Importing and Exporting Workspaces

To import a new workspace, select File>Import Workspace. Browse to the zip file containing the workspace you wish to import, and click Open. You will be prompted to select where the workspace should be saved.

A backup version of the default workspace is provided in zipped format in the Backup folder of the installation directory for the Geographic Calculator. This should be C:\Program Files (x86)\Blue Marble Geo\Geographic Calculator for 64 bit machines and C:\Program Files\Blue Marble Geo\Geographic Calculator for 32 bit machines, unless a custom application installation path was selected during installation.

On upgrade the default workspace file will be archived to the backup folder. For more information see Default Workspace

To export your current workspace, select File>Export Workspace. Browse to the folder where you want to create the file containing the exported workspace. Type in a name for the compressed zip file, and click Save. The exported workspace file will be written out to the specified file.

Note: when you are sharing a workspace with another instance of Geographic Calculator on a different computer, any custom objects (coordinate systems, datum transformations, etc.) that you have referenced are not saved with the workspace. Those objects will have to be exported, as well, and imported onto the other computer.

Please see Export Objects to XML for more information on sharing custom datasource objects.