Import Objects from IOGP Online Registry
Geographic Calculator can connect to custom or proprietary online databases to add definitions in the Geodetic Data Source. These updates can be applied to the datasource .
Blue Marble Geographics recommends using the GeoCalc Online Registry to find any new updates to the registry via the Importing Objects from the GeoCalc Online Registry option. The EPSG registry is no longer available in a CSW registry format.
Geographic Calculator 2025 installation includes updates up to EPSG 10.076.
To import objects via the Import Objects from IOGP Online Registry:
Go to Datasource > Import Objects > Import Objects from IOGP Online Registry
The browser open, allowing you to enter the URL of a web registry, such as a proprietary one.
Note: Previous to Geographic Calculator 2020 SP1, the URL field defaulted to "" which is no longer supported.
To browse objects from the registry, you will use dialogs similar to those used in navigating your local Geodetic Datasource. Click a particular type of object in the tree view in the left-hand pane to download those definitions. At this step, you are simply viewing the objects rather than modifying your Geodetic Datasource.
If the Geographic Calculator is currently set to display deprecated objects (via the Administrative Settings), and you are logged in to the registry, then deprecated objects in the web registry may be displayed and imported. If a deprecated object is imported, it will be marked as deprecated with the specified date of deprecation from the web registry.
As objects download, the progress bar at the bottom of the browser will show the overall download progress and you will see the list of objects display in the right-hand pane.
Note: Objects that are not presently supported in the Geographic Calculator will display an error message when trying to import or view information. For questions on support for particular objects please contact Technical Support.
Objects not presently in the local copy of the Datasource will display in red and the column displaying Exists in Datasource will display the value False. You can click on a column heading to sort the list using the values in that column. If you sort by the "Exists in Datasource" column, you can bring all definitions not currently in the Datasource to the top of the list.
To view the parameters of any object in the list, right-click on it and select Show Details. You will be able to view all parameters of an object.
To import one or more objects into your local Geodetic Datasource, select the objects in the right-hand pane (you can select multiples by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting the objects), right-click them and select Import Object.
If you have imported new Coordinate Systems, you can organize them within the folder structure of the Geodetic Datasource by going to Datasource>Coordinate System Definitions. All new systems will be located at the top level of the Coordinate Systems tree view under the appropriate type (Projected, etc.). You can drag and drop individual definitions to an appropriate folder. When you close the dialog, be sure to click Save to save your changes or they will be lost when you close the Calculator.