Viewing LiDAR Files

Loading a LiDAR (*.las) file into the viewer will enable the Elevation Legend section in the Viewer. This dialog can be accessed by selecting in the viewer Window>Elevation Legend Window, or by selecting the Elevation Legend tab in the lower right corner of the viewer.

At the bottom of the Elevation Legend is a Customize button that will launch the Configure Elevation Shader Window. The Elevation Shader controls how LiDAR files appear in the Blue Marble Desktop Viewer.

The Select Gradient dropdown list includes several ready-made gradient options. The gradient bar below that dropdown box allows you to create your own gradient. Right-clicking in the gradient will activate a context menu that allows you to reset or reverse the gradient or to set equal spacing between steps.

Each arrow represents a color step. Clicking the arrow will highlight that step. Change the color of the highlighted step by clicking in the color bar below or by entering red green blue values. Move the step to a higher or lower vertical value by dragging the arrow to the right or left. Remove a step by right-clicking the arrow and selecting Remove, or add a step by clicking below the gradient.

In the Shader Mode area, you can select either Smooth Coloring, which gives gradual color changes, or Stepped Coloring, which will activate the Number of Steps options.

Hillshading Options and Background (No Data) Color are not available for LiDAR files, only for DEM files (which are also configured using this form).

Elevation Range is defaulted to the extents of the vertical data, but can be adjusted to user specified elevations.