get_Remarks Method

WRAPPER_API const BmgChar *get_Remarks()



The get_Remarks method returns the remarks that have been attached to this object.  The remarks are generally used to provide a qualitative description of the object, but the remarks are solely for the convenience of the user and can be set accordingly.  



void Serializable_getRemarks(GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::Serializable * s)


CString description;

description += "Name = ";

description += s->get_Name();

description += ",\n";



description += "Issuer = \"GC\", ";

description += "Code = ";

description += s->get_Identifiers().get_Item(_towchar("GC").c_str());

description += ",\n";


description += "Remarks = ";

description += s->get_Remarks();

MessageBox(0, description, "", 0);
