Duplicate Feature Dialog

The Find Duplicate Features tool can be used to search for duplicate features in selected overlays. For example, this tool could be used to find duplicate 'State Highway' line features that may have been brought into the workspace from two different data sources.

The following dialog will be displayed when the Find Duplicate Features toolbar button  is clicked:

This tool will allow the user to locate and delete the duplicate features. A linear tolerance setting allows the tool to locate features that have approximately the same geometry. The Duplicate Feature tool searches by vertices, so features that are overlapping or 'partial duplicates' will not be detected. For such features the Find Overlapping Features tool should be used.  

Overlays – This list will include all active overlays (selected in the Overlay Control Center). Select one or more overlays to search. To further narrow the overlapping features search by Feature Type and Attribute Name or Value, fill out the Feature Properties section.

Click on the features in the Duplicate feature pairs window to select them for editing in the workspace.

Feature Properties Group

Feature Type – All of the Global Mapper features types present in the selected overlays are listed here. For convenience, area and line features types are listed together, and given the 'AREA' and 'LINE' prefix respectively. Select the feature type you would like to process, or 'Any' to process all features.

Attribute – Specify an optional attribute value that features must have to be processed. This will be empty by default.

Tolerance – A non-zero tolerance may be specified to locate features that have approximately equal geometry. This is the allowable distance between corresponding vertices in a pair of features. The distance may be given in Meters or International Feet.

When you click OK, the tool will search the specified overlays for overlapping features.

If one or more overlapping features are located, the tool will select the first pair of overlapping features and display a dialog giving the user 4 options:

   a. Yes – Delete the selected feature (leaving its duplicate feature) and prompt again if other duplicate features are present.

   b. Yes to All – Delete the selected feature and any others without further prompts.

   c. No – Do not delete the selected feature, but prompt again if other duplicate features are present.

   d. No to All – Do not delete the selected feature and cancel the operation.

When the process is complete, a message box will be displayed giving the total number of deleted features. A copy of each deleted feature will be placed in a new overlay.