Online Update Settings
Based on administrative settings it is possible to automatically update the datasource when the application is started. This can be done without a prompt, or can include a dialog to review the changes.
For Enterprise users, it is possible to connect to a custom registry to update the datasource.
Select Options > Administrative Settings and go to the Geodetic tab.
To add a custom source for the online update to check, click the combo box and select <<Add new>>.
This will prompt a dialog to enter the URL for the new Online Update Source. Provide a Name to identify the custom online update source, and provide the base URL for the registry.
Press OK to add the new source.
*The Use Azure AD and the Test Connection features in this dialog are only necessary if clients need to add a custom registry. If you have more questions associated with this functionality please contact
If the Update Datasource on Startup is checked, the Geographic Calculator will check the specified service on startup to see if there are any changes to either the base datasource and/or the enterprise datasource.
If the Review All Updates on Startup option is also selected, a results list will display when changes have been added to the remote datasource. Right-click on an entry in the list to remove it. When reviewing updates the dialog will show Merge and Merge Log options for the update.
If this option is unchecked, the below message will display while updating the datasource on startup.
Changes will be automatically applied, and can be viewed in the Audit Log.
Regardless of the update settings, the following will occur as part of a successful online update:
- If there have been changes to the base geodata.xml or other files that originate with Blue Marble Geographics (, geodata.xch, geodata.xvw, geodata.xhs), the local copies of those files used by Calculator will be updated.
- If there have been changes to the enterprise data, these files (enterprise.xml, enterprise.xch, will be replaced with the new versions provided by the Registry.
- The currently active datasource view (as specified in the View preference) will be updated using the enterprise view (that is, the view currently in use on the registry). A dataview merge will be performed, adding any new folders and objects to the current view. The merge will not delete folders, however.
The Always Update View option is only necessary if clients need to add a custom registry. If you have more questions associated with this functionality please contact