Importing Objects from the GeoCalc Online Registry

Blue Marble Geographics periodically releases updated versions of the Geodetic Data Source file on our dedicated web service.  Connecting to the GeoCalc Online Registry allows you to have the latest additions to the database.

To check for an updated version of the Data Source, you may select the "Import Objects from the GeoCalc Online Registry" option from the Datasource Menu. This will bring up the dialog, displaying any changes that may be applied.

You may navigate through the changes by type using the left-hand folders, and view a list of changed objects in the upper right panel. Objects may have been Added, Modified or Deleted. Deprecated objects will be indicated with a yellow warning triangle in the first column.

Selecting a specific changed object will display additional details about all changes to that object in the lower right panel. These details are the same information stored in the audit trail, and they will be added to the audit trail upon Update.

If the local base Data Source is currently up-to-date with all changes, the dialog will display with no objects listed, but you may still merge in the View file from the Online Registry.

If you select the Import Objects from the GeoCalc Online Registry option from the Datasource Menu and there are unsaved changes in the current Data Source or Data View, you will be prompted to save them before continuing.

If an enterprise registry link is set up in Administrative Settings, this option to Import Objects from the GeoCalc Online Registry will update from the set enterprise datasource as well as the base datasource.

Merge View

By default, the Merge View checkbox will be checked, meaning that any view file changes will also be merged into your current view. The View File (*.xvw) stores the folder structure applied to datasource objects in the current workspace, including whether certain folders or objects should be hidden by default. By checking Merge View, changes in the organization of the datasource will be merged with the local datasource. See below for the options in how to handle the merge.

Administrative Settings that control the view file will override these changes.

Merge Online into Current

The local folder structure will take precedence over the Online view file. For example an object that have been moved into a custom folder in the local workspace will stay there, even if the online view file specifies a new location.

Merge Current into Online

The official Blue Marble organization and naming conventions will take precedence. This setting will be sure to include any corrections or reorganization to the default datasource. Custom objects that do not exist in the online datasource will keep the local organization structure after the merge.

Merge Log

You may optionally provide a log file to document changes to the View file.


Clicking the Cancel button will close the dialog without applying any changes.


Clicking Update will proceed with applying all changes to the current base Data Source. You will be prompted to confirm before these changes are committed.

Ignore Top Level Objects

Disabling this option will re-folder Top Level objects during the merge.

Unsupported Changes

The GeoCalc online library may include datasource changes that are not supported in the current version of Geographic Calculator. In the example below the Velocity Grid is not supported in Geographic Calculator 2016 sp1, and can not be added to the datasource until the application is upgraded to Geographic Calculator 2016 sp2 or later.