Opening and Saving Area Calculation Data
Excel table (*.xls, *.xlsx) files and legacy Lease Area Xml (*.xml) files can be loaded by clicking the "..." button at the top of the Settings tab. Alternately, properly formatted data can be pasted directly into the Area Calculation tabular grid.
Area Calculation jobs that were saved with point data in the tabular grid can be opened by selecting File > Open > Job > [name_of_Area_Calc_job].acj.
Saving the Area Calculation job by selecting File > Save As > Job will preserve all Point list values in an Xml file.
To save an Area Polygon as a vector file,
select the
Export Geometry to Vector File icon in either the Base Viewer or Grid Viewer.
This option is only available after a polygon area has been processed.
- Selecting Export Geometry to Vector File from the Base Viewer will save a vector file in the Base, or Geodetic coordinate system.
- Selecting Export Geometry to Vector File from the Grid Viewer tab will save a vector file in the Grid, or Projected coordinate system.
Area Polygons created with the Area Calculation job can be saved as vector files in any of the following formats:
- AutoCAD (*.dwg or *.dxf)
- Esri Shape (*.shp)
- GML - Simple Features (*.gml)
- Keyhole Markup Language (*.kml, *.kmz, only valid with Base geodetic data)
- MapInfo TAB (*.tab)
- MicroStation Design (*.dgn)