNKNOWN_TYPES - specifies that any types found in the
style file that aren't present will be added as custom types. Use ADD_UNKNOWN_TYPES=NO to
disable adding missing types, or ADD_UNKNOWN_TYPES=YES to enable it (this is the default).
The LOAD_TYPE_FILTER command is deprecated as of Global Mapper v16.0.5. The SET_OPT command
now handles both loading type filters and other generic global options. See that command for the list of parameters.
The LOAD_TYPE_FILTER command will still work, but you should switch over to SET_OPT.
The LOG_MESSAGE command writes a string to the status window and any active log file. You
can use the SET_LOG_FILE command to set the log file to
save message to. The USER_FILENAME parameter of that command allows you to have LOG_MESSAGE
text written to a different file than default script messages. You
can include variables in the command string if you want to log their values. Everything
on the line after the LOG_MESSAGE will be written. For example if you have a variable
named WATER_LEVEL_FT, you could log its value and a timestamp at the front as follows:
If you would like to log messages to the command line (if running a script passed on the
command line), make sure to include LOG_TO_COMMAND_PROMPT=YES in the GLOBAL_MAPPER_SCRIPT
header line at the start of the script.
Other built-in variables (see DEFINE_VAR) allow you to log the elapsed time (in seconds) for a script.
For example you can log the time for an import and export and total script time using the following:
The MAP_LAYOUT command allows you to define the map layout settings to use for the
map display, including margins, scale bar, legend, etc.
The MAP_LAYOUT command consists of a single command line followed by a
series of lines with the contents of a .gm_layout file, like you would save
from the Map Layout dialog. You can also provide a .gm_layout in the FILENAME parameter
to just reference an external file rather than embedding the map layout directly
in the script file.
The MAP_LAYOUT command is terminated with a single line containing only the
For a sample of the MAP_LAYOUT command in use, load some data, then save
a Global Mapper workspace file from the File->Save Workspace menu command.
Open the resulting .gmw file in an editor and you can see how the MAP_LAYOUT
command is used at the bottom of the file to define the map layout.
The following parameters are required by the MAP_LAYOUT command.
- FILENAME - specifies the name of a .gm_layout file to use rather than embedding it.
The PAN_SHARPEN command fuses a lower resolution color/multi-band image with a higher resolution
panchromatic (grayscale) image to create a new color/multi-band image at the same detail as the
pan image. This is often used with satellite-based imagery with a pan sensor at double the resolution
as the color/multi-spectral sensor. The result is a new color/multi-band layer.
In addition, all of the option parameters for the IMPORT
command are also supported for this command.
The following parameters are used by the PAN_SHARPEN command:
- COLOR_LAYER - full path and filename of the
color/multi-band layer to pan sharpen. You can also pass in the full description of
the loaded layer to use in case you want to use a layer not loaded from a file.
- PAN_LAYER - full path and filename of the
panchromatic layer to use. You can also pass in the full description of
the loaded layer to use in case you want to use a layer not loaded from a file.
- LAYER_DESC - description to use for the new layer.
If not provided, the description will be that of the color layer with (Pan Sharpened) appended.
- ALGORITHM - specifies which pan sharpening algorithm will be
used to perform the operation. The following values are supported:
- IHS - converts the color to the HSI (hue/saturation/intensity) colorspace, then replaces the intensity with the pan value. This is the default value.
- BROVEY - uses the Brovey algorithm
- ESRI - uses the Ersi pan sharpening transformation
- MEAN - uses a simple mean (average) of the pan value and each band for the new band value
- WEIGHTS - provides a list of weight values to apply to each band in the color image.
This should be a comma-delimited list of 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBI) weights to apply. The weight order is red, green, blue, infrared.
If not provided, each band will be equally weighted when calculating an initial intensity for the IHS and BROVEY algorithms.
The ESRI algorithm uses a default weighting of "0.167,0.167,0.167,0.5" (i.e. half to infrared and equally divided amongst the rest).
The weight values will automatically be normalized so they sum up to 1 for all used bands, so if you want to weight green
at twice the other bands, you could use WEIGHTS="1,2,1,1".
- Specify Bounding Box for Operation
- SPATIAL_RES - specifies spatial resolution. Defaults to the minimum
spatial resolution of the two layers if not specified. Should be formatted as
x_resolution,y_resolution. The units are the units of the current global
projection. For example, if UTM was the current global projection and you
wanted to export at 30 meter spacing, the parameter/value pair would look like
SPATIAL_RES=30.0,30.0. You can also specify as a percentage of the default resolution by adding a percent.
For example to get half the detail your double the spatial resolution value, so you would use
- SPATIAL_RES_METERS - specifies spatial resolution to use in meters. The
value in meters will automatically be converted to the curent view/export projection units. For example,
to do an export at 2.0 meter spacing (or as close as you can get to that in the current units), use
SPATIAL_RES_METERS=2.0, or to do an export at 1.0 meters in X by 1.5 meters in Y, use
Example: Create a pan sharpened layer from 2 loaded 16-bit images:
// Define variables with filename for color and pan layers
// Load color and pan layers
// Pan Sharpen images
The PLAY_SOUND command plays either the information sound for the system or a
specified sound file. This can be useful if you want audible confirmation when
a script completes. The following parameters are supported by the command.
- FILENAME - full path to sound file (like .wav) to play. If not specified the information beep will play.
The QUERY_LAYER_METDATA command allows a layer metadata value to be stored in a script variable.
The user needs to identify the layer based on its file name (or layer description) and the metadata
attribute based on the name it has when displayed via the Control Center. The following parameters
are supported by this command:
- RESULT_VAR - specifies the name of the script variable where the metadata will be stored.
- METADATA_LAYER - identifies the layer from which the metadata will be copied. This is the same value that would be passed to the FILENAME parameter on the IMPORT command used to load the layer.
- METADATA_ATTR - This is the string used to identify the metadata from which the value will be copied. The complete list of metadata attribute names for a layer can be seen by clicking the Metadata... button on the Control Center, or by running the EXPORT_METADATA command and looking at the result file. Some example metadata attributes are "UPPER LEFT X", "AREA COUNT", "PROJ_DESC", etc.
Example: Stores the layer's DESCRIPTION metadata in a variable called %DESC%:
The RESTORE_LAST_SAVED_VIEW command restores the last view saved with the
SAVE_CURRENT_VIEW command (or the last view saved with the View->Save Current
View menu command in the Global Mapper user interface). This command does not
take any parameters.
The RUN_COMMAND command allows you to execute any program on Windows with a set of parameters.
The following parameters are supported by the command.
- COMMAND_LINE - full command line to run. If you need to use quotation marks
in your command line, instead use apostrophes (i.e. ' rather than ") and they will be converted to quotes
prior to running the command. Note to run a DOS shell command like 'mkdir', you will need to run it via cmd.exe, like
COMMAND_LINE="cmd /C mkdir 'C:\temp\export test\new folder'" (note use of apostrophes for quotes).
- PRESERVE_APOSTROPHES - indicates whether or not apostrophes will be converted to double-quotes in the command string. Use PRESERVE_APOSTROPHES=YES to keep the apostrophes. The default is NO, so if you don't specify this parameter, the apostrophes in the command string will be converted to double-quote symbols.
- WAIT_FOR_COMPLETE - specifies whether or not the script should wait for
your command line run to complete prior to continuing. The default is to wait for the command to complete
(i.e. WAIT_FOR_COMPLETE=YES). If you just want the command line to run and then immediately let the script
continue processing, use WAIT_FOR_COMPLETE=NO.
- CAPTURE_RESULT - specifies the name of a variable where the result of the program
will be stored. The variable does not have to be created via a DEFINE_VAR command before it is used here, although
it is OK if it is. The result will only be stored if RUN_COMMAND waits for the program to complete (see WAIT_FOR_COMPLETE).
- HIDE_WINDOW - specifies that any window launched by the command (like a command window) will
initially be hidden. Add HIDE_WINDOW=YES to hide the window.
Here is a sample that runs another instance of Global Mapper and loads a file:
RUN_COMMAND COMMAND_LINE="'c:\program files (x86)\GlobalMapper16\global_mapper.exe' 'c:\temp\export test\blue_springs.opt'" WAIT_FOR_COMPLETE=NO
Here is a sample that calls another .exe and stores the return code of the .exe to the variable RESULT:
The SAVE_CURRENT_VIEW command saves the current view window for later
restoration using the RESTORE_LAST_SAVED_VIEW command. This command does not
take any parameters.
The SAVE_PROJECTION command saves the current global projection to a PRJ
file. The following parameters are supported by the command.
- FILENAME - full path to PRJ file to save the projection to
The SAVE_WORKSPACE command saves any currently loaded layers to a workspace (GMW) file.
The following parameters are supported by the command.
- FILENAME - full path to GMW file to save
The SET_BG_COLOR command sets the color to use for any background pixels when
rendering layers. The following parameters are supported by the command.
- COLOR - specifies the background color to use. The color should be
specified as RGB(<red>,<green>,<blue>). For example, to make
white the background color, use COLOR=RGB(255,255,255).
The SET_LAYER_OPTIONS command sets the display options for one of more loaded layers. These are
the options that you would normally supply when importing a layer. The following parameters are
supported by the command. In addition, all of the option parameters for the IMPORT
command are also supported for this command.
- FILENAME - full path or description of loaded layer to set the options
for. This can include wildcard characters like '*'. If you specify an empty filename then all layers that
have no filename, like generated contours, will be matched. If you leave of the FILENAME parameter
entirely or use a '*' wildcard (like FILENAME="*") then all loaded layers will be updated.
If you want layers only in some groups, you can add <sub> to the FILENAME. For example, to match all
layers in the layer group 'Line Group', use FILENAME="Line Group<sub>*".
When running the script in the context of the main map view (including loading a workspace) you can also
pass in the value 'USER CREATED FEATURES' to have the 'User Created Features' layer
updated or 'SELECTED LAYERS' to have any layers selected in the Control Center.
The SET_LOG_FILE command sets the name of the file to log status, warning,
and error messages to. If the log file specified already exists, the messages
will be appended to the end of it. The following parameters are supported by the
- FILENAME - full path to log file to write messages to
- USER_FILENAME - full path to log file to write messages from the LOG_MESSAGE command. Use this
if you want your own messages to go to a different file than any automatically generated script messages. Pass in with an
empty value to reset the LOG_MESSAGE messages to go back to the shared file.
The SET_OPT command provides a place to set general options that aren't layer-specific, like the
Position Display Format (see POS_DISP_FORMAT below). Use the SET_VERT_DISP_OPTS
command for options related to the display of terrain data. The functionality that used to be in the LOAD_TYPE_FILTER
command is now found here as well. The following parameters are
supported by the command:
- POS_DISP_FORMAT - specifies the Position Display Format to use. This is the same as the
setting on the General tab of the Configuration dialog. This setting is used for things like CSV export with EXPORT_VECTOR
and with the ADD_COORD_ATTRS parameter to the EDIT_VECTOR command. The following values are supported:
- DECIMAL - Lat/lon Degrees formatted as DD.DDDDDD N/S/E/W
- DECIMAL_PLAIN - Lat/lon Degrees formatted the same as DECIMAL except for no hemisphere letter at the end
- DMS - Lat/lon Degrees formatted as DD MM SS.SSSS N/S/E/W
- DM - Lat/lon Degrees formatted as DD MM.MMMM N/S/E/W
- MGRS - Position formatted as MGRS/USNG
- AREA_UNITS - specifies the units to use when storing area measurements. The following values are supported:
- DISTANCE_UNITS - specifies the units to use when storing linear distance measurements. The following values are supported:
- METRIC - meters for shorter distances, kilometers for longer
- STATUTE - feet for shorter distances, miles for longer
- YARDS - yards for shorter distances, kilometers for longer
- NAUTICAL - feet for shorter distances, nautical miles for longer
- CHAINS - chains for shorter distances, miles for longer
- MEASURE_UNIT_TYPE - specifies how to handle measurement values of different sizes
- AUTO - automatically use base units for smaller measurements and large units for long (i.e. meters for shorter distances, kilometers for longer)
- BASE - always use base units, regardless of size. For example, always use meters for distance. Use this if you want to numerically compare values
- LARGE - always use large units, regardless of size. For example, always use kilometers for distance. Use this if you want to numerically compare values
- DRAW_AREAS - specifies whether or not area features are drawn. Use DRAW_AREAS=YES to enable.
- DRAW_LINES - specifies whether or not line features are drawn. Use DRAW_LINES=YES to enable.
- DRAW_POINTS - specifies whether or not point features are drawn. Use DRAW_POINTS=YES to enable.
- DRAW_LABELS - specifies whether or not feature labels are drawn. Use DRAW_LABELS=YES to enable.
- DRAW_ORDER - specifies the order in which layers are drawn, in particular vector layers. This
corresponds to the Vector Layer Order During Draw setting on the Vectory Display tab of the Configuration dialog.
- BY_TYPE - Layers are ordered by type. Any raster/elevation grid layers are drawn first in
whatever order they are organized in the Control Center (default is load order). After that, vector features are sorted
together with areas drawing first (sorted by type/style/layer within areas), then line, and finally point features.
- BY_LAYER - Layers are drawn in the order they are shown in the Control Center (i.e. default
is load order). Within a single vector layer, areas are drawn first, then lines, and finally points.
- MISC_OPT - specifies an advanced option to set the value of. There are a number of named options
listed below. In addition to those, any numeric value from the GM_MiscOpt_t32 type defined in the GlobalMapperInterface.h of the
SDK are available to be passed in. Use the MISC_OPT_VALUE to set the value for the option.
- MAINTAIN_EXPORT_BOUNDS - controls whether or not when providing a bounding box and resolution for an export,
the bounds will be exactly maintained and the sample spacing slightly shrunk if necessary to make the bounds an even multiple
of the spacing. Use a value of 1 to enable maintaing the bounds, or 0 to use the default of keeping the spacing the same and growing
the bounds slightly if needed.
- EXPORT_BOUNDS_SNAP_PIXEL - controls whether or not the top-left corner of an export bounds will be
snapped to align with the closest pixel of the data being exported. Use MISC_OPT_VALUE="1" to enable this snapping, or
MISC_OPT_VALUE="0" to disable (the default).
- EXPORT_BOUNDS_SNAP_SPACING - controls whether or not the top-left corner of an export bounds will be
snapped to align with the closest sample spacing boundary. Use MISC_OPT_VALUE="1" to enable this snapping, or
MISC_OPT_VALUE="0" to disable (the default).
- TEMP_FOLDER - specifies the base temp folder to use. Pass an empty string to reset to the default temp folder.
- LOG_LEVEL - specifies what level of messages are logged to the log file. Values range from 0 for only critical errors
to 4 to log everything, including debug messages. The default is 1 which logs errors and critical errors.
- LOG_FILENAME - specifies the name of the file to log errors and warnings to (based on LOG_LEVEL).
- MISC_OPT_VALUE - specifies the value to set for the MISC_OPT option. For most options this will
be 1 to enable or 0 to disable, but some of the options for the GM_MiscOpt_t32 type can take other numbers (i.e. unit settings)
or even a string value (i.e. filenames for timing or log filename).
- MISC_OPT_OLD_VALUE_VAR - specifies the name of a variable to store the previous MISC_OPT value in.
This is useful to later restore a changed value in a script. See example below.
- DETAIL_OFFSET - specifies the detail offset to use when determining which vector feature types
to display based on zoom level. The valid range is -150 to +150. Values less than zero mean to draw feature types sooner
than you normally would based on classification. Values larger than 0 mean to require zooming in further than normal to see
a given feature type. This reflects the value of the detail slider on the Vector Display tab of the Configuration dialog.
The default value of that slider is -150 which will always display all enabled vector types.
Specifying a Type/Lidar Filter/ shared Lidar Draw Mode
- FILENAME - full path to type filter GMF file to load
- FILTER_TYPE - specifies the type of features the filter file is for. The
- LIDAR_FILTER - specifies a comma-separated list of Lidar class numbers
to enable or disable. Provide a minus sign to remove the type from the filter rather than add it. The
filter starts off with the current filter settings, but you can add ALL to enable everything or NONE to
clear the filter, then add or remove stuff after that. For example, to specify a class filter with only
types 2 and 3 enabled, use LIDAR_FILTER="NONE,2,3". To get one with everything but classes 2 and 3, use
- LIDAR_RETURN_FILTER - specifies a comma-separated list of Lidar return types
to enable or disable. Provide a minus sign to remove the type from the filter rather than add it. The
filter starts off with the current filter settings, but you can add ALL to enable everything or NONE to
clear the filter, then add or remove stuff after that. For example, to specify a return filter with only
unknown and first returns, use LIDAR_RETURN_FILTER="NONE,0,1". To get one with everything but the first
return, use LIDAR_RETURN_FILTER="ALL,-1". The numeric values have the following meanings:
- 0 - Unknown Returns
- 1 - First Return
- 2 - Second Return
- 3 - Last Return
- 4 - Single Return
- 5 - First of Many Returns
- 6 - Second of Many Returns
- 7 - Third of Many Returns
- 8 - Last of Many Returns
- LIDAR_DRAW_MODE - specifies the shared Lidar draw mode to use for any loaded layers that are set to use the shared global draw mode option if the Lidar module is active. The following values are supported:
- COLOR - if the points have an associated RGB color, use that. Otherwise color by elevation.
- ELEV - color by elevation of the point using the current elevation shader.
- INTENSITY - color as a grayscale image by the intensity
- CLASS - color by the point classification
- RETURN - color by the the return number
- HEIGHT_ABOVE_GROUND - color by the height above ground
- POINT_SOURCE_ID - color by the point source ID
- POINT_INDEX - color by the point index (i.e. order of points in file)
- RETURN_HEIGHT_DELTA - color by the difference in height between first and last point in multi-return samples
- CIR - color as Color Infrared (requires Lidar to have RGB + NIR)
- NDVI - color by calculated NDVI value (requires Lidar to have RGB + NIR)
- NDWI - color by calculated NDWI value (requires Lidar to have RGB + NIR)
- DENSITY - color by point density
- WITHHELD - color withheld points
- KEY_POINT - color model key points
- OVERLAP - color overlap points
Example: Set an export option to snap to spacing, do an export, then restore the previous value
// Enable the option to snap to a spacing interval and save old value
// Do the export
// Restore the old setting
The SET_VERT_DISP_OPTS command allows you to modify the options used when
rendering elevation layers, such as the shader to use, if any, as well as the
lighting and water setup. The following parameters are supported by this
- ENABLE_HILL_SHADING - this setting controls whether or not hill
shading (i.e. lighting, shadowing) will be done. Use YES to enable hill
shading, and NO to disable hill shading.
- SHADER_NAME - this sets the name of the shader to use when
rendering elevation data. This must be one of the names displayed in the
shader drop down in Global Mapper, such as "Atlas Shader" or "Global Shader"
or the name of a custom shader.
- AMBIENT_LIGHT_LEVEL - this sets the ambient lighting level. The
valid range of values is [0.0, 1.0], with smaller numbers meaning completely
black (i.e. no light) and 1.0 being full lighting.
- VERT_EXAG - this sets the vertical exaggeration to use when
rendering elevation overlays. This effects the hill shading. The valid range
of values is (0.0, 100.0].
- LIGHT_ALTITUDE - this sets the altitude angle of the light source
that creates shadows on elevation data. The valid range of values is [0.0,
90.0], with 0.0 meaning a light source at the horizon and 90.0 meaning a light
source directly overhead.
- LIGHT_AZIMUTH - this sets the direction angle of the light source
that creates shadows on elevation data. The valid range of values is [0.0,
360.0), with 0.0 meaning a light source from the top of the screen (i.e.
north), 90.0 meaning from the right (i.e. east), etc.
- LIGHT_NUM_SOURCES - this setting controls how many different directions of
light the shading for terrain is computed from. By default you just get a light from the direction specifid
by LIGHT_AZIMUTH and LIGHT_ALTITUE, but if you specify a value for this parameter greater than 1 you get
extra lights spacing around the circle. For example, using LIGHT_NUM_SOURCES=4 gives you a light source at
the LIGHT_AZIMUTH direction as well as 3 other sources 90, 180, and 270 degrees from that direction.
- LIGHT_BLENDING_ALGORITHM - this setting controls how the shading for
terrain is computed by blending light sources from multiple directions (as specified by LIGHT_NUM_SOURCES).
The following values are supported:
- 0 - Average shadow from each light
- 1 - Maximum shadow from any light
- 2 - Minimum shadow from any light
- 3 - Weighted average shadow from each light, with specified light azimuth getting highest weight
- SHADE_DARKNESS - this sets the minimum black level that a
shadow can create. The valid range of values is [0,255], with 0 allowing complete blackness from
a shadow, and 255 allowing no shadow at all.
- SHADE_HIGHLIGHT - this sets the level of white highlight applied
to terrain areas directly facing the sun/light angle. The valid range of values is [0,255], with 0
applying no highlight and 255 making the direct areas always brightened completely to white.
- ENABLE_WATER - this setting controls whether or not water will be
displayed on top of elevation values at or below the currently configured
water level. Use YES to enable water display, and NO to disable water display.
- WATER_COLOR - this setting controls the color that water drawn on
top of elevation data is rendered in. The format of this value is
RGB(<red>,<green>,<blue>). For example, to use a water color
of blue, use WATER_COLOR=RGB(0,0,255).
- WATER_LEVEL - this setting specifies the height (in meters) below
which water should be displayed if enabled.
- WATER_ALPHA - this setting controls how "see through" the water is
when displayed. The valid range of values is [0,255], with 0 meaning the water
is completely "see through", i.e. invisible, and 255 meaning that the water
color is completely opaque such that you can't see any of the shaded relief
below it.
- SLOPE_ALGORITHM - this setting controls how the slope at a given
location in a layer is calculated. The following values are supported:
- 0 - (Default) Average Maximum of Slope to 4 Non-Diagonal Adjacent Samples - This method computes
the slope from the cell center to the left and right, and top and bottom samples, then combines those to
get a single slope value.
- 1 - Average Maximum of Slope to All 8 Adjacent Samples - This method computes
the slope from the cell center to the left and right, and top and bottom samples, then combines those to
get a single slope value.
- 2 - Maximum Slope to 4 Non-Diagonal Adjacent Samples - This method computes the slope from the
cell center to the left, right, top, and bottom samples, then uses the maximum of those 4 slope values.
- 3 - Maximum Slope to All 8 Adjacent Samples - This method computes the slope from the cell center
to each of the 8 adjacent cell centers, then uses the maximum of those 4 slope values.
- DAYLIGHT_SHADER_COLOR - this setting controls the color that used when
rendering terrain using the Daylight Shader. The format of this value is
RGB(<red>,<green>,<blue>). For example, to use a color
of red, use WATER_COLOR=RGB(255,0,0).
The SET_VIEW command set the current view bounds. Use this in workspace files that run in the
context of the main map view.
The following parameters are supported by the command:
The SHIFT_LAYER command moves a layer by the specified offset.
The following parameters are supported by the command:
- FILENAME - filename of the layer to split. If an empty value is passed in, all loaded vector layers will be split. When running the script in the context of the main map view (including loading a workspace) you can also pass in the value 'USER CREATED FEATURES' to have the 'User Created Features' layer split or 'SELECTED LAYERS' to have any layers selected in the Control Center split. If you don't pass anything in all loaded layers will be operated on.
- COORD_OFFSET - specifies the offset to apply to any coordinates for the features that match the specified criteria. The offset should be specified as a comma-delimited list of the X and Y offsets, such as COORD_OFFSET="100000.0,200000.0".
- COORD_OFFSET_UNITS - String representing units to use to interpret value obtained by "COORD_OFFSET". Accepts "M" (meters), "METERS", "FT", "FEET", "KM", MI" (meters), "MILES", "NM" (nautical miles), "DEGREES" (arc degrees) or any other unit name from the projection dialog. Defaults to meters. e.g. COORD_OFFSET_UNITS="FT"
Example: Shift a layer by 500 meters in the X direction and 300 meters in the Y direction.
The SHOW_3D_VIEW command displays the 3D view window with the loaded data.
The following parameters are supported by the command:
- MAXIMIZE - specifies whether or not the 3D view window should be
maximized or not. Use MAXIMIZE=YES to force the window to be maximized when
The SORT_LAYERS command allows you to sort the loaded layers based on some criteria, like name,
resolution, type, etc. The following parameters are supported by the command:
- FILENAME - filename of the layers to sort. If you leave this off
all layers will be sorted. You can use wild-cards to match on multiple loaded files.
- LAYER_GROUP - specifies the layer group to match on. Only loaded layers in
the specified group will be matched on. You can use wildcards (like '*' or '?') to match multiple groups.
If you don't provide this paramter any group is ok. If you want only those layers not in a group add
- MAP_ORDER - specifies how to sort the maps. The following values are
- LAYER_DESC_ASC - ascending order by layer description
- LAYER_DESC_DESC - descending order by layer description
- RESOLUTION - sort in order of increasing resolution (i.e. less detailed drawn first)
- TYPE - sort by type (elevation first, then raster, then vector)
- MOVE_FRONT - move the matching layers to the front of the draw order
- MOVE_FRONT_GROUP - move the matching layers to the front of the group specified with LAYER_GROUP
- MOVE_END - move the matching layers to the end of the draw order
- MOVE_END_GROUP - move the matching layers to the end of the group specified with LAYER_GROUP
- NSWE - sort by map box, north to south, west to east in row
- NSEW - see NSWE, just different order
The SPLIT_LAYER command allows you to split a layer into multiple layers based on some attribute
value. The original layer is closed if there was any split that happened.
The following parameters are supported by the command:
- FILENAME - filename of the layer to split.
If an empty value is passed in, all loaded vector layers will be split. When running the
script in the context of the main map view (including loading a workspace) you can also
pass in the value 'USER CREATED FEATURES' to have the 'User Created Features' layer
split or 'SELECTED LAYERS' to have any layers selected in the Control Center
split. If you don't pass anything in all vector layers will be operated on.
- SPLIT_BY_ATTR - specifies the attribute to split on. A new layer will be generated
for each set of attributes values in the input data. This can be a normal attribute name or a special one. See
special Attribute Name parameter details.
- SPLIT_ATTR_SEP - specifies a separator to check for in the split attribute. If multiple
values are in the split attribute a separate layer will be created for each. You can use special values like
COMMA, TAB, SPACE, and SEMICOLON in addition to just specifying the separator string directly. For example if you
use SPLIT_BY_ATTR="PROPERTY_ID" and a feature has a PROPERTY_ID attribute with the value "A,B,C" and you add SPLIT_ATTR_SEP=COMMA,
you will get 3 copies of the feature, one in layer A, one in layer B, and one in layer C.
- LAYER_DESC_ATTR_ONLY - specifies that the description assigned to newly created
layers will just consist of the attribute value rather than the original layer description with the attribute
value appended.
- CLOSE_ORIG_LAYER - specifies that the layer that was split into new sub-layers should
be closed when the operation completes. This is done by default, so add CLOSE_ORIG_LAYER=NO to keep the original layer open.
The UNLOAD_ALL command unloads all currently loaded data. This command takes
no parameters.
The following parameters are supported by the command:
- VECTOR_ONLY - specifies that only layers containing vector data
shall be unloaded. All raster and gridded elevation layers will remain loaded.
Use VECTOR_ONLY=YES to enable unloading just the vector layers.
The UNLOAD_LAYER command allows you to unload all previous loaded layers with
a given filename. This is useful if you don't want to unload all previously
loaded layers just to get rid of a few of them.
The following parameters are supported by the command:
- FILENAME - filename of the layer to unload. If an empty value is
passed in, all layers that were created by the script, such as those from a
GENERATE_CONTOURS command, will be unloaded. When running the script in the context of the
main map view (including loading a workspace) you can also
pass in the value 'USER CREATED FEATURES' to have the 'User Created Features' layer
updated or 'SELECTED LAYERS' to have any layers selected in the Control Center
unloaded. You can also pass in the full description of
the loaded layer to use in case you want to unload a layer not loaded from a file.
- SHOW_WARNINGS - specifies whether or not to show a warning if
no layers matching the FILENAME are found. Defaults to on, use SHOW_WARNINGS=NO to disable.
The VAR_LOOP_END command ends a loop of commands over a range of numeric values.
See the VAR_LOOP_START command for details.
The VAR_LOOP_START command begins a loop of commands over a range of numeric values or through a
sequence of characters. This can be used as a simple counter or for more powerful things like custom gridding using coordinate
values and naming exported files using the coordinates. Note that it is possible to nest loops
and use different variable names for each loop to build complex filenames.
For any commands found within a VAR_LOOP_START...VAR_LOOP_END pair defining a loop, the current
value of the loop variable will be available as a variable name. By default this will be %COUNTER%,
but you can use the VAR_NAME parameter (see below) to make it whatever name that you want. By default
some generic numeric formatting will be provided (i.e. whole numbers won't have a decimal or any leading
0's), but you can also provide custom formatting for the numeric value as a C-style format string like
you would pass to a printf command using the VAL_FORMAT parameter (see below for details).
The following parameters are used by the VAR_LOOP_START command.
- VAR_NAME - specifies the name of the variable that will be used to store the
current loop value. By default this will be %COUNTER%, but you can use anything you want. See the example
below for usage.
- VAL_START - specifies the value to start the loop out. This would
be something like 1 for just a simple counter loop, but can be any number, or a single letter, like A.
- VAL_STOP - specifies the value to stop the loop out. When the current
loop value goes past this value the loop will stop, but it will run at this value. So to do a loop from 1 to
10, including 10, use VAL_START=1, VAL_STOP=10, and VAL_STEP=1. To loop through the letters A through J,
- VAL_STEP - specifies the value to increment the loop variable by each time
the commands are run through. If you don't provide this it will increment by 1 if the VAL_STOP is greater than
VAL_START and -1 if they are reversed.
- VAL_FORMAT - specifies a C-style printf format string for formatting the
numeric loop variable as a string. For example to format as a 3-digit number with 0's filling in for values less
than 100, use VAL_FORMAT="%03d". If you provide a custom format, it should always include exactly one % and end with a
'd' (for integer values) or a 'f' (for floating point). If you don't provide a format string a good default numeric
represntation will be used.
Here is a simple example for looping over some rows and columns:
// Loop over rows 1-10 with leading zeroes in the format
// Loop over colums 5-15 in this row, use default formatting
// Import a file with the row and column in the filename
IMPORT FILENAME="c:\path_to_file\base_filename_%ROW%_%COL%.jpg"
The VIEW_LAYOUT command allows you to define the multi-view map layout defining
where various map views are placed in the user interface.
The VIEW_LAYOUT command consists of a single command line followed by a
series of lines with the contents of a .gm_views file, like you would save
from the Map View Manager dialog. You can also provide a .gm_views in the FILENAME parameter
to just reference an external file rather than embedding the map view layout definition directly
in the script file.
The VIEW_LAYOUT command is terminated with a single line containing only the
For a sample of the VIEW_LAYOUT command in use, set up the view layout you want
using the Map View Manager, then save a Global Mapper workspace file from the File->Save Workspace menu command.
Open the resulting .gmw file in an editor and you can see how the VIEW_LAYOUT
command is used at the bottom of the file to define the map layout so long as you haven't
disabled the save/restore of the multi-view layout to workspace files in the Advanced section
of the General tab of the Configuration dialog.
The following parameters are required by the VIEW_LAYOUT command.
- FILENAME - specifies the name of a .gm_views file to use rather than embedding it.
Attribute Name Parameter
An attribute name parameter has a value that can be either the name of an attribute or one of the
special values below for accessing other fields associated with the feature:
- <Feature Name> - the value is the display label of the feature
- <Feature Type> - the value is the classification of the feature
- <Feature Desc> - the value is the description of the feature (often the same as the feature type). For
formats like DXF or DGN, this will be the DXF layer or DGN level name respectively.
- <Feature Layer Name> - the value is the name of the layer that the feature is in
- <Feature Layer Group Name> - the value is the name of the layer group that the feature is in
- <Feature Source Filename> - the value is the filename of the file the layer was loaded from
- <Index in Layer> - the value is the 0-based index of the feature in the layer that the feature is in.
Note that area, line, and point features are separately indexed.
Cropping Operations to Polygons/Areas
Most commands that support cropping can crop to a polygon using the POLYGON_CROP_FILE and related parameters.
With these you can specify to crop the operation to area features from some vector file or already loaded layers.
See below for a detailed description of the parameters that are related to polygon cropping:
- POLYGON_CROP_FILE - specifies the full path and filename or loaded layer
description of a vector file/loaded layer containing one or more polygon features to which the operation
should be cropped. If multiple polygons are found in the specified file the polygon
which has the largest intersection with the data to be combined will be used
as the crop polygon (see POLYGON_CROP_USE_ALL or POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH for exceptions).
- POLYGON_CROP_FILE_PROJ - specifies the projection to use for
the POLYGON_CROP_FILE. Use if the file doesn't have an associated projection file. See
special Projection Specification for instructions.
- POLYGON_CROP_NAME - specifies the name of a polygon shape
previously defined using the DEFINE_SHAPE command to which
the export should be cropped. The coordinates in the shape need to have been provided
in whatever projection the new terrain layer will be in (i.e. the current projection).
If you want to crop to any area features that are selected with the Digitizer Tool in the user
interface rather than a defined polygon, use POLYGON_CROP_NAME="SELECTED".
- POLYGON_CROP_USE_ALL - specifies that if
a POLYGON_CROP_FILE is specified that contains multiple polygons, the operation will
be cropped to all polygons in that file rather than just the best-fit polygon.
- POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH - specifies that if
a POLYGON_CROP_FILE is specified that contains multiple polygons, the operation will
generate a separate export for each polygons in that file rather than just the best-fit polygon.
See the POLYGON_CROP_BBOX_ONLY and POLYGON_CROP_NAME_ATTR options for naming and other
options when using this parameter. Use POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH=YES to enable.
- POLYGON_CROP_EXCLUDE - specifies that the crop areas are actually regions
to exclude from the export rather than include. If you add POLYGON_CROP_EXCLUDE=YES to the command the
results will contain everything outside the crop areas but within the full export bounds.
- POLYGON_CROP_COMBINE_DUPS - specifies that if
a POLYGON_CROP_FILE is specified that contains multiple polygons and POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH is set,
whether or not polygons with duplicate values for the attribute used for filenaming will be combined into
a single export or split into separate exports. The default is POLYGON_CROP_COMBINE_DUPS=YES.
- POLYGON_CROP_BBOX_ONLY - specifies that if
the POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH parameter is specified that each export should just be cropped
to the bounding box of each polygon rather than the actual boundary of the polygon.
Use POLYGON_CROP_BBOX_ONLY=YES to enable only cropping to the bounding box.
- POLYGON_CROP_GRID_ONLY - specifies that any crop polygon(s) are
used only to determine which tile/grid cells will be exported. For each tile/grid cell that intersects
a crop polygon, the full tile/grid cell will be exported. Use POLYGON_CROP_GRID_ONLY=YES to enable.
- POLYGON_CROP_INT_DATA_BOUNDS - control how the bounding box
for the export is determined if a crop polygon is specified. If this option is disabled,
the export bounds will be the bounds of the crop area(s), even if they extend outside the data
bounds, unless you explicitly specified a bounding box in the other parameters (i.e. LAYER_BOUNDS, GLOBAL_BOUNDS, etc.).
If the option is enabled, the export bounds will be the intersection of the crop area bounds
and the non-cropped bounding box (i.e. full data bounds or specified bounds in other parameter). This
parameter is enabled by default, use POLYGON_CROP_INT_DATA_BOUNDS=NO to disable.
- POLYGON_CROP_NAME_ATTR - used to control the filenames
generated when cropping to multiple polygons using the POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH parameter.
See special Attribute Name parameter details. This value will be appended to any filename specified in the EXPORT FILENAME parameter.
If no value is provided, the exported files will be sequentially numbered.
- POLYGON_CROP_FOLDER_ATTR - used to control the filenames
generated when cropping to multiple polygons using the POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH parameter.
See special Attribute Name parameter details.
- POLYGON_CROP_FILENAME_SUFFIX - specifies the text to
insert in the output filename just before the file extension when cropping to
polygons. For example, if you add POLYGON_CROP_FILENAME_SUFFIX="_out", the original
FILENAME was "my_file_.dem" and the value from the polygon was "A1", you would get
an output filename of "my_file_A1_out.dem".
- POLYGON_CROP_COMPARE_STR - specifies a compare string to use
to filter out the areas in the polygon crop file. See the COMPARE_STR parameter for the
EDIT_VECTOR script command for details.
Gridding/Tiling Operations into Smaller Chunks
The following parameters apply to export and other commands that support breaking the operation up
into regular tiles of some size rather than generating just a single output:
- GRID_TYPE_CELL_SIZE - specifies that the export should be gridded
into multiple tiles with each tile having the given size in the export
projection. The value should be specified as cell width,cell
height. For example, if you are exporting in a metric projection and want
to tile the export into cells that are 10,000 meters wide by 5,000 meters
tall, you would use GRID_TYPE_CELL_SIZE="10000.0,5000.0".
- GRID_TYPE_PIXEL_SIZE - specifies that the export should be gridded
into multiple tiles with each tile having the given size in pixels/samples.
The value should be specified as cell pixel width,cell pixel
height. For example, if you want to tile the export into cells that are
800 pixels wide by 600 pixels tall, you would use
- GRID_TYPE_PIXEL_SIZE_MAX - specifies that the export should be gridded
into multiple tiles with each tile having the given maximum size in pixels/samples. This works by
calculating the number of rows and columns needed to hold cells of the given pixel dimensions, then
shrinking those pixel dimensions down so that the tiles exactly cover the exported bounds.
The value should be specified as cell pixel width,cell pixel
height. For example, if you want to tile the export into cells that are at most
800 pixels wide by 600 pixels tall, you would use
- GRID_TYPE_ROWS_COLS - specifies that the export should be gridded
into multiple tiles with a given number of rows and columns of tiles. The
value should be specified as number of rows,number of columns.
For example, if you want to tile the export into a grid of 8 rows each 4 tiles
across, you would use GRID_TYPE_ROWS_COLS="8,4".
- GRID_OVERLAP - specifies how much to overlap tiles when gridding an
export into multiple tiles. This is a percentage value from 0 to 100 and only
applies when on of the GRID_TYPE_* parameters is used. For example, to make
your grid tiles overlap by 5% of the grid tile size, use GRID_OVERLAP="5.0".
The default value is 0.0, meaning that the tiles do not overlap.
- GRID_OVERLAP_NUM_PIXELS - indicates whether or not the value specified in GRID_OVERLAP should be interpreted as a number of pixels instead of a percentage. Use GRID_OVERLAP_NUM_PIXELS=YES to specify that the value specified in the GRID_OVERLAP parameter should be interpreted as a number of pixels. Use GRID_OVERLAP_NUM_PIXELS=NO or omit this parameter to specify that the value is a percentage.
- GRID_KEEP_CELL_SIZE - specifies that the size of
the grid cells should be maintained over sample spacing. This means that if you
specify a grid of 4 rows and 5 columns, each grid cell will be exactly 25% of the
total export height and 20% of the total export width. The sample spacing may be
slightly smaller than what is specified in order to achieve this. By default,
the sample spacing is exactly maintained and each grid cell may be slightly
larger than specified to maintain an integer number of exported cells. Use
- GRID_NAMING - specifies how to name tiles when gridding an
export into multiple tiles. The value should be SEQUENTIAL for sequential numeric naming
starting at 1, SEPARATE for separate prefix appending by row and column, or
SEPARATE_COLS_FIRST for separate prefix appending by columns and rows. For the
SEPARATE options, use the GRID_NAMING_COLS and GRID_NAMING_ROWS parameters to specify
the details of how to name the rows and columns. The value will be appended to FILENAME specified in the EXPORT command. If no GRID_NAMING parameter is supplied,
the last selected grid naming options selected in the user interface will be used.
- GRID_NAMING_COLS - specifies how to name the column
portion of grid cell names when using the GRID_NAMING=SEPARATE or
this field is a comma-delimited list with the following field values:
- Naming type. Can have the following values:
- NUM - name using numbers in ascending order
- NUM_REVERSE - name using numbers in descending order
- ALPHA - name using letters in ascending order
- ALPHA_REVERSE - name using letters in descending order
- Starting value for numbering or lettering (i.e. '1', or 'A'). If the naming type is numeric you can
also specify %left% or %right% as the starting value to use the left or right coordinate of the cell bounding box.
For row naming you can use %top% or %bottom%.
- Prefix string to use before the numeric or alphabetic value.
- Step value for numeric naming (default is '1')
You can leave values blank if they don't apply or you want to use the default. As an
example, to do numeric naming starting at the number 100, increasing by 10 each time
with a prefix of DEM, you would use GRID_NAMING_COLS="NUM,100,DEM,10".
- GRID_NAMING_ROWS - specifies how to name the row
portion of grid cell names when using the GRID_NAMING=SEPARATE parameter. See the
documentation for the GRID_NAMING_COLS parameter above for details on the format.
- GRID_NAMING_PREPEND_ZEROES - specifies whether or not
to prepend zeroes to the start of grid column/row names. Use GRID_NAMING_PREPEND_ZEROES=NO to
disable the prepending of zeroes.
- GRID_NAMING_SEPARATOR - specifies the separator string to use
between pieces of a grid name. The default is an underscore.
- GRID_CREATE_FOLDERS - specifies that a separate folder should
be generated for each row (or column if GRID_NAMING=SEPARATE_COLS_FIRST is specified) of the export
rather than placing every output file in the same folder.
- TILING TO POLYGONS/AREAS - If you would like to tile your export to a series
of polygons/areas, use the POLYGON_CROP_FILE and POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH parameters. Click the link for details.
Built-in Variables
For any command that breaks up an operation in to multiple pieces using gridding, you can use
one of the special character sequences below in a parameter of the command to use a piece of
information about the grid cell being exported in the export (i.e. parts of grid cell filename).
The examples of what the values will be based on a current grid filename of 'C:\path\to\my\data\my_file_A1.dem' are listed:
- %TILE_DIR% - full path to current file (value is 'C:\path\to\my\data\')
- %TILE_FNAME_W_DIR% - full path and filename of current file (value is 'C:\path\to\my\data\my_file_A1.dem')
- %TILE_FNAME% - filename of current file (value is 'my_file_A1.dem')
- %TILE_FNAME_WO_EXT% - filename of current file without extension (value is 'my_file_A1')
Projection Specification
A projection specification parameter has a value that can specify a projection in the following
- PRJ Filename - the value is the full path to a PRJ file that
specifies the projection to use.
- Defined Projection Name - the value is the name assigned to a
projection previously defined with the DEFINE_PROJ command.
- EPSG Code - the value is an EPSG code, either just the raw
code, or a code with EPSG: in front of it, like 'EPSG:4326'.
- WKT PRJ String - the value is a WKT projection string.
- Zoned Projection Name - the value is the name of a zoned projection system or of a predefined grid system with no
parameters (i.e. British Grid, Swiss Grid, etc.). For zoned projections, the zone to use will be automatically selected for the center location of the loaded data.
The datum of the current projection will be used as will the units of the current projection (or meters if the current projection uses degrees). For example, PROJ="UTM" will select a UTM
projection with the appropriate zone for the center lat/lon of the loaded data. Here are some recognized zoned projection names (or just use the name from the projection dialog):
- UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator (6-degree zones)
- GK3 - Gauss Krueger 3-degree zones
- GK6 - Gauss Krueger 6-degree zones
- MTM_CANADA - MTM Eastern Canada
- AMG - Australian Map Grid
- MGA - Map Grid Australia
- 3TM - 3TM Alberta
- 10TM - 10TM Alberta
Specify Bounds for Operation
The following parameters apply to export and other commands that support providing a bounding box within
which to perform the operation. You can also use the Polygon
Crop Parameters for some operations rather than providing a bounding box. In most cases if no bounding box
is provided the combined bounding box of all layers used for the operation will be used:
- GLOBAL_BOUNDS - specifies the combine bounds in units of the current
global projection. There should be 4 values in a comma-delimited list
following the parameter name. The values should be in order of minimum x,
minimum y, maximum x, maximum y.
- GLOBAL_BOUNDS_SIZE - specifies the combine bounds in units of the
current global projection. There should be 4 values in a comma-delimited list
following the parameter name. The values should be in order of minimum x,
minimum y, width in x, width in y.
- LAT_LON_BOUNDS - specifies the combine bounds in latitude/longitude
degrees. There should be 4 values in a comma-delimited list following the
parameter name. The values should be in order of westmost longitude,
southernmost latitude, easternmost longitude, northernmost latitude.
- LAYER_BOUNDS - specifies that the operation should use the bounds of
the loaded layer(s) with the given filename. For example, to export to the
bounds of the file "c:\test.tif", you would use LAYER_BOUNDS="c:\test.tif".
Keep in mind that the file must be currently loaded.
- LAYER_BOUNDS_EXPAND - specifies that the operation
should expand the used LAYER_BOUNDS bounding box by some amount. The amount to expand
the bounding rectangle by should be specified in the current global projection. For
example, if you have a UTM/meters projection active and want to expand the bounds
retrieved from the LAYER_BOUNDS parameter by 100 meters on the left and right, and
50 meters on the top and bottom, you could use LAYER_BOUNDS_EXPAND="100.0,50.0". You
can also specify a single value to apply to all 4 sides, or supply 4 separate values
in the order left,top,right,bottom.
- SNAP_BOUNDS_TO_MULTIPLE - specifies that the top-left corner of the bounding
box for the operation should be snapped to a multiple of the given value. For example, using SNAP_BOUNDS_TO_MULTIPLE=1
will snap the top-left corner to the nearest whole number. The values will always go smaller for X/easting/longitude
and larger to Y/northing/latitude so you always get at least what is requested.
- SNAP_BOUNDS_TO_SPACING - specifies that the top-left corner of the bounding
box for the operation should be snapped to a multiple of the resolution of the operation. For example, if you
are exporting at 5 meter spacing, the top left corner will be snapped to the nearest multiple of 5.
Use SNAP_BOUNDS_TO_SPACING=YES to enable or SNAP_BOUNDS_TO_SPACING=NO to disable. If not provided, the global
setting for snapping exports to the nearest sample spacing boundary from the Advanced section of the General
tab of the Configuration dialog will be used.
- USE_EXACT_BOUNDS - specifies that the exact bounds that were defined in the command should be used.
Generally, when the bounds specified in a command are not the same as the data bounds, the command uses the intersection between the two.
When USE_EXACT_BOUNDS=YES is specified, the command will use the bounds as specified, instead of the intersection.
Lidar Advanced Filter Options
Lidar filter parameters can be applied to operations that process lidar data, including GENERATE_ELEV_GRID, EXPORT_VECTOR, LIDAR_CLASSIFY and LIDAR_EXTRACT
The available lidar filter parameters include:
- LIDAR_ELEV_RANGE - specifies the range of elevations to include in the export in meters. By
default all elevations are exported, but if you want to restrict values to say 50m - 150m, you could add LIDAR_ELEV_RANGE="50,150".
- LIDAR_SCAN_ANGLE_RANGE - specifies the range of scan angles to include in the export in degrees. By
default all scan angles are exported, but if you want to restrict the export to only those points with scan angles between 0 and 30
degrees, you could add LIDAR_SCAN_ANGLE_RANGE="0,30".
- LIDAR_FILTER - specifies a comma-separated list of Lidar class numbers
to export. Provide a minus sign to remove the type from the filter rather than add it. The
filter starts off with nothing in it if you provide a LIDAR_FILTER string, but you can add ALL to enable everything or NONE to
clear the filter, then add or remove stuff after that. For example, to specify a class filter with only
types 2 and 3 enabled, use LIDAR_FILTER="NONE,2,3". To get one with everything but classes 2 and 3, use
LIDAR_FILTER="ALL,-2,-3". If no LIDAR_FILTER is provided then all types currently enabled in the shared global
Lidar filter are used.
- LIDAR_RETURN_FILTER - specifies a comma-separated list of Lidar return types
to export. Provide a minus sign to remove the type from the filter rather than add it. The
filter starts off with the current filter settings, but you can add ALL to enable everything or NONE to
clear the filter, then add or remove stuff after that. For example, to specify a return filter with only
unknown and first returns, use LIDAR_RETURN_FILTER="NONE,0,1". To get one with everything but the first
return, use LIDAR_RETURN_FILTER="ALL,-1". The numeric values have the following meanings:
- 0 - Unknown Returns
- 1 - First Return
- 2 - Second Return
- 3 - Last Return
- 4 - Single Return
- 5 - First of Many Returns
- 6 - Second of Many Returns
- 7 - Third of Many Returns
- 8 - Last of Many Returns
- LIDAR_COLOR_FILTER - specifies a color to include in the export. If no value is provided then
all colors are exported. Otherwise, you can provide multiple LIDAR_COLOR_FILTER parameters of the format LIDAR_COLOR_FILTER="RGB(red,green,blue)"
to specify colors to keep. The LIDAR_COLOR_DIST parameter specifies how far from an exact match to a specified color that a point
color can be to be kept.
- LIDAR_DENSITY_RANGE - specifies the range of point densities in points per square meter to include. Any Lidar points in regions with densities outside the range are ignored. If you use 2 values then everything between the value is used. If only one value is specified then all points in areas >= to the specified value are used. For example, LIDAR_DENSITY_RANGE="1.0" means that all points in areas with densities of 1.0 points per square meter or higher are used.
- LIDAR_SOURCE_ID_LIST - specifies a comma-separated list of point source IDs to keep. If no list
is provided all points are kept. For example, to keep just points with a source ID of 5 or 6, use LIDAR_SOURCE_ID_LIST="5,6".
Sample Scripts
Crop, Merge, and Reproject 4 USGS DRGs into new GeoTIFF and JPEG files
// Import the four 24K DRGs that we want to merge. We use the CLIP_COLLAR option
// to indicate that we want the collar to be automatically removed from the
// DRGs when they are imported.
// Load a projection file to set the global projection to geographic (lat/lon)
// arc degrees with a datum of NAD83.
LOAD_PROJECTION FILENAME="C:\DATA\PRJ Files\geo_degrees_nad83.prj"
// Use the EXPORT_RASTER command to generate a new 8-bit per pixel GeoTIFF file
// Now, use the EXPORT_RASTER command to generate a grayscale GeoTIFF file. Lets
// also create a world file for this one
// Create a JPEG file using the EXPORT_RASTER command. Also create a world file
// and a projection file to make it easier to load in other places.

Generate Contours from all USGS DEMs in a Folder and Export them to DXF and Shape files
// Loop over all DEM files in a folder and convert them
// Import an archived SDTS DEM file. Global Mapper will automatically
// determine that this is an archived SDTS DEM file and load it
// correctly.
// Generate 50 ft contours from the loaded DEM data.
// Export the contours to a new DXF file. The created file will have
// 3D polyline features for the contours.
// Export the contours to a 3D shape file.
// Unload the loaded data
// End the loop

Edit Vector Features Based on an Attribute and Display Label
// Import the file to modify
IMPORT FILENAME="C:\Temp\export test\tiger_wyandotte_sample.gmp"
// Assign the type "railroad" to all features with a CFCC attribute with a value of A41
// and a display label with '74' in it somewhere.
// Assign the name "Burlington Northern Railroad" to all features with a CFCC attribute with a value of A41
EDIT_VECTOR ATTR_VAL="<Feature Name>=Burlington Northern Railroad" COMPARE_STR="CFCC=A41"