Line Intersection Job

The Line Intersection Job is used to determine the point of intersection between two lines, where each line is defined by a pair of points. The points may be defined in either Geodetic or Projected coordinates.

To access the Line Intersection Job, click on File > New > Job > Line Intersection, or from the Start Page.

Selecting the Line Intersection menu option will bring up a new Line Intersection Job:

Note: Text on the line intersection job will appear Red until it has been calculated. If the text is black, the values in the point of intersection boxes apply to the currently entered line coordinates, and they have not been modified.

The Line Intersection Job will perform its calculations using the current Projected Coordinate System or Geodetic Coordinate System selected in the job.

  • You may select a coordinate system by double clicking in the blue box next to 'System'.
  • Enter your coordinate points to define the two lines, then click Calculate to determine the Intersection.

If the lines are parallel or colinear you will be informed that there is no intersection: