Quick Start - Vector Data Conversion
Setting up a Vector Data Conversion Job is a very easy task. These simple steps outline the process that can be used to set up a vector file conversion for any file and any coordinate transformation you require.
To open a new Vector Data Conversion job select File>New>Calculator>Vector
Data Conversion, or choose the button on the Calculator Jobs toolbar.
Follow these steps to set up your Vector Data Conversion:
Click the Browse (...) button next to the Input Data field. Browse to the location of the file you wish to convert and select it. If you would like to inspect the input file, right-click in the Input field and select Open Data in Viewer from the context menu.
Click the Browse (...) button next to the Output field. Browse to the location where you would like to store the output of the conversion and type in the name of the output file. Select the format to which you would like to save the output from the "Save as type" drop down list in the Save As dialog. Click the "Save" button to close the Save As dialog and populate the Output field.
If you just wish to perform a file format conversion, then uncheck the Perform a coordinate system change box. Skip to step 7. If, instead, you wish to perform a coordinate transformation, make sure the Perform a coordinate system change box is checked and proceed to the next step.
Check the Input Coordinate System to make sure that it is correct for the input data that you supplied. Some file formats do not support coordinate systems, so the Calculator may or may not have been able to correctly determine the input coordinate system. If the Input Coordinate System is listed as "None" or is not correct, change the input coordinate system. If the file was created without a standard coordinate system, you can create a system for that file with the Georeferencer before performing a Vector Data Conversion job.
Specify the Output Coordinate System as the system to which you would like to transform the data.
If the Input Coordinate System and Output Coordinate System use different horizontal datums, then it will be necessary to perform a datum transformation. If a datum transformation is required, or if you are uncertain if you need to perform a datum transformation, double click on the Datum Transformation box to select a coordinate transformation.
Click the Process button at the bottom of the Vector Data Conversion job, and the job will be executed. Once the job has been completed, you can right-click in the Output field and select Open Data in Viewer from the context menu to inspect the result of the conversion.