The Find Overlapping Features tool will search and identify overlapping
features with given properties (overlay, type, attribute). Features that
overlap in the selected overlays will be identified in the Feature Overlap
dialog (below), in the Overlapping feature pairs window.
Click on the features in the window to select them for editing in the workspace.
To further narrow the overlapping features search by Feature Type and
Attribute Name or Value, fill our the Feature Properties section.
following dialog will be displayed when the Find Overlapping Features
toolbar button is
For example, this tool can search for buildings that have been incorrectly
placed over water features. The user may select each overlapping feature
pair from the Overlap Tool, and then use the Digitizer to resolve the
overlap issue. Enabling the Zoom to
selected Features option will pan the workspace view to selected
Properties 1 Group
Feature Type–
All of the Global Mapper features types present in the selected overlays
are listed here. For convenience, area and line features types are listed
together, and given the “AREA” and “LINE” prefix respectively. Select
the first feature type you would like to process, or “Any” to process
all features.
Specify an optional attribute value that the first features must have
to be processed. This will be empty by default.
Feature Properties
2 Group
Same as Feature Properties 1– Check this box to search for
overlapping features with the same type (and optional attribute). For
example, you may wish to find building features that overlap.
Feature Type–
Feature type of the second feature. For example, to find buildings that
overlap rivers, set feature type 1 to building, and feature type 2 to
Attribute– Optional attribute of second features.
Overlays to search for overlapping
This list will include all active overlays (selected in the Overlay Control
Center). Select one or more overlays to search.
Overlapping features– This control lists all of
the overlapping feature pairs. Click on a list item to select the features
on the map. Use the Digitizer tool to modify the features to resolve the
overlap issue.
Search for overlapping features– Click to refresh the list
of overlapping features above.
Partial Feature Duplicates
To be considered a 'Duplicate Feature' by the Find Duplicate features tool,
features must have exactly the same set of vertices. Lines that do not
cross count as overlapping (see below) and can be located with the 'Find
Overlapping Features' tool. To be considered overlapping features need
only have two vertices in common.