Winkel Tripel Projection

The Winkel Tripel projection is a modified azimuthal projection that is neither conformal nor equal area.  Oswald Winkel developed it in 1921 as the average of the Aitoff and Equidistant Cylindrical (Equirectangular) projections. It is used primarily for whole world maps.

In this projection, the central meridian is a straight line.  Other meridians are equally spaced along the Equator and are concave toward the central meridian.  The Equator and the poles are straight lines, while all other parallels are curves, equally spaced along the central meridian and concave toward the nearest pole.  Scale is true along the central meridian and constant along the Equator.  Distortion is moderate, except near the outer meridians in the polar regions.

The "WinkelTripel" Projection has the following Parameters:

Parameter Name

Parameter String


Longitude of the Center of the Projection



Standard Parallel



False Easting



False Northing



NOTE: Only a spherical form of this projection is used.  The semi-major axis of the ellipsoid (sphere) is used for forward and inverse projection from grid to geodetic coordinates within the system wherein this projection is incorporated.