Lidar LAS

The Export Lidar LAS command can be accessed through Export Vector Format...Select Export Format submenu. This export option allows the user to export any loaded 3D vector data sets (like 3D point clouds loaded from other LAS files) to new Lidar LAS format files. If the source data came from a LiDAR format file, like a LAS, MrSid or LiDAR file the attributes from the original data will be maintained.

When selected, the command displays the Lidar LAS/LAZ Export Options dialog which allows the user to setup the export.

The LAS Options tab is used to specify the Elevation Units, Filter Lidar points, and to set the Vertical Coordinate System and flight date to be stored in the export's Header field and Header formatting options. Save Color Value for Each Point From Points or Raster Layers will color each point by overlapping point or raster data. Use Save Height Above Ground Instead of Elevation to calculate the height of Lidar points relative to the ground, and save as the elevation values.

Use the Filter Output by Elevation/Class/Color to filter Lidar points upon export.

The Tilingtab in the Lidar/LAZ Export Options contains options forsetting up the tile spacing and vertical units, a Gridding panel, and the Export Bounds panel allows the user to set up the portion of the loaded data they wish to export.

For other (non-Lidar) points being exported to a LAS/LAZ format, in addition to the base position and elevation, if there is an INTENSITY attribute available for the point, the value of that attribute will be exported as the intensity for the point in the exported LAS file.

If you choose the Lidar LAS option then a compressed LASzip (LAZ) file will be created. This offers lossless compression for Lidar data that makes your Lidar files much smaller.

Export Bounds will allow the user to specify export boundaries for the Lidar data by corner coordinate values, a drawn box, the Military Grid Reference System, or the data may be cropped to a selected feature.  

Batch Conversion - Apply Color from Imagery to Lidar

This option will be available with Batch Conversion exports if you have imagery loaded before you do the batch conversion and choose to create a Lidar LAS or LAZ file from vector data. (This option requires a Lidar Module license.)